Are you going to buy the cheaper console just because it's cheaper?

  • Yes, I am going to buy the cheaper console

    Votes: 55 6.9%
  • I was going to buy a PS5, regardless of whether or not it's cheaper

    Votes: 530 66.5%
  • I was going to buy a XSX, regardless of whether or not it's cheaper

    Votes: 55 6.9%
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I play on PC

    Votes: 73 9.2%
  • Buying both. Price is irrelevant

    Votes: 84 10.5%

  • Total voters
Oct 29, 2017
Maybe era is like this but price to me is definitely most important. If XSX WAS 399 and every PS5 was at least 499 that would be massive


Oct 27, 2017
Besides those that are gonna get one regardless, I think price will be a factor.

I'm more interested in Series S now. I wasn't at first, but now I am.

But I'm getting a PS5 regardless of the price vs Series X.
Oct 26, 2017
PS5 whenever Demon's Souls comes out. Price would be totally ridiculous like $1000 for me to wait. Judging from recent trends though, I'm expecting at least $700 here in Sweden because our currency apparently sucks.


Dec 6, 2018
Games are the only factor for me in buying a console........if PS5 is too expensive for me I won't be buying a cheaper console instead.....I'll just wait for a price drop.


Aug 27, 2018
Price isn't that important for the enthusiasts and pioneers who buy consoles day one.

Getting the price right is really important for the 2. and 3. wave of consumer. Basically to ensure the console has legs.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Nope. PS5 for me. No interest in xbox as a console. Most of the games are the same and should run largely the same. I prefer the playstation controller, have hundreds of ps4 games, and love Sony's first party. Any xgs games I fancy will be on pc. Nothing released interests me though so I am keeping my eye out for avowed, fable, and whatever the initiative is developing.

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Doesn't really matter how 'cheap' the hardware is if it falls short on the fronts that matter the most when it comes to a games console.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, already decided what I'll be buying next gen, the only thing price will determine is if it's a day one purchase or I wait a year or so. Hopefully priced so it'll be the former.


Oct 27, 2017
Naw, I made my decision awhile ago based on Microsoft talk of easing the onboarding process to next gen.

PS5 first, XSX down the line.

The past few months have me now leaning towards Series S. I already got Game Pass Ultimate locked up for 2+ years. I just need an Xbox console. And now it doesn't really matter which one.

Hell, might finally build my PC depending on what Game Pass for PC has. I think the X Factor between Series X/S and PC is the way they might utilize the SSD.

That might be the only thing that sways me from going PC for Xbox games.


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
Xbox is kinda irrelevant to me. I'm always buying a Sony console, and usually a Nintendo console to complement it.


Oct 27, 2017
Average Joe is going to get the cheapest next gen machine that will play Warzone/Fifa/Madden ( or whatever game is popular).

Not necessarily, they'll get the ones their friends own as well.

As for me, PS5 regardless if it is more expensive, I want to take my PS4 library across and am confident in the future PS5 first party titles to knock it out of the park once again.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The price difference would have to be huge, I prefer PS exclusives and I have more invested in that eco system.

I'm not generally a fan of Xbox's games or its next gen strategy but I could see myself getting a Series S and a few months of game pass in a couple of years to pick up anything I've missed.


Nov 12, 2017
I play on PC, but I'll still buy a PS5 eventually and the price won't be a factor unless it's outrageously high. As soon as it gives me enough experiences I can't get on PC (whether it's exclusive games or exclusive features) I'll bite.


Oct 27, 2017
Not unless it's something outrageous. I'm not dedicating possibly 6+ years to a system based off a 50-100 difference.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, and no. I update my home office PC every couple of years to run most modern games well enough and already have a Switch. So when the time comes I'll probably spring for the cheaper PS5 model so I don't miss any must play exclusives.


Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
Average Joe is going to get the cheapest next gen machine that will play Warzone/Fifa/Madden ( or whatever game is popular).
If that was the case, the average Joe would be getting Xbox One S, but they buy the PS4.
The average Joe will buy the one with biggest mindshare, market penetration and better marketing, which has been the PlayStation since its inception.
The average Joe rather have iPhones even if they're more expensive.
The average Joe has windows even if it's pricey and linux is free.
They buy Switches even with Xbox One S being cheaper.
The average Joe rather use Microsoft office instead of the free office options available.
No, the average Joe doesn't buy the cheaper product, he buys the most successful and marketed one.


Feb 26, 2019
If the console I want is expensive, I will wait for a price drop, but I won't buy something I don't want only because is cheaper.


May 25, 2018
Average Joe is going to get the cheapest next gen machine that will play Warzone/Fifa/Madden ( or whatever game is popular).
This definitely isn't as clear clear-cut as you think. In almost every European county, mine included, XSX and Xbox are basically nonexistent if you look at the big picture. As digital games, BC and PS+/Live Gold are making it harder and more expensive than ever to switch, most people will not throw away their ties and money spent to a certain ecosystem just to save 100€, because changing from one console to another will probably end up costing just as much.

There isn't anyone I know who'd be such an enthusiastic gamer that they'd get both, but for the majority here Xbox just isn't an option, the option is to wait for the PS5 to get cheaper or just save some money. This of course holds true the other way around also, but just as an example, basically none of my friends who aren't really following gaming news don't even know that there's a new console releasing from MS in a couple of months, but they've heard about PS5 months ago. I assume there will be some who will just get the cheaper one in certain countries, but price isn't everything.

I for one would never pass on getting a PS5 regardless of the pricing of XSX and have no need for both of them. If the price tag is 600€, I will probably just wait.


Oct 27, 2017
Not planning to get a Series X regardless of price, simply because I can play all of the Xbox exclusives on my PC.

So price is only going to determine if I get a PS5 at launch, or wait a bit.


