
Aug 5, 2024
Years ago I remember visiting v, b, tv and, uhm, gif. A cesspool for sure, but quite often pretty entertaining, hilarious even. So today I decided to check the boards I know from the past and it's utter shit. Literally everything is based on idiotic contrary opinions. Something is popular? Let's hate bomb it. Not to mention tons of sickening bigotry. Does anyone still use 4chan? Does it have (had?) any real value apart of being a "free" speech platform?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
In the early days of Anonymous, 4Chan actually held a lot of power/value, for better or worse. I don't think there's been any "value" in that place for over a decade. It turned into a bunch of angry rightwing incels yelling about anime.


Oct 25, 2017

Also the answer is no


Oct 25, 2017
Now a days? Nah.

I do like the setup and idea of an anonymous image board though, it makes discussion flow really well.
In practice however.... yeah its terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
I proudly have only been on 4chan once. I took a look and thought why would anyone use this piece of shit. Probably saved my young ass from all kinds of fucked up ideological influences.


Dec 11, 2017
Years ago I remember visiting v, b, tv and, uhm, gif. A cesspool for sure, but quite often pretty entertaining, hilarious even. So today I decided to check the boards I know from the past and it's utter shit. Literally everything is based on idiotic contrary opinions. Something is popular? Let's hate bomb it. Not to mention tons of sickening bigotry. Does anyone still use 4chan? Does it have (had?) any real value apart of being a "free" speech platform?
Honest question: how much of this is just you growing up and your taste for shitposting changing? Because what you're describing sounds like 4chan to me.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yes. But you have to filter which boards you browse. /sp/ keeps being amazing, unlike the "sports" discussions here in Era. On the other hand /pol/ is a fucking shithole. And /v/ is sometimes at the level of Era in some of the takes.
Then you have some good boards like /trv/, /wg/, /toy/, /ck/ and /o/. There are some good boards underneath all that shit.


Aug 5, 2024
Honest question: how much of this is just you growing up and your taste for shitposting changing? Because what you're describing sounds like 4chan to me.
Yeah, probably outgrew it like 15+ years ago. For the best after checking it out today.

V seems like a contrarian shithole. Maybe there is some gold buried under all that shit, but is it worth to look for it among tons of faeces?


Oct 27, 2017
Honest question: how much of this is just you growing up and your taste for shitposting changing?
My thoughts exactly. I view changes in shitposting and internet edginess like weed aficionados view changes in potency over the last few decades. I couldn't handle the shit people put online nowadays. My lungs aren't strong enough to handle stuff that intense.


Oct 28, 2017
4chan is like 20+ years old so yes there have been moments of 'value' for whatever value online discussion has.

Of course it's now and I suppose has always been a lot of absolute garbage, but for all of the 'niche' discussion boards they have had, there's inevitably been some amount of interesting content posted and discussed.


Jun 14, 2023
I check /mu/ once in a while. It's opened my eyes to a lot of new music in the past and is still pretty decent overall, but checking it now for the first time in a few months and the majority of the top page threads at the moment are all about Swift/Trump.

Also shoutout to this, which might be one of my favourite posts of all time:



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of talented and funny people congregated there at some point - most of whom were probably terrible people in addition to being talented and/or funny, mind you - and for better or worse the audience there was the tastemaker of large swathes of the internet for some time. The structure of the internet has changed tremendously and while I'm sure there's still some talented and funny people there, what htey produce no longer filters out to the larger internet in any positive way.

Like, a lot of the "comic reading guides" people post originated on or were popularized on 4chan. I like the idea of a place in the internet that is not only anonymous, but is actively hostile to "branding" or "monetizing" yourself, contrary to every other form of social media. You're anonymous, anything you contribute is anonymous, if it's valuable it will become memetic but you will never cash a check from it and no one will ever know your name.

Like, coming to mind because of the newest Kane Pixels video - the whole Backrooms idea is just some random 4chan post that's since snowballed into a huge media thing. No one owns it, it's just... out there. I love that. I'm not sure of the cesspool of hate is worth the tradeoff for a truly decentralized, anarchistic internet but there's undoubtedly an allure there.

Dec 13, 2023
I proudly have only been on 4chan once. I took a look and thought why would anyone use this piece of shit. Probably saved my young ass from all kinds of fucked up ideological influences.

Personally I felt like halo and fps voice chats had more fucked up ideas going around during the time I frequented the site

i used to main the mecha page and deep dove into a lot of old school shows and eventually it was a gateway into games like super robot wars

TV and movie discussions were entertaining to make fun of shows mainstream media would put on a pedestal


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
It never had any value.

Signed a 40 year old millennial, Who went to 4chan a couple times and never found any value in it.
Oct 29, 2017

Once upon a time, there were some laughs to be found. I was younger then so maybe that had something to do with it. Lot of memes though, and a certain art to being a shitpost troll that I think has been lost.

Now? No value. Seems to be a total pile save one or two boards that come with the baggage of being on 4chan.


