Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Look, the beauty about things like movies, books, games and shows is that everyone has their own way of interpreting something.

Yet it kind of bothers me when someone interprets a piece of media in the worst possible way, just to push their one sided narrative. Especially when they completely miss the big picture with the overall message and cherry pick the details, ignoring the other context.

What really annoys me sometimes is when people complain about something being problematic or uncomfortable, when it's supposed to be. The point being is that it's bad and the film or show is telling you it's not okay.
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Oct 27, 2017
lol just a few days ago my sister in law was talking about how awful Starship Troopers is because of its military glorification.

I admit I was a bit annoyed.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Is this another TLOU2 thread?

No, it doesn't really bother me. If they can argue their position, that can lead to fruitful discussion. If they can't, they are easy to ignore.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Generally I don't mind as there isn't a "right" way to read media but obviously some people are just fucking idiots about this stuff.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Only if they interpret it as if it was in support of something it's obviously condemning.


Oct 27, 2017
As an English teacher: Yes. I cannot stand it if someone can't back up their claims or just completely misinterprets something.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I love varied interpretations of media, and I love different perspectives on media, and I never think the conversation on any piece of media is over, but sometimes people's understanding of a text is so blatantly incorrect that there is a deep sadness in my soul that tells me not engage with them. I simply bow out and wish them the best. It is hard to see someone take away something from a text that seems to be at total odds with what that text is about on a fundamental level. I don't know how to bridge that gap. I used to try but now I just don't bother.

None of this is to say I am always accurate in my own understandings or interpretations of media, but I am also always open to being wrong or changing my perspective - something not everyone is.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes, but only if it's something I really care about and I feel like they're really taking the wrong thing from it
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on what the take is.

Example: If people didn't like the story of Last of Us Part 2 or boiled it down to "revenge is bad" as the message, that's unfortunate but whatever.

But people who go "this game is pushing a political agenda because of diversity and minorities" can fuck off with their worthless opinions.
Oct 27, 2017
I like looking for challenges to my own interpretation.

I do really get bothered when people interpret obvious satire literally.
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May 17, 2018
This is more misunderstanding than misinterpreting, but the people who still insist that the characters in Lost were dead all along are so annoying.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
Only if they get annoyed and start attacking you when you try to engage their argument. It's the worst if they go, "You don't get it and that's fine. But don't say I'm wrong lol."
Oct 26, 2017
I'm fine with other interpretations, but it does annoy me when someone doesn't bother to engage with a material and dismisses is based on surface level entertainment value.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Only when they use that incorrect interpretation to justify bigotry, hatred or harassment.


Oct 29, 2017
You can interpret something "incorrectly"? That's actually not the point of interpreting. Flawed logic and arguments? This is possible, but it doesn't "bother" me. It's part of having a conversation about a text, work, genre, etc. both seem to care about. It also doesn't matter if something is "supposed to be this and that". While this is true, people can still have problems with that, even if they understand the reason behind said things. If someone pushes a one-sided narrative show them your side, that's part of it. If they don't see any reason then it's just that, agree to disagree and move on. I'm past that point of being bothered by such things, at least most of the time.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Depends. If it something minor I can let it go, but if it is something major I do get annoyed. Like those who complain about diversity in say Star Trek for example. Granted not everyone is misinterpreting things and some are just waging their bigoted war against the big story of the week.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That depends on HOW incorrectly. Interpreting Amy as being justified in Gone Girl for example would bother me, especially if it's my SO interpreting it. That's a red flag if I've ever seen one.

Or when Fox News stole the logo from Bioshock Infinite, a game about sky racists

Or when the Wachowski sisters had to tell Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump to shut the fuck up about The Matrix

Or the metric ton of people who misinterpret fightclub and use Joker to do horrible shit

It won't bother me if you watch Evangelion just for the cool "robot" designs

Worst one is probably people willfully picking and choosing and misinterpreting sections of the bible to justify doing horrible shit.


Jun 20, 2019
Yes. I know people who didn't enjoy Get Out, because they thought it was a horror movie and wasn't expecting some of the satire.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
You can interpret something "incorrectly"? That's actually not the point of interpreting. Flawed logic and arguments? This is possible, but it doesn't "bother" me. It's part of having a conversation about a text, work, genre, etc. both seem to care about. It also doesn't matter if something is "supposed to be this and that". While this is true, people can still have problems with that, even if they understand the reason behind said things. If someone pushes a one-sided narrative show them your side, that's part of it. If they don't see any reason then it's just that, agree to disagree and move on. I'm past that point of being bothered by such things, at least most of the time.

