Do You Think This Will Change Consumer Direction

  • Yes, I think many individuals will buy XBOXs now

    Votes: 308 24.5%
  • Some, I think we will see a slight growth

    Votes: 452 35.9%
  • Unsure, Could go either way

    Votes: 111 8.8%
  • No, Other competitors have the market

    Votes: 381 30.3%
  • Other, I see other outcomes

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2018
It depends on the games.

Really anxious to see what Microsoft is really working on, how their "next gen" games look, play etc.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes actually, I do. How significant? Only time will tell, but Microsoft have put themselves in an utterly fantastic position to gain market share. No more free layups for Sony this time, they have their ducks in order with messaging and product.

Dr. Zoidberg

Oct 25, 2017
Decapod 10
When you have a market leader during a transition, time has shown that no matter what the competitors do, the market leader has to royally screw up in some fashion in order for things to change much. So basically the question is not what Xbox does, but does Sony somehow screw up with PS5. I doubt it.


Jul 16, 2019
I think Series S will sell like hotcakes, yeah. Even people who have been adamant Sony followers in my friend group are considering getting an XSX just for how insane of a deal Game Pass is.


Oct 27, 2017
Next gen will not be the same as this one. 2020's Xbox division is in another league compared to 2013's Xbox division, and anybody who doesn't think Microsoft will, by default, do better must be in an impenetrable bubble. It's as simple as that.


Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
My prediction is MS will dominate next gen with series x and s, theyve got both the most powerful console and the most affordable one, that along with gamepass,xcloud, xbox all access, backwards compatibility and their stellar upcoming first party games (with even more studios coming) is a just a very appealing proposition for the masses, theyll dominate especially in the US, UK, Canada, Australia,New Zealand, Mexico and here in Brazil for sure, question remain when it comes to the rest of Europe and Japan will be really hard.

What do you guys think?


Oct 27, 2017
I voted for "many individuals will buy Xbox now" but I don't think it'll come at the cost of less PS5s being sold. I just think that at some point in the generation more PS5 owners will pick up an Xbox as well.


Oct 31, 2017
The industry will be strong for Sony, MS and Nintendo. It's just MS might do better than some people really want them to lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Not many will buy an inferior console so I see Series S will be outperformed by XSX and PS5 by a wide margin.


Jan 10, 2018
I feel like we're being asked the same question five different ways today. What I really wonder is will MS totally disconnect from the synchronized generation model and go for generation-less approach with PC and their consoles unified. At the end of the PS3/X360 generation I was mainly a PC gamer and was really hoping for Xbox and PC to have the same releases, maybe I get that this gen.


Oct 25, 2017
Price point wise they did well and should have a positve impact.

But it is all about the options available to consumers. We should revisit this once we know details of the PS5. Would be easier to do predictions then.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we need to wait and see what Sony plan to do before drawing conclusions.

We know very little about any additional features Sony will offer. Let alone a price.

Sony can come along tomorrow announce the digital PS5 for $299 and $399 and rebrand PSNOW as Gamepass basically dismantling Microsoft USP.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've said before I expect Microsoft to regain some of their lost marketshare, but I think a lot of people are overreacting to the explosion of Xbox news. They've still got a content problem through at least 2022 when their new studios hopefully start releasing titles. In addition the new Switch release could be a problem for them if they're trying to make a play for people's secondary devices with the Series S. There's too much up in the air right now to predict how things will play out.
Jul 20, 2020
Series S will sell a ton. People over estimate brand loyalty and how much price matters. Especially with how they'll market EA and gamepass it should sell well. PS5 will probably sell more but with the amount of people in the xbox eco system due to xcloud and PC should put Xbox over the top with amount of users. Idk if number of boxes sold will be a good metric for who is "winning" next gen.


Jan 14, 2018
I don't understand why Gamepass is suddenly considered a game changer. It's been around a while now. My ps4 library being playable is more important to me than what Gamepass offers.


Oct 27, 2017
I think a lot of people are going to make the move from PS4 to Series S this holiday.
So Sony built up a lot of good will for their exclusives and "many" people are just going to give up their libraries to go play on the S for what? Gamepass? You can buy a very cheap base Xbox right now and that's not setting the world on fire in sales so what's changed now? While Spider-Man and Demon's Souls are right around the corner on PS5.


Oct 30, 2017
I think gamepass will give folks in countries with a poor economy, especially post-covid, an option that they wouldn't have otherwise. Paying $60-$70 for games is simply not viable for millions of gamers. Series S with GP can make so much sense for this group.

Do many of those countries have good internet? that is the problem with having digital only. Having a low cost option is great but having it 100% reliant on ISP will handicap it's appeal.

