
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
When it comes to playing video games that had multiple releases over the years, especially when it comes to remasters or 1:1 ports of classic video games, do you consider yourself to be a purist and play the games as they were originally released? Or do you ignore that and go for a re-release of that classic that irons out any flaws or adjusts the games overall difficulty? Perhaps upgrade the aesthetics?

For example, if an old JRPG that was released on the SNES had horrible localization and the random enemy encounter rate was abysmally unfair, would you go for a new release (or a fan patch) that provides a new translation and adjusts the difficulty to make it more palatable?​


Oct 25, 2017
bad directional controls in full 3d games. you know how some 3d games feel like they only turn in 1/8th of a circle and make it frustrating to do stuff like pick up items and talk to characters? that
Oct 27, 2017
I always go to the newest version I own because those usually have the highest resolutions and my eyesight is bad enough.
And I love trophy support


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
i'll always choose the option for the best experience. if that means using mods or rereleases then that's what i'll use

i don't mind people who are stringent on playing games in their original form, but when people try to gatekeep others and invalidate their experiences because they didn't play the way they did it's so tiring. people used to do this a lot when talking about the summoning mechanic in dark souls and there was the recent twitter discourse of some bonehead being like "if you used a rewind feature in a classic game then you didn't beat that game" and it's so boring and dumb


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
It kinda depends for me. If there's a "refreshed" version of the core original game (think MGS3 Subsistence) I'll go for that. If there's a remake, I often like to try to play the original to compare, did that with Resident Evil 2 this year. I like to know how the original game was intended so I have a better idea of what its impact was, but if the core game is preserved alongside QOL changes and improvements, then I will usually go with that.


Jun 1, 2019
Fort Wayne
No, I don't, because I'm not insecure about my hobby. Gatekeepers are, and they can go fuck themselves. (not you, OP, you're not gatekeeping)

Deleted member 59109

User requested account closure
Aug 8, 2019
It depends on the video game. I like OoT and MM originals, but LA original is unplayable to me and I could only play the remake.


Dec 18, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I usually find that most remasters are ugly as sin. It really comes down to what looks and seems good. For example, I wouldn't be caught dead playing that remaster of The Secret of Monkey Island. Alternatively, I don't feel the need to track down PS2 copies of Kingdom Hearts or Ico since they were upscaled to HD during the PS3's lifecycle.


Feb 25, 2018
I will play whichever one is the most accessible, graphical impressive, and has modernised control that still hold to the original

I will also look at playtime, because if im being honest if I look at an old RPG or JRPG and see 60+ Hours to complete i think 'wow theres gonna be a stupid amunt of random encounters'

I thats the case I will use emulators to help cheat my way through and for custom checkpoints/saves
Oct 25, 2017
I generally play the newest, most updated version of games.
Unless there's major issues or something about it I don't like.
Like, I might opt for the original if the new version is handheld only.
Or if there's no extra content and I prefer the art style of the original.


Oct 25, 2017
If there's multiple versions I try and sort through what people think is best. But generally just go with the latest if there's no glaring flaws.


Oct 25, 2017
SNES fan translations that purport to "fix" translations are usually worse. RPGOne was notorious for taking Square's 16-bit output and 'fixing' it by being crazy overly literal to the point that all of the characters sounded the same and t was straight exhausting to try and read

Fan translations of never localized games tend to be better simply because they aren't headed by someone with such a large ego that 'knows better' than a team of professional localizers.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
i avoid rewind functions and save states as much as possible. i may use save states if i'm taking a break between levels or i don't want to write down a password, but never as a means to scum my way to a win.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
When it comes to playing video games that had multiple releases over the years, especially when it comes to remasters or 1:1 ports of classic video games, do you consider yourself to be a purist and play the games as they were originally released? Or do you ignore that and go for a re-release of that classic that irons out any flaws or adjusts the games overall difficulty? Perhaps upgrade the aesthetics?

For example, if an old JRPG that was released on the SNES had horrible localization and the random enemy encounter rate was abysmally unfair, would you go for a new release (or a fan patch) that provides a new translation and adjusts the difficulty to make it more palatable?
Ideally, I'd like to be a purist, but with the jump from SD to HD, I've found I'm now willing to compromise with a changed/updated remaster for the updated resolution. For example, the Castlevania: SOTN original voice acting is so iconic that it pains me to give it up even for an "improved" translation, but I no longer see myself wanting to play the PS1 Classic version over the Requiem remaster version (and that's without taking into consideration the other updates with the Requiem version).

