
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
A game has to be top 10, life-defining shit for me to ever want to replay it. I can count the number of games (not counting remakes) I've played more than once on my two hands.

So no, never cared!


May 1, 2020
It depends on the type of game, I find it hard to replay a JRPG or a 30h+ game but on the other case, I think that Way of the Samurai is the perfect game that offers multiple paths and different endings but it is kinda short so in that case replay value does matter a lot

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
It depends on how open-ended the gameplay experience is for me. I recently started playing through MGSV again out of the blue after beating it once at release, and that game really is something you could replay for ages considering all the tools at your disposal and variables in each mission. Same with Hitman, which is already a massive game with a ton of content even if you don't get too deep into it and replaying it is built into the design.

I rarely replay story-based stuff unless I've forgotten enough of the details to make a second playthrough worth it, though. Even stuff like immersive sims which is inherently replayable will put me off a second playthrough if there's too much story in the way.


Feb 25, 2018
Nope. I barely replay games and if I do, it's usually like 6+ years after I originally played them.

If the experience of a game is good, that's all that matters


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One thing I'm stricter about is games that demand I replay the story multiple times to see everything. I loved Nier Automata and think that every route is valid when you consider the story it has to tell, each perspective matters. I did not finish FE3H as I thought the writing in the Blue Lions route was poor enough to have me concerned about other routes and the thought of spending so much time on more weak storylines wasn't worth it.

Oof, Blue Lions was the strongest one character-wise so you made the right decision there if that didn't work for you lol


Jan 10, 2018
I rarely play a SP game more than once besides trying for 100% on the one playthrough, so replay value has never mattered to me. Unless they are roguelikes which its all about unlocking all the extras and its like its own version of a 100% to me at least. But I'm not making a new save to start back at 0% completion for those.

I treat SP games (that aren't roguelikes) like I treat movies/books that I want to read or watch. I'll read or watch it once just to know what the series is about. Then it goes on the shelves or in the long history of "recently watched" shows that popup from time to time. Maybe I'll come back to it eventually to re-up my knowledge if its been some time, or maybe it just is part of the library of things that I've read or seen.
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Nov 23, 2021
It would be great if more games added arcade modes if the single player isn't all that replayable
Oct 27, 2017
Achievements and games swelling up and eventually gaining passes sort of killed replayability. Uncharteds 1-3 I replayed all the time. That linear structure with fuck-awesome shooting and verticality and fun romp made for many replays.

But even games I love now like Ghosts of Tsushima, TLoU2 etc just feel like too much...


Oct 28, 2017
I can count on one hand the number of games I have replayed in the last 10 years (The Last of Us twice (if you cant the remasters as replays), The Last of Us pt II, GTA V when it released on next gen, Super Metroid because it is amazing)

So no, i dont consider replay value. I have destiny 2 for replaying the same thing over and over.
Oct 25, 2017
It's a cool extra but if the game doesn't have it I don't mind.

It depends of the game as well, for a beat em up it of course matters... for a 100 hr RPG... no.


Oct 31, 2017
Replay means nothing to me. I barely have time to complete a single game now so I wont be going back to games I already completed. The most a game can give me for "replay" is a coop non ending game like Lethal Company or 7 Days to Die where the enjoyment comes from playing with friends and not completing a story.


Oct 27, 2017
I love replayable games like loot rpg's, roguelikes\lites, games with procedurally generated content and system heavy games with a lot of dynamic events and emergent gameplay. If I really love a game I want to be able to play it for as long as possible.
Right now I'm playing Crime Boss: Rockay City's roguelike campaign and I love it!
And I'm looking forward to the pc release of Last of Us 2 because of the roguelike mode.
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Nov 28, 2023
the only game i have ever replayed is bloodborne

replay value means exactly jack shit to me. life is way too short for this
Sep 8, 2019

Never did

Sir Lucan

Dec 19, 2023
No. As an adult, money is not an issue anymore. Time is. I'd rather play something I really like even if it's short and has no replay value, than a long and replayable game that I like less.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
It matters a lot to me. Unless it's a long RPG or open world game, I won't pay more than $5 for a one and done.


Oct 27, 2017
I never replay shit, with few exceptions. If it's a fucklong game, I don't think I'm ever replaying it again. I have gone through Dark Souls a couple times, but that's probably not going to happen with Elden Ring. We'll see.


Oct 28, 2017
replay value has ever only mattered to me when replay ability itself is the entirety of the gameplay loop. like a puzzle game or roguelike/lite.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
In single player games? Not really. I think for most people, replay value was only really a thing when you were a kid and had unlimited free time and could only get a game pretty infrequently as a birthday gift or something


Feb 24, 2024
Not really, probably never was. When I finish the story or clean up the map if like a game enough, I'm pretty much done and ready for the next one. Don't play online these days, but sunk a lot of hours into Destiny 1 and 2, tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I'm one and done with pretty much every game. There is just too much other stuff I want to play to spend time replaying something


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Never did tbh. Once I played a game that's in 99% of the cases it, and not because I don't love things.


