
Oct 27, 2017
It was alright it dragged a bit for me. As a US fan I cant handle the accents this season can barely make out what they are saying sometimes. Also did they really make the bad guy The Predator lol.
Oi right there's nowt wrong with been northern you great big numpty.

Oddest critique I've seen so far was 'Doctor Who doesn't need to be cinematic'.
Oh no, how dare TV try and look nice.


Serebii.net Webmaster
Oct 24, 2017
It was alright. It wasn't as self congratulatory as I feared it'd be which was nice.

I'm not sold on Jodie yet. To me it just felt like she was trying to do an imitation of Tennant and Smith but just couldn't quite get the gravitas they had.

I wasn't sold on Capaldi at first either though as it wasn't until Season 9 that I was.Same with Matt Smith...it wasn't until the Van Gogh episode that he clicked with me and he ended up being my favourite Doctor.

Overall a decent but not amazing start. Will see how it goes :)


Oct 28, 2017
Genuinely hope that there'll be some great original monsters or threats. I don't want a load of social commentary without some new bangers. Moffat brought some great new threats with his writing - here's hoping that Chibnall has some great ones too.

Oh, be more sci-fi.


Oct 25, 2017

To put those numbers in perspective, the steady decline over the last few years means that the last series tended to average between 5 and 6 million viewers - over a 28 day catchup period. Getting over 8M in overnights is a phenomenal increase. Blogtor Who has an article detailing season 10's numbers in more detail (and some comparison to previous seasons so you can tell the decline)

Now it's important to highlight that you can't view a Doctor's first episode in isolation; you're definitely going to get extra viewers tuning in out of curiosity, and they aren't necessarily going to be sticking around for the rest of the series - and it's fair to say that that's likely to be more the case with a new Doctor that's as significant as this one. What we can say categorically is that right here, right now, the Beeb are very happy with how it's started out.

Jodie and Chris have aced the first test.

Edit: Might be the highest overnight rating for a conventional series episode (i.e not Christmas, not the anniversary) since Journey's End?
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
Genuinely hope that there'll be some great original monsters or threats. I don't want a load of social commentary without some new bangers. Moffat brought some great new threats with his writing - here's hoping that Chibnall has some great ones too.

Oh, be more sci-fi.
Apparently there are no returning monsters this season


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wow it feels so different now. I did get a bit bored in the middle of the ep but I'm sort of into the seriousish tone for now?

The monster was a dumb version of the Predator.

The music is sort of low key. Hope they can make some memorable tunes.

Thirteen sort of reminds of Ten right now.


Oct 27, 2017
A rather low key enemy probably suited the more down to earth nature of the episode. It also doesn't overshadow the new Doctor.

Next week's look suitably grand.

Also: Are we taking bets the title sequence gets leaked/released before next week's episode?


Oct 25, 2017
A rather low key enemy probably suited the more down to earth nature of the episode. It also doesn't overshadow the new Doctor.

Next week's look suitably grand.

Also: Are we taking bets the title sequence gets leaked/released before next week's episode?

I'm curious if the imagery behind the end credits is indicative of the look of the intro, because if so, I think we might be looking at something a bit Pertwee-era-esque.


Oct 25, 2017
I really like Tim Shaw. Edgelord dickhead alien ripped out of an American space opera is always such a fun match for the Doctor. Perfect way to show how her values and smarminess haven't gone away.


Oct 27, 2017
I really like Tim Shaw. Edgelord dickhead alien ripped out of an American space opera is always such a fun match for the Doctor. Perfect way to show how her values and smarminess haven't gone away.
I would have been annoyed if it had been some over-bearing world ending event AGAIN.

Nice to have a smaller story that still has an emotional impact. I'm glad they took the time to establish victims as more than two dimensional alien fodder too.

It was a lot more grown up, without being too grim.

I'm also relieved there hasn't been some general weirdo backlash saying it's the worst thing ever to happen to Doctor Who.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was a pretty great episode. Sure the actual plot was whatever, but that's not really important in an introduction episode IMO. The real important thing is selling the viewer on the new cast, and I think they did it fantastically. I love Whittaker as the Doctor and I also really enjoy the ensemble of companions.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it a lot. Completely dropped Who with Capaldi, but this seems to have recaptured some of what I liked about the show. Jodie was really cool :)


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Didn't love the episode. If I wasn't a fan already this episode would probably do nothing to draw me in to continue watching the series.

The absolute highlight was The Doctor and as always I can't wait to see how this new Doctor develops.

As far as NuWho regeneration stories go this is possibly 3rd on my list. As far as standalone episodes go... It's not that memorable and definitely not what I'd use to try and get a friend or relative into the story.


Features Editor at VG247.com
Oct 28, 2017
The numbers are really exciting/encouraging, wow. Obviously there's going to be a 'historic event' inflation because Jodie is a real first, but I really hope people stick around in the coming weeks.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved this! I watched it in a theatre, which turned out to be a great call. It took me a little while to warm up to the new Doctor but by the end I loved her and I'm really excited about this series. I'm getting Second Doctor vibes as well; that delighted, slightly surprised reaction to things, or conversely, the frustrated yelp ("double cheat!"), and the way she mucks around with the companions, bumbles a bit, then reveals how brilliant she's been feels very Troughton-esque in particular.

