Oct 27, 2017
Makes you wonder if it even started development as a Sonic game or if they were like "Oh God how can we make this sell more? Oh, I know, make it star Sonic and give a really arbitrary reasoning for why he's suddenly moving at a snail's pace."

Goes for Tails Sky Patrol too. The game is terrible and the only Sonic-related character in the game is Tails. Wouldn't surprise me if it began life as a different game and they just slapped Tails on it because Sonic was popular.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I doubt Forces had 4 years of development even if two of those where work in engine. And I think Sonic Team is not a consolidated team within Sega but an ad-hoc team within CS2 so, some of the staff is ever changing,

That being said, I HOPE the next game will be good. I think 50/50 chances considering only time of development and Sega seems to be back on track quality wise
Oct 25, 2017
Next Sonic movie before Sonic 2 should be a spin off that takes place in the world of the first movie. A cerebral drama about a middle-aged man trying to break himself out of the Sonic cycle. He spends an entire decade mentally escaping the Sonic cycle cage. In the end he is surrounded by friends and family, content with his reality that all Sonic games past, present and future are bad.

in the post credits scene however, he sees a faint image of Sonic running off in the distance with Tails. It's left to the audience's interpretation whether his faith in Sonic has been restored and he has been readmitted to the cycle. Regardless, we zoom in on Sonic and Tails which leads directly into Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Oct 27, 2017
Labyrinth I sort of enjoyed for what it was, even tho I didn't understand WHY it existed. Blast I had blocked off completely. And well, Crash Bash is just...eeew, just there, not even memorable enough to mock. But it was awful AND infuriating.

Sega did a lot of weird stuff with Sonic back then. I wouldn't have been surprised if they at one point in time in the 90s thought of an FPS with Sonic throwing gold rings at badniks because Doom was popular.


Jun 3, 2019
Well, we haven't had a BAD mainline Sonic game since 2006 (Boom is a spin-off, fight me) so it'll probably ok to good as usual.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Unless there's been a big change in direction at sonic team, which isn't impossible, and who are likely the ones to release whatever the next sonic game is, it'll be bad most likely.

Well, we haven't had a BAD mainline Sonic game since 2006 (Boom is a spin-off, fight me) so it'll probably ok to good as usual.

I mean, opencritic reviews aren't gospel, but Forces is in the 12th percentile (i.e. >87% of games reviewed better than it). While that's not rise of lyric bad (which, apparently is in the 1st percentile, crikey), I'd still say that's bad.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I think it's going to be good. They've had a lot of time to whip something up for 2021, and I don't think they'll make the same development mistakes they made with Forces twice in a row.

Goes for Tails Sky Patrol too. The game is terrible and the only Sonic-related character in the game is Tails. Wouldn't surprise me if it began life as a different game and they just slapped Tails on it because Sonic was popular.

That's actually exactly what happened. It was an original IP intended as a launch title for a handheld that ended up not being made, and when they decided to rework it for Game Gear, Sega asked them to throw Tails in there. They were even going to port it to GBC afterwards without the Sonic branding, though that was eventually scrapped as well.



Oct 24, 2017
I'm willing to accept the idea that, at an point, Sonic Team can hike up their pants and focus and put out a good-to-great video game.

But I'm not willing to accept that idea that they have done so far or that Sonic Forces proves a trend upward.


Nov 12, 2017
I think there's hope.

SEGA/Sonic Team didn't learn any lessons from the crunch and unreasonable time windows forced on their dev teams. Each game comes out feeling unfinished and buggy (to varying degrees mind you).

The game still sells and despite middling to poor reviews, a contingency of Sonic fans will loudly proclaim that a buggy Sonic game rushed out by an overworked team is "so much better than people realize" and "people only say they dislike it because hating Sonic is trendy".

The cycle repeats.

Sonic Adventure (1st edition).
Sonic Heroes.
Shadow the Hedgehog.
Sonic & the Lost Rings.
Sonic & the Black Knight.
Sonic 06.
Sonic Genesis.
Sonic Riders sequels.
Sonic Unleashed.
Sonic 4.
Sonic Boom.
Sonic Lost World.
Sonic Forces.

