
Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So I just came across the existance of Arcade1up. More specifically, the cabinet of both TMNT games.

I really want it lol. Does anyone here have one of the available cabinet? How are they? How's the input lag?
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Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
We have a Galaga one in the break room at my Walmart. It's basically the same as a full sized one, and plays just like one, in my opinion.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
I don't have one but I played the new TMNT one that is coming out or came out? at NYCC and it was really fucking addicting. I want to get one, one day, when I have the space. They're really cool, they had a whole set up at NYCC that was pretty packed. I almost caved and bought the mini one or the one that's meant to be put on a desk or something.
Nov 8, 2017
I have the Golden Tee one in my basement currently and I got the kids the TMNT one for Christmas. (For me too obviously). I really like the Golden Tee cabinet. Looks and plays great.


Oct 25, 2017
Do they have full size models? I'd pay extra for a bigger cabinet. Or can I rip out the guts and install them into a larger case?


Nov 2, 2017
I have a Street Fighter cab modded with RGB buttons and a rasberry pi. I love it


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
Eh, too small, would rather just save up and get a full size one in 15 years

They are small without the riser, but actually a decent size with the riser. I have the Street Fighter and Final Fight units. The biggest draw for me is that they have the original artwork on the cabinet. I don't have many complaints about the sticks and buttons either. My biggest gripe, and I've never seen this mentioned anywhere, is that they are not scaling the games (at least on these two units) up by an even integer value, so there's pixel crawl all over the place.


Developer at Limited Run Games
Oct 26, 2017
We have like 5 at work. The TMNT one is in my office. They're really great for the price, emulation is solid.


Oct 27, 2017
They play fine, I got a Galaga cabinet for $150 at Walmart. Input lag seems decent, keep in mind even the original cabinets have a bit of a throw to the joystick so it's not going to be quite as snappy as a d-pad. It looks great, my biggest annoyance is there's only three volume settings on the old cabinets - mute, too loud, and a bit louder than that. The sticks and buttons are a touch on the mushy side, but they're fine.

Do they have full size models? I'd pay extra for a bigger cabinet. Or can I rip out the guts and install them into a larger case?
They don't do full-size cabinets, but with a riser they're decently tall at least. Honestly getting the cabinet for cheap is the main appeal I think, if you can get a full-size cabinet for cheap just throw a Rasbperry Pi 4 in it. These cabinets are pretty simple but they look great.

They do sell full-size cocktail cabinets, but they're new this year and more expensive compared to the stand-up units. Still dirt cheap compared to real or other replica cocktail cabinets.

The thing that really confuses me is Atgames of all companies has put out a full-size cabinet for $599.
I've seen several youtubers including ETA Prime cover it, so it's apparently decent. Has HDMI input and lets you use the sticks as bluetooth input to a Raspberry Pi with a firmware update. I'm really not sure what to think of it, would love to hear some more impressions.

Do they have a Super Street Fighter 2 one?

that's allI need


Oct 25, 2017
I continue to think that they're a great, fun option if you're not willing or able to get a full-size cab. If you're the sort who likes to tinker, all the better: the amount of aftermarket stuff out there for these units is pretty comprehensive.

For me, having a not-quite-huge setup is awesome, and I'm continually surprised how much more compelling stuff like Street Fighter is, playing on something that feels more arcade-like.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
All I can say is if they somehow make a Simpsons Arcade 1up machine, I'd buy it day 1.


Oct 25, 2017
If I can get my company to let me work out or LA after a year instead of the hellscape that is SF I will get one as I finally get to enjoy my freaking own condo once again instead of renting it out lol!
Nov 23, 2017
They are small without the riser, but actually a decent size with the riser. I have the Street Fighter and Final Fight units. The biggest draw for me is that they have the original artwork on the cabinet. I don't have many complaints about the sticks and buttons either. My biggest gripe, and I've never seen this mentioned anywhere, is that they are not scaling the games (at least on these two units) up by an even integer value, so there's pixel crawl all over the place.
Is the Star Wars one different dimensions than those? I saw it with riser and it felt really small. I'm not super huge but I'm not a skinnier guy either, so it felt kinda more for kids. Sorry if I'm wrong about the rest of them size wise
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Oct 25, 2017
I have the Atari on with tempest and asteroids and a few other games I got last Xmas. It's nice. Wish I had waited for some better games tho


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
They look gorgeous but the sticks and buttons feel cheap and the width of the controller area is far too small.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
This is mine; I love it! As someone who grew up on this cabinet, this really scratches the itch and stacks up from the annual plays I get to have on the real thing.



