
Oct 28, 2017
Best of luck. I'd fight it. 40% chance of remission is a real solid possibility and probably greater than 50% for several years added.

How did you get diagnosed at a young age? I'm curious because I feel like many of us could have something but it's not routinely checked for until an older age.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm really sorry to hear that man, I hope you decide to give a funding page a go. One alternative I've just found is Generosity by Indiegogo it's a free platform for social fundraising and it looks like they can support countries outside the USA.

I was just about to suggest the same. Here's the article they have on setting up bank accounts, including international.

Keep fighting this thing, Talal, and I wish you the best.


Oct 27, 2017
I always told myself that if I ever got that sick, I'd go to Mexico or Colombia for treatment... But that's a long way from OP.


Oct 25, 2017
I would try and fight it, if possible.

Unfortunately, your present obstacle appears more to be finances towards it, not even the illness itself...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm so sorry man. My prayers are with you and your family. Hopefully you can get some kind of treatment!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I am so, so, so, so, so very sorry Talal :'( Just let me know if there's anything some poor schmuck from Louisiana can do for you. I'm not a religious man by any means, but I'll be saying a prayer tonight just in case. Godspeed, friend...


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for the suggestions guys. I'll ask my bank tomorrow if it's possible to receive USD in my account.
Words can't describe how I feel guys. Many thanks to everyone who reached out.

Hey man, berserk might never end but we at least got Legend of the Galactic Heroes!

Enjoy life
Thank you. Glad to see another LoGH fan here.
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Deleted member 22528

User-requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It seems clear to me from your writing that your life has not been a waste. Your discussion here has seemed to me a beautiful display of very real humanity. I hope you find peace and can recognize how much you are most assuredly loved by folk, both online and off...


Oct 25, 2017
It seems clear to me from your writing that your life has not been a waste. Your discussion here has seemed to me a beautiful display of very real humanity. I hope you find peace and can recognize how much you are most assuredly loved by folk, both online and off...

Thanks a ton, this is very touching.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
It's a lymphoma cancer, it's brutal af but receptive to treatment. Still haven't given up will do my best. Thank you.

That is so rough, my heart aches for you.

I had a family member survive a 6 week diagnosis with experimental treatment. Don't give up. Call local hospitals and ask what kind of discounts they can give for your income level. Call local charities and ask for help. Fuck call the local news and become a poster boy for inadequate Healthcare.

All of my love to you.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey Talal,

First of all, I am really sorry for what you are going through, I know it must be incredibly difficult but as long as there is life there is hope right.

You are definitely not alone here, and there might still be options. The people of Morocco can be extremely generous too, I know because I am Moroccan and living in Morocco too, I am sure there are some options that haven't been explored, maybe we can discuss it in PM.

As far as money from abroad is concerned, yes you can receive it fine in your bank account. I believe ideally, someone abroad you trust would set up the crowdfunding, and then the money should be transferred to your local bank account. There are no huge restrictions I am pretty sure.

Best of luck my dude, allah ychafik. It's not often you see Moroccans over here, it would suck to lose one of the few here.
Nov 13, 2017
Talal, please set up a GoFundMe of some sort. Something. Anything. Even if it's a 40% chance of making it through with the treatment, we can pull through and try our best to help you out!


Oct 27, 2017
Can you fly to somewhere like Canada and attempt to get treated?

It wouldn't work that way. Foreign citizens do have to pay for healthcare here, while citizens do not.

I remember going with a family member, who went to the hospital for a follow-up with a radiologist. There was a Pakistani family in the waiting room, and it was hard not to hear the doctors talking to them about one of their family members who had come over from their home country and was hoping for treatment. The doctor or receptionist went over the price for each part of the treatment and it was pretty high.


Oct 28, 2017
Puerto Rico
Just sitting in my room and listening to some Cowboy Bebop music. Can't even look my parents in the eyes.

Best Soundtrack ever! Stay strong, Talal ! Fight it as long as you can with a smile on your face!


Gotta Knock a little harder One of my favorites <3 Knock a little harder, OP!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Space, Man
I can't even imagine what your going through op, I really really hope the best for you. I really hope you pull through. Please don't give up hope, know that we are praying for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking cancer.

Talel, if there's a will, there's a way. Go in to debt if you must, and claim bankruptcy of something. You need to play FFVIIR!

Seriously though, get the treatment, and come up with a reduced cost from the hospital. Apparently, if you're uninsured, there are a lot of ways to get the costs to go way down.

All the best, man. I don't know you, but I'll be thinking of you.


Oct 27, 2017
My God, I'm awfully sorry to hear that. It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world.

But, 40% is a lot man. Fight for it, you deserve it! Try online fundraisers, tell your story on the internet and ask for help from people all over the world! ERA is already a good place, it's a huge community with huge influence, maybe someone here could help with the publicity, idk? Try Facebook, everything, let's make a campaign to raise funds!


Oct 25, 2017
Best of luck. I'd fight it. 40% chance of remission is a real solid possibility and probably greater than 50% for several years added.