I don't think these are objectively bad games, not at all. But they are all deeply flawed in different ways and most of them were rushed out the door, sometimes with reduced teams, to meet a deadline that SEGA refuses to loosen. Horror stories from behind the scenes at Sonic Heroes, Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom helped me understand why those games came out as sloppy as they did (one game obviously not being as bad as the other two) and gave me a lot of empathy for the people who are trying to make these games happen.

So what changed?


2020 was supposed to be the Year Of Sonic. SEGA promised that a new Sonic reveal or announcement would happen every month of the year. With the pandemic, the Sonic SXSW event was canned and SEGA announced that the Year Of Sonic was pushed back and they needed more time to work on titles.

From history, SEGA taking more time to let developers polish a Sonic game isn't a common occurrence.

My hope is that the extra time and polish leads to tighter final product.
Oct 27, 2017
That's actually exactly what happened. It was an original IP intended as a launch title for a handheld that ended up not being made, and when they decided to rework it for Game Gear, Sega asked them to throw Tails in there. They were even going to port it to GBC afterwards without the Sonic branding, though that was eventually scrapped as well.


Hahaha, amazing! Never knew that. And it doesn't surprise me one bit, really. 90s Sega gonna 90s Sega indeed.


Oct 27, 2017
Bashing the new Sonic games has kinda become a sport -- I don't think they get a fully fair shake. Recent 3D Sonic games (Generations, Forces) are much better than when the series was at its nadir with legitimately awful stuff like Sonic 2006 and Unleashed, but you wouldn't necessarily know that from reviews. And no, this isn't coming from a frustrated Sonic fan -- I'm a reviewer myself. Here are my thoughts on Forces.


Sonic Forces Review – A Sincere Celebration of the Series at its Silliest

Is there still a place in the race for modern 3D Sonic games? Or is the new Sonic Forces blasted by the series' own past?
Unleashed wasn't legit awful...it was actually pretty good


Jun 3, 2019
Unless there's been a big change in direction at sonic team, which isn't impossible, and who are likely the ones to release whatever the next sonic game is, it'll be bad most likely.

I mean, opencritic reviews aren't gospel, but Forces is in the 12th percentile (i.e. >87% of games reviewed better than it). While that's not rise of lyric bad (which, apparently is in the 1st percentile, crikey), I'd still say that's bad.

Thing is, Sonic games always review worse than they should and, while Forces is definitely mediocre, it's not BAD really. I really don't take reviews seriously for sonic since a few people who already reviewed sonic games at IGN, for example, claimed Sonic was never good.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Sonic Team that made Unleashed and Generations doesn't exist anymore, so no I have no expectations anymore after a decade with only two good Sonic games and one of them wasn't even made by Sonic Team.


Oct 25, 2017
Bashing the new Sonic games has kinda become a sport -- I don't think they get a fully fair shake. Recent 3D Sonic games (Generations, Forces) are much better than when the series was at its nadir with legitimately awful stuff like Sonic 2006 and Unleashed, but you wouldn't necessarily know that from reviews. And no, this isn't coming from a frustrated Sonic fan -- I'm a reviewer myself. Here are my thoughts on Forces.


Sonic Forces Review – A Sincere Celebration of the Series at its Silliest

Is there still a place in the race for modern 3D Sonic games? Or is the new Sonic Forces blasted by the series' own past?

I can't say I agree with the review at all, sorry. Between the short and poorly designed levels and the completely unfun create a character level I couldn't even finish the thing.

Just because the game is an improvement over some of the worst games in the franchise doesn't mean it's worthy of being praised. Fans generally don't like these games and for the most part neither do your peers.


Oct 25, 2017
The series has had enough sudden upswings over time that I'm not inclined to be jaded before seeing at least something about the game, and I'm especially curious to see if management of the IP being consolidated under SoA in the intervening years will have any clear impact.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thing is, Sonic games always review worse than they should and, while Forces is definitely mediocre, it's not BAD really. I really don't take reviews seriously for sonic since a few people who already reviewed sonic games at IGN, for example, claimed Sonic was never good.

Forces is horrendous and absolutely the worst mainline Sonic game, it's trash tier and it being bug free compared to 06 doesn't make it mediocre or good.


Oct 28, 2017
lmao why would it be even decent? Sega stopped trying with Sonic more than a decade ago, arguably even more. Mania is the exception.