Oct 25, 2017
Check your local wal mart. Mine had the TMNT cabinet on a special for 275 this past week, I picked one up. Haven't put it together yet though...


Oct 27, 2017
I've got like 7 of them haha. They're obviously not as good as the real thing, but they're fun and take up way less space. There are a bunch of online sources to mod the hell out of them like adding coin doors or total art conversions to any game you can think of

Use this site for deals:

Home Arcade Deals

Find Deals for Arcade1up and AtGames cabinets


One Winged Slayer
Jul 21, 2018
I want the TMNT one so bad but I'm gonna wait for the inevitable clearance sale. :)
Oct 27, 2017
So I just came across the existance of Arcade1up. More specifically, the cabinet of both TMNT games.

I really want it lol. Does anyone here have one of the available cabinet? How are they? How's the input lag?

I want the TMNT one so bad but I'm gonna wait for the inevitable clearance sale. :)

Heads up!

Rumor has it that random Walmarts have the TMNT set on clearance, to as low as $200. Use the link below to help out:

Good luck!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I think the only one I would go for is the TMNT one. I have no room though, so hopefully they are still around when I can find a bigger place.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They're really cool looking, but we have limited space so I'd have to make it count.. So if they ever do a Marvel vs Capcom model with MvC2, I'm in. Maybe next year, hoping the Marvel Super Heroes one did well.

if I ever see the MK one on clearance I'll probably snatch that up though.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
If SEGA can come out with a House of the Dead 2 cabinet (or hell, I'll take the first one as well), I'd be all down to buy one.

Want TMNT one as well but it's so expensive.


Oct 28, 2017
I have the limited edition Marvel Super Heroes one...I love it. I'm gonna mod it with a Ras Pie when I get around to it.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
They are small without the riser, but actually a decent size with the riser. I have the Street Fighter and Final Fight units. The biggest draw for me is that they have the original artwork on the cabinet. I don't have many complaints about the sticks and buttons either. My biggest gripe, and I've never seen this mentioned anywhere, is that they are not scaling the games (at least on these two units) up by an even integer value, so there's pixel crawl all over the place.
Woof. I wonder if it's hackable or if you can replace the screen


Nov 7, 2017
They have trash stock joysticks which is an obvious dealbreaker, at least the early models. I think new ones are using sanwa clones that may be at least acceptable. I think one of their specialty models now advertises actual sanwa sticks.

They generally use cheap components but people have a hate boner for them, they are pretty good for what you pay, except the joystick thing, which again may be at least acceptable nowdays. What do people expect for the price.

They go on clearance or special all the time, so it's best not to pay sticker for them IMO. Most can be found for 150 if you keep an eye on a website called brickseek. Some of the cabs like galaga and asteroids are often for 74.

I picked up a SF2 for 150 recently, and got into modding it which is the real fun, I am almost through. It's been a fun project, you feel like a advanced modder even though you are actually not doing that much. You replace all the buttons and sticks with ones that interface with USB encoder boards, which then plug into a raspberry Pi, pandora's box or PC. You then run a little 20 dollar amp off amazon for audio. You have to drill two extra button holes. SF cabs are the best too mod since they have 6 buttons. There's a big very active facebook group about modding them. IMO you WILL run into issues modding them, but it's kind of fun working through them. Then you throw a premade Pi image on (people make specific images for the modded A1up's) and have a massive arcade at your fingertips. Of course like all things retro gaming, IMO it sounds better than it actually is, but it's still fun. The ETA prime vid about modding them started it all and is the template people use, you can google it.