FF7 remaster is another good example: some of the graphical hiccups really annoy me on the new version, but I just can't pass over the increased resolution and quality of life/cheat code options.

I have a feeling Demon's Souls may be the same way too, if a PS5 remaster is released. Whereas with the above two games, I've already played their original versions, but I've never played Demon's Souls. But even if the remaster makes some material changes/updates, I don't think I'm going to have the desire to play through the original and a remaster.


Oct 30, 2017
No, I don't, because I'm not insecure about my hobby. Gatekeepers are, and they can go fuck themselves. (not you, OP, you're not gatekeeping)

Let me enjoy it the way I want to, and most importantly, the way I can. TS you didn't have an option to rewind, but if I do, I will not be stubborn enough to not use it. I don't give a shit, I don't care how some boomer experienced it, that doesn't affect me.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a purist, so i don't really give much of a shit. But i like to use save states to balance the game my own way instead of using it every second.

Like playing Nes TMNT, i use save states on the overworld but not inside the stages, or in a 2D Sonic after reaching a new zone.

Would love a "half the encounters/double the exp" mod in lots of classic jrpgs like the one in the gba version of Mother 1.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
I'll generally just go for whatever is the most convenient for me unless it has glaring issues or there's an obviously superior version.

For example when I get around to fully playing through MGS3 it'll be via the HD Collection on my PS3 and Vita since hooking up my PS2 would be a load of hassle in my setup. For something like Sonic 3 on the other hand I'll always play through it using Sonic 3 Complete or Sonic 3 AIR since both of those are better experiences than the original Megadrive version.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll mod older games before I play them, to at least boost the visuals.

I recently got Rune, but I'll be modding it up before playing.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Depends really. Price is a factor, trophy support is a factor, QOL is sometimes a factor, music is a factor.

Take Breath of Fire 1 and 2. I have both for SNES and GBA. I'm playing the SNES version of the first one because I don't like the colors in the GBA version, despite it's QOL additions. And I recently played the FF7 remaster for trophies but when I play it again I'm going to play on original hardware because I haven't in a very long time and I just got my PSOne hooked up to a nice CRT with S-Video so yeah. Depends on things.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't go out of my way to buy re-releases, though will if it fits my schedule of general releases and introduces some improvement. If I have a better version, then the worse one is basically retired unless it's so different as to be basically a different game (for instance, i'd be up to replay either Mario 64 or Mario 64 DS)


Apr 5, 2019
Depends.. if it is a game that I truly love, no matter how many times it is re-released or remastered, I'd always prefer the original with its flaws and all.

Of course, and when I mean I prefer the originals, I say in the sense they are not replaceable by a new version, even though I'd likely buy said new version anyways

But if it is a franchise that I barely had touched in the past, I have no problem getting the experience through the newest release and call it a day.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends. I try to be kinda purist but I have limits.

If I'm playing an old PC FPS like Doom or something of that era I try to keep the graphics the way they were in the early 90's -- I play on Chocolate Doom if I can and if I have to use ZDoom I play it at 320 x 200 resolution, but I have to be able to use the mouse. Whenever I get around to playing FF7 I'm gonna play the digital PS1 copy on my PS3, on a CRT.

I try to ask around. If there's a remaster or remake of a particular classic that almost everyone recommends I got with that.

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes the reworked and modernized parts of some ports can lower the overall consistency of the experience, which can oven be not worth it. Or, sometimes, the new aesthetics just don't look very good!

I don't like to mess with saved states (outside of a venue to suspend the game) unless I'm, like, deeply disinterested in a game's mechanics.

If I were interested in trying an old action-platformer with a bad reputation (I'm not a JRPG fan so the OP's scenario doesn't apply to me), I would absolutely try the original for a bit first to see how I felt about it. If I, after trying it, find the game to be jacked up mechanically but had other outstanding elements I'd consider using a romhack, sure.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
No, I don't, because I'm not insecure about my hobby. Gatekeepers are, and they can go fuck themselves. (not you, OP, you're not gatekeeping)

No worries, I also don't like hobbyist's who act with elitist tendencies that tell people "You're doing it wrong. Do it THIS way!"

Basically, I don't like dealing with the modern day Cranky Kong's.

Does the version have a rewind or quick save function?

If not, I'll pass.

Let me enjoy it the way I want to, and most importantly, the way I can. TS you didn't have an option to rewind, but if I do, I will not be stubborn enough to not use it. I don't give a shit, I don't care how some boomer experienced it, that doesn't affect me.



