
Nov 22, 2018
I guess his relationship with the BBC is non-existent, rather than pure hatred from him and the marketing team :v

Like, probably, they don't even have his number; and the contacts between the parts refuse to pass messages to each other.

He probably didn't even know about this, nor the marketing team tried to reach him knowing past attempts.
Yeah I would agree with you. I doubt they even asked.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like a big cross-media thing- Big Finish have tweeted about it, and there are "TLV" books listed on Amazon.

The words say Tennant, but the crack says Smith...


Oct 25, 2017
I see this being not dissimilar to the Star Wars High Republic stuff- a concerted effort across various tie-in ranges to focus on a particular point in time while the main series is off the air.

Basically, the people running the brand have been gagging to get Tennant back by hook or by crook, and short of crowbarring him into the TV show this could be the next best thing.


Oct 27, 2017

Time Lord Victorious - a new multi-platform adventure! - News - Big Finish

Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks...

BBC Studios is pleased to announce that Doctor Who will be the focus of a multi-platform story launching later this year. Time Lord Victorious will see partners including Penguin Random House, Doctor Who Magazine, Titan Comics, Escape Hunt, Big Finish Productions, Eaglemoss Hero Collector, Immersive Everywhere, Maze Theory, BBC Books and BBC Audio, unite to tell a brand new Doctor Who story.

Time Lord Victorious will launch later this year, with products and experiences scheduled to launch over a twelve week period.

Time Lord Victorious will tell a new and untold story, set within the Dark Times at the start of the universe, when even the Eternals were young. Following several Doctors across space and time as they defend their home planet from a terrible race, this is a story like no other.

The story will feature the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Doctors, companion Rose Tyler and monsters including the Daleks and the Ood, with more to be revealed over the coming months as products are announced.


This sounds, kind of confusing.


Oct 27, 2017

Time Lord Victorious - a new multi-platform adventure! - News - Big Finish

Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks...
Doesn't state if it is the actual Doctors actors.

I can assume McGann is in, his audio stuff has been amazing.


Oct 29, 2017
I noticed Tennant and Smith are on the cover of Doctor Who Magazine this month. And Lockdown Who and this new initiative seem to be also focusing on the RTD and Moffat eras. It's getting kinda nuts how the new era is almost being treated as an inconvenience to the franchise that is pushed out of the way by fans and licensees as soon as it's off the air.


Oct 29, 2017
Doesn't state if it is the actual Doctors actors.

I can assume McGann is in, his audio stuff has been amazing.

Reckon McGann will definately do audios for this. I think there's a good possibility Tennant will as well, given the way things are. He'd just need an ISDN line or whatever. Ninth Doctor is a weird one to put in there given Ecclestone didn't even do the charity thing - maybe comics?


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I noticed Tennant and Smith are on the cover of Doctor Who Magazine this month. And Lockdown Who and this new initiative seem to be also focusing on the RTD and Moffat eras. It's getting kinda nuts how the new era is almost being treated as an inconvenience to the franchise that is pushed out of the way by fans and licensees as soon as it's off the air.
When most people don't like the new stuff, and the ratings are in the toilet, they know that they can turn to nostalgia for better eras to get people excited.


Oct 25, 2017
I noticed Tennant and Smith are on the cover of Doctor Who Magazine this month. And Lockdown Who and this new initiative seem to be also focusing on the RTD and Moffat eras. It's getting kinda nuts how the new era is almost being treated as an inconvenience to the franchise that is pushed out of the way by fans and licensees as soon as it's off the air.
The difference is that both Davies and Moffat are big, exuberant media personalities who will gladly talk about their series at the drop of a hat, whereas Chibnall gives every impression of being an introvert who isn't particularly comfortable talking about his work. You see it in the way that the series is promoted (or not, as it happens) before launch, and you can see it now- the idea of Chibnall agreeing to an interview with RTD or Moffat is basically impossible.

In fair to Chibnall, he's been doing great work behind the scenes- he was the one who's been commissioning all of the tie-in fiction we've had over the past few weeks.


Jul 25, 2018
What is Eccleston's problem with Doctor Who? That he wouldn't do that charity thing for example, when everyone else did.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
What is Eccleston's problem with Doctor Who? That he wouldn't do that charity thing for example, when everyone else did.
Based on what he said when he spoke at NYCC, he and a lot of the production staff were treated like dog shit during his lone season by a lot of higher ups, including one of the Doctor Who directors, and it soured him to such a degree that he quit after that season and subsequently refused to be involved in future endeavors.


