Oct 25, 2017
I was a huge Grange Hill fan as a kid, and every summer we travelled from Lancashire to Dorset to spend a few weeks with family. My dad would drive the awful Vauxhall Chevette with its red vinyl interior that i had to peel my face from should I fall asleep, and my mum and I would catch the train. I could run up and down it and mum could get pissed and chat to randoms. One year i remember being unable to find her where we'd parted and when I did, she was sat next to mr. Bronson, the (frankly terrifying) headmaster from the series.

I was floored and scared lol and it took a few minutes for me to disassociate the man from the role, but he was lovely. He and mum were getting along just fine ;) and he gave me a sneak peek at the script for the next series and a pic of him looking less than mean which he signed bless him. If the internet was around I could've got some love from the spoiler thread :p

I'll raise you my cast from Grange Hill story. One of the 80's cast member became a (shit) DJ for the clubs where I lived in the early 90's. I was bunking off collage one afternoon in the local arcade and then about 6 former member of Grange Hill from the 80's just turned up and started playing the games there. It was just me and them, I was geeking out internally "I'm in the arcade with the kids from Grange Hill!" It was totally reality bending. I didn't bother them though, I just let them be.

They obviously came to visit the guy that was DJing in that town. He really was a shit DJ and only got gigs becuse he used to be in Grange Hill tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Was having drinks with a couple of friends at Joe Cools (near UWO in London Ontario). Weird Al had just finished a concert across the park and sat behind us with his entourage at a reserved table. My friend, a no-nonsense hard as nails chef, was playing pool when Weird Al's (assumed) bodyguard walked up to her and asked if Mr Yankovic could have the table next. Her response, "Well. If 'Mister Yankovic' wants the table then he can put a FUCKING LOONIE (Canadian $1 coin) DOWN ON THE FUCKING TABLE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE FUCKING DOES!"

The bodyguard coyly walked back to the table and, i couldn't hear but assumed, he had to repeat himself 2 or 3 times before they all searched their pockets for a Loonie. Weird Al came over, set the coin down on the edge of pool table, and politely waited his turn. She would have beaten him had she not scratched on her last shot.


Oct 30, 2017
Used to work at a grocery store and rang up several former/current Jets players, Darell Revis, Nick Mangold, Eric Decker and his extremely hot wife Jesse James Decker. Thats about it. Also met Daniel Bloodworth from Easy Allies last year at E3.


Oct 25, 2017
I sold a Laptop to Harrison Ford over a decade ago when I worked at a Best Buy. He was moderately quiet and polite and I did everything in my power to not fanboy at him.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The closest I've been to a famous person was seeing Aaron Paul show up at the beginning of the FFXV movie Kingsglaive.

He introduced himself and sat down to watch the movie with us, but when the lights came back on his chair was already empty, so me and my friends all had a good chuckle about him being too ashamed to finish watching a pretty awful movie

Drain You

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I ran into Burt McCracken, lead singer of The Used, a bunch of years ago walking around the streets of Scranton Penn. It was a couple hours before the show so I wasn't completely surprised. We walked up to him and asked if he wanted to smoke with us, he was like nah dude I got a show in a couple hours.

Also one of the guys from Ratatat went to my high school right before I graduated.

This is a good one I just remembered. When I was little I used to go to these work christmas parties at my parents job. They would always have a crappy magician for the kids. One year it was Carrot Top before he ever got famous. Weird


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.



Nov 24, 2018
met emeril when he was in atlanta for the super bowl. I could have "interviewed" him for the local news (dad worked there) but I was too shy. Got his autograph in a cookbook though

edit: the one in 2000

also saw heather graham at a restaurant when I was in LA. we basically had dinner together


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
Never talked to any, but it's not unusual to come across Kiwi celebrities at random bars and restaurants (or just walking down the street) around Auckland. One time I saw Richie McCaw (former All Blacks Captain) walk past, which would be the most famous one I've seen.
I wasn't going to post my one, as I didn't think anyone on here would know him, but my brother was best friends with Jonah Lomu at school.
We saw him at the shops once and asked him if he remembered my brother and he did. He also played golf with my dad but they met through other connections.