Oct 28, 2017
shmup fans and rogue-like fans dying from all the nope in this thread. Also any arcade game fans. TMNT Turtles in Time anyone? Pac-Man, Solitaire, etc.

RPGs can be fun to replay if you can make or build your characters in ways that the gameplay is nearly entirely different from one playthrough to another.

But you can break down many (almost all) games to being a sub 60-second gameplay loop (or even smaller) that you replay for 40+ hours anyway, like a fight in a Final Fantasy game or a strategy RPG game, over the course of the game and the 100+ or 1000+ battles you're just replaying the same thing over and over with slightly different conditions.

Or like a racing game or music rhythm game, both are extremely repetitive. Same for sports games.


Oct 26, 2017
It means a lot for me, it's the same as re-watching a movie I like or love and it brings me to a comfort zone.

edit: I don't mean NG+, if the game is good then there is a high chance I'll replay it at some point.
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May 9, 2019
Yes, though honestly replay value to me usually just means that a game is well paced and well made. If I won't replay a game it's usually because a good chunk of it kinda just sucks.
Nov 9, 2017
I'm poor, so I try to buy games that I think should offer me a a lot of hours of playtime, like Megaton Musashi that I've just bought on sales, for half its price. Or I just replay some of my favorites, like Bloodstained: ROTN, Ninja Gaiden, Warriors Orochi 3U, Disgaea 5 and more. I've played all of those games for more than 100 hours. For example, recently I've just finished my 6th NG+ in ROTN and finished for the first time a playthrough with Zangetsu (and he's busted).

But my two most played games both go above 500 hours: Kenshi and Exanima. In Kenshi, I have a very old save that I like to come back to from time to time; for Exanima, it's just fun to do some matches in the arena when I have nothing else to do.


Oct 25, 2017
For some genres it is really really important -
ARPGs (Diablo); Looter Shooters (Borderlands); Roguelikes

But for any story-driven game I'm going to move to the next game.


Oct 26, 2017
Never was a huge deal to me, but super not nowadays most games are too long for me to ever want to replay them.


Nov 11, 2018

If a game have New Game+ where a lot of content is remixed or randomized, I can see myself continue playing.

In the case of Soulsborne games, there are so many weapons and classes that can alter your playthrough. Once you know what to expect regarding enemies and bosses, you can then engage more with the online elements. Start invading other players for a more dynamic experience.


Oct 28, 2017
No, my backlog is effectively infinite at this point. I'll give priority to play a new experience than doing a second run of a game.

There are some games I'm really fond of that I'll replay eventually but they are not even focused on being "replayable", usually I'll do it simply because I like the story or the core gameplay.
Oct 27, 2017
I love replaying games.

Kind of shocked at how many people don't seem to be into it.

I'll replay bad games just to remember why I didn't like them. It doesn't have to be nostalgia. I guess there's an academic angle to it.

Back in the early 90's, high replayability was one of the strongest measurements of a game's quality. I hate to think that great experiences have become so disposable.


Oct 25, 2017
It depends on the game and genre.

If I'm playing an action game that can be cleared in a few hours, I would definitely expect it to be fun to play multiple times. The RE4 remake has noticeably worse replay value than the original game due to the more random nature of some gameplay elements and the way difficulty scaling works. As a short action game that allows for different choices of weapons, this is a pretty big negative and the reason I don't consider it to be as good as the original, even if it's just as good or even better if you only play through it once on the normal difficulty setting. The same goes for Bayonetta 2 and 3 when compared with Bayonetta 1, where each game has issues in the design that make it less replayable than the original even if they can be more enjoyable on a single playthrough.

For big open world games, games with strong narrative element, or puzzle games "replay value" doesn't matter so much. The Outer Wilds, for example, has zero replay value because the entire game is one big puzzlebox where you're constantly making new discoveries about how to solve things. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are two of my favorite Zelda games, but both games rely so much on moments of discovery and puzzles that subsequent playthroughs don't quite have the same magic.

Elden Ring is a weird example of a big open world game that actually has a ton of replay value due to how many different weapons and playstyles the game has. I've played through the game with six different builds and each playthrough felt unique in many ways. I think it's also more important for Elden Ring to have good replay value than many other open world games, given how much of the game is based around combat and spectacular boss fights.


Oct 27, 2017
For 98-99% games I would say no, bc I won't replay them anyway. But sometimes it matters, larger RPG with branches/alternative ways to play are the ones I care about having replay value.


Oct 27, 2017
I do replays all the time with older games, trophy updates thanks to PS Classics helps. I'm also at that point where enough time has passed that replaying a game feels fresh to a degree. New games suck, retro forever


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the game. Short action games where you unlock new gear and moves are fun to replay. Experiment with different play styles, weapons, getting higher scores. Long games like RPGs, story-heavy games? No interest in replaying.


Oct 25, 2017
In a typical AAA game? Not at all.
Roguelikes, strategy, management, city builders, simulation etc, yes.


Jun 12, 2020
I definitely will replay a game if the game play loop keeps me interested, or I just enjoy being in that world again. I'm on my third playthrough of TLOU Part 2.