
Oct 25, 2017
more often these days id start writing something and then not finish or not reply. You still get the catharsis of disagreeing w a schmuck without actually getting into a fruitless argument.
Oct 26, 2017
I have personally learned a lot over the years engaging people here and on Gaf before, and I think it's made me a more open-minded and compassionate person, even if I often across as an ass. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so it's worth it generally.

I don't engage people on social media, though. Too many people are not actually ignorant, just hateful toward people outside of their racial or ideological circle, or at best ambivalent toward the suffering of other people, and delight in trying to rile people up. Nothing positive to be gained there.


Mar 30, 2018
Yeah when I was young I started getting into libertarianism. It seemed like an interesting alternative to mainstream politics, was anti-war, etc. I saw on the old forum libertarians get regularly dunked on and make embarrassing arguments so that helped me move away from that. I do think this forum can sometimes be too hostile to different opinions but that may just be a sign of the times we are living in.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't really get into arguments so no. I do often post on here and other forums if I disagree with something but very rarely make more than a post or two.

I must admit that it is quite rare when I'm posting that I will change my mind or see something from a different perspective as I only tend to get involved if I feel informed and I am confident in my position already. It is generally reading discussions between others on topics/issues that I am less confident about that I will learn new things and start to view things differently. For that reason I'd say that discussions between two people who disagree are still useful to have even if the actual participants don't get anything out of it.

For clarity, I am talking about genuine good faith disagreements and not angry twitter arguments.


Oct 4, 2022
I get nothing from them, so I generally avoid internet arguments. I've seen folks on message boards and subreddits over the years who show up to argue about the same topic over and over again (with the exact same talking points and participants), and I'm just kind of baffled. How is there enough time in the day for that? Is that like their hobby or something?

In general, I've always sort of ascribed the "every discussion is secretly a WAR OF WORDS that I must WIN!" mentality to dudes. There's always this combative edge to everything in male-dominated spaces. When the discussion is focused on politics, I 100% get that things can get heated, but bringing that same intense, angry energy to everything one discusses is incredibly off-putting to me. You couldn't pay me enough to get into heated arguments about pop culture or sports, for example (even the stuff I care about).

I'm also just a deep believer in the inherent subjectivity of artistic criticism, so if someone really loves something I dislike, it's fine, and if someone hates something I love, that's fine too. I like hearing people's reasons, of course, but I'm not gonna get into a screaming match because we don't see eye to eye.


Nov 15, 2018
I mostly lurk and skim right over arguments. It is often folks lasering in on small details or one upping each other. There is no value to it unless you deeply care about the subject matter yourself.


Dec 3, 2020
Honestly it's pointless most of the time because it's all just agenda. Logic doesn't mean shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I find it funny when someone replies to me with a heated argument leaving them on read


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
I'm getting old. I spent a lot of time arguing my side of things for the first 10 or so years of internet use, but I've slowly just stopped caring. I have my side on every argument or issue and I don't really care to change anyone else's mind or let them change mine. Because it doesn't work. I'll read other people's thoughts and take it into consideration on issues where I don't have strong feelings to form a better opinion, that's about it.

Best thing I could tell anyone is that discussions are fine, but if you are trying to change anyone else's mind on any issue, pretty much doesn't matter what it is, you're going to end up with a lot of accumulated wasted time when all is said and done. I'd just use that time on something that enriches your life in some way instead.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Usually I'm just bored and looking for something to engage with. I don't care that much if anyone's mind changes.


Dec 25, 2017
I don't send 99% of what I type. Even when I do engage I get bored pretty fast and just move on to something else.

If someone replies I read it but I usually don't post again. I don't need to feel like I'm winning if they disagree.


Oct 28, 2017
Around 26 years spent posting on message boards and I have gotten in to pretty much zero arguments. I ain't got time for that.

I do, however, have plenty of time to watch other people argue.