Feb 20, 2020
No. I know it's been a long time but I distinctly remember 4chan being one of the initial places that propped Trump up. I fully, fully believe that 4chan is the reason Trump became president in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
Years ago I remember visiting v, b, tv and, uhm, gif. A cesspool for sure, but quite often pretty entertaining, hilarious even. So today I decided to check the boards I know from the past and it's utter shit. Literally everything is based on idiotic contrary opinions. Something is popular? Let's hate bomb it. Not to mention tons of sickening bigotry. Does anyone still use 4chan? Does it have (had?) any real value apart of being a "free" speech platform?
That sounds like how it's always been. Maybe you simply matured in the time since.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally I felt like halo and fps voice chats had more fucked up ideas going around during the time I frequented the site

i used to main the mecha page and deep dove into a lot of old school shows and eventually it was a gateway into games like super robot wars

TV and movie discussions were entertaining to make fun of shows mainstream media would put on a pedestal
Oh yeah fps chat was the worst.

The aesthetic of 4chan just made inaccessible to my brain. It wasn't even the posts it was I had no idea how to navigate or read through the threads. I imagine if you stick with certain communities it's a fine place.

If I could describe it as an outsider It's like a really ugly reddit where the edginess is on full display on the front page.


Oct 25, 2017
It has had an impact that's for sure. As far as the entry level, no commitments shitpost places on the internet go you could find the nichest nonsense at random.
The biggest bigots around had to make their own versions of the board and i think people just hang around either Reddit or Discord now.
4chan is now owned by the good smile company the guys that make Nendroids so advertiser friendliness had to be somewhat addressed.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
There was a point you could argue that early on, the culture that developed on individual boards would develop into ideas or memes that would leak out into broader culture, stuff like the Mountain Dew contest thing, or when they rigged the Time poll, their "war" against Scientology. Whether you see any value in that or not, it was a notable part of 2000s internet history. The turn started when the "News" board started turning into nonstop political discussions, and in an effort to quarantine that kind of stuff, they gave them a dedicated board (/pol), which slowly became a discussion board for the alt-right. That combined with Gamergate shifted the site into what it is today, most people who had some semblance of a conscience chose to bail out and the only people that are left are the true degenerates of the world.

And it was always an edgefest, from day 1. I mean, the site was started as a refuge for people dissatisfied with the moderation on the Something Awful subforum "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse".
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It's massively influential on how the internet developed, at least for a time. Does it have value? Probably not, it's a cesspool. But it did have power and influence for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah as others have noted, a fair amount of memes and idioms and internet humor originated from 4chan. Your mileage may vary on what 'value' that actually has, but it is true. But those days are long gone, in any case.


Nov 4, 2017
I used to go on /vg/ a ton for guides and builds for different games, but Reddit pretty much phased that out.


Oct 26, 2017
There used to be some general threads I'd frequent often. Like the doctor who one on /tv/. And a Star Wars one, can't remember what board it was on. It's 99% worthless trash though
A very very large amount of modern memes orignate from there. I'd wager most people here have referenced something from 4chan without even realizing it.

I started learning Japanese a decade ago because of a series of threads that contained advice and resources on how to do so. That's pretty much the only positive point I have to day about that place.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
If i'm bored I might look around some of the boards there. I've got a thick skin and have seen just about everything edgy people on the internet can throw out there, I'm good at filtering out the bad and just look for stuff I think is funny or useful. Example, I"m an action figure collector and I sometimes look at /toy/ and I find a lot of good discussion there and pictures people have taken of their figures.

I fully understand why anyone would stay away though.


Feb 4, 2020
I check /mu/ once in a while. It's opened my eyes to a lot of new music in the past and is still pretty decent overall, but checking it now for the first time in a few months and the majority of the top page threads at the moment are all about Swift/Trump.

Also shoutout to this, which might be one of my favourite posts of all time:


This is actually an amazing summary of Rogan's podcast, lol.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020

Doesn't outweigh the negative, though. Nothing good that has come from it can counter-balance the harm it's done as a hub for organized harassment and hate.

Edit: Should clarify the "sure" is to the question of if it's ever had any value, not if I go there. I don't. And nobody else should either. Also it's always been awful, you just didn't care as much back then.


Oct 25, 2017
Memes until like the mid to late 2010's. Even its place as a haven for chuds has become superceded by Twitter.


Oct 25, 2017
Gutter trash website that made the world worst.

And the thing is, they wouldn't disagree.

Been a while since I stopped going there as it became harder to ignore how many people were not were not actually wearing clown makeup, but I'd be lying if I claimed it wasn't a formative place on the internet for me. For better and worse since it tracks with my apathy.


Sep 29, 2018
And the thing is, they wouldn't disagree.
I don't buy it. If they really wouldn't disagree that they are a gutter trash site that made the world worst, they would've been a push to dissolve it long ago or enact reform. Instead they maintain it to this day as always, keep the community going circulating toxicity and garbage, targeting women and any minority group under the sun and whatever other bullshit they do. Fuck everything it stands for in the past and today.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
There's no denying that 4chan is influential.

And I can even recognize that some good internet content originated there.

But I think anything of good nature or usefulness that ever emerged from 4chan is dramatically outweighed by the awfulness that it normalized across online culture and in society at large.

It has obviously negative net value to me.


Jul 6, 2023
Germany 🇩🇪
I remember being there once a week to search for Wallpapers.

I also like the occasional shitpost that made it beyond the website.

But nowadays, the website provides nothing I can't get elsewhere