Sep 21, 2019
I'm playing Half Life Alyx on the Vale Index with the controllers and a 2080ti. Performance is great.

I'm nearing the end of Chapter 3, but the game just isn't grabbing me anymore. The initial shock of seeing such incredible graphics in VR has worn off. Fighting the headcrabs and the headcrab zombie creatures is tedious and boring. The level design is frustratingly linear. Puzzles are simple and boring. I have the pistol and shotgun with some upgrades.

I'm wondering if it reviewed so well because of the INSANE production values and the Valve and Half Life name. Nothing here is super innovative or interesting to me. The gravity gloves are neat, but they are becoming a bit stale as well.

I don't feel involved, surprised, or impressed with what's happening any longer.

Does this game eventually open up a bit? Do the puzzles get better? Does the combat get better?

I'm just not feeling this.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It stops tutorializing stuff after a while but it sounds like you're not going to dig it either way.


Oct 28, 2017
Chapter 5 is a massive improvement from everything before it. And it only gets better from there.

There's way too much tutorializing in the first 2-3 chapters.


May 31, 2019
I'm playing Half Life Alyx on the Vale Index with the controllers and a 2080ti. Performance is great.

I'm nearing the end of Chapter 3, but the game just isn't grabbing me anymore. The initial shock of seeing such incredible graphics in VR has worn off. Fighting the headcrabs and the headcrab zombie creatures is tedious and boring. The level design is frustratingly linear. Puzzles are simple and borning. I have the pistol and shotgun with some upgrades.

I'm wondering if it reviewed so well because of the INSANE production values and the Valve and Half Life name. Nothing here is super innovative or interesting to me. The gravity gloves are neat, but they are becoming a bit stale as well.

I don't feel involved, surprised, or impressed with what's happening any longer.

Does this game eventually open up a bit? Do the puzzles get better? Does the combat get better?

I'm just not feeling this.
You're not alone lol. Puzzles get somewhat harder but not "better", combat stays the same, and it never opens up.

I've posted more in-depth reviews previously here which you can find in my post history, but yeah, you're not alone.

Edit: I will say that the overall experience feels better in the 2nd half starting with Chapter 7.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
yes, the back half of the game is the best part. The game ramps up and keeps getting better. You're at chapter 3 so you've had like, one shoot out so far? You haven't seen anything yet.


Oct 31, 2017
Yes it keeps getting better. But they did play it safe with how tough the encounters are. Even on hard I didn't have trouble but it did feel tense with the immersion.

¡Hip Hop!

Nov 9, 2017
You need to keep playing. And don't chicken out. You've made a thread now. It's important that you prove to us that you really tried. Looking forward to your opinions on Jeff too.

Also, I hate your thread. No offense.

Eddie: apparently I need to clarify that this is tongue in cheek. I just really liked the game and think it's wrong to disagree.

Seriously though, OP, it progressively gets better as you go on. You get more weapons that change things up quite a bit. But to be fair, each chapter changes things up a lot. I'd say it's especially worth it if you've played the other HL games.
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Oct 28, 2017
I mean, you have a valve index.. why wouldn't you push forward? I just don't even see the point of owning such a piece of hardware if your gonna dip out of the best software (by far) for it.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Keep going. You have probably only fought combine once if I remember correctly. You'll get the third gun, and there's a slew of upgrades for that.

I don't know how you felt about the horror elements of chapter 3, but chapter 5 definitely turns up the dial on that. Chapter 7 cranks that up to 11.

I will say once you get used to it the encounters aren't incredibly hard, but the first time you likely will die a few times.

Enjoy Jeff!


Oct 28, 2017
Yes. Currently on chapter 5 and I felt like you I think and was spoiled by PSVR games and their polish and production. Seeing a VR game this polished wasn't going to wow me anymore and then it did like a difficulty spike and encounters became way more engaging and puzzles required more "VR effort". I thought they were "babys first VR game"ing it with the slow movement and simple puzzles but it's just a long introduction. The use of cover was enhanced by my wireless VR setup. I think with my last gunfight it moved to the same tier I would put top PSVR exclusives at.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, you have a valve index.. why wouldn't you push forward? I just don't even see the point of owning such a piece of hardware if your gonna dip out of the best software (by far) for it.

It's not like Alyx is the only thing available for them to play, or that other compelling VR games suddenly stopped being a thing with Alyx's release. There's nothing wrong with them sharing their impressions in the way they have so far. Their early impressions echo mine and I've played through the whole experience. The level design feels dated and that isn't a knock towards linear games, the puzzles are pretty one note and overused, and I think there was far too much repetition of headcrab and zombie encounters. There's some fantastic set pieces like Jeff and its visuals are astounding but I think as a campaign for a shooter it feels pretty average. The end sequence/final level is pretty brilliant though, and as I've said elsewhere I wish they'd expanded on that concept more than the few rooms before the final final area.

