
Oct 25, 2017
I'm also a Youtuber so I definitely prefer playing more and shorter games. Really long games would be kinda tricky for me to do unless I can balance it with other games somehow. I also edit videos so it'll take even longer to do!


Oct 27, 2017
Off, I can't do those kind of games back to back anymore. Nowadays if How Long to beat has the game 30+ hours, I instantly don't wanna play it.

However, I'm on my second playthrough of Breath of the Wild, so what do I know...


Oct 26, 2017
I don't care how long a game is if I enjoy it for the whole duration. I can live with 5 hour games that are good and like games like Persona 5 or DQ11.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Depends if I'm over the last long game I played and/or if I've got a backlog of tv/movies I want to watch in the near future. Burning through some shows while grinding in games can be quite relaxing.

When I did my max stat game of FFX back in 2000, I would carry our family's tiny picture tube TV down some stairs to the room with the computer set up so I could watch stuff while playing lol. Picture in picture on my first HDTV was a game changer, now I just use an old PC monitor for a second screen, works well ;)

Deleted member 4886

Oct 25, 2017
We rarely get games that even hit the 80 hour mark, past a select like 5 RPG titles. So, no it doesn't turn me off, I wish we had more.


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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As someone with a terrible backlog of JRPGs it I generally a turn off for me. My problem is that I start an rpg but lose focus 1/3 to 1/2 of the way in. Looking and game lengh has kept me from getting DQ XI to this point


Oct 29, 2017
Nope. Not at all. 80 hours of copy pasted content is rarely fun. and id rather play four 20hour games instead.

When i hear a game is less than 20 hours, i get legitimately excited.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
You're playing those Souls games extremely slowly if they took you 80 hours. There's a difference between taking your time on purpose and a game being unavoidably long.

I play all games like that. The Last of Us took me 19-20 hours on all three playthroughs, for example, and I've played a FTP/GaaS title Let It Die for 2½ years. Reaching the 40th floor of LID's main game takes a lot of time for a beginner, no matter how you play the game. So, the length isn't an issue, and I like to sit down and play a game for hours when I have the time. Actually, I prefer the kind of games that take time and suck me in like that, compared to a passing entertainment.

It's different with open world games, where the size of the map and amount of quests are selling points. They just seem daunting and too much work for me, much like it's when Netflix adds several seasons of series right away. It feels like I don't even want to start at that point.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm lucky of I get 1 hour of gaming every couple days, so yeah, 80 hour games just feel like filler to me now.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
They definitely turn me off these days. Unless it's for something I'm really looking forward to and intend to spend a lot of time with, such as Persona 5. I think it's one of the reasons I haven't played any of the recent Assassin's Creed games, the thought of playing something so big and slogging through all the quests and whatnot is pretty agonizing.


Dec 10, 2018
I'm lucky of I get 1 hour of gaming every couple days, so yeah, 80 hour games just feel like filler to me now.

This is me most of the time, except Yakuza 0 which I spent 100+ hours playing.

Meanwhile I bought Kiwami and Kiwami 2 and I've only spent about 5 hours in the former and none in the latter despite having both pre-ordered/ready to play since launch on PC.

The only upcoming games I can see myself spending ~100 hours with in the next year or so are Shenmue III and Cyberpunk 2077.

Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
Depends on the series. If it's something that comes out fairly often (Assasisns Creed) I prefer shorter but if it's something new or has infrequent releases then longer length can exicite me. Doesn't meant I prefer it but I did enjoy the long length of RDR2 fwiw.

Same and that includes the bit about the masterpiece that is RDR2. I'll add that I played, and replayed the Witcher 3 for over a 1000 hours including DLC and wanted more.

Halo as a franchise at it's best for instance gives you about a solid campaign of about 8-10 hours, and is something most diehards will come back to replay over and over again in time while it also has an excellent MP side with all the trimmings that gives you hundreds of hours to invest in, and I love it but I don't feel the same about a franchise like CoD, so like you said it depends on the series.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Same and that includes the bit about the masterpiece that is RDR2. I'll add that I played, and replayed the Witcher 3 for over a 1000 hours including DLC and wanted more.

Halo as a franchise at it's best for instance gives you about a solid campaign of about 8-10 hours, and is something most diehards will come back to replay over and over again in time while it also has an excellent MP side with all the trimmings that gives you hundreds of hours to invest in, and I love it but I don't feel the same about a franchise like CoD, so like you said it depends on the series.
I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life in Cyberpunk just like I did with Witcher 3 :) Certain special releases can really benefit from the length. If it's a series with lots of releases though it just creates fatigue imo.
Oct 28, 2017
It was never a plus to me in the first place. Though I can enjoy long games, I much prefer quality to quantity. I have a friend who plays games primarily as a means of wasting time (his words, not mine) and he loves game to have a long campaign in addition to a large map littered with busywork "content". I'm just not about that life.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really, I don't enjoy it as much as more. Mainly because with some games, it's the same core gameplay that's stretched out and padded out with fetch quests and stuff. If it's a linear story that is 80 hours, I'm totally down. If it's a 50 open world sandbox game, I usually just pass it on it nowadays.


Apr 22, 2019
They've always been a big turn off for me. I've got zero interest in something that just drags on unless it's filled with content the whole way through. Fire Emblem, for example, generally has you in battle, thinking of your next move for most of its length, so it has never felt draggy to me before (I put 250 hours into Fates, 100 into Awakening, 75 into SoV); likewise Pokemon pre-3DS and Dragon Quest games.