(I actually don't believe in the above mentality, as more options for players to play & beat an old game is always good in my book. You're an idiot to think otherwise.)

Depends. I try to be kinda purist but I have limits.

If I'm playing an old PC FPS like Doom or something of that era I try to keep the graphics the way they were in the early 90's -- I play on Chocolate Doom if I can and if I have to use ZDoom I play it at 320 x 200 resolution, but I have to be able to use the mouse. Whenever I get around to playing FF7 I'm gonna play the digital PS1 copy on my PS3, on a CRT.

I try to ask around. If there's a remaster or remake of a particular classic that almost everyone recommends I got with that.

"If you didn't play doom on Ultra-Violence, you didn't really play."

Snobs will snob, basically. :D

Ideally, I'd like to be a purist, but with the jump from SD to HD, I've found I'm now willing to compromise with a changed/updated remaster for the updated resolution. For example, the Castlevania: SOTN original voice acting is so iconic that it pains me to give it up even for an "improved" translation, but I no longer see myself wanting to play the PS1 Classic version over the Requiem remaster version (and that's without taking into consideration the other updates with the Requiem version).

FF7 remaster is another good example: some of the graphical hiccups really annoy me on the new version, but I just can't pass over the increased resolution and quality of life/cheat code options.

I have a feeling Demon's Souls may be the same way too, if a PS5 remaster is released. Whereas with the above two games, I've already played their original versions, but I've never played Demon's Souls. But even if the remaster makes some material changes/updates, I don't think I'm going to have the desire to play through the original and a remaster.

You have the same mindset that I have with picking and choosing what version of a game to play, especially if it's a game that's part of a series that I'm familiar with but have otherwise not played (such as the case with The Odd Gentlemen King's Quest making me want to check out the older Sierra KQ's).

Ultimately, if that IP is really important to me, I'll do some research with how the re-release looks and plays compared to the original. Breath of Fire III-V are some of my favourite JRPG's, but I NEVER played the SNES BOF games that preceded them. There were GBA ports, but I wasn't impressed with how those games looked or sound on the GBA (despite being better localized and receiving a much better English localization & QOL changes from it's SNES counterparts). I eventually gone to track down the carts for both games, extracted the ROM's, and found a solid fan patch that fixed some of the jank (Random Encounter Rates for both and an English fan patch) that made the experience much more tolerable.

Alternatively, I was introduced to the Resident Evil series with REMake 1 & RE Zero, and I have little interest with playing the PS1 versions outside of watching a Let's Play or Twitch stream. But I do have my limits, as SNES is as far back as I can go, and I would rather play the PSP port of FFI&II than EVER play the NES equivalents.


Oct 30, 2017
"how some boomer experienced it" lmao

jesus christ

No worries, I also don't like hobbyist's who act with elitist tendencies that tell people "You're doing it wrong. Do it THIS way!"

Basically, I don't like dealing with the modern day Cranky Kong's.



(I actually don't believe in the above mentality, as more options for players to play & beat an old game is always good in my book. You're an idiot to think otherwise.)

I promise I wouldn't actually be as rude as I sounded in my post lol I'd just ignore them :D

I just hate when someone keeps insisting that playing or getting a game one way is best, especially when the steps to achieve it are super intricate and/or outrageously expensive or in the case of QOL features, just hard-headed if you just want a jaunt through gaming's history. Moreso when said insistence from said boomer encroaches on someone else's fun.

I will listen and do research, but I am not going to go out of my way too much, or tell someome else to do so, when I want to have fun. Whilst Chrono Trigger on mobile may not be brilliant, if someone's having fun, I'm not going to shame them for not looking for a DS copy or not wanting to *gasp* emulate it on their SNES Mini.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
I promise I wouldn't actually be as rude as I sounded in my post lol I'd just ignore them :D

I just hate when someone keeps insisting that playing or getting a game one way is best, especially when the steps to achieve it are super intricate and/or outrageously expensive or in the case of QOL features, just hard-headed if you just want a jaunt through gaming's history. Moreso when said insistence from said boomer encroaches on someone else's fun.

I will listen and do research, but I am not going to go out of my way too much, or tell someone else to do so, when I want to have fun. Whilst Chrono Trigger on mobile may not be brilliant, if someone's having fun, I'm not going to shame them for not looking for a DS copy or not wanting to *gasp* emulate it on their SNES Mini.

I agree. Even if someone is playing the iOS/Android remakes of the old FF games, I just think it's awesome they're getting a chance to play those games at all.