
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen hundreds, or maybe thousands, of 4chan posts shared over the years. I have never seen one that made me want to go spend time at 4chan.
I've seen hundreds, or maybe thousands, of 4chan posts shared over the years. I have never seen one that made me want to go spend time at 4chan.
Any worthwhile that comes from 4chan will always break out into the wider internet (the SCP Foundation is probably the most significant example), so no, nobody that doesn't want to put up with that site's culture is missing much.


Mar 2, 2020
Yeah, they have one of the most up to date and active repositories of tabletop games and a really solid wiki to go along with it, including scans of stuff never released in PDF form. 1d6chan wiki is also incredibly detailed and useful for finding stuff. I guess in an ironic twist, it was the known bigotry and just general asshole behavior there that dealt some of the biggest blows to the repository and almost made it go away.

I don't interact with anyone, I don't post, I just use it for the value. I would prefer another site do this as well, but so far none have even come close.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
It never did.

That said, every ~6 months I visit the /o board (Automotive enthusiasts) for a good laugh. It's just the dumbest motherfuckers who have only driven a Honda Civic arguing Nürburgring lap times for sports cars they will never drive.


Oct 11, 2018
I might've saved some lists made by /mu/ and /lit/ and discovered a bunch of manga series via /a/, but that's where its value ends for me personally. The blind Putin worship back in the day was pretty disgusting, I wonder if they woke up now. The /lgbt/ sub-board seemed paradoxal to me and it gave off transmedicalist vibes when I visited it once, just what you'd expect.


Nov 16, 2017
There's so much internet culture that derived from channers. It's pretty much the forebearer for a lot of shit, mostly bad with a few good things here and there

Value? Idk, arguable depending on the community you participated in and if you are a minority or not lol

Influence? I don't think anyone could argue the internet would be the exact same without 4Chan


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Value is not the word I would use.

And it has been largely irrelevant for many years. You'd have to go back to the peak fansub era, way before moot left.


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
I would say someday in the history books yes, a hundred years from now kids will read in school how 4chan trolled the American public and idiots like trump voters believed everything that was said and how we now laugh at how dumb those people are, and how it's a tale to teach future generations to stop paying attention and believing what you're neighbors mailman's cousin believes and to I don't know? Use critical thinking. But then again… who knows if we even have schools in 100 years, pretty sad how the majority of America has been tricked by a bunch of 4 Chan kids time and time again.


Oct 27, 2017
I believe at some point they actually pranked and outed racists and Nazis. I'm talking 2006-07, when they used to mass send pizzas or do heavy pranking on white supremacists.

As time goes by, it feels like it could have been a false memory.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a bit shocked this is a thread.

Wtf were you ever doing on that shit hole of a website OP?

Nothing good has ever come from that place, regardless of the era.

It has always been utterly tasteless, immature, edgelord, adolescent-internet gobshite gutter trash.

I've seen hundreds, or maybe thousands, of 4chan posts shared over the years. I have never seen one that made me want to go spend time at 4chan.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I remember watching a a video or something or was it a post? That said 4chan users use to be left leaning but somehow morphed into pretty far right over time


Oct 28, 2017
It definitely had value but the bad outweighs the good as a whole.

It's been largely superseded by reddit if you ask me, the bulk of the useful stuff moved off years ago and it's just been left with the angsty edgelordy-ness of it all.


Jan 12, 2021
That book is literally about what that description says so why are those people saying I get it now?

They're saying it ironically. Wish fulfillment for males doesn't count as badly written schlock but when its for females, suddenly it's the worst thing and all the flaws are too hard to ignore.
They're being cheeky about the hypocrisy.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I don't know if it does anymore, but in the early days it generated a lot of memes and just general internet culture.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it does anymore, but in the early days it generated a lot of memes and just general internet culture.

I'd say that's true even now as much as it sucks in 4chans case, but there was always the pathway of internet memes.

4chan/Something Awful were always the starting points for most meme templates. Back in the day the joke was when a meme made it to 9gag it fully died as it'd already been around for like 2 weeks.


Jun 11, 2020
There's been some great stuff that came FROM 4chan like SCP Foundation and Katawa Shoujo. I've never been compelled to mingle in such hateful environments online though.


Nov 18, 2018
I only ever went to /m/, but a decent chunk of good stuff came from that board. There were like a dozen old ass mecha anime that got subbed thanks to /m/. Most of them got picked up by Discotek eventually, but that was like a decade later.

I also distinctly remember Otaking posting there several times for feedback on that Tie Fighter animation that everyone loves, which eventually led to an MD Geist cameo in the final short.


Oct 25, 2017
Largely a net negative. I do remember it giving AT&T absolute hell in mid 2010s, so it's value (to me) was in corporations being absolutely terrified of them
Oct 31, 2017
I remember in the 2000s, Fox News called them hackers on steroids.

I just remember them being a place for funny and different memes. Rage comics, Wall Smoth (the first time I ever saw someone take a head and make the eyes/mouth ridiculously small), Rick Rolled, it all came from 4Chan.

Then it just got really weird, especially during the Trump years. I haven't been in ages. I just appreciate some of the funny early memes and that's it.