This won't change much imo.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I think Xbox absolutely knocked it out the park today. Every headline I read today was better than the last. Is it enough to change the industry as a whole? That remains to be seen. I still believe that content is king & Sony is killing it with their exclusives.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand why Gamepass is suddenly considered a game changer. It's been around a while now. My ps4 library being playable is more important to me than what Gamepass offers.
This last year has been phenomenal for it. I don't think it was great out of the gate. Lots of day 1 additions even from third parties now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Between $299 and Game Pass they are poised for success. It all depends on how they market it this fall and onward.

It's an incredible value and once more people see that it could really take off.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I think Xbox will stay in 3rd place.

Japan will be even worse then last gen, it's dead for them unless they have tons of unannounced stuff targeted to that market which I doubt.
Europe (inc UK) moved further away from them this gen too.
Maybe they could have growth in the US?
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Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Too early to tell, but I think it will do pretty well.

Need to up their first party game though. Another generation like the last and it won't matter how good the hardware is or what good value gamepass represents.


Oct 31, 2017
i said it months ago and am going to stick to it. i see a 299 entry winning the US market back and maybe UK. World wide it will be Sony though.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
So Sony built up a lot of good will for their exclusives and "many" people are just going to give up their libraries to go play on the S for what? Gamepass? While Spider-Man and Demon's Souls are right around the corner.

I dont think so.. Aint no one leaving the PS ecosystem if all these years have not convinced them too.
I'm mostly thinking of the mainstream Madden/2K/FIFA/CoD audience who mostly play multiplatform games, are extremely price conscious, and may not typically upgrade to next gen at launch. Series S hitting at $299 gives them an easy way to join the excitement of next-gen. It even has high potiential to play well with parents. If you're being pressured to get a new console this holiday - do you get the $500 one (maybe $450, maybe $600) or the $300 one, when your kid really only plays Fortnite and that shit runs on everything?

The new Spider-Man is potientially a very strong counter to that particular play (Spider-Man being the rare exclusive to really cross over into the mainstream). But since it's still unclear if that's hitting at launch, as well as the full scale - time will tell if that breaks up a potiential $150-$300 price advantage.
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The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I anticipate Xbox doing better, for sure. It's still too early to say given we don't know price for PlayStation and in general how games will look and run on these consoles in person. And while I'm not predicting $399 for digital PS5, for these "casuals" that people keep bringing up as flocking to the Series S, how would that work? Like sure we can make the argument that moms and dads will just buy the cheapest next gen machine - and I'm sure that does happen - but isn't it more likely they will buy what their kid asks for or does just a tiny bit of research or asking questions in person. Because if it comes down to $299 for an Xbox that is 1/3ish less powerful than the PS5 Digital, especially with the cache that Sony has with games, is that going to turn sales away from Xbox Series S? I just don't think people are that slavish to price that it becomes the only real factor.

We will see.


Oct 25, 2017
I think MS is doing all the right things but...
I still feel like they aren't quite there. A lot of their acquisitions are still a couple years out from first games and I think that will make a big difference.

I am personally excited but I'm not their target as I have GP Ultimate and will always buy the new Xbox and PS console.

For traditional No-Xbox people, I don't think enough has changed to make them switch from PS5, but like I said it's all moving in the right direction.

But there is MS issues in Asia and Europe/worldwide. They are going to have to compete in all these places if they want to gain real ground on Sony imo
Oct 25, 2017
I think Series S will do very well, I see the Series X doing kind of what the X1X is doing now, which is fine, not absolutely amazing though. I do think Xbox will earn some market share back and probably take the US lead, a lot of this really depends on the cost of the PS5 as well.

Xbox's biggest problem right now is the same it's been for All of their top hitting games except Halo are years from now it seems.


Dec 29, 2017
I doubt that anything will change but I do hope they get rewarded though. Even a slight growth will be nice. They are doing a very nice job in regard to services and hardware.
Oct 27, 2017
GamePass is going to be a system seller as exclusives and 1st party games continue their trend towards meaningless.

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
I went from a PS2 to a 360 because at the launch E3 Peter Moore pretty much blew up Sony's spot by nabbing Final Fantasy and GTA, two franchises that I cared a LOT about back in 2006. They would need to make similar moves to get me to come back.

