
Oct 25, 2017
I tried CBD gummies and pills for pain management and for some appetite during some health issues a few years back but I never noticed anything. Mostly why I smoke nowadays is for making me hungry cause my stomach is such a mess. Gotta love all the side effects of medication. Lesser of two evils I suppose.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I don't smoke but I do edibles, maybe once or twice a week. I have 10mg THC gummies, which I eat half of. I am extremely low tolerance so that usually gets me nice and floaty. Took the whole 10mg one time and hated it, couldn't focus on anything, felt like I was stuck in a time loop of waking up and dreaming the last 20 seconds of cognizance. I can move up to 7mg occasionally if I want to mildly trip. Had quite an exciting trip just a few nights ago playing Tetris Effect!


Oct 28, 2017
I don't like edibles personally. 25% of the time I really liked them and the other 75% I hated it. So, they're just a no go for me now.


Oct 22, 2018
Occasionally. I have a lot of stomach issues that doctors have never figured out and it helps with pain a bit. Or at least it zones me out a bit so it's not at the forefront.
Oct 29, 2017
Nightly, yes.

If you're looking for the relaxed feel/sleepy feeling you wanna look for CBD, CBG, and CBN.

THC gives you that hazy high feeling.

CBD is good for pain relief and a more calm feeling. The higher the CBD content the more the "edge" will be taken off of THC.

CBG has a very calming, soothing effect. I kinda describe it as a weighted blanket for the soul.

CBN is the sleepy stuff, though in my experience it made my mind race, YMMV


May 31, 2022
I like smoking flower the most. Sorry, lungs. It's not even a tolerance thing because 10mg edibles get me high and 20mg is borderline too much… I just like smoking 🤷🏻‍♂️


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
Under the Silver Lake
Yeah, I gotta be careful 'cause I have an anxiety disorder and they can exacerbate it if I take too much, but otherwise it's a nice way to end the day and help me sleep.

I feel like I have this, because I took one hit of an infused preroll and I had a very intense high unlike I've ever had, it was scary and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was close to calling 911, but talked myself into calming down instead. It was not fun at all.


Oct 25, 2017
yea, probably a couple times a month. feels better in some ways than smoking and definitely makes stuff like watching movies or hanging out fun


Oct 25, 2017
I like smoking flower the most. Sorry, lungs. It's not even a tolerance thing because 10mg edibles get me high and 20mg is borderline too much… I just like smoking 🤷🏻‍♂️
me too. If you aren't smoking constantly, the lungs are quite resilient. I used to smoke cigarettes for years and quit 5 years ago and my lungs don't feel that bad from light joint, blunt, and vaping.


Oct 28, 2017
Occasional mild amounts, 5mg or less, which includes some CBD as well. Helps calm and relax me, better sleep.

Accidently took 10mg edible a few months back as I'd bought a new brand and ended up uncomfortably high.

By frequent user standards I'm an ultra lightweight but does keep things cheap.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2020
Infrequently. I used to do them more often, but took too much at one point and had a bad trip. I stick to 15mg or less now, which is plenty for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Austin, TX
I save them for the weekends, usually when the kids are getting close to bedtime or busy. Planning on doing it tomorrow and watching the 4K77 cut of Star Wars with the missus.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
No but I dab weed almost every night.
my wife just tried 10mg thc, 50mg cbd to sleep. The issue she had was she had two margaritas and the cbd made her feel like she had 10 margaritas. She said she won't ever mix with alcohol again. Otherwise it makes her sleep really well.


Oct 26, 2017
*Is in the current high of an edible while posting this*

Yeah. They help me sleep, honestly, so I like to take them a handful of hours before bed.


Oct 27, 2017
when they first hit the scene i took quite a lot, both for partying and sleeping. but i became quite a space cadet, constantly losing paperwork and all that. now it's like one or two every week or so for netflix and chilling

have been micro dosing on aminita muscaria edibles which i discovered about a month or so ago. pretty good but like the other stuff you have to be careful


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. I love to have an edible and chill out at home and play games/watch stuff, or have an edible and go out to the club or function. 10mg is good enough for a night in or out, and 15-20 is like a big night out :]


Oct 27, 2017
I take CBD oil sublingually (held under the tongue - it's more consistent and effective than edibles) and find that it generally helps improve my mood.
I'm calmer, more relaxed, less anxious about things - and had people I'm close to comment on that after I had been taking it for a while (without telling anyone).

It absolutely will not get you high, so don't be expecting that. Potheads will tell you "CBD doesn't do shit" because that's what they are expecting.
If it's been a while, I notice an effect within a few minutes if I take a larger dose; but it's generally more of a 'maintenance' thing for me. I take a smaller amount daily and it just helps things go along a bit more smoothly.
I don't take it for sleep, but it can help. For me, it does little if anything for chronic pain - at least there's no immediate effect. I started taking it again recently and have noticed certain pains bothering me less the past few days.

I avoid THC. I'm not looking to get high, and the mental health risks are far too great, in my opinion.
If you are going to partake, make sure it's a high-CBD strain - at least 50%.
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Nov 17, 2017
I used to, but my tolerance seems to be permanently ruined once I started smoking/vaping. Even after not using any form of THC for months I barely feel anything from them so I don't bother anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
There are still places where it's illegal?
Most of the world.
Legality of cannabis possession for recreational use.