Pacing becomes an issue too, I've hated every Xenoblade game because they all take soooooooooooooooo long to just get started. I've heard 2 is great, but it takes 30+ hours to become good and the start is crap. I don't have a day to waste on crap. I got 5 hours in and quit.
Oct 25, 2017
If the game is worth it, I'm happy to spend that time in the world. I love playing the Trails games, for example, and I wouldn't want to see those get shortened up at all.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Probably excite. Can't wait to spent 80+ hours with Cyberpunk. Or Pokemon. Or Tales of Arise.

I'm excited for a game, if it's long or short doesn't influence my excitement.

Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life in Cyberpunk just like I did with Witcher 3 :) Certain special releases can really benefit from the length. If it's a series with lots of releases though it just creates fatigue imo.

Oh hell yes! I love CDPR and Cyberpunk is my most anticipated outside of Halo Infinite. And I agree with you.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
They used to because JRPGs are my bread and butter, but nowadays I just have no time for games like that. Not a single one. It's upsetting because I still have an interest in them, but I just can't play them. I just can't...


Oct 25, 2017
I can't play games like that anymore, which is just sad. That probably goes for 20-40 hours games too to be honest... so the newer Yakuza games and Persona 5 will probably never get played. :(


Jan 9, 2018
After purchasing to many open world games I never played more than 1 hour I'm no longer caring about them.


Jun 1, 2018
I wont buy any games that long unless its a very rare exception, I just dont have enough free hours to get through those games in a reasonable time frame.

I played through RDR2 last year and Ill play through Cyberpunk next year, but their length is a huge negative for me.


Oct 27, 2017
That depends. I can absolutely play games for that long, but JRPGs of that length are out of the question due to the way they are usually padded.

I did not buy Persona 5 because I was not even close to finishing P4 when I got tired of it. I loved the first 30-40 hours of P4, but eventually it got really stale.

Games like NMS on the other hand, I can probably play forever.


Oct 30, 2017
Hearing a game is long is usually a turn-off. I don't need a "Dollar per hour" metric when I purchase a title and the majority of games i've played never needed to be such a long length the majority of the time.
Basically this.

That being said, it also depends on a bunch of factors, like the game genre, my own mood, free time availability, etc.

The way I see it, games can be put (very subjectively, thus very personally) in two boxes : games that you'll only "finish" once, and games you'll "replay" at some point.

I prefer "One Shot" games to be reasonably meaty, and "replayable" games to be deep but relatively short, say 10~30h tops.


Aug 11, 2018
It depends on the game. I'm more open to turn based jrpgs taking longer (and sometimes even excited!)--ARPGs or SRPGS not so much.

No SPRG has ever benefitted from being that long. At the same time, 90% of the time devs overestimate how long it takes to play a playthrough of a game. Bravely Second was supposed to be an 80+hr game--it took me 45 to do everything barring grinding every single class up to max.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean, if the game is good consistently I want to spend as much time with it as possible. I quite often delibaretely slow down to spend more time in the game world (Skyrim, TW3, RDR 2).


Oct 30, 2017
It highly depends. I love my 15 hours games like Uncharted but a long JRPG can also be amazing from time to time. I really enjoyed my time with DQXI for example, even though it took me 8 months to beat it.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the quality of the game, of course. As much as I prefer shorter games, I would never say no to a new game of the calibre that The Witcher III had, and spend 100h with that.

Treasure Silvergun

Self-requested ban
Dec 4, 2017
If the game's length is flaunted as its strong point I'm definitely turned away, but if I end up liking the game I'll gladly spend the hours. Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade 2 captivated mema to the very endof and beyond even if they took me a hundred hours each.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to love them, now they're a turnoff. I play games around maybe 5 hours a week, so something with 80+ hours will take me forever.
But still I'm currently playing DQXI again, played through most of Persona 5, bought Divinity Original Sin 2 and have FF12 on backlog.... So I guess I didn't learn.
I still enjoy them though.


Jun 28, 2019
Mostly a turn off. Open world games usually bore me to death before the end - there are some exception of course. I played Sekiro [ 80+ hour ] and Days Gone [ 60+ hour ] this year. But i leave on my backlog games like Final Fantasy XV and Dragon Quest XI, because of their length.


Jan 3, 2018
Really depends? TES6? Hit me up with that 500 hours. Just story games like Uncharted? 20 hours-ish. Open World games with good stories like Days Gone, Spider-Man, Horizon? 60 hours. Then there re the in-betweens like Breath of the Wild which are more about exploring than story I guess? ~100 hours.
Indie stories? 10 hours.


Oct 27, 2017
Mostly a turn off. Most games of that length are poorly paced and full of padding.


Oct 25, 2017
If they can be new and mechanically interesting throughout the duration, I say go for it. Okami, for instance, is a long, loooong game, but you're still gettting new skills and putting those to the test in fun dungeons right up to the very end. BotW, on the other hand, gives you virtually everything instantly, and then fails to follow through with the potential it implies, mashing the player against the same things time and time again for the next however many dozen hours. So it really just depends on the curve of the game.


Oct 30, 2017
I just don't have the time. Takes me over half a year to finish a game that long these days sadly. I use to love it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
The games people claim are 80 hours + never take me that long.

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
Mostly turn off as I order my gaming backlog based on priority * interest * estimated amount of fun/entertainment the game provides divided by its length, so long games tends to drop to the bottom.


Oct 27, 2017
A turn off. Anything past 30 to 35 hours is a nope for me, unless I am really into the concept of the game.


Dec 23, 2018
Supposed game time has never mattered a whole lot to me or ever even factored in to my purchasing decision. I'll happily play a game for 100 or 1000 hours if I'm having fun. Same with short games, I have no problem paying 60 bucks for a short-ish experience. As long as the investment is feasible for me at the moment, of course.


Oct 27, 2017
I have no problem with long games at all.
I don't have this need to finish every game I play. I just play them for as long as I want and if I finish them great, if not I'll jump over to something else.
They'll be there when I want to go back to them.