Deleted member 39587

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Feb 6, 2018


Oct 27, 2017
Can you expand on the "lessen my sense into of control" bit? I've heard this a lot from people who have never had alcohol or any perception altering drugs and I've never fullly understood it. I know, even personally, that from the perspective of someone who's never been drunk the neutral rational description of "you're less in control" seems like a negative thing. That said, this line really paints being drunk as you almost observing yourself from a distance, horrified at your hampered motor skills and lessened ability to think critically. In reality, you're not at all thinking about this and you just enjoy the inebriation.

You still feel fully like yourself. You just think less (unbeknownst to yourself) and everything is more fun.

Sure. It's just generally a preference to be aware at all times, and make those same critical decisions you referenced. And while you can mention that feeling like yourself remains a constant, different people can react in various ways, as we are all unique in our body chemisty/resistance. I just don't see any sound reason to mess around with my sense of control.

That aside, I absolutely love driving as a passionate hobby of mine. While people can always take an Uber or Lyft after a party if they have drunk somewhat, I prefer and enjoy night drives home. I wouldn't want anything to lessen that experience for me by dulling my senses or possibly put others at risk.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's reasonable to be fearful of addiction. I'm pretty sure drinking in moderation was debunked and it's more marketing speak by alcohol companies.

It's fully reasonable to fear addiction, I agree with you there.

By moderation I just mean that, while never completely healthy, you don't have to get fucked up every time you drink. That's not just a contrived marketing idea that alcohol corporations have sold to the public. I had a single glass of rum tonight. I won't drink again until next weekend. That's a moderated level of drinking for me.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Don't smoke but I do enjoy myself some whiskey on the rocks, one of the best pleasures in life. Granted, I've been drinking since I was like 15 so yeh.
Oct 27, 2017
I drink but not often. I can honestly go the rest of my life never having another drink and be fine. I also haven't smoked in over five years and I don't miss it even a little bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't smoke weed.

My worst experience was the night I got high and went into Carl's Jr. ordered 6 cheeseburgers to go because I had the munchies. While waiting on my order I had to take a piss so I went to the bathroom walked up to the urinal and let go. Some lady walks in behind me and starts screaming. Turns out I was pissing on the wall of the women's bathroom and when I realized what I had done I noticed there were no urinals so I was tripping so hard my mind was hallucinating. The manager threatened to call the cops so I ran and found a dumpster at an apartment building behind the restaurant. I jumped in to hide and fell asleep. I woke up later and noticed there was a broken N64 in its original box and a few games in the dumpster so I took it home and took it apart then put it back together and it worked. I spent the next 6 days playing Zelda Ocarina of Time for the first time in my life. I skipped school to finish it, missed all my tests and ended up having to do the whole semester over.

Don't smoke weed.

You're really fucking bad at smoking weed.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really, maybe a swig of whiskey I keep every once in a blue moon.

I have been thinking of getting some CBD oil though for nerve and muscle pain from previous injuries though.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone else feel these days those of us who prefer not to drink or smoke have become a lot more common, rather than the perception of being a very small minority maybe back in the 90's timeline or earlier?


May 15, 2018
I don't do either but only because my body won't let me

If I drink I feel pain and it's not worth it and if I smoke I feel sick so none for me
Oct 27, 2017
Cigarette smoke makes me dizzy so no.

And I dont drink because good booze is expensive and I have barely enough money to keep me alive.

But bourbon sounds delicious tho.


Nov 5, 2017
Yep, I've never smoked and have never drank alcohol.

Growing up my mom was a heavy alcoholic. She got sober and has stayed that way for 17 years now, but the sustained amount of drinking she did has had long term effects on her mental health and cognitive ability.

After she quit drinking, she started smoking. Did that until four years ago when she quit (I forced her to quit when she moved into assisted living.) She still is dealing with the effects of those years of smoking as well. Trouble walking from parking lots, coughs up phlegm constantly, all that stuff.

I have similar addictive tendencies as my mom. When I like something, I get hooked really easy and can go overboard with it. Since I know that, I just figure it best not to tempt fate.


Sep 10, 2018
yep, no to both.

i don't drink because i'm a cheapskate.

i don't smoke because obviously it's not good for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like how alcohol tastes and I hate smoke and I don't do leisure drugs unless you count caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and pop.
So yeah, I'm pretty boring in that respect.

Deleted member 39587

User requested account closure
Feb 6, 2018
Exactly, drugs can't take the social anxiety away. They can numb it momentarily or make you lose inhibitions, but it's a temporary feeling to a more longstanding problem that requires a bit more work.
Nah fam. I KNOW that I can socialize, I know that I can make friends and talk to them - that does not help me, no therapy helps me. Anxiety is not rational. Drugs numb that anxiety for a while and that works for me.

(Beer and booze also taste really great so yeah)
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I rarely drink but I eat ass regularly.


Oct 29, 2017
I have a nice health excuse for not smoking anything, which is lucky because my interest level in that kind of stuff is bonkers low. No idea why, but like, who cares really.
For drinking I just can't stand the taste of any of it. I am truly a square


Oct 28, 2017
Yep to both.

Don't drink anymore because addiction.

Don't smoke because never really enjoyed it. I do use CBD stuff for muscle soreness/recovery from rock climbing.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't smoke and rarely drink. I've had a drink here or there, but it's not something I actively seek out.


Oct 25, 2017
Smoking and alcohol never interested me. With smoking I had a considerably negative view of it when I was a young child. I would visit my friend's house from time to time and would always see a dump that reeked of smoking. It was unattractive enough that I never gave any thought to smoking. Videos/studies on the negative impact of smoking just cemented that.