At first I was thinking I wouldn't mod, I read a post about how these are toys and best to leave them stock and enjoy, but after I had mine like 5 minutes it was like "ok I'm bored, time to mod this sucker!!!" lol.

It can get expensive even with half price cabs as the base. I'd estimate I'll have ~500+ dollars in mine by the end. 162 for the cab after tax, an initial modding supplies bill of around 150 more, I still need to get the riser which is 50, i had to buy a plexiglass deck protector (mine was such old stock it didnt have one as all new units do), ended up having to get two cus I bought the wrong one initially, at 25 a pop so that's 50 more. And then I already had a Pi laying around for a while so I dont mentally count it, but technically the Canakit pi and SD card probably cost another ~100.

I figure the tactile arcade controls to go with the retro games is what makes it worth it, since you can get retro games anywhere.

The real genius of these things IMO is that they're LIGHT. They weigh 60 pounds, you can easily move them. It's really the weight that makes most arcade machines non starters for casual people.

Also I dont have kids, but kids are drawn to arcade machines like moths to flame. They LOVE them. So if you did have kids, that would add an extra dimension. When my friend's kids come over, they make a beeline for the A1up.
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Oct 27, 2017
Don't own, but I randomly play the ones Walmart puts out on display. Seems to be fine to me. The only issue I noticed was the paint around the controls being faded, but that's with who knows how many messing with a public display.


Oct 27, 2017
I kinda want the Capcom one that comes with The Punisher.

I don't think I need to spend that kind of money though, and I'm not sure I'd actually sit there to play it that often.


Oct 26, 2017
I have the marvel LE cabinet. I'm terrible at Street fighter style games and the punisher game can beat in 20 minutes. But damn it makes me smile every time I pass by it. I make my kid self proud owning this thing.


Nov 7, 2017
They play fine, I got a Galaga cabinet for $150 at Walmart. Input lag seems decent, keep in mind even the original cabinets have a bit of a throw to the joystick so it's not going to be quite as snappy as a d-pad. It looks great, my biggest annoyance is there's only three volume settings on the old cabinets - mute, too loud, and a bit louder than that. The sticks and buttons are a touch on the mushy side, but they're fine.

They don't do full-size cabinets, but with a riser they're decently tall at least. Honestly getting the cabinet for cheap is the main appeal I think, if you can get a full-size cabinet for cheap just throw a Rasbperry Pi 4 in it. These cabinets are pretty simple but they look great.

They do sell full-size cocktail cabinets, but they're new this year and more expensive compared to the stand-up units. Still dirt cheap compared to real or other replica cocktail cabinets.

The thing that really confuses me is Atgames of all companies has put out a full-size cabinet for $599.
I've seen several youtubers including ETA Prime cover it, so it's apparently decent. Has HDMI input and lets you use the sticks as bluetooth input to a Raspberry Pi with a firmware update. I'm really not sure what to think of it, would love to hear some more impressions.

The AT one has some great innovations but IMO is not all the way there. There's some weird thing where they make you sub to a service to use your own roms, or something? It's really weird. Also if it's truly full size that's a knock in my book, and 599 is another big one.

Ideally I'd like someone to make one more like the size and price of the A1up's but with more built in pi compatibility like the AT. Maybe we'll keep moving that direction.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Have the street fighter 2 modded it with Sanwa buttons and also retro pie sometimes I just turn it on for attract Mode for the Vs games.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know they made a Star Wars one. That looks so awesome!

Yep, it's the next best thing to actually owning an actual cabinet, and I'd say there's an argument for it possibly being better since you don't have to worry about the vector monitor crapping out or needing to be fixed, and you get all three games in a single cabinet. They do an admirable job with replicating the yoke controller too.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, it's the next best thing to actually owning an actual cabinet, and I'd say there's an argument for it possibly being better since you don't have to worry about the vector monitor crapping out or needing to be fixed, and you get all three games in a single cabinet. They do an admirable job with replicating the yoke controller too.

I'm so jealous, my fellow Batman. It looks really high quality compared to the early Arcade1up releases. I'd love to own one but I don't have the space in the cave anymore. Maybe someday.