
Oct 30, 2019
I'm glad they brought up 60+ FPS even on 60Hz displays. I used to play Siege with friends who played on laptops with 60Hz screens, and they noticed a stark, and improved difference when I told them to run at 120FPS (capped in-game or in RTSS to maintain consistent frame times) even if they wouldn't 'see it'.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not a competitive gamer. Hell, I have the like no reflexes. High frame rates just feel better. Now, I probably don't need anything over 144 hz though.


Oct 27, 2017
Once it gets up to 120+ I find I can't tell the difference, and this seems to be backed up by their testing.

But the difference between 60 and 120 is massive.

I find something similar, and can generally get away with 100fps and be okay - which is probably a good thing as I only have a 1070 to power 1440p.

Past that initial leap I notice 100 to 165 a lot less. It's smoother, certainly, but not mindblowingly so. Never experienced 240hz, though.


Oct 27, 2017
i stop noticing after about 90-100fps. but its a world of difference compared to 60 and even 75. yes, high fps matters. it makes EVERY GAME feel better to play.


Oct 27, 2017
New England
Interesting. Thx for the post, OP!

I wouldn't call it "scientific", but they go into a lot of detail about the testing and have discussions with the participants about how it feels to switch back and forth between the three setups.

I'd say it's definitely not scientific, given that it's sponsored by a graphics card manufacturer, and they complicated things by putting a different graphics card in each machine. It's unclear whether the issues w/ the 60fps machine were due to framerate alone, or due to frame timing issues as a result of the slower graphics card. And while the testers didn't know which machine they were playing on, the experimenters knew, and Linus is pretty blatantly pro high framerates -- he's cool and all, but I'm not sure that I trust him to be able to set aside his biases, here. On top of that, they were testing in engine, but not testing a networked multiplayer game -- I don't know how much the differences they saw would matter once you add network shenanigans to the mix.

That said, that is a pretty dramatic difference, and I might be wrong in stuff I've said earlier about high refresh displays being a placebo. :-)

Too bad that this isn't something with a lot of academic appeal. It would be neat to have some better design, unsponsored studies to look at. A lot of the tech world runs on gut feels and hearsay; I wish that more of it was based in more rigorous research.


Oct 27, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil
Linus isn't the best player there and the results puts him on par with pro players at 240hz.

So.... if I buy a 240hz I'll be a Pro Player?

Guess it's time to ditch my 1070 gtx and my 144hz monitor.


Oct 26, 2017
This really shouldn't be news to people but the sad thing is there are still people who deny the benefits of high framerate gaming (largely because it's unavailable to them) so having proof like this is good.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Halo Reach in the latest MCC flight test felt infinitely better to be with an uncapped frame rate it was so smooth. I think it certainly matters in shooters and fighting games.


May 17, 2018
I'd like to see this done with 500hz screens. The Air Force did tests with pilots and they capped out around 500 images a second while identifying an individual picture.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The jump from 30 to 60 to 144 is extremely noticeable. All you have to do is sit somebody down with two monitors - one at 30Hz and one at 144Hz and it's like going from a slideshow to seamless motion.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah 144hz from 60hz is a huge diff and add g sync in it is even better. When I go back to my consoles sometimes it looks like my shit is broken haha. I looking like why is it so choppy! Or when some games lock the cutscenes to 60 its kind of jarring. After I play on consoles for a while though I get used to it again.


Nov 6, 2017
Glad I was able to find this thread. I thought no one had made one. I thought it was interesting how the player that came from fighting games, where everything revolves around 60fps, did the best at 60.

I wish I was more sensitive to refresh rate/fps. I a run at 1440p 144hz but I'm able to switch back to console gaming at even 30 (like with Astral Chain) quite easily. Im way more sensitive to changes in frame rate than frame rate itself it seems. I may also just need a better 144hz monitor.


Oct 28, 2017
Just had to go back to a 60hz Dell and I got a hint of motion sickness after years of using a 60hz screen. My LG 144hz which I've only had since the weekend has spoilt me.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm no expert here, but it would be worth testing a lower fps with VRR on a 'normal' or 60hz monitor? Since the results seem to plateau a bit past 144hz, I wonder if you could hit the same user performance at a lower framerate, if you had display refresh to match, or if not, if VRR would bridge the gap. Like maybe the sweetspot is lower down the curve?


Nov 3, 2018
Once you go 144 it's hard to revert back. 1440p 144hz is just amazing and will remain the sweetspot for years to come.