Dec 31, 2018
I buy the console that offers the 1st party games i like.
If the price is to high for the offering of games, i will wait.
If that console is lacking in the 3rd party performance field i will also get the other one.

I couldn't vote, no option fits.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. I'm buying a PS5 and that's that.
The Xbox could be 200 dollars cheaper and it wouldn't change my mind.
The games I want are almost always exclusivly released on Sony consoles, so there's where I'm going.
But it doesn't rule out me getting an Xbox later next year perhaps.


Nov 11, 2017
Sony has been on a roll, and me not purchasing their next console because it might be priced higher would be non-sensical(see comic). Their games are stellar and new IP and sequels to current franchises are far too enticing to miss out on.
Okay, I misinterpreted that comic, then, thanks for the clarification.


Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
It absolutely does. I'm gonna go for whichever one is cheaper first. Era isn't indicative of the public on this one though.
But Era clearly doesn't understand how business and the market works. Thinking that average Joe buys the cheaper product is asinine, since they clearly buy Switches and PS4s instead of Xbox One Ss, even if they're more expensive. They don't buy the cheaper product, they buy the most popular and marketed one, price is secondary to this.


alt account
Feb 8, 2020
My choice is based on the games, not on the price. I knew I wanted a PS5 the moment Demon's Souls Remake was revealed.


Oct 25, 2017
But Era clearly doesn't understand how business and the market works. Thinking that average Joe buys the cheaper product is asinine, since they clearly buy Switches and PS4s instead of Xbox One Ss, even if they're more expensive. They don't buy the cheaper product, they buy the most popular and marketed one, price is secondary to this.
You are correct. Early adopters usually set the trends.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm very fortunate to be at a point in my life career-wise where the price doesn't really matter.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
PS5 regardless of the price. Well within reason of course but 100 dollar difference no way. I've owned a PS2, PS3, and PS4 and always been impressed with what I got in terms of a variety of great games. I see no reason to expect that this won't be the case with PS5.


May 25, 2018
But Era clearly doesn't understand how business and the market works. Thinking that average Joe buys the cheaper product is asinine, since they clearly buy Switches and PS4s instead of Xbox One Ss, even if they're more expensive. They don't buy the cheaper product, they buy the most popular and marketed one, price is secondary to this.
This is the most important thing. Mindshare, word of mouth and just popularity in general is everything. 1X and XB1 digital have already been discontinued where I live, but a couple months ago,

OneX was going for 280€ and base XOne 1TB for 180€ while
PS4 Pro was 360€ and PS4 500GB 280€ at the same time.

While being way more expensive, PS4 and Pro were still selling much, much more and the pricing just reflects that.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm locked in on a PS5 for launch. Microsoft will get game pass money out of me monthly as well. I see no reason to get an XSX or XSS for a while.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I'll buy both but I may wait on XSX because no games at launch interest me greatly and I have the One X. I'm still on the fence on whether to buy at launch or wait until Halo next year. PS5 at launch 100% though.


Jan 21, 2018
But Era clearly doesn't understand how business and the market works. Thinking that average Joe buys the cheaper product is asinine, since they clearly buy Switches and PS4s instead of Xbox One Ss, even if they're more expensive. They don't buy the cheaper product, they buy the most popular and marketed one, price is secondary to this.

In actuality, they buy the one that has the games they want. The biggest difference between the PS4 and Xbox One launch is the change in how PlayStation Studios published games are now "must haves" due to the impact their releases had this gen.

Coming out of the PS3 gen, all Sony had going for them that reached a wide amount of consumers were Naughty Dog's games (Uncharted and The Last of Us), Gran Turismo, God of War, and LittleBigPlanet. The rest of their first party games were lackluster in sales performance, especially compared to Halo, Gears of War, and Fable that use to do huge numbers and even outsold a lot of Sony's big games during their PS3 run.

So I believe the PS5, even being more expensive, isn't going to falter since the strength Sony has built with it's first party is whats fueling the hype right now.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't care how much the PS5 costs. Same with Nintendo consoles. They have absolute must-have titles, so I'm always going to be there. I really hope this is the generation that MS gets there, too.

To be fair, though, price is not really about us at all. The lower prices are a huge factor for people outside the enthusiast sphere. It's just unfortunate for us, as I find price the most boring aspect of these things. We wait years to have a taste of next generation - spending 100 dollars more or less doesn't really matter to us.

Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
Most of what I play are exclusives since I have a PC, so I'm getting a PS5 regardless of how much it costs vs an XSX.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll get both. But I'll never wrap my heart around the fuss people maker over exclusives.

I value better performance across multiplats (which are the vast majority of titles) over a dozen exclusives I'd be interested in


Oct 30, 2017
If Xbox had anything interesting to me, then it would be an eventual option. However, none of its games do anything for me. Playstation brings goods. Always has. It's why I always buy the new PS without fail.

360 was a bright spot, though. It was the only Xbox console I ever owned. Loved it.


Oct 25, 2017
If Xbox had anything interesting to me, then it would be an eventual option. However, none of its games do anything for me. Playstation brings goods. Always has. It's why I always buy the new PS without fail.

360 was a bright spot, though. It was the only Xbox console I ever owned. Loved it.
Amazing how good that machine was. That controller, the exclusives, the blades...then it all fell apart.
Even playing sports titles felt smoother on the 360, not sure if placebo.


Oct 30, 2017
Amazing how good that machine was. That controller, the exclusives, the blades...then it all fell apart.
Even playing sports titles felt smoother on the 360, not sure if placebo.
Microsoft cultivated the hype around that machine. It seemed like 3rd parties treated the 360 better. It got the good deals. It got great games and support. Then the Kinect happened and complacency set in. Downhill from there.