Oct 25, 2017
2020 was supposed to be the Year Of Sonic. SEGA promised that a new Sonic reveal or announcement would happen every month of the year. With the pandemic, the Sonic SXSW event was canned and SEGA announced that the Year Of Sonic was pushed back and they needed more time to work on titles.

From history, SEGA taking more time to let developers polish a Sonic game isn't a common occurrence.

My hope is that the extra time and polish leads to tighter final product.

The "Year of Sonic" stuff was always noticeably Japan focused since they didn't make a big deal about it on their Western channels. The monthly announcements are just streams that talk about things like new merch and soundtracks, basically the JP equivalent of the Sonic Official livestreams they do on the US channel.

Iizuka said way back in 2019 that 2021 was going to be the next big year for Sonic with a mainline game for his 30th anniversary. I wouldn't be surprised if the 2021 game has silently been delayed a bit longer due to COVID, but the SXSW reveal was probably going to be a little teaser at best. (See: announcing an event with the actual new game announcement in 2016, showing a 20 second clip of some headlights and the letter R in 2018).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Can the mods do something about the weekly sonic sux threads, its getting mentally draining at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
In a world where we got Generations and Colors, I am hopeful that the next one is one of the "good ones"
I never even played Forces or that one based on the tv show, but heard they were bad.

Honestly a Generations 2 or SA3 I feel could be great and I hope that's what we get next.

So I am hopeful 😬


Feb 15, 2018
Apparently Forces development was troubled and despite taking like 6 years to make it only got a couple years of development, the rest went into working on the engine or something.

Assuming that doesn't happen again, I assume it will at worst be safe and uninspiring boosting into homing attack chains for roughly 2 hours.


Oct 26, 2017
I would kill for a Sonic Adventure 1 + 2 full remaster pack where you don't have to fight with the camera. I do not trust Sonic Team to put out a Sonic Adventure 3 that is even close to the quality of 1 + 2 (and it's not like those two games are shining examples of quality, either). I want chao again.
Oct 27, 2017
I think it was also intended to be a Disney branded game at one point as well.

Haha wtf. So the game was really just a random game that had Tails slapped on it for marketability. Naughty naughty, Sega.

I kinda wanna play Forces, but it's still going for like $25 here and I'm not gonna spend that much just to mock a mediocre to bad Sonic game.


May 17, 2019
It's going to take a few good Sonic games in a row until I go into a new one expecting it to be good. So no. I hope it is tho.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently Forces development was troubled and despite taking like 6 years to make it only got a couple years of development, the rest went into working on the engine or something.

Assuming that doesn't happen again, I assume it will at worst be safe and uninspiring boosting into homing attack chains for roughly 2 hours.

I honestly wonder what the hell took them so long, they already had the Generations engine and it plays better than Forces even.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, sure.

Forces just felt like it suffered for lack of direction and time. They have the ingredients.

I will say with all the rumors of the next game being a remake of Sonic Adventure, the "SA1 is irredeemable trash and absolutely nothing about it was good" takes are a little much. I think that's an excellent idea. Sonic Team has never had a very firm footing of what 3D Sonic needs to be in my eyes - you can see how they tried moving away from the boost gameplay with Lost World, only to scramble back with Forces after that didn't pay off.

There's nothing wrong with Sonic Adventure from a conceptual* standpoint, its framework is solid even when the gameplay suffers from '98 jank. I think it would provide them with a decent comfort zone to try and iterate and polish the core Sonic gameplay and make it genuinely great.

*they should probably retool Big's gameplay though if that's what they end up doing. I don't want him gone from the game entirely, but the fishing is clearly the weakest link of the game, all around.


Oct 25, 2017
I have faith that it'll be better than Forces at the very least.

You know what? I'm guessing it'll be a good 7/10.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly they didn't seem to learn anything from Mania - so my guess is no.

Modern Sonic is barely interactive garbage and they seem determined to stick to that formula.


May 27, 2018
It's time for an "actually this is pretty fun" Sonic game, so I'm going to be optimistic and say, "Yes." Sonic will always have its faults in 3D, but I'm praying that they can put together a game that gets like an acceptable 73 or so on Metacritic. Please god please.

(However, I don't think that they're ever going to bring back the chao garden despite that being an element that so many fans love. Sigh.)


Mar 12, 2020
It will be the perfect transition of Sonic Mania into 3D Sonic. He will be back to AAA level.