After something like Portal 2 I was hoping for a little more experimentation wrt puzzle complexity and I think that's something that was pretty underdeveloped in Alyx. Instead we got a City 17's Greatest Hits which admittedly is a fun ride, just not anything particularly innovative when compared to some of the other VR games we've seen recently. I'm optimistic the other VR games Valve has in the pipeline are a bit more experimental and take more risks re: gameplay.

edit: To be clear I do agree it's well worth it to experience the whole thing rather than putting it down where the OP is at, I just totally get where they're coming from too.
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Oct 26, 2017
Just have fun with it and see what you can pull off, they seemed to have thought of almost everything when it comes to interactables


Oct 25, 2017
Chapter 5 is a massive improvement from everything before it. And it only gets better from there.

There's way too much tutorializing in the first 2-3 chapters.
well jeez. I'm fucking loving it and I think I'm only at the end of chapter 4. Only reason I haven't played more is because I hate how much time it takes to set up my oculus in this damn room. 'Massive improvement' is pretty big words.

Fuckin opinions right, it's my GOTG and it'll take another "Mario 64" type gaming moment/s to knock it off its spot
to me this game was a mario 64 type moment, absolutely. I actually used those words to my gf as I was playing because it's the only thing that came to mind that was similar. It feels like a generational leap, and this is after spending plenty of time on other VR games. can't wait to see where we go from here.


Dec 23, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
The last half is definitely better. But I'll admit, I would much prefer a wider array of weapons and no upgrades....the weapon upgrade idea is cool but not that interesting in its execution. The first half doesn't have near enough combine soldiers, either.


Oct 25, 2017
I still,haven't got to Jeff but am liking it a lot. Even small shootouts get a bit panicky (spent one crouched on the floor - in game was in a subway ticket booth). And even normal interactions surprise me. I'll be lazily picking up a bucket and glancing to check for resin, or grabbing some ammo from a shelf and dropping into my inventory and I'll occasionally stop for a moment ot realise just how natural that feels - that's impressive to me as much as anything.

it is *very* linear so far but nothing wrong with that - ha;f life 2 and portal/portal 2 weren't open world games.


Dec 3, 2018
The issue with Alyx is that by the end of the day, it's feels like a begginer's vr game.
Not in a bad way, the fact that the 'best' vr game is aimed at begginer's is perfect considering the amount of newcomers (Heavy simulators like Boneworks, while great, not everyone can play it). But they don't go crazy with the combat and puzzles because of that.

On the final chapters it really opens up, and the gameplay is amazing. I hope on they make the onboarding and ramp up shorter on the next game.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a bit all over the place. It starts strong (because everything is new), then kinda lulls in the middle with boring, samey-looking environments and repeated puzzles, but then near the end gets more engaging again with more variety in enemy-types and the places you encounter them in. So for me it ended on a strong note but there were definitely some moments halfway through that just felt like going through the motions.

¡Hip Hop!

Nov 9, 2017
If you're not liking it by chapter 5, you probably will never like it. The end gets really good though, imo.
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Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
there are high points beyond that (and i really liked the final chapter), but i agree. i think you do too much of the same and, after the first few times, the combat encounters and hacking puzzles are just repetitive and boring

jeff was cool, but i think people hype it up way too much for what it actually is


Apr 20, 2018
I remember feeling chapter 3 went on for a little too long, but generally loved the game nonetheless. Shootouts get pretty intense, and there's nothing quite like crouching to take cover and peering to the sides to shoot, or having to reload in the midst of a high tension situation.


Jan 10, 2019
I think it´s one of the best games ever made but yeah there´s always this one person who doesn´t like it :D.


Oct 31, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Hostilty, Trolling and Platform Warring; Prior Bans for Similar Behavior
It's easily one of the best games ever made, but yeah it does get a lot better.

Judging by your avatar though, you are more into watching movies then actually playing so it might not be the game for you?
Oct 25, 2017
Assuming that for having a TLOUS avatar ?!
In terms of gameplay TLOUS is a masterpiece.


sorry but take away tlou story/characters and who really would give a shit about the franchise? im sure there would be some people left who like it, but probably like 70% of its fanbase wouldnt give a shit about it if it was the game without its story.


Aug 22, 2018
I did find it somewhat overrated. So. Many. Barnacles.

The Jeff chapter and very last chapters are the best.