The show seemed quite different in tone and presentation. Much slower, and darker too; though I guess it was mostly set at night. A very 80s sci-fi feel. The ending shot was absolutely perfect. I'm looking forward to this new series after absolutely being blown away by Moffat's last season, and one of my favourite companions ever in Bill. Great times.


Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden
It was a little dour to be perfectly frank, a little bit like Torchwood. But all in all it was a fine introducitonary episode.
I like the lighthearted adventures more than the serious ones anyway. Not a fan of night shoots either.


Oct 25, 2017
More ratings stuff as the more detailed numbers come in:

Remember that viral clip of the excited little girl yelling "THE DOCTOR'S GONNA BE A GIRL!?". This is why it matters.


May 19, 2018
Honestly disappointed. The plot was a bit eh but quite enjoyed the cast except The Doctor. I don't know but something about Jodie doesn't sit right with me. I was excited for her but that didn't do anything for me. To be fair it took me a while to get into Capaldi as The Doctor and I ended up loving him. I'm gonna keep watching but just wasn't impressed :(


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing about the ratings that irks me is how under-viewed S10 was. It deserved better...


Oct 31, 2017
More ratings stuff as the more detailed numbers come in:

Remember that viral clip of the excited little girl yelling "THE DOCTOR'S GONNA BE A GIRL!?". This is why it matters.

Thinking that by the time my daughters will be old enough to watch Doctor Who this will be normal to them feels just right.


Mar 12, 2018
Loved whittakers take. Really sad about the death. That was my favorite character besides Whittaker up to that point.

That said this world reminds me of torchwood. Maybe jack will be the first surprise return ?


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
So just watch this episode and this would be the first time I've jumped back into the show after almost 5 years (granted, I binged nuWho when I first watched it).

It was alright. Might be curious to see more next week. I'm still kinda iffy on the fact that the entire world always gets amnesia on stuff that's happened before (which kinda goes to show how bonkers the Davies era was), but it's just a nitpick at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a huge grin on my face the entire time. Whittaker's a great Doctor already and even if on it own terms the episode's plot might not have been super great, I actually don't even care. The Doctor doing Doctor stuff has always been enough to entertain me. It's just a show that always manages to make me feel good for whatever reason. Like, just listening to the theme song always lifts up my spirits.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
It took me several episodes to start to like Smith and Capaldi, and I was fully expecting the same from Whittaker but I loved her from the start.

I was saying to my friend it's a shame that there wasn't a fashion montage when The Doctor was choosing her new outfit.

They should have had her coming out in memorable outfits from her previous female companions and rejecting them all lol
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Anyone else thinking with how mean spirited some of those deaths were, that by the end of the season, they will get get back around to this episode and fix the deaths via time travel.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. I particularly liked the part where Moffat wasn't there anymore, and an actual functional adult who actually made an effort did this one.

...I should stop only posting in DW threads to whine about Moffat.

I hope the villain comes back. There's such an obvious setup for it - the guy is a laughing stock among his people now, so he grows a specific vendetta at the Doctor & friends. Maybe he tracks them down and then just randomly pops up again during an unrelated adventure, could be great. And Jodie seems good at this point, but it's way too early to make any kind of a judgement. It was a post regeneration episode, and she doesn't (...wrote "he doesn't" automatically first before going back to correct myself) even have her Tardis yet. Needs some time.

But it was pretty interesting how my wife was on board, like, immediately. She specifically loved Smith, and was generally fine with the rest of it, but never particularly cared for the show before or after Smith. Then Jodie landed on that train, said her few first lines, and my wife immediately proclaimed her to be her second favorite.


Oct 29, 2017
The writing is a bit iffy, but I like the cast overall. Will watch a bit more of the season and see how it grows from here.

It feels very different from Moffat, that's for sure, in good and bad ways.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What was cut out from the BBC America broadcast? How many ad breaks were there?

BBC with ads is an alien concept to me haha.


Oct 28, 2017
I liked the tone and production values of this... but I have no intention of ever re-watching that. Once was enough. Eleventh Hour on the other hand I find perfectly re-watchable. Not to say this episode is bad, it's just... it's a bit of a once and done for me.

Deleted member 1478

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Its a weird feeling but shows how well they made this transition that apart from a few obvious gender references during the episode, I wasn't thinking of this as the new female Doctor, it's just the Doctor.


Oct 27, 2017
What was cut out from the BBC America broadcast? How many ad breaks were there?

BBC with ads is an alien concept to me haha.

I'm not sure exactly what they cut. If past is any indication, probably good character bits that don't move the plot along. And there were a lot of ad breaks. From what I understand they cut about 7 or 8 minutes, and added probably 45 to 50 minutes of ads. The BBC runtime was 62 minutes. The BBCA time was about 1:40.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure exactly what they cut. If past is any indication, probably good character bits that don't move the plot along. And there were a lot of ad breaks. From what I understand they cut about 7 or 8 minutes, and added probably 45 to 50 minutes of ads. The BBC runtime was 62 minutes. The BBCA time was about 1:40.
Thanks, that does sound awful.


Mar 23, 2018
I like the new Doctor but felt this episode was not great. Did anyone else take note of how dark the lighting was for most of this episode? It was enough for me to find it a little distracting. Still excited for the new season though.