Dec 3, 2018
On era I try to enter every argument assuming good faith. Have def had my mind changed on something/vice-versa without it getting too heated.

But even if things don't end in mutual understanding, it can be a good mental exercise. Articulating your beliefs is a skill that you've gotta work on. Internet can be a great environment for that


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
An immense waste of time an energy for me. I dont even wanna argue with people IRL. What the fuck do I gain if I win or lose? its the same reguardless. I'd rather just guard my peace of mind and keep it moving.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
A huge waste of time and I've absolutely changed my opinions because of it, for the better.


here I am.

I do it much much much less than I used to though.
Feb 9, 2018
Sometimes. If it's someone clearly spewing BS, I might offer a rebuttal for the sake of others who might be fence-sitters. But arguing directly with some wingnut is basically like arguing with a brick wall.


Oct 25, 2017
There's very little that most people do that isn't a "waste of time" when it really comes down to it, and tbh I do enjoy arguing with people online, I don't expect to change anyone's opinion or my own (Whenever I change my own opinion it's from learning new things, not arguments on the internet, and I'll guess most people are the same), it's just nice to call someone a fucking idiot every now and then
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No one's opinion has ever been made up by text on the internet.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
About shit that don't matter like spaceships and shit, it can be fun.

But real shit? I learned to stop that, ain't worth the headache


Oct 25, 2017
I spent my entire twenties arguing online. Complete waste of time that left me bitter and probably dumber for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Arguing online is pointless. Too many people just wanna win. In the end you usually just agree to disagree at best.


"This guy are sick"
Aug 23, 2023
Always regret it. I try to ignore/hide anything that I have an opinion about, but I've already gotten caught up a few times on these boards.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
I'll have some mild debates with people, but as I grow older I support Keanu Reeves position more. You think 2 + 2 = 5? Okay.

This has been my way of life since I finished high school. If I don't care that some vibrations exist, why would I argue about the opinions they have.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
It's complicated. Depends on topic and who I am disagreeing with. If I respond to a disagreement with someone more than once, that typically means I like and respect you, and enjoy interacting with you. I have valuable conversations this way. If it's someone I don't know, I'll drop it unless it's something I'm super passionate about.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
No, it's almost always a huge waste of time and an unnecessary source of stress, which is I really try to avoid it nowadays.

People online are often so needlessly insulting and obnoxious when arguing, and that makes it easy to be dragged down to their level. Which just makes me feel kind of dirty or something.

And you got to realize that no matter where you are online, there are always going to be those "well akshually" types who just have some weird compulsion to feel like they've owned someone online.
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Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much tapped out once I realized socially inept people will spin and shape even the most basic concepts online into some argument or disagreement. I prefer to have solid healthy discussions with real people, who can't cosplay themselves into whomever while sitting behind a screen.

I've personally found Social interactions online just amount to miserable people looking to infect others with their same miserable BS so they don't feel so lonely. Not a single topic is safe from said infection, and will have you arguing with these people on a video about making a fucking cake.

2+2=5 my nigga? Go ahead you do you


Oct 27, 2017
I simply don't participate. Even if someone says the dumbest thing I've ever read, I just move on. I assume someone else will fight with them. And if people argue with me I don't even see it 99% of the time, which gives me a twisted pleasure knowing they angrily typed out some wall of text that I'll never read. lol


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't really matter to me because I'm always right

Exactly. And if you think I'm wrong..



Dec 28, 2018
I feel like I learn a lot just reading

Especially when in regard to certain posters
I'm definitely not immune to the whole "lots of words and confident sounding = right" thing that is very reddit. But it comes with the territory of not being familiar with many things.
I've have my mind changed, or a least moved many times before as well.

Idk. Lots a dumb people but lots of smart people as well


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've never had a conversation/argument end with either party going "you're right, I was wrong, my mind has been changed."

But, at the same time, I've left those situations with seeds planted for future growth. Not all the time, but enough of the time. So I'm hopeful that I've planted some of those seeds over the years as well, if not to change minds at least to help people become a little more open-minded to my position.

