
SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017


Revved for its full PC release first (out now) and marking an exit from its well-received Early Access period Distance is a futuristic-styled arcade racer that takes cues from the likes of San Francisco Rush 2049 and is the spiritual sequel to Refract Studios' previous indie title, Nitronic Rush. In it you take control of a tricked out car allowing you to fly, jump and wall ride through the game's neon streaked levels, requiring some deft and at times exacting controls.

Aerial platforming elements make up the core of the gameplay, with the general freedom of movement and verticality, as the player balances flight and nitro boost limits with trick cooldowns and unorthodox maneuvers allowing for faster times and creative routes. Set to an appropriately electronic soundtrack that variously shifts from moody to energetic the visual style stays minimalist with an on-car HUD displaying essential racing details.


The single player is spread across the game's primary Adventure and Arcade modes, with multiplayer supporting up to 12 players online or over LAN and up to 4 players via local split-screen. For the PC version a full-featured level editor is included allowing for custom level creation, while available for all versions is Trackmogrify, a novel procedural level creation feature which transforms typed text into customized tracks. See below for more.

* Available on the Steam version via the Community Workshop.



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SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
Quick note: the devs published it earlier than originally planned today so the Early Access label is still showing on the store page despite being the full launch version.


Oct 25, 2017
Have been waiting for this since they moved from Nitronic Rush. Will pick up soon.
Hopefully it's as fun and as difficult to master as Nitronic Rush could be when it was ,ahem, firing on all cylinders


Oct 25, 2017
6 long years and Distance has finally been released. It's been a heck of a ride and I can't wait to play the campaign later today.
Congrats Refract Studios!


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to play this although it'll be a little longer since I'm going to be getting the PS4 version. Fingers crossed it comes out this year.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I think I remember finishing however much of this they had in early access a while back... I certainly remember liking what I played.

Looking forward to seeing what's new in 1.0!


May 9, 2018
Looks great, good to see it finally left Early Access.
Didn't know they made a VR version as well, definitely gonna check this out on my Rift.


SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
Nice overview vid about the Distance community and its influence on the game over the years was released



Oct 27, 2017
I really liked what I played years ago when I backed it. Very nice game that introduces something really new in the racer genre.

Let's play the revamped campaign!


Oct 25, 2017
A riduclous amount of content for $25 and one of the most unique arcade racers around. Trials fans will probably enjoy this one


Oct 28, 2017
Excellent OT.

Both campaign are short as heck, but then again they told us so. Still lots of replayability with several paths to discover and it seems it has hidden levels to unlock.

The community is amazing, with some workshop levels that are mindblowing.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the campaign and the Lost to Echos. Man that was a rush. Also the soundtrack for Lost to Echos is amazing. I can't believe they got Mr. Quiggles on the project.

Also just to let you know OP, Torcht of Refract Studios made a comment about your OT.



Oct 28, 2017
An OT worthy of the game's stellar aesthetics. Just getting into this...loving the menace. Kind of like a stepchild of Thumper and San Francisco Rush 2049.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, performance is a billion times better than the original Early Access release.

And yeah, the music is still pretty great.

edit: Were the down thrusters always in the game? They make the wall jumping a lot easier than I remember it. Easier in a good way! I remember getting frustrated by the finicky mechanics.


SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
I need impressions on the VR content.

Found some on the Vive subreddit about the release version. There was also a comment thread from the 2016 build which had some good things to say, in addition to some criticisms of being too intense, though at that point the game lacked the VR specific settings added to mitigate motion sickness (included just following based on Steam feedback).

any date for the ps4 version?

From reading one of the most recent blog posts about the v1.0 release they mentioned the PC and PS4 builds are 'nearly identical' but they're working at targeting 1080p/60fps, which they say is the main focus since they consider the increased framerate improves gameplay feel. Apart from that the leaderboard system and gaining the console certification are the other things they noted as WIP. Not sure of a definite date though.

edit: Were the down thrusters always in the game? They make the wall jumping a lot easier than I remember it. Easier in a good way! I remember getting frustrated by the finicky mechanics.

The Grip feature was added a little while back but yeah the improvement it makes especially to wall flips is substantial. It's great they took onboard the community feedback, not just from the hardcore players :p

Also just to let you know OP, Torcht of Refract Studios made a comment about your OT.



SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
Completed the main campaign and bit by bit progressing through the Nitronic Rush throwback bonus campaign, Lost to Echoes. Kicking my ass in sections though, in a kind of good way. The challenge is appreciated. Those sequences of winding wall rides are no joke in parts.

Also unlocked a nice new car.

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Oct 25, 2017
Haven't even tried VR mode but finished main campaign & Lost to Echoes back to back. Couldn't put it down cause I was having such a blast with it. This game is sooo good y'all, just buy it!
Fantastic OT btw!
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Oct 27, 2017
I refuse to believe this is actually coming out for PS4 until it's downloaded on my system. I feel like I've been waiting forever.


SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
Haven't even tried VR mode but finished main campaign & Lost to Echoes back to back. Couldn't put it down cause I was having such a blast with it. This game is sooo good y'all, just buy it!
Fantastic OT btw!

Finished Lost to Echoes and I think it was just the right thing to follow up the main campaign since it was challenging enough to keep me on my toes while also having its own take on the visuals and music. Haven't discovered all the soda machines in the levels yet, just one by chance while attempting a level skip.

Also the Chroma level in the arcade mode is so photogenic and minimalist. After playing I felt there could be an entire series of them in that style tbh. Posted some screenshots to the screenshot OT. The replay system has a freecam so that's how I've been able to capture different angles.

Holy shit, this is one of the coolest OTs I've seen so far. Great job!

Cheers. Also should mention generally about it that Internet Explorer has a bug where it only scales width not width/height together when dimensions are set on an SVG, for anyone happening to be browsing with it. Both IE and Edge additionally won't display the header animation, or the full PC specs one (Microsoft pls).


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Lost to Echoes and I think it was just the right thing to follow up the main campaign since it was challenging enough to keep me on my toes while also having its own take on the visuals and music. Haven't discovered all the soda machines in the levels yet, just one by chance while attempting a level skip.

Also the Chroma level in the arcade mode is so photogenic and minimalist. After playing I felt there could be an entire series of them in that style tbh. Posted some screenshots to the screenshot OT. The replay system has a freecam so that's how I've been able to capture different angles.

Cheers. Also should mention generally about it that Internet Explorer has a bug where it only scales width not width/height together when dimensions are set on an SVG, for anyone happening to be browsing with it. Both IE and Edge additionally won't display the header animation, or the full PC specs one (Microsoft pls).
Chroma was so lovely and reminded me of Wipeout Zone mode a bit. Fully agree on Lost to Echoes right amount of challenge; they didn't go overboard thankfully lol. I love the arcade modes as well like Sprint; think I got 85 metals unlocked so far and missing 15 for the next set of sprint levels. This game is pretty packed with content and it's ALL so lovely honestly. Had the biggest fucking smile on my face playing some of these fantastic levels for the first time like the Outrun level with the music blasting through my headphones. It felt sooo gooood.

More people need to check out this wonderful game and show it some love!


Oct 28, 2017
Just finished the campaign on VR mode with an Oculus. It is definitely intense even with the plenty of settings available for fine tuning so i wouldn't recommend it for VR novices.

Still working on my gold medals, to unlock the legacy content. So far...about half.


SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
Chroma was so lovely and reminded me of Wipeout Zone mode a bit. Fully agree on Lost to Echoes right amount of challenge; they didn't go overboard thankfully lol. I love the arcade modes as well like Sprint; think I got 85 metals unlocked so far and missing 15 for the next set of sprint levels.

More people need to check out this wonderful game and show it some love!

You're quite a bit further than I am so far, haha. Though I'm getting up to 60 medals soon. And yeah, a real under the radar title for many.

Just finished the campaign on VR mode with an Oculus. It is definitely intense even with the plenty of settings available for fine tuning so i wouldn't recommend it for VR novices.

Did you prefer the first or third person perspective? As for certain things like flips I'm curious how it would feel in VR.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Nightmare Fuel levels on Sprint are fantastic and can be nightmare fuel ahaha. We Tetris in space now! <3


SVG Wizard
Oct 26, 2017
The Nightmare Fuel levels on Sprint are fantastic and can be nightmare fuel ahaha. We Tetris in space now! <3

Haven't yet unlocked the Nightmare Fuel or Legacy tiers but have been playing through various Workshop levels (partially since they also add towards unlockables, *cough*). Most recent was Tempest (below). Also posted some shots from the campaigns to the screenshots OT.



Others I've recently played or replayed and liked are Null Void (unique visual design, road reveals itself ahead only while driving), Fall Out (very experimental, you're in free fall above a gigantic cityscape and use grip/thrusters/boost to direct movement, expect lots of retries), Green Hill Zone (spot on Sonic themed level), Punching Through (flashy WIP level that plays well with the right amount of challenge).

In the process unlocked the Monster Truck cheat. Yas. Discovered best times aren't saved with it enabled since it changes the car handling, just fyi. Shot below from 50 Second Theory.



Oct 25, 2017
^^Those look sick, and that Monster Truck! Thanks for the level recommendations. Will definitely check out the community levels next after I'm done with Astro Bot.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you prefer the first or third person perspective? As for certain things like flips I'm curious how it would feel in VR.

I tried both, overall the game is not for the weak of stomach.

First person feels okay, until you crash then things get bad. You lose all sense of direction, and you just spin spin spin, very disorientating. Due to how tracks look, it's really hard to tell where the hell you are after you crash. I'd get stuck in places, or wind up on the other side of the track with no idea how to get back. 3rd person seemed like it would be better, but they even had a warning it could cause sickness. I tried it and they weren't kidding, it was even worse than first person. I walked away with a migraine for the rest of the night.

A game I'll never touch the VR portion of ever again.
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