
Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've recently started taking edibles some times at night to relax and help me sleeping, generally if I've slept badly the previous night.

I'm curious what I should be looking for though in the components. I don't care for the buzz; I just want to feel relaxed and fall asleep. Should I prioritize CBD? THC? I've heard that CBN is more for daytime because it gets you active. Is that true?


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I tried for sleep reasons and it doesn't work for me sadly. I'll just live with my insomnia 🥲


Oct 29, 2017
Unfortunately they don't work for me. Taken total dose of over 500mg in one shot and....nada ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Wish they did so I didn't have to smoke all the time and save my lungs a bit...


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, my wife and I love them and have them all the time. Edibles and taco bell is our go to relaxing time. Would get them more but money.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah they're good if I'm gonna have a long fun night with friends but if I'm by myself or just want a little high, I use a vape.


Oct 27, 2017
I take low dose (3-5mg) THC + CBD gummies almost every night since I am going through a lot of stress lately and they have been a game changer for being able to relax and sleep well.


Sep 16, 2024
Stoner here. Edibles are a very occasional treat to accentuate a high, but my general experience is they do little to nothing, until they do, at which point they put my ass the fuck to sleep. But it takes a good dose to get there.

Generally the only drug I eat is mushrooms.


Oct 27, 2017
North Texas
Yeah, I gotta be careful 'cause I have an anxiety disorder and they can exacerbate it if I take too much, but otherwise it's a nice way to end the day and help me sleep.


Oct 29, 2017
CBD gummies for pain sometimes. As far as recreational use I occasionally drink Delta THC sodas and seltzers to relax on a Friday night.


Oct 25, 2017
I use them pretty regularly and they usually hit me pretty hard for a couple hours and then taper off. I find it to be a pleasant way to relax after work. Swore off smoking/vaping because I didn't wanna fuck up my lungs long term. CBD doesn't do much for me, I did use Delta-8 gummies for a time but I've moved away from them since they're unregulated and you can't really know for sure what's in them, whereas since regular D9 weed is legal in NJ they have to conform to the state's regulatory standards.

I will definitely say try to avoid exposing yourself to anything anxiety inducing while taking them. Taking an edible the night of the June debate was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made, lol.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
No, but very curious about them.

They're legal in my state but I'm still not allowed to consume them because of work policy. Getting caught is grounds for termination in my workplace. :(

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Now and again, I do. I prefer them so much more to smoking because you can get so much more accurate with your THC intake. I've even found edibles that are exactly 1mg each so you can pop the exact dosage that gets you to your level of comfort without feeling overwhelmed.


Oct 26, 2017
Got a weird metabolism so they're kinda unpredictable. Too unpredictable for me anyway. I'd rather just smoke.


Oct 25, 2017
I only eat mushrooms. Occassionally i'll numb my gums too if you know what i'm saying

edit: I actually fit the criteria to be one Future's bitches.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
The dispensary people have always suggested CBN to me for sleep actually, and it seemed to help with that a little. An indica with CBN might be something to try. Edibles can be hit or miss though. For me they either do very little or too much. Can also cause baaaaad experiences for first time users taking too much.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]
Started that hard THC gummies life late in life. Indica = in the couch, even a few mgs/micro dosing so at minimum some hybrids or pure sativa to avoid drowsiness. 10mg pieces i work down a bit at time. Start with 5mg to see the impact if any.

Heavy using friends are jealous cuz a little goes a long way.

Occasional after work and weekends.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, love them. Don't need something super strong. Like 10-20mg is enough for me to vibe, have a good time and feel a soothing body buzz after a hard day of work.

I see people start out with these insane amounts into the 100s, which is like drinking a bottle of whiskey or something comparably, and it's no wonder they end up having a rotten time and hating the experience. Def has to be better education on this. People need to start with 5 and work up from there to know what's the right amount for you to enjoy the benefits.


Feb 11, 2019
No, I've never done and never will do any sort of drug. No judgement to people who do, but addiction runs in the family and I already get very psychologically addicted to things. Not going to give myself the chance.


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Yep. I'm paranoid about my neighbours and people who live behind me being snitches(in the past i've only ever smoked late late at night at the bottom of my garden when everyone else is in bed before anyone says i'm being a nuisance). I'd love to smoke freely and weed would be cheaper but there's nowhere I can smoke. It's like £14 for 5 gummies so it's not something I do very often.


Apr 11, 2023
Hell yea I do.

Not for sleep though - If i take them too close to bedtime, I'll wake up with "rollover minutes" and it makes getting ready for work a real adventure.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
CBN is like a weaker sleep/calming focused type of THC. The usual THC strains are Indica (calming, sleepier), Sativa (bit more energizing), and Hybrid (mix of both). CBD doesn't really do anything for me, it lasts the psychoactive ("high") part, but people do say it can help them with relaxing and calming.
I have done. Did nothing to me.🫠
This was me for a while, I tried some weed cookies at a party once but felt nothing, tried small edibles and nothing, and then I had a large enough dose (drank half of a weed cider, and you're only meant to have lik 1/10 for a regular dose) and it finally worked for me. Weirdly, once I got over the "hump" regular strength edibles do effect me if I don't take it all the time.

Also, if you vape or smoke, It can raise your tolerance so much that you can barely feel them.
Usually a 30mg edible is a nice strong dose for me if I do it once or twice a week. But if I'd been vaping, even 100mg of edibles barely does anything.

I'm starting to wean off of vaping, because I do prefer the edible high compared to vaping (and I know it can't be good for my lungs). Edibles are more of a body high they take longer to kick in, but they last longer. And vaping hits almost immediately, but fades much faster.