Oct 25, 2017
Big Finish are getting in on the watchalongs with a listenalong of The Chimes of Midnight on May 1st:

Doctor Who - The Chimes of Midnight listening party! - News - Big Finish

Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks...

It'll be on Soundcloud here for free for the duration of the listening party:

Doctor Who: The Chimes of Midnight listening party

FIND OUT MORE AT THE BIG FINISH WEBSITE: On Friday 1 May at precisely 7pm (UK time), the very first Big Finish listening party will get underway, with a free livestream of Doctor Who: The

If you've not listened to it before, Chimes of Midnight is excellent. In the top pantheon of BF stories, easily, and many people put it right at the top.


Oct 29, 2017
Did we ever talk about the final 28-day ratings? New issue of Doctor Who Magazine has the final figures. Timeless Children got 5.17m over 28 days, lowest of the series.


Oct 27, 2017

Time Lord Victorious - a new multi-platform adventure! - News - Big Finish

Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks...


This sounds, kind of confusing.

Everything except TV and film :(


Dec 15, 2017
Did we ever talk about the final 28-day ratings? New issue of Doctor Who Magazine has the final figures. Timeless Children got 5.17m over 28 days, lowest of the series.

The 3 guides I use:

Overnight Ratings and AI -
+7 Ratings / + 4 Screens -
Average Ratings per Season -

For Final Ratings your best bet would be the ratings threads on the Gallifrey Base forums.


Dec 15, 2017
What is Eccleston's problem with Doctor Who? That he wouldn't do that charity thing for example, when everyone else did.

From what I've read the 9-month schedule to film the first 13 episodes was brutal and Chris witnessed on-set bullying. Sounds like the higher-ups swept it under the rug and he got blacklisted (hence his move to America to do Heroes and GI Joe). The media were also more concerned with him quitting than his contribution to the show.

As for why he didn't agree to the movie:

Why Christopher Eccleston Left Doctor Who

Christopher Eccleston says he'll only return as the Ninth Doctor if Russell T Davies is "sacked" from Doctor Who. Here's why.

"I was asked about the 50th anniversary episode, and it was written by Steven Moffat, so obviously I was really interested," recounted Eccleston. "But, when I read the script, I felt that it was basically myself, Matt, and Dave riffing off the fact that we used to be the Doctors. I, personally, didn't feel the narrative was strong enough, particularly for the Ninth Doctor, because I had taken quite a lot of abuse in my own country when I left. As the show was being celebrated, I was being abused in the press, and that was hard to take. And very confusing. So I looked at it and I thought, 'Is this really the way I want to come back?' And I decided it wasn't."

With Eccleston out, the project would go on to cast John Hurt as The War Doctor, a role that presumably came about later in the script development process. Eccleston praised the end result.

"I've read a lot of scripts, so I understand the strengths of scripts, and I was sent the new draft, which was without me and with the late, great, and one of my big heroes John Hurt," said Eccleston. "I just thought that script was immaculate. And I think it added to the canon of Doctor Who in a way that me coming back wouldn't. I think the War Doctor was a brilliant working of Steven Moffat's imagination, and I loved watching him do that."
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

Time Lord Victorious - a new multi-platform adventure! - News - Big Finish

Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks...


This sounds, kind of confusing.
So I suppose they get an Eccleston sound alike for this kind of stuff?


Oct 29, 2017
Adult Life Skills has apparently been added to Netflix if anyone is after more Jodie (and a level crossing from my hometown that was used as a filming location).


Oct 25, 2017
What is Eccleston's problem with Doctor Who? That he wouldn't do that charity thing for example, when everyone else did.

don't forget that eccleston is the king of talking shit about previous projects he was on so he loves to taint his image to producers and stuffs like that.
Like not only doctor who, but marvel also don't want to touch him with a 10 feet pole =P


Oct 27, 2017
It's so ironic how close Timeless Children was to the Rey Palpatine reveal, although it was far worse.
Oct 25, 2017
You know, if Chris is still engaged and looped-in enough to get DW draft scripts, I bet he comes back eventually.
He does seem more keen as time goes on. He attended a Doctor Who convention earlier this year. He does do general conventions occasionally, but I believe he said this was his first time for a DW-specific event and that he's warming back up to it all.
Really it sounded like he was already down for the 50th if they had given him something meatier to work with. Just had higher standards for what could convince him to return.