How did you get diagnosed at a young age? I'm curious because I feel like many of us could have something but it's not routinely checked for until an older age.
Yeah I hope this story can get people to go and get themselves checked. I was feeling terrible pain in my left sciatic nerve, I even had trouble walking normally so I visited a neurologist which suggested a scanner to know the origin.... that's how I found out, it was entirely unrelated to cancer.


Oct 31, 2017
Dont lose hope ! Set up a gofundme/paypal/whatever is necessary. You'll live to see Messi in Camp Nou !


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I hope this story can get people to go and get themselves checked. I was feeling terrible pain in my left sciatic nerve, I even had trouble walking normally so I visited a neurologist which suggested a scanner to know the origin.... that's how I found out, it was entirely unrelated to cancer.

We really need smart diagnostics in every bathroom to prevent this stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad to see that you're considering starting a crowdfunding campaign. A financial burden like this should not be one person's responsibility. I'll chip in as soon as it's set up.


Oct 27, 2017
I was watching Star Trek voyager last night and I wish we had that future medical tech now.

That doctor hologram guy can cure anything!


Oct 25, 2017
Hey Talal,

First of all, I am really sorry for what you are going through, I know it must be incredibly difficult but as long as there is life there is hope right.

You are definitely not alone here, and there might still be options. The people of Morocco can be extremely generous too, I know because I am Moroccan and living in Morocco too, I am sure there are some options that haven't been explored, maybe we can discuss it in PM.

As far as money from abroad is concerned, yes you can receive it fine in your bank account. I believe ideally, someone abroad you trust would set up the crowdfunding, and then the money should be transferred to your local bank account. There are no huge restrictions I am pretty sure.

Best of luck my dude, allah ychafik. It's not often you see Moroccans over here, it would suck to lose one of the few here.

Amine khoya. A moroccan and Monster fan ! Glad to find you here. Thank you for your reply ! This changes things for me a lot I will look into and optimize.
Yes I've tried a lot of stuff, me and my family. I got a lot of help, an association managed to get me a huge cut by contacting a Iranian doctor in Cheikh Khalifa hospital . Some benefactors also helped me do some rounds of treatment. I also got RAMED, it doesn't take my case in charge but it helped diminishing the costs. Anyway, thank you for reaching out. Feel free to dm me anytime.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I'm so sorry man. Cancer runs in my family so I've seen how destructive it is.

If you live in Morocco is there no way to come to any country in Europe? In many of the countries cancer treatment is relatively free (but I really don't know how it would work for someone who's not a citizen).

I've always loved this song. It's kind of bitter-sweet but in the end I think it is one of the things that matter the most, to let our loved ones know how much we care and love them.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
Really sorry to hear your news OP. I can't imagine what that must feel like.

My older brother was given three weeks to live in April, and he passed away that month from cancer. I always wondered how it made him feel, but i was never able to ask him that question because he didn't tell anyone about his timeframe besides my mom.

I'm not going to pretend like I got something to say to make you feel better OP. I just want you to know that I will be praying for you tonight, and if you get a chance I encourage you to read the Gospels. I pray you allow God to touch your heart.


Oct 28, 2017
May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face. May the winds of destiny carry you aloft, to dance with the Stars.

Best of luck Talal.


Oct 28, 2017
As someone who recently lost a brother to cancer I understand your pain. And i agree try to live with no regrets.


Oct 27, 2017
May we all be as cool, calm and collected as you when we hear the end calling our name.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Amine khoya. A moroccan and Monster fan ! Glad to find you here. Thank you for your reply ! This changes things for me a lot I will look into and optimize.
Yes I've tried a lot of stuff, me and my family. I got a lot of help, an association managed to get me a huge cut by contacting a Iranian doctor in Cheikh Khalifa hospital . Some benefactors also helped me do some rounds of treatment. I also got RAMED, it doesn't take my case in charge but it helped diminishing the costs. Anyway, thank you for reaching out. Feel free to dm me anytime.

Did you look into that thing someone mentioned before? It's possible you may be able to receive money from the US that way as well. Don't give up. 40% chance is pretty big.

I'll gladly donate to whatever you get set up!


Oct 25, 2017
Did you look into that thing someone mentioned before? It's possible you may be able to receive money from the US that way as well. Don't give up. 40% chance is pretty big.

I'll gladly donate to whatever you get set up!
Yes and I just sent them a message through support to know if it's possible and how much time it takes to have access to them. Just in case.
Thank you dear for your concern and your willingness to help.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Talal your post was amazing and I am so sorry for what you are going through, both with your lack of affordable care and the experience of having to deal with your cancer every day. I know it must be hard on so many levels.

Watching this thread, and if there is any way for me to donate, I will. I am not well-off, but would gladly find a way to help out.

One thing I can say confidently: Your life till now has not been wasted. We all have dreams we don't reach, but just being alive for a time is a gift. Every second we gain a wealth of experience and add so much to the world that would not exist if we didn't.

