Do you finish games to 100% completion more or less now than you did when you were younger?

  • I 100% complete games less now than I did when I was younger

    Votes: 635 54.1%
  • I 100% complete games about the same now as I did when I was younger

    Votes: 132 11.3%
  • I 100% complete games more now than I did when I was younger

    Votes: 157 13.4%
  • I've never 100% completed a game

    Votes: 249 21.2%

  • Total voters


Dec 16, 2018
It's now changed from "I feel like I need to 100% this game" to "I think I'll 100% or Platinum this game because I genuinely love it or the series".

Resident Evil games, absolutely!
DOOM Eternal, probably not!


Dec 7, 2018
I said this in another thread recently but for me the goal was always to beat the game, not collect all of the trophies/achievements. I didn't trophy chase much when I was younger but now because I have less time (kids, spouse, work, the usual adult responsibilities, etc) it's just really not worth my time to hunt all of that down anymore.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I find it's a combination of having less time and looking at what kind of achievements it would involve. As an example, I loved Hollow Knight and got 100% of everything in it because I wanted to see all of it and explore all of it. But doing the achievement that involves beating the game 100% + perma death - I just have no interest as it doesn't sound fun. Props to anyone who does it but I'd rather move on to the next thing and explore all those things.
Oct 25, 2017
I play less games because I am more selective, so usually I play games I really like so I tend to try to 100% it even if it always depends on the game and how annoying it is to do that.


Nov 1, 2017
I never cared about achievements. I've tried a few times to get 100% but almost always got bored.

if it's a gameplay related thing like completing the Stardew Valley community center or getting a whole collection of relics inThe Sims I will do it, but things that just show up on my account I don't care about.

the only 100% I'be ever intentionally gotten was Spider-Man PS4, just because they weren't that hard to get and I enjoyed the moment to moment gameplay so much.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I don't 100% any game. It's not fun to me. I'll play/get what I want and play the game until I'm not longer interested in playing.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't 100% many games when I was younger and I still don't. I guess I blow through most games quicker but the ones I really do enjoy I still take my time with and try to do all the meaty content.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a lot more selective about what I 100% now. Has to be a game I'm enjoying and/or the process of hunting the trophies needs to be fun, otherwise it's not worth it.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes , but when i was a teenager i only had maybe 1 or 2 games per year and i had a lot of time so i was playing the same games everyday etc, but now i have more money more games because of gamepass and gold but less time to play lol


Nov 10, 2019
I find myself completing games just as much as I did when I was younger - basically never. If I get bored I drop it but there are a few I will try to push myself to complete.

Exist 2 Inspire

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Apr 19, 2018
I never got a single Platinum trophy on PS3, on PS4 i got 22 Platinum trophies. So i guess i 100% more games now than i used to.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
I hardly even beat (or really play in general) games anymore, much less 100% them. I do try to get as close to 100% as possible when I beat a game, but it doesn't happen very often.

King Szmaragd

Jan 28, 2019
Obviously, it depends on the game. Some games motivate you to complete all side/optional content, to catch all collectibles and to seek all achievements, but others simply don't. Considering these differences and the fact we play different kinds of games all the time, it's hard to give a generic and definitive anwser like "I complete more games now than before".

That being said, what I can say is: when I enjoy a game and feel motivated about its side content, collectibles and achievements, I usually complete it more than I used to do some years ago.

I think it has to do with maturity, maybe. When I was younger, even enjoying the game I didn't care about anything more than completing main stories and jumping to next games. Now, I feel pleased to live the game, to going deep in its universe, to understand and to learn with its storytelling, to appreciate the full map's design and artwork etc. That's the main reason I complete more games nowadays than I used to do before.


Jul 6, 2019
It's about the same.

I tend to only 100% based on trophy requirements on Playstation. I never used to go for trophies until a few years ago. I tend not to go for absolute completion and found trophies are a pretty decent middle ground. Sure, sometimes they actually require absolute 100% completion, but it is uncommon. For Nintendo and older Playstation games, I will try but not do it if I find it too mind numbing and the reward too lame.

Part of the reason I do it is to save money. The more I devote to one game, the less likely I will be rushing to shop for another. Sales still tempt me, but that's another bonus. Not going for the new releases right away leads to better bargains in the future.

Though I tend to not overburden myself with gigantic games, especially MMOs.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Definitely less. I rarely enjoyed doing it, it was just something to do when young and only getting a few games a year from my parents or only being able to afford a few a year in college etc. Once I could afford all the games I wanted to play I just beat a game, do any extra stuff that's fun and then move on.


Oct 29, 2017
I beat more games than I used to and I "100%" games in my own way.
To me 100% of a game is to beat all the quests/missions and see all the story beats you can in a single playthrough.

I don't count radiant missions, collectables, achievements etc


Jan 12, 2018
I think it's about the same for me. I was never a big 100% person growing up, just wanted to beat things. Still today I only go out of my way to 100% something if I really, really like it. I'm also much more skilled at games in general now so it's easier to do which makes up for having considerably less time to do so.

Now if you asked if I beat less games than I used to, the response would be 100% yes. I find it much easier to drop games that I'm not enjoying because of having less time to play. When I was younger I'd still power through them because I couldn't just go out and buy another one.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
When I was a kid, I got games for my birthday and Christmas, and not a ton the rest of the time outside of rentals, so I played everything as much as I could because that's all I had. Now I have money and there are way too many games to choose from, so I'm not going to waste excess time on a game just for the sake of completionism.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I think it's the classic I have more money and less time that a lot of people will probably mirror in this thread.

