R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It's been 11 long years since Devil May Cry 4 and ever since the early days there's been speculations and rummors about how the DMC series would evolve and what Capcom and Hideaki Itsuno would bring to the table with their long anticipated sequel.


Here we are almost 1 month and a half since Devil May Cry 5 was released and the game has been really well received by fans and critics while also becoming the fastest selling DMC game to date at 2 mil copies