Similar moves they could make now:
  • Get the next Persona to release at the same time on S/X
  • Release a good and competent Fable game. Not asking for the world here. All of them were at least a little underwhelming in some ways. Just a return to form, and it would be a huge selling point for me.
  • Make a Crackdown like Crackdown 1OMGhowfuckinghardisthis? Why did they fucking dither away this potential franchise when all it needed was slight tweaks and better graphics? But hey, Terry Crews!
  • Bankroll a new Silent Hill game.
  • Buy Naughty Dog?
  • Buy Insomniac Games?
The second item on that list is something they are working on, but I haven't seen enough (or anything?) to make a judgement yet. That, and I'm more interested in what Sony is doing with SSDs and their headphones. Since I became a dad, I pretty much game exclusively with headphones. Now you're telling me you've figured out some tech to make them even better? I was in just for that. If all MS can offer is slightly better resolution/framerates, then I'm not seeing how myself or others in the PS ecosystem can be persuaded to jump ship.


VFX Rendering Pipeline Developer
Jun 8, 2020
Step one would be delivering games that can attract the gamers who currently prefer other platform. Yet most gamers who are already prefering xbox are saying they don't care about first parties at all. I don't get it, it's the gamers who are NOT currently on xbox you want to attract. That's the whole concept of growth.


Jul 10, 2019
On Era no (because of platform preference). Outside Era big YES I think.

But XBOX need big marketing outside PR stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
I dont think so.. Aint no one leaving the PS ecosystem if all these years have not convinced them too.

Casuals and folks that only care about spending the least amount possible dont really have brand loyalty though. Sure diehards won't leave because they have brand loyalty and have bought in to the ecosystem. Xbox has nowhere to go but up so i would find it incredibly hard to believe that they won't gain some marketshare at the very least.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't know this time.

Great pricing, but in the end, content is king. Just like other subscription services, you need to give a people a reason to jump in and what to stay. But not only that, transition into the next level hardware if very important in terms of maintaining your past content, while providing great new experiences. Xbox definitely has an edge here, but I don't think it's as dramatic of edge than what people think if you can still play 95%+ of PS4 games with no issue. The people want to play games older than the Xbox One/PS4 generation is ridiculously tiny.


Jan 10, 2018
I know there's a lot of anti- Microsoft bias around here but c'mon. They're launching a next gen console at a cheaper price than the Switch. The general public aren't as attached to Sony as people seem to believe here. It plays Fifa, COD and GTA which is all the vast majority care about.

It'll sell like crazy. Enough to outsell the PS5 perhaps not but I'd be absolutely amazed if the sales difference is as big as it has been for this gen.


Mar 31, 2020
Well that's what I'm saying, if Sony just lets Microsoft continue this way enhancing the value of GamePass unopposed, then they are going to be ceding a good bit of business to them that MS will hold on to further down the road. PS4 is still $299 and that Series S is already a fantastic option for a next-gen upgrade if you're not dying for more Sony first party exclusives & Gamepass just sweetens the deal.

I personally don't see them just not doing anything with PS Now in response to GamePass really blowing up so quickly, but we'll have to see.
Yeah, well I suppose if Sony does make any improvements they will highlight that before the release of the console. Microsoft is really building up Game Pass leading into the launch of the XSX and now would be the time for Sony to react. Not sure they'll get anything major like Microsoft did with EA since that seems to have leaked a while ago and we haven't heard anything about PS Now in months and months.


Oct 28, 2017
Portland, Oregon
Game pass along with the option of paying a monthly plan vs buying the console outright is going to get a LOT of Xboxes into living rooms. I think a lot of people here are going to underestimate how attractive that deal will be consumers, especially for those who can't shell out $300-$500 on a new console this holiday.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I know there's a lot of anti- Microsoft bias around here but c'mon. They're launching a next gen console at a cheaper price than the Switch. The general public aren't as attached to Sony as people seem to believe here. It plays Fifa, COD and GTA which is all the vast majority care about.

It'll sell like crazy. Enough to outsell the PS5 perhaps not but I'd be absolutely amazed if the sales difference is as big as it has been for this gen.

Sony had a ridiculous marketshare advantage this gen, at the very least Series S is primed to take SOME of that back from them. Sony & MS are both gonna be extremely successful this time around.


Jan 9, 2020
PS5 will sell more and "win" the generation, but the series X/S will sell more than One and gamepass will be a huge success, I expect at least 50 million subscribers by the end of generation


Mar 31, 2020
I said I can't imagine "MANY" people jumping ship. Obviously there will be some.

There are still many unknowns, including the PS5 price point and how Sony marketing can downplay the Series S console power compared to the PS5. This is undoubtedly a great move by Microsoft but I'm unconvinced that suddenly every PS4 owner with $300 of disposable income is going to grab an Xbox Series S when there are virtually zero new must-have games available on that platform in comparison to the PS4 they already own.
Well must-have games are going to differ from person to person. There are exclusive games, which depending upon the person, may be must have.

Don't forget that Microsoft is also offering Xbox All Access so you can get an XSS for as little as $25/month which includes Game Pass. That is a very low entry point and I think a lot of people will take advantage.