I think there's a very real possibility that within the next few years he might be convinced to dip his toes back in, with the right project.


Oct 25, 2017
There's an updated "Power of the Daleks" animation coming out:

Patrick Troughton stars in this recreation of a lost classic from 1966.

The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Polly and Ben to a colony on the swamp planet of Vulcan. Soon after arriving, the Doctor witnesses a brutal murder.

Meanwhile, in another part of the colony an ancient crashed space capsule has been discovered in the swamps. The colony's misguided chief scientist opens the capsule and discovers a group of strange metal 'creatures' inside. The creatures appear to be long dead. The Doctor calls the metal creatures 'Daleks' and claims that they are incredibly dangerous.

'Power of the Daleks' was the first Doctor Who story to star Patrick Troughton as the Doctor - broadcast between November and December 1966. Sadly, none of the six original broadcast episodes of 'Power of the Daleks' any longer exist in the BBC Film Archives. However, complete audio recordings of the lost episodes have survived in the hands of private collectors. And it is these audio recordings that are used as the basis for this special animated production of the programme. Now in a brand new edition and brought to you in glorious black and white...

Includes exciting new special features:
• Two new documentaries about Power of the Daleks
• 1993 BBC audio version of The Power of the Daleks narrated by Tom Baker
• Raw incidental music
• Photogrammetry Featurette
• Whicker's World - I Don't Like My Monsters to Have Oedipus Complexes
• Daleks - The Early Years: A 1992 documentary presented by Peter Davison
• Robin Hood - 1953 Episode: Patrick Troughton's earliest surviving TV appearance
• BBC archive footage from BBC regional news, BBC Breakfast, Blue Peter and Newsnight
• Previously unreleased animation trailers and animatics

Additional bonus material:
• Audio commentaries by Anneke Wills on each episode
• Animation test footage
• Photo Gallery, including previously unreleased and rediscovered full colour on-set photos from 1966.
• Servants & Masters - The Making of The Power of the Daleks
• Doctor Who – The Highlanders

Not in the PR, but the director of the animation has added the following:

"The animation hasn't just been tweaked. It's been very extensively revised. Big ground up re-build. Huge job. Every shot has been re-composited. Many sections have been re-animated from scratch. In fact, the entire first third of episode 1 has essentially been redone completely anew. That part's unrecognisable now. It'll be a good quarter of an hour in before you'll see any shots that are even close to how they used to look. It's still limited animation of course, made with limited resources. However, it should be twenty times better than it was. It should feel like a new programme and will sit far more comfortably alongside the other Troughton animations we have done since. It's essentially what we set out to do back in 2016, on the original rush-release, but were unable to complete in the time. We've gone in and fixed all the things (well, most of them) that have niggled us since 2016. It's not a completely new animation - not a completely fresh-start - in that we've not scrapped all the original work. There's still lots of the original in there, but it is still a massive revision."


Oct 25, 2017
There's an updated "Power of the Daleks" animation coming out:

Patrick Troughton stars in this recreation of a lost classic from 1966.

The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Polly and Ben to a colony on the swamp planet of Vulcan. Soon after arriving, the Doctor witnesses a brutal murder.

Meanwhile, in another part of the colony an ancient crashed space capsule has been discovered in the swamps. The colony's misguided chief scientist opens the capsule and discovers a group of strange metal 'creatures' inside. The creatures appear to be long dead. The Doctor calls the metal creatures 'Daleks' and claims that they are incredibly dangerous.

'Power of the Daleks' was the first Doctor Who story to star Patrick Troughton as the Doctor - broadcast between November and December 1966. Sadly, none of the six original broadcast episodes of 'Power of the Daleks' any longer exist in the BBC Film Archives. However, complete audio recordings of the lost episodes have survived in the hands of private collectors. And it is these audio recordings that are used as the basis for this special animated production of the programme. Now in a brand new edition and brought to you in glorious black and white...