When I was a teenager living at home I would get a few games a year, so even if I reached a point where I was bored of a game or just had my fill of it I would still play it to completion.

Now that I'm older and work for a living I'm much more likely to be satisfied with being done with a game once I've felt like I've had my fill.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
i don't 100% a game.

it doesn't give me any satisfaction to do it. if i do it without trying then great but i'm not going out of my way. usually i just try get through the story. for example, i just finished Pokemon Let's Go and stopped as soon as the credits rolled. I know there is endgame content but i wasn't interested. I done the same with Super Mario Odyssey but i kept that game so i can go back to it but if i don't get everything done then no big deal. if a game wants me to do that then put the credits or "the end" at the actual end of the game.

i also don't bother with achievements/trophies. if i get them then cool but i'm not spending time trying to collect them all.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think I've ever gone out of my way to 100% a game unless it was somewhat easy to do so. Even some of my favourite games of all time I've never fully completed because they require you to do annoying tasks or use a guide to make sure you don't miss stuff permanently.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely. I'll consider a number of factors when starting a new game to make a judgment call about whether I have any intention to attempt to 100% it. Factors include familiarity with the series, the genre, etc. But I haven't gotten 100% in a video game ever since I collected all the stars in Super Mario 64. It's a futile mental and physical exercise for me, even if the intention is there from the onset.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Far fewer. It's rare that I have the desire to 100% a game that's more than a few hours long. Too many games to play and not enough time to play them so I don't have a lot of incentive to sink a bunch of time into arbitrary objectives or grinds.


Oct 27, 2017
I have enough tasks and chores lists in my professional and personal life. I don't need more. I play game to relax and in some way escape real life. Wondering around an open world game trying to find the hidden item behind a dark staircase in a random building just to see an achievement notification pop up on the screen is not all that appealing or enjoyable game play for me. My time is more valuable than that.


Jun 4, 2019
BrasĂ­lia, Brazil
Totally. I used to get platinum trophies and make my time with the game worth the money I had invested, but now adult life happened and nowadays I usually have around 2/3 hours per day to gaming because of my job. Luckily I and my gf (future wife) don't intend to have children, so I can keep this 2 hour for a longer time lol


Oct 25, 2017
It's been a curve for me... As a kid, I played only a handful of games we owned dozens and dozens of times. They were also relatively short compared to most modern games.

As a teenager-20 something I had more disposable income and games got cheaper so I got more and completed less.

Today? I've been playing far fewer games and seeing them through. I have a huge backlog, so it doesn't even make sense to look at new games right now. Hell, the last 3 weeks have been nothing but Fire Emblem 3 Houses and I haven't even finished the second house yet.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
I have never 100% anything with trophies or achievements. I don't see that changing, it's just a behavior that doesn't appeal to me.

More power to the people who have actual fun doing it, you get more bang for your buck. I just happen to find it to be tedious.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Plenty of games to finish and little time to do so. I only try with those that won't require several extra hours or plenty of playthroughs.


May 17, 2019
I've never really 100%'d most games at any point in my life. I play through the entire main game for the grand majority of games I play, but most games aren't worth doing every single thing, even the games I love.
Jan 15, 2020
I'm surprised by the result of this poll, to be frank. While kids don't tend to be bored as quickly trying to complete a game, they tend to get stuck on an issue and never think of looking online for the answer, so even any% is much more doable for adults or teenagers compared to kids. I could never find all the hearts in OOT 3DS when I was young, but managed to find them all as an adult.


Jul 6, 2019
I'm surprised by the result of this poll, to be frank. While kids don't tend to be bored as quickly trying to complete a game, they tend to get stuck on an issue and never think of looking online for the answer, so even any% is much more doable for adults or teenagers compared to kids. I could never find all the hearts in OOT 3DS when I was young, but managed to find them all as an adult.

There is some truth to that, especially in my case.

Playing the SNES games, the first generation to have a regular supply os side content, I stick to the NES mentality and simply beat the game. Examples being Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island. As a kid, beating the game was good enough. When I got to be a teenager, I realized I could get more out of the game and try for 100%. Getting better at games also being a factor.

Though in my case, it's been pretty hot & cold. When I was in college, a period in my life where I played games the least, I played some in by free time, but stuck to PC games and emulation and was not above cheating to save time and beat the game faster.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I'm far less interested in forcing myself to play games I'm not really enjoying so my overall completion rate is probably much lower.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
Hell, I any% games less these days than I did when I was younger. In the past five years, I've bought and dropped more games than I had in the 25 years prior put together. I just don't have the time for games I don't enjoy and I find myself relying far too much on public opinion than I did when I was younger, but I don't always agree with public opinion.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I've rarely played a game to total completion since after college. Happened less when married and even less after the kid.


Oct 25, 2017
100% as in platinum trophy? Only did it for three games and that was in the last two years - never doing that again

I "finish" as soon as I beat the story or campaign - rarely I do post game unless it's worth it for the story, expansion like new levels, etc


Oct 30, 2017
Tbh I was never someone who 100% games but the last 2 gens have produced a good few games where it's incredibly easy to do so. And in those instances...I do. If I have to go out of my way to do so or spend too much time or effort achieving it. I won't. But statistically I definitely 100% more games now than i used to.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to 100% games as a kid because I only got 2 new games a year (birthday and Christmas). Now I only 100% games if I really really like it, and even then it has to be a fun endeavor to achieve it (Platinum Bloodborne? Yes. Platinum Dark Souls 2? No.)


Oct 27, 2017
More so now, although I definitely don't play through games as much as I used to due to time and having more games to choose from now.