Oct 28, 2017
Fuckin opinions right, it's my GOTG and it'll take another "Mario 64" type gaming moment/s to knock it off its spot

Same. They've also clearly taken an approach that is very open to completely new VR users, as well as being compatible to practically all PC VR hardware. The trade off of that is limiting early gameplay and limiting design to be compatible with older hardware

Neither of these are significant issues. And that's probably a part of why it still makes so many peoples GOTG


Oct 26, 2017
It does pick up, but HL Alyx is painfully slow for most of the game, with very little action. They definitely geared the game to a more casual crowd. Its beautiful, but far too easy and hand holdy. The puzzles are terrible and mind numbingly repetitive. Why they went this route instead of the traditional puzzle rooms is beyond me, awful decision. Its an okay first entry into VR, but I've cooled on the game signicantly since it came out.


Oct 30, 2017
I also didn't like the move to a voiced protagonist. Sorry, I know we love Alyx but she was much better designed to be a tagalong that occasionally showed the way and most of the time followed you or was part of the scenario.

I hate games where I'm talking through lanes in first person and hearing a disembodied voice that doesn't reflect what I'm doing or what I want to do. If you're doing voiced protagonists it's my belief that First Person almost never works unless you do a Master Chief or Doom Guy character, who's characterized to be more internalized and finds it unnecessary to banter.

The game falls into the usual pitfall of droning on with radio-dialogue during gameplay too much. I find myself looking at stuff I'm seeing and losing attention to whatever is being spoken. To me it's just bad design. To other's it's a preference, from what I know.
If you're not liking it by chapter 5, you probably will never like it. The end gets really good though, imo.
Well, there are many outliers to that ending and what it does to the storyline.


Oct 25, 2017
I like it being slow. Its atmospheric. But I like walking games and corridoor shooters

everything is icky and scary and out to kill you. I'm enjoying taking my time (when I say 'enjoying' I mean 'standing across from a pile of boxes eyeing them suspiciously for 5 minutes before walking past')


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it does. The game is at its best in the second half when you're fighting lots of combine and shit. Also Jeff. You'll see.


Oct 25, 2017
I also didn't like the move to a voiced protagonist. Sorry, I know we love Alyx but she was much better designed to be a tagalong that occasionally showed the way and most of the time followed you or was part of the scenario.

I hate games where I'm talking through lanes in first person and hearing a disembodied voice that doesn't reflect what I'm doing or what I want to do. If you're doing voiced protagonists it's my belief that First Person almost never works unless you do a Master Chief or Doom Guy character, who's characterized to be more internalized and finds it unnecessary to banter.

The game falls into the usual pitfall of droning on with radio-dialogue during gameplay too much. I find myself looking at stuff I'm seeing and losing attention to whatever is being spoken. To me it's just bad design. To other's it's a preference, from what I know.

Well, there are many outliers to that ending and what it does to the storyline.

Your criticisms of the voiced protagonist are valid but suggesting that Alyx is better relegated as a sidekick sounds more like "stop pushing your gender politics on us". You're probably not saying as such but I get irked because we don't hear the same for Barney the security guard or Shepherd the faceless soldier grunt. She's totally viable, more than those other two.


Jul 27, 2018
It's easily one of the best games ever made, but yeah it does get a lot better.

Judging by your avatar though, you are more into watching movies then actually playing so it might not be the game for you?

imagine saying this while trying to defend a series that forces you to watch all its cutscenes


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Must admit OP, unfortunately I feel the same. I'm someone that really struggles to feel fully immersed by VR though - I'm never able to totally separate myself from the reality of slapping warm goggles and a screen right in front of my face. Maybe that'll improve as the quality improves along with the comfort levels of headsets (I do use a Rift which isn't top of the range admittedly).

Alyx was fun but it feels like a lot of been there done that already only in an incredibly well polished package. As someone who considers Half Life to be one of my favourite shooters of all time (my nostalgia is super strong with the franchise), like you Alyx still just didn't grab me. I enjoy it for sure, it's a great VR game, but I just wasn't blown away by it.
Oct 27, 2017
I felt the same through the first 3 Chapters and thus haven't had the desire to return to it though I will at some point given all the talk of how it gets better. Through the first part of the game I felt the only thing it had going for it were the visuals (especially for a VR title) and being in the Half-Life universe but everything else felt bland gameplay wise and it really didn't feel as interactive as something like Lone Echo (the feeling of traversal and momentum in this game is just incredible) but again I'll return to it at some point to give it a fair shake.


Oct 27, 2017
It's my favorite game of the last 10 years or so. I liked it from beginning to end. The 2nd half of the game is when it shines, but if you aren't enjoying it now, why bother?