But I've definitely learned how to differentiate good faith discussions and differences of opinion and people who are just being obstinate and argumentative. Those ones are easy to just ignore, thankfully.


Oct 28, 2017
After having been in many online arguments my conclusion is that they are futile and one should step away from them.

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
I like discussion and learn new things all the time from people with differing opinions from my own.

I don't like personal attacks or interacting with those that don't try to understand other's perspectives and are only out to win a back and forth. Unfortunately a lot of people have closed minds and are too quick to become defensive and emotional rather than have a productive chat.

In my younger years I didn't understand the value of tact or diplomacy. It took me a while to figure out facts alone and being right about something aren't anywhere near enough to get others to really consider where you're coming from.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't even like reading other people argue with each other, let alone getting into back and forths myself. On here or anywhere else on the internet.

It turns into a pedantic dick waving contest way too often.
Oct 28, 2017
I enjoy reading opinions on things that are well argued and backed up with resources. I'm constantly testing my mantle internally to justify my own thoughts on things.

But arguing online was something I'd do maybe in my 13-25s. I've grown detached in person and online to arguing. There's been multiple times I've been flamed by an entire thread on this forum for my take and either say "oh, okay moving along" or wanted to defend myself. But then I check in with myself - is this something I strongly believe and have argued? Is the counterargument strong enough for me to test my internal beliefs? Generally speaking, no. So I just post and move on.

Life is too complicated and short at the end of the day. Spend it wisely.

Prophet Five

Pundeath Knight
Nov 11, 2017
The Great Dark Beyond
I very rarely argue on the internet because I've learned I don't give a shit to what people think and they're not going to change their minds anyway. Ignore user/block buttons are far more effective uses of my time.


May 9, 2018
This was me in college. Now I just use it as an opportunity to post clever and well timed memes.

I did notice that how someone argues/ debates does tell a lot about a person. Like when someone start attacking the person instead of the argument. When they're using profanity needlessly. Or the one i hate the most, when they start using anecdotal points as a means of evidence.

But yeah, it's not worth it in the end.


May 31, 2018
I argue way too much and I really hate myself for it. Issue is if I'm not arguing I just tend to... not post, or discuss anything. I find it incredibly hard to just slide into conversations and be truly meaningful, or even just 'funny', without fucking something up or, well, ending up arguing again. It always ends up with me getting frustrated at them or, more often, myself; neither of which is particularly fun.

In any case, nothing changes because that's just the way things always go. I'm not above that. As the Keanu Reeves quote implies, someone could say 2+2=5 and there would be no hope in hell of ever, ever convincing them otherwise. Whether that person is me or someone else, it doesn't matter and never will. As long as someone has an emotional investment in something - which they almost always do - nothing matters.

I don't know. The internet just makes me feel miserable, but I'm too much of an idiot to really leave it and do anything different with my life.
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Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Depends on where and what we're discussing. Most online platforms? Absolutely not. Here? Yes. Because there's a bar that must be met for discourse here and blatant bullshit won't be tolerated.


Jun 14, 2023
I used to LOVE getting right wing trolls riled up in my local newspapers Facebook comments/Twitter feed, to the point where I had multiple people DM me trying to get my address or meet me in public to fight.

I deleted Twitter two years ago and don't follow my local news on Facebook anymore. Even if it was funny, it was a complete waste of time and energy


Oct 31, 2023
I can't afford to argue with people online anymore. This last week has taught me that. Every day I'd look at the news and the back and forth on whether Biden should keep running or not and the SCOTUS immunity case and I'd wind up anxious and not able to get anything actually done at work or at home after spending hours discussing and replying to people. I need to just tune out of arguments and try to help people in real life.


May 5, 2023
I've massively reduced my online posting (though it's still too high for my liking) because most posts are pointless and just airing opinions into the void. Now if only I could reduce my online forum reading…