
Nov 7, 2017
I know this is not the angle you're necessarily going for but I feel it in racing games.

specifically with knucklehead AI. If some dumbass AI crashes or bumps into me and sends me spinning out of turn 1 I will spend the rest of the time hunting him down until I send him flying into a barrier or gravel trap.


Oct 31, 2017
WoW vanilla on a PvP server ah yes. all I wanted to do was hit 60 and return the ganking favors


Oct 27, 2017
But if an enemy inconveniences or kills me you can bet I'm going to go out of my way to destroy those lines of code
Yeah, just those guys. Most of the time, video game enemies are just obstacles to overcome. But every now and then, I find myself muttering at the screen: "Come here, you little shit..."


Oct 28, 2017
I kinda went out of my way to kill Seraphites in Last of Us 2. Their fanatical cruelty really got under my skin.


Nov 11, 2017
Play Deus Ex. Experiencing the scheming and plans of Bob Page will make you rethink the "just following orders"/Nuremberg Excuse/Punchclock Villain trope. Those people know what they're serving, they know what they signed up for.

And for that, they must be Expunged. To the last.

I take great pleasure in slaughtering every enemy in my path in Deus Ex post-NSF. Party like it's 1793!
That's... quite extreme from my point of view. I mean, if enemies are actively trying to hurt me, of course I'll give them hell. But if they run away, I won't go after them. I'd rather go after the one who gives them orders.

I would certainly be a terrible soldier on the battlefield, I know, but fortunately enough, we're only discussing video games lol

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Oct 26, 2017
When I was young and playing Ocarina of Time for the first time, I really felt like Ganondorf was the most evil thing ever in a video game. Seeing what happens to everything after you get the third spiritual stone... well... it felt personal.


Oct 27, 2017
Every time I get hit by some random bullshit:



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not often, unless I'm playing online, and another person is in control. Then my brain devolves into a primitive state, and I feel triumphant/smug/irritated when I win or lose to them.

Against AI it's very rare, although there are some special occasions where the AI feels personal enough to trigger a sense of agency. The Nemesis system in the Mordor games did this very successfully. I would absolutely hunt down the orcs that killed me, and felt more triumphant when I bested them. But the Icon of Sin and the Kahn Makyr are a couple of recent examples that had me banging my head against a brick wall, but which never felt especially personal.


Oct 30, 2017
Not often. But for some reason in Stardew Valley I always feel compelled to kill the little sand worm things that pop up in patches of sand in the caves.


Oct 25, 2017
That's... quite extreme from my point of view. I mean, if enemies are actively trying to hurt me, of course I'll give them hell. But if they run away, I won't go after them. I'd rather go after the one who gives them orders.

I would certainly be a terrible soldier on the battlefield, I know, but fortunately enough, we're only discussing video games lol

Nothing is "Extreme" when fighting the enemies of Liberty. Those who seek to conquer the world are the enemies of humanity, and the enemies of humanity must be purged.

MJ12's troopers know exactly what they signed up for, they know what cause they're fighting for. They actively discuss it in various side-conversations throughout the game when not alerted to the player's presence - In quite a Gung-Ho manner, not "Are we the baddies?" - They're all rats that need to be fumigated without mercy. As an aside, there's an opportunity early in the game where you can kill Bob Page's daughter - I never thought much of that particular spot before but after playing DX Human Revolution, well, she became another Crosshair on the Righteous Slaughter list.

There must be no holds barred when crushing Fascism.


Oct 27, 2017
If any one of enemies managed to incapacitate me before I died in Max Payne 3, where I have to kill them in short time, I always shoot at them merciless, without concerning my ammo reservation.
I was like "serve them right" for taking me down and seeing them got showered by my bullets is the most satisfying thing to do in the game.

So, I always have that rage feeling to any single enemy who got me incapacitated, even it happened in just few seconds.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
If they go out of their way to inconvenience me, yes.

Especially if they're underleveled and especially especially when they're ranged units. If they leave me alone, I leave them alone. But there's always that one mook who thinks he's hot shit because he has the high ground. Even if he can't really harm me, it's a bad attitude and I'm more than happy to set him straight.


Feb 13, 2019
I kill those monkeys in Sekiro with a vengeance. And Genichiro. Dude's a cry baby.


Oct 29, 2017
That feeling of charging towards an enemy with vengeance on your mind only to get beat down again thou.


Oct 27, 2017
The Nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor/War gave me that feeling a bit at times. I had one orc get a lucky kill, who I then had to kill multiple times because he just would not stay dead. Was very satisfying when I finally lopped off his head.


Mar 2, 2020
Never in a plot way. If I'm playing a game and a single enemy keeps giving me problems I'll normally drop a "go fuck yourself" when I finally beat them.


Apr 24, 2018
Only when i was a kid playing Street Fighter 2.
The cpu Vega and Sagat used to piss me off soo bad,lol.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Played RE7 while I was drunk and when Mia cut off my hand I went on a tirade all the way up until the chainsaw fight.


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
It depends. In games like Yakuza I go between "Really, I am gonna fight this random guy because kiryu it too macho to have a conversation?" or " God, this scummy human trafficker deserves to be beaten to death". The writing is all over the place.

In games like uncharted or COD its a NO.
As for RPGs it largely depends on the writing. I consider it great writing if an RPG can make me emote hate for a character.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
The only time I really felt vengeful for an enemy in a game was Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor, and their amazing Nemesis system.

Fucking Golm the Shadow was the bane of my existence in that game. It felt, so, so good to finally end him once and for all. Dude just kept. coming. back. And at the most inopportune times. I had to Highlander his ass to finally be rid of him. I even recorded a video of the moment I ended him permanently.

One of the most satisfying experiences I've had all generation, and I really do wish more open world games implemented versions of the Nemesis system that fit within their individual game makeup.

For other games, I get frustrated at an enemy that keeps beating me (ie, Dark Souls/Bloodborne/soulslikes in general), but I never really feel truly vengeful about it. Maybe Abby from The Last of Us Part 2, but I loved her by the end of the game, so that was an amazing mental and emotional journey for me. Lol


Jun 19, 2018
Haven't played it yet, but it seems like a lot of people felt that in TLoU2, lol.

Closest I've come is probably Rico in KZ2 and he's not an enemy.


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
I'm more vengeful towards NPC allies. Will glady shoot them myself if they keep making me fail a mission due to their stupidity.

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
Hell yes. I killed every motherfucker in AC Odyssey and by the end
I dined alone in that hut.

Also, I loved the Nemesis system in Shadows of Mordor. There was this one dude who kept coming in my save right up until the end.


Oct 30, 2017
Yea against enemies which annoy me and/or are difficult. They shall feel the point of my rapier, scoundrel.

Yes. I dont know how many times I've killed
Abby in tlou, jump off buildings, getting shot in the face etc.. felt good everytime. I literally had to make sure she died a few times every hour. Abby literally killed my most hyped game of all time. Fuck. I hate talking about tlou2

But yeah, enemies that kill me more than I think I deserve gets on my shitlist and I make sure I killed them good.
So you could say you killed your most hyped game with your own expectations.

Hoisted by your own petard.

Only when i was a kid playing Street Fighter 2.
The cpu Vega and Sagat used to piss me off soo bad,lol.