Really is 2 degrees of separation down here :P
Mar 15, 2019
actually I have a lot of these stories, but most of them are from brazilian celebs lol

as far as ww celebs, met alfie enoch (harry potter and how to get away with murder) and most of skins (uk series) cast, all of 'em were really nice and cool, specially kaya scodelario


Oct 25, 2017
I'll raise you my cast from Grange Hill story. One of the 80's cast member became a (shit) DJ for the clubs where I lived in the early 90's. I was bunking off collage one afternoon in the local arcade and then about 6 former member of Grange Hill from the 80's just turned up and started playing the games there. It was just me and them, I was geeking out internally "I'm in the arcade with the kids from Grange Hill!" It was totally reality bending. I didn't bother them though, I just let them be.

They obviously came to visit the guy that was DJing in that town. He really was a shit DJ and only got gigs becuse he used to be in Grange Hill tho.

Unless Gripper Stebson and Ro-Land were there this story is USELESS.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I met Dick Van Dyke when I worked as a parking garage attendant in 1998. He paid like anyone else, winked and left.

I ran into Cuba Gooding Jr. when I worked at Mandalay Bay, in 2003 or 2004. He was right outside the door to my office hallway. I didn't speak to him; he was on his flip-phone yelling at someone. Totally doing the "show me the money" face. He looked up, made eye contact, lowered his voice and kept on talking. I went past and into my office.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
I once met Jan Karon the writer of the "At Home in Mitford" series, you might know this as that book your grandma read. I had to read her stuff for school. She was nice and was like every grandma I have ever met.

I also met Sandy King John Carpenter's wife, she came by due to her sponsoring our film program. She was really cool and signed my laserdisc copy of big trouble in little china, and a VCR I had in my car. I just wish I had been in a better place in my life, I fear I came off as an insane neurotic mess.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
Met Brent Spiner at a convention once, really awesome dude!

Also saw Rappin' 4-Tay at a mall once. Dude has to be like 4 feet tall lol.
Oct 27, 2017
Nobody super exciting;

Bumped into Aziz Ansari at a music festival and we talked about Human Giant (he was really drunk).

Met Rob Corddry and he was super quiet and seemed tired.

Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth is the nicest musician I've met, hung out and made sure everyone had a picture and got to talk to him. Awesome guy.

Troy Sanders from Mastodon kept hitting on my wife right in front of me. It was kind of impressive how little he cared.


Oct 29, 2017
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I was a huge Grange Hill fan as a kid, and every summer we travelled from Lancashire to Dorset to spend a few weeks with family. My dad would drive the awful Vauxhall Chevette with its red vinyl interior that i had to peel my face from should I fall asleep, and my mum and I would catch the train. I could run up and down it and mum could get pissed and chat to randoms. One year i remember being unable to find her where we'd parted and when I did, she was sat next to mr. Bronson, the (frankly terrifying) headmaster from the series.

I was floored and scared lol and it took a few minutes for me to disassociate the man from the role, but he was lovely. He and mum were getting along just fine ;) and he gave me a sneak peek at the script for the next series and a pic of him looking less than mean which he signed bless him. If the internet was around I could've got some love from the spoiler thread :p

I will never forgive him for what he did to Danny Kendall. RIP.


Mar 4, 2019
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.
Oh, that's really cool. I'd love to do get to that level with some celebs


Oct 27, 2017
I'll raise you my cast from Grange Hill story. One of the 80's cast member became a (shit) DJ for the clubs where I lived in the early 90's. I was bunking off collage one afternoon in the local arcade and then about 6 former member of Grange Hill from the 80's just turned up and started playing the games there. It was just me and them, I was geeking out internally "I'm in the arcade with the kids from Grange Hill!" It was totally reality bending. I didn't bother them though, I just let them be.

They obviously came to visit the guy that was DJing in that town. He really was a shit DJ and only got gigs becuse he used to be in Grange Hill tho.

Love it :D

Let's be honest, as a shit DJ you're going to rinse as much fame as you can out of a GH association!

I will never forgive him for what he did to Danny Kendall. RIP.

Danny was a switched on lad too.