Lots of it might seem minor when you compare it to personal built-up expectations or the VERY small minority of successful, well-off, and/or iconic people upon which we tend to frame our notions of relevance, but it's NOT. Every second you've lived to this point right now has been a supernova of relevance because you ARE and have been. There is a kind of binary logic going on here, in that there is infinite nothingness, and then there is existence. You got to be part of a tiny minority that is existence, and probably affected that for others more than you think.

All the more reason to fight, and to ask for help as you can. Even if it ends up not working, you will have spent your days here fighting to stick around, and can pass knowing that you celebrated and appreciated your life.

Wishing you the best and hoping I can help, bud. <3


Oct 27, 2017
40% is better than nothing. I say fight it if you can.

Best of luck and godspeed regardless.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear this Talal. Can't imagine. =(

You were talking about regrets but if your up for it could you tell us some things you've enjoyed like favorite place to visit or favorite movie and game?


Oct 27, 2017
Go play Final Fantasy XV
Go climb Kilimanjaro
Go rent and then drive a muscle car
Go fly and watch a Barcelona game
Go make a low budget movie because you still can

You don't have long but you can do all of that and still have time with your family. Go take out a loan, put things on credit, no bank can charge your family as they won't owe anything.

LIVE. You are not burdening anyone, living your last few days is not an inconvenience to anyone but yourself.
You can still see the world and your nobody.

Your gift is that you know when the end is coming, now is your chance to live it to the fullest. This is a TV plot come to life and YOU'RE the main character.

Sutton Dagger

Oct 27, 2017
It is just unbelievable that someone can be given such a prognosis and have to deal with the prospect of 2 months to live because of how much treatment costs....

I don't know you Talal, but please set up a funding page, I'll definitely send some Aussie dollars to help out.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear this Talal. Can't imagine. =(

You were talking about regrets but if your up for it could you tell us some things you've enjoyed like favorite place to visit or favorite movie and game?
This is a great idea. I was thinking of creating a website listing my favorite stuff. I'm very passionate about stuff I like so it would mean a lot sharing it.

Favorite movie is very very hard. I've seen like a 1000 or more movies. Some of my favorites : The Fountain, La Grande Bellezza, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Godfather, Heat, Good Will Hunting, Aviator and Raging Bull.
Favorite book: without hesitation the goat novel by the greatest writer of all time: Dostoyesvki's The Brothers Karamazov. If there is an afterlife, I'd love to hang out with Dosto if only for 15 minutes.
Favorite game : Chrono Cross, with FF7 a very close second. Xenogears and FFX as well.
Favorites mangas: Berserk, Monster, 20th Century Boys.
Favorite anime: Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Favorite TV Shows: The Sopranos, Rome, Breaking Bad (now more than ever), Mad Men, Six Feet Under.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, if there is anything that we can do...can you travel to another country to treat? Some latin america, or another place with a public service treatment? Ask Reddit or any social media, how much do you have to pay for your treatment?

I know is not much of a place, but my house is open if ever Brasil become a option.

Dont give up if is you desire.


Oct 30, 2017
I'll gladly chip in. 37K shouldn't be that hard to raise and 40% is definitely worth fighting for, I claim. Gonna bookmark this thread and check it everyday for status update. Expecting a donation link in next 24 hours.


Oct 28, 2017
We should ask mods for help. Having some link in the front page for this thread and pulling resetera's comunity weight towards a funding page.

Talal's 40% are higher than 0. I feel we could make a real difference. Of course the OP calls the shots here.


Oct 25, 2017
I always hear those 2 months expanding into years and more. Its common story, and you can be one of those to tell it. Don't give up. And do start living your life more fully. It doesn't have to be fancy, just you enjoying it. And again, don't give up. You're alive and kicking, so kick despair in the teeth.


Oct 28, 2017
This is a great idea. I was thinking of creating a website listing my favorite stuff. I'm very passionate about stuff I like so it would mean a lot sharing it.

Favorite movie is very very hard. I've seen like a 1000 or more movies. Some of my favorites : The Fountain, La Grande Bellezza, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Godfather, Heat, Good Will Hunting, Aviator and Raging Bull.
Favorite book: without hesitation the goat novel by the greatest writer of all time: Dostoyesvki's The Brothers Karamazov. If there is an afterlife, I'd love to hang out with Dosto if only for 15 minutes.
Favorite game : Chrono Cross, with FF7 a very close second. Xenogears and FFX as well.
Favorites mangas: Berserk, Monster, 20th Century Boys.
Favorite anime: Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Favorite TV Shows: The Sopranos, Rome, Breaking Bad (now more than ever), Mad Men, Six Feet Under.

Good stuff! =)
Can't say I'm an anime fan but for you I'll check out Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Heck I like the title. Haha.
Last one for now. Favorite food? Snack, full meal...
Sorry just trying to distract you from regret.
Oct 27, 2017
OP, my college professor told me a story

Doctors told he she only had 2 months to live
She took out a loan and spent a lot of money vacationing
2 months later, she never died
now she has one of the biggest loans in the world and now that's why she's a professor and can't retire

Never lose hope, no matter what doctors tell you. Nobody knows you better than you. Fight.