Includes exciting new special features:
• Two new documentaries about Power of the Daleks
• 1993 BBC audio version of The Power of the Daleks narrated by Tom Baker
• Raw incidental music
• Photogrammetry Featurette
• Whicker's World - I Don't Like My Monsters to Have Oedipus Complexes
• Daleks - The Early Years: A 1992 documentary presented by Peter Davison
• Robin Hood - 1953 Episode: Patrick Troughton's earliest surviving TV appearance
• BBC archive footage from BBC regional news, BBC Breakfast, Blue Peter and Newsnight
• Previously unreleased animation trailers and animatics

Additional bonus material:
• Audio commentaries by Anneke Wills on each episode
• Animation test footage
• Photo Gallery, including previously unreleased and rediscovered full colour on-set photos from 1966.
• Servants & Masters - The Making of The Power of the Daleks
• Doctor Who – The Highlanders

Not in the PR, but the director of the animation has added the following:

"The animation hasn't just been tweaked. It's been very extensively revised. Big ground up re-build. Huge job. Every shot has been re-composited. Many sections have been re-animated from scratch. In fact, the entire first third of episode 1 has essentially been redone completely anew. That part's unrecognisable now. It'll be a good quarter of an hour in before you'll see any shots that are even close to how they used to look. It's still limited animation of course, made with limited resources. However, it should be twenty times better than it was. It should feel like a new programme and will sit far more comfortably alongside the other Troughton animations we have done since. It's essentially what we set out to do back in 2016, on the original rush-release, but were unable to complete in the time. We've gone in and fixed all the things (well, most of them) that have niggled us since 2016. It's not a completely new animation - not a completely fresh-start - in that we've not scrapped all the original work. There's still lots of the original in there, but it is still a massive revision."
I am glad they are revising this. Power of the Daleks is an excellent serial, but I preferred the telesnap reconstruction to the badly done animation.


Oct 25, 2017
I am glad they are revising this. Power of the Daleks is an excellent serial, but I preferred the telesnap reconstruction to the badly done animation.

Yup. That animation was done in a massive hurry to be ready for the 50th anniversary iirc. I'm surprised they think a SE of Power would sell enough to make it, I guess the animations are selling decently.

Old Series Season 14 Set was released today. Mines arrived from Amazon. People already trying to sell it for £150 on Ebay

Got mine too. I guess they made too few again lol


Oct 25, 2017
We've got up to Matt Smith with my kids - they love him, particularly his first scene where he's trying different foods. Watching them all so closely together really gives you the injection of pace that comes with a new Doctor. It also helps that he's my second favourite after Sylvester McCoy (Troughton would be up there as well, which gives you an indication of the Doctor style I like - although as I get older I'm getting much more into the 5th)

Also, my oldest just admitted that when we were in the park after watching Blink he tried blinking at the statues to see if they moved. I love him for that!


Oct 27, 2017
Great to hear about the updated Power of the Daleks. I actually got used to the original animation once I got past the first episode, but The Macra Terror was such an improvement (haven't seen Faceless Ones yet) that I'm glad a much better story is getting an upgrade to match it.

Ok now to duck out of this thread...still haven't seen S12 yet, and while I've been unable to avoid a lot of spoilers, I still don't know what this Timeless Children deal is, other than pissing a lot of people off. Hopefully it'll come swiftly to HBO Max.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's the most insane retcon in the series, and my genuine reaction to it was smacking myself on the forehead and not being able to comment on it. It's such a hot mess...


Oct 25, 2017
This is a pretty off-topic contribution but Sacha Dhawan is in the new Hulu series The Great and it was real pleasure to see him there. I've only watched the first episode, mind, so if the show falls a cliff please don't hold me responsible.

(On-topic I love the idea of the time lords appropriating regeneration from another species, I just wish The Doctor wasn't the one they got it from or that the Doctor now has an unknown past as some kind of 'fixer' for the time lords. The way the episode played out too was just utterly baffling)


Oct 27, 2017
Should I watch series 11 first, or just dive into 12?
Maybe the question should be should you watch either one?

IMO the only episodes worth watching are Rosa and Resolution. I think S11 is generally agreed to be slightly less bad than S12 so if you're set on watching the episodes at all I wouldn't skip to S12.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Should I watch series 11 first, or just dive into 12?

Series 11 is boring/dull, and hardly anything of note happens. It isn't outwardly bad, however.

Series 12 has lots of HUGE things happen... and it's all very terrible. It's hard to say if S11 is worth watching as a meaningful lead into 12, but I'd say both are pretty hard to get through. So maybe just 12?


Oct 29, 2017
Series 11 had some great episodes, namely Demons of Punjab, It Takes You Away and Resolution.

The witchhunter one was really good fun too.

I think that even though the writing isn't as strong as earlier seasons, it's worth it for the Doctor and Graham alone. I would personally watch both seasons.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Smh at people telling others to skip episodes, just watch the damn thing and decide for yourself if you like them or not