It's easy to forget how brutal GH was at times. It was really heavy on the drama. Just say no didn't work on me though lmao

OG Kush

Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 week): Crass, inappropriate, and sexist comment; history of similar behavior
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.
Wow, great story. Do you still have a crush on her though? isnt that weird? like don't tell me you this woman who you've fantasised about for years on end, suddenly wants to be your friend, you can then shelf those emotions and have only strictly platonic feelings? Come on bruh, I know you smelled her underwear when you visited her house in LA. Also, its pretty obvious which actress you're talking about.
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Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I met Bret Hart at a signing about 15 years ago - he was super cool.

Went to an after-party at a horror film festival and met Katherine Isabelle, who is just...a stunner.
Oct 26, 2017
I have seen a few over the years, I got lucky and got to be in the film Gladiator and Troy. So I saw Brad Pitt, Orlando bloom, Russel Crow from a distance.

I also have a "Swedish celebrity" in my family, a singer.

I also got lucky on a jeep safari tour, in the morning when we was just about to start the safari, a man named Steven Spielberg showed up and had ordered a jeep safari around the island. He was there filming Munich, That was pretty damn crazy!


Oct 25, 2017
Garth Brooks used to come into a cd store where I worked to check prices. At the time, he was having a dispute with his record company and thought he was being cheated on record sales or something. But the funny thing is that because he didn't want to be recognized, he wore a trench coat, a long crazy wig, floppy hat, and sunglasses. It was an awful disguise — all it did was attract attention to how weird he looked. He looked like a space alien's parody of a homeless person. At first I didn't believe it was him when a co-worker pointed him out to me, but later I got a look and it definitely was. Saw him a few times doing that that summer.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, great story. Do you still have a crush on her though? isnt that weird? like don't tell me you this woman who you've fantasised about for years on end, suddenly wants to be your friend, you can then shelf those emotions and have only strictly platonic feelings? Come on bruh, I know you smelled her underwear when you visited her house in LA. Also, its pretty obvious which actress you're talking about.

Same exact thing happened in a triangle between me, Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz and eventually I had to cut it off because they were fighting over me and I didn't want to destroy their friendship.

But it was Smash Brothers.
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Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Countless encounters during SDCC. My favorite one is running into Steven Moffat inside the bathroom at the Marriott. I realized it as I pulled up next to him at the urinal. I made sure to wrap up before him so I could tell my brother who waiting for me outside so he could get a picture with Steven.
Jan 18, 2018
Met Donald Glover at his show in memphis back in like, 2012. He signed my sketchbook and smudged my drawing, then he took the book on his tourbus and showed everyone. i will forever keep that smudge smudged forever.

Marvo Pandoras

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Let's see:

I met Don Cheadle on a random street in NYC. I nodded my head and headed his head like out of an episode of blackish.

I bumped into Tracie Ann Rose. She begged me not to out here in the middle of Columbus circle. She looked so heart broken that her cover was blown so I whispered "don't worry I won't say anything"

I bumped into John Lithgow on Columbus circle. I was speechles. He smiled, padded my shoulder and walked into his limo.

Bumped into Phillip Seymour Hoffman coming out of a bar 0900 in Manhattan. I wasn't surprised when I heard he died a year later.

That's some of the celebrities I ran into.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.

Is this real


Mar 4, 2019
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.

What show is she on?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Love it :D

Let's be honest, as a shit DJ you're going to rinse as much fame as you can out of a GH association!

Danny was a switched on lad too.

It's easy to forget how brutal GH was at times. It was really heavy on the drama. Just say no didn't work on me though lmao

'tis true. Bleak and fairly realistic. And Just Say No took them to the Whitehouse to meet Ron and Nancy. No, it didn't work on me either - Just Say Mo' more like.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Before I became famous I used to work in retail. England were playing at St. James' Park during the time when Wembley was being rebuilt. The store received a phonecall asking us to prepare for the arrival of someone -- David Beckham. He walked around the store, bought some stuff, and left.