As for alcohol...I'm not sure where it began but drinking isn't something that I will consider doing.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never smoked even a single cigarette. I've never taken an illegal substance. I've drank alcohol very rarely (never been drunk) and I decided to stop drinking altogether about six months ago. It just doesn't bring me joy at all, and I'd rather feel fully in control of my actions.

If weed became legal and easy to get where I live, I'd probably try it. But I don't see it ever becoming something I do regularly.


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
I will occasionally have a wine cooler on a holiday, but it's very rare. Think the last one was the 4th about 3 years ago. I come from a family of violent alcoholics, including my own late father, so it's never been anything that appealed to me.


Oct 27, 2017
*raises hand*
Never smoked in my life. Had maybe 4 drinks total.

Just not something I'm into, really. My brothers are the same.

Novel Mike

Oct 25, 2017
I'll never touch any of that stuff. I've dealt with enough shit with drunk people never to want to touch the stuff, Cigarettes are disgusting and I never have wanted to try any kind of drug.

It's far rarer then it should be.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Alcohol doesn't taste very good, and really adds up on your bill when you dine out. I used to drink to relieve my social anxiety when going out, but those days are long gone.

No way in hell will I ever smoke anything, especially now that I have a kid.


Oct 25, 2017
I've mostly stopped drinking a few years ago, with occasional exceptions (I did have a few beers on election night), but it's probably about once or twice a year that I do. I don't smoke anything, I tried it a lot when I was younger but never enjoyed smoking pot, though I do have quite a history with other drugs. With it recently becoming legal here, I may try again. I do however usually take hallucinogenics about once a year, usually LSD, but sometimes mushrooms.
Oct 25, 2017
On the smoking side of things, I always hated it and it made no sense to me to try something that I hated, knew was bad for me and knew was addictive.

I drank when I was younger but, while being tipsy was fine, I didn't like feeling drunk. Gradually I reached the point where even being tipsy just felt like a hassle so I mostly stopped drinking. I'll still occasionally have alcohol but months can go by without me having anything, and when I do it's usually just one or two and then I'm done.
Oct 25, 2017
I used to kind of be like this because it never interested me, but I'm so glad I ended up trying things.

The pinnacle of living for me is social eating, drinking and smoking. I'm incredibly passionate about my job and my hobbies, but food, drugs and alcohol with friends is as good as it gets. I almost feel concerned for people that deliberately avoid these experiences.

Also: moderation. You don't have to be wasted every time you drink, you don't have to smoke a pack a day, you don't have to be perpetually high. I'm not looking to die of lung cancer but a cigar or cigarette once a year is something I can live with the risk of.

Your attitude is just one of the reasons of why I'm ok to not drink or smoke. You "feeling concerned" is condescending and shitty attitude to have towards those of us that make the choice.

I believe they call i straight edge.

Nah, you don't have to claim a label for this.

Deleted member 31199

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
Just caffeine. I like the Ultra Sunrise Monsters when I work a long shift. It's funny seeing customers come in and telling me how bad they are for me while I sell them cigarettes.
Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans
Never smoked—always found it gross as hell.
Have only ever tasted a few drinks, and by "taste," I mean a sip or two. Don't like any of it and have otherwise never had much interest or desire. It's not for me.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Nah fam. I KNOW that I can socialize, I know that I can make friends and talk to them - that does not help me, no therapy helps me. Anxiety is not rational. Drugs numb that anxiety for a while and that works for me.
Same. Been going to therapy weekly for 10 years. Hate off-the-cuff advice for social anxiety.


Oct 30, 2017
Don't touch either. Smoking is disgusting, and I can't stand the taste of alcohol, am alcoholic beverage has to do a really good job of making the alcohol flavor for me to consider it, otherwise I'm perfectly happy poisoning my body with sofa.


Oct 27, 2017
In my case, I don't see any logical reason I would want to drink or smoke.


the cost of drinking or smoking is something I could dedicate my money to in another endeavour or hobby.

There is no cost involved in smoking a joint or getting drunk once every decade. Or once in a lifetime for that matter.
Regular drugging is bad and to be avoided.

, I also don't have a need to lessen my sense of control, at any time.

What this sounds like to me is "i'm afraid of losing control, even for a few hours". This is also puzzling. I don't have demons. I don't go nuts when high or drunk. Just maybe laugh more, or feel more relaxed. Most people are like me. The ones who lose control are the exception, not the rule. Just like people allergic to seafood. They exist but i mean, you don't avoid seafood all your life just in case you're allergic, ya know?

It's just never been a thing in my life, that simple.

As I said above, I'm interested in smoking weed someday, sure helps to hear that it doesn't do you any bad.

Smoking weed once a year won't do you any bad. Smoking it every day will fuck your lungs up. Will fuck your memory up. Will lessen your motivation and so forth.

Moderation is key. And it's definitely preferable to never do drugs than abusing them every day.


Oct 27, 2017
I drink sometimes, like a beer or a shot if the occasion calls for it.
Same with weed, I'll do it sometimes with friends.
I don't go out my way to do either though.

It's definitely a minority of people that don't do either.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Your attitude is just one of the reasons of why I'm ok to not drink or smoke. You "feeling concerned" is condescending and shitty attitude to have towards those of us that make the choice.

I'm not trying to be condescending, genuinely, and I'm sorry if it comes across that way. Life is short and I feel like we should all try to experience as much as we can. I feel the same way about people that write off any experience without fully giving it a chance. It's not judgement or derision.