You can interpret something incorrectly if you completely and utterly miss the point of it. Like if you read a piece of media that's about the horrors of war and use it to justify hyper-militaristic jingoism that's pretty much interpreting something wrong.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Citizen Kane was honestly just a movie about a sled, I dunno what all this other crap is about.


Oct 25, 2017

The 'red pill' interpretation is extremely annoying - only because you can take whatever ideology you believe and attach it to a red pill.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I remember in college reading books like "The Things They Carried" and the professors talking about all the symbolism and stuff and then someone brought in a blurb from the author of one of the books on the syllabus who said they were aware their book was being used in college courses but the author's intention was just to tell a story and none of what was beeing trotted out as symbolic was ever intended that way. I wonder how often that happens.


Oct 30, 2017
Usually it doesn't, but certain things drain me. My wife and I enjoyed 'A Quiet Place' when it came out. I recommended it to my parents, and after my mom watched it...

...she asked me 'was the girl in the movie supposed to be deaf?', as if it wasn't a major plot point in the movie. Like gee, why was he working on hearing aids through the whole movie, and why is it that every time there was a scene from her point of view, the sound cut out?

It's not a huge deal, but I came away from it thinking my mom is a kind of a dumbass.


Oct 27, 2017
As a lifelong Star Trek fan that found out there are conservative trekked (or worse), yes.


Nov 3, 2017
It bothers me that something like Cinema Sins is popular but scrubbing my youtube history usually fixes that.
Oct 27, 2017
People who think 1984 is about how bad socialism is for you a) probably never read the book b) if they read it they understood nothing from it c) have no idea who George Orwell was d) are prone to parrot some of its catchphrases whenever they feel they're being wronged, like: "state going on lockdown for the virus is orwellian, this is 1984 all over again" or "oh I'm racist for just having a different opinion? the thought police are out of control"

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Unless its something like some alt-right douchebag saying Rage Against the Machine is their favorite band (of which there are several examples apparently) then not really.


Nov 8, 2018
A friend once asked me how I could like Captain America since he was jingoistic, Republican propaganda. I tried explaining that he wasn't but they didn't care. All they had to see was the costume to make up their mind.


Oct 27, 2017
It depends how obviously wrong it is. Like Paul Ryan saying that Rage Against the Machine is his favorite band. Some people just don't get it.


Oct 25, 2017
Thats kind of what the internet is now.

Dumb people getting a platform to say dumb stuff and then getting insane amounts of followers (instead of the rejection and humiliation that they would get in a more sane world).

The one that pissed me off was the Daniel Larusso was the real villain of Karate Kid which caught on so hard that they made a below average tv series out of it.

I am not a fan but I have to acknowledge that the dumbs are running shit now.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
That goes both ways.

Way too many "let me explain to you the satire behind this blackface joke" posts these last few weeks.

"No, it's okay because another character commented that it's racist."
I'm 100% in agreement with this. I don't think it should be excusable with the 'but someone called out how it's bad so the episode is good' but people have to defend their love of the blackface episode -because context-. Nevermind how the mere notion of it existing, having non-black people gobble it up in tears of laughter bothers people (including me as a black person) no matter the 'context'.

Not everyone will watch the entire series to understand the supposed context. Screenshots are constantly posted absent said context, and people clamoring about "for shame! it was my favorite episode!" just draws fodder for my ignore list. I thought parts of Always Sunny are funny too, but those episodes, including the brownface and other discriminatory BS are not necessary even if "the gang is all bad people". Imagine defending blackface.


Oct 27, 2017
Yet it kind of bothers me when someone interprets a piece of media in the worst possible way, just to push their one sided narrative. Especially when they completely miss the big picture with the overall message and cherry pick the details, ignoring the other context.

A recent experience confirmed that most of the time, they've already made up their mind and will choose to pick examples just to support their stubborn views.

It disturbs me sometimes because the level of misunderstanding can go to dangerous levels.


Aug 27, 2018
Can't wait to keep reading the same shallow takes on Hamilton over and over again for the next few years.