Now and again random musicians would stroll in to the store too if they had gigs at City Hall. Jools Holland came in once and started to put all his CDs to the front of the racks.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
I met my celebrity crush (unnamed for privacy's sake) through Uncharted and tumblr about three years ago. I was reblogging stuff of her a lot because I had been watching a show she was starring in at the time. I'd even mentioned the crush in the tags on the posts. I ended up also posting something of Hayley Atwell and jokingly in the tags said something like "sorry ____, you're not my only crush". Then I received a message from some random blog that was just like "I guess I'll have to fight her then, there can be only one."

I didn't give it a second thought and a few days passed. I started getting more messages from the blog in response to the tags on posts of her, and I'd responded a few times, until one of the messages said something implying that it was her. I decided to ask "wait, are you saying you're _____?" And they responded "it's me!". I checked their blog but it was private, and so I just assumed it was a random person trying to catfish me. They responded to posts a few more times and eventually we started talking, and she offered to prove she was who she said she was by linking her public Instagram account. When I checked her story, it was a picture of her sitting in front of her laptop, giving a thumbs up, with my blog on her screen behind her. Turns out she's a huge fan of the Uncharted series, and had been following me since 2011 because of some fan art I'd done for the games. Suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed about all of the things I'd said on the posts of her. Nothing bad really, but realizing someone's been following you for years and has likely seen all the posts about them is a weird feeling. But she was very cool about it. She let me follow her back on her private blog, and we talked a little bit about music, but other than that I kind of left her alone because I was unsure of what to say to her after that.

A few days later she made a post lamenting the fact that none of her friends played Uncharted 4 and she really didn't want to play the co-op wit randoms because she wanted to get the 3 star rating on every stage for trophies, and not have to put herself out there on mic. I left a comment saying I'd play with her if she wanted, not expecting a response back, but about a week later she asked if the offer still stood. I was nervous as hell but I replied yes and she said she might take me up on it.

It was a few days before our schedules lined up, but she asked if I had a mic and we both got into a party on the PS4. I felt awkward when I spoke and her first response was "oh, you're a dude?!", I was worried that was going to be a deal breaker for her, but she rolled with it and we started playing. After a few hours we were opening up to each other and joking, I made fun of her for following me for about 7 years and missing all of the obvious signs of me being a guy. We ended up hitting it off. We played every night for a long time, eventually getting the trophies for her and the 3 star ratings, which is a feat in itself but even more so with only 2 players instead of the max of 3. And even after that we kept playing.

She's pretty much my best friend now. We talk or play almost every night, my sleep schedule adjusts when she's shooting so I can be available to talk to her, and we're very open with each other, and comfortable. I realized how much we'd become friends when she remembered my birthday after I'd only mentioned it once, over 8 months prior, and noticed we'd started exchanging platonic "I love you"s before going to bed. I've met a bunch of her friends and ex co-stars at this point. This past Halloween she flew me to her home in LA so we could go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal together, and at Christmas she flew me up to New York to spend the holidays with her family. She's brought me to set a few times for the current show she's filming, and I was her plus one at the wrap party for the most recent season. It's been a surreal couple of years to say the least, and because of the whole experience, I have a huge sentimental fondness for the Uncharted games for bringing us together. She's a very private person normally, so other than my friends and family who've met her at this point, I've rarely gotten to discuss it like this.

That's a really heartwarming story!

What show is she on?

He's not gonna say that lol. That would make it way too obvious.

I do have a pretty good feeling who it is though.


Oct 25, 2017
I only have one good one though "meet" isn't exactly the word I'd use.

I used to work at Walgreens as a cashier and this particular Walgreens was in a plaza that also happened to have a comedy club. Because of this, it wasn't that surprising that comedians would shop a the Walgreens before their show but this isn't a famous city for such a thing or a famous venue or anything so it's rare that you'd ever recognize one who came in.

So one day an older black man comes up to the front register where I'm working and I sort of recognize him but it doesn't really register who it is. My assistant manager does though and comes up to him at the front register, smiles, points, and says "Aren't you that guy?..You know...". The man kind of looks at him blankly and replies "I don't know who you're talking about". My assistant manager persists "No. You're that guy...uhh...Michael Winslow!". At this point, having watched the Police Academy movies and cartoon as a kid, and being in particular a fan of Michael Winslow's ability to do sound effects, I totally recognize him and realize he's probably right, but the man continues to stare blankly and replies "Nah..that's not me. I don't know who that is". My manager kind of slowly backs off smiling and acquiesces while saying "AlRiGHt. I'm pretty sure, but if you say so" and returns to the back of the store. The man then completes his transaction with me but before he leaves he takes a look at this front register display we have for keychains with little plastic dogs whose mouths open up when you press the back of their head to reveal a flashlight inside. He picks one up, looks at it for a second, points the dog towards me, puppets it with the most convincing bark I've ever heard come out of a human, puts it back and leaves without another word.


Oct 28, 2017
I met Jason Mewes of Jay & Silent Bob fame. Was nice enough to sign something for me even though I didn't have enough money at the con.

Met Lajon Witherspoon of Sevendust coming out of a restaurant, and he was super cool and polite.

Those would probably be the two most well known I guess, but I have met some other band members including Tommy and Casey of Kamelot, Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil, Rainbow of The Birthday Massacre, Elize Ryd of Amaranthe, Sharon Den Adel of Within Temptation, Charlotte Wessels of Delain, and Alissa White-Gluz when she was in The Agonist.


Oct 25, 2017
I met Mark Wahlberb and Rose Byrne last summer here at work when they were filming Instant Family. Rose was sick so didn't talk much but Mark stopped and took pictures. Super nice.

Also met Chris Jericho at an Iron Maiden show a few years back, also nice.

And met Bill Hader, Jonah Hill and Michael Cera at a concert tour years ago when Superbad came out. All of them were great and Michael loved that we were huge Arrested Development fans.


Feb 27, 2018
I wasn't going to post my one, as I didn't think anyone on here would know him, but my brother was best friends with Jonah Lomu at school.
We saw him at the shops once and asked him if he remembered my brother and he did. He also played golf with my dad but they met through other connections.

Really is 2 degrees of separation down here :P
Aww he was such a legend


Feb 27, 2018
I only have one good one though "meet" isn't exactly the word I'd use.

I used to work at Walgreens as a cashier and this particular Walgreens was in a plaza that also happened to have a comedy club. Because of this, it wasn't that surprising that comedians would shop a the Walgreens before their show but this isn't a famous city for such a thing or a famous venue or anything so it's rare that you'd ever recognize one who came in.

So one day an older black man comes up to the front register where I'm working and I sort of recognize him but it doesn't really register who it is. My assistant manager does though and comes up to him at the front register, smiles, points, and says "Aren't you that guy?..You know...". The man kind of looks at him blankly and replies "I don't know who you're talking about". My assistant manager persists "No. You're that guy...uhh...Michael Winslow!". At this point, having watched the Police Academy movies and cartoon as a kid, and being in particular a fan of Michael Winslow's ability to do sound effects, I totally recognize him and realize he's probably right, but the man continues to stare blankly and replies "Nah..that's not me. I don't know who that is". My manager kind of slowly backs off smiling and acquiesces while saying "AlRiGHt. I'm pretty sure, but if you say so" and returns to the back of the store. The man then completes his transaction with me but before he leaves he takes a look at this front register display we have for keychains with little plastic dogs whose mouths open up when you press the back of their head to reveal a flashlight inside. He picks one up, looks at it for a second, points the dog towards me, puppets it with the most convincing bark I've ever heard come out of a human, puts it back and leaves without another word.
Haha That's brilliant!


Oct 27, 2017
When I was in California, Verne Troyer wheeled by me and the guy who plays Luke in Modern Family also walked by me. I didn't talk to either of them or bother them in any way.

I met Alice Cooper once, but didn't get much time to talk to him. Paid $25 and waited two hours in line. Also met Doug Bradley of Hellraiser who was nice, Tom Savini who was also really nice, and Clive Barker who was extremely nice and genuine and caring.

Plus the guy who played Leatherface in the remake. He was a fucking asshole and was trying to swindle people.


Oct 25, 2017
I met Bruce Campbell when i was in high school. Great Lakes Crossing (a big mall) in Mich had only been open for a couple years and I see him walking around.

Our interaction

Me- "Holy shit you're Bruce Campbell. You're like the biggest badass in movies"

BC- "I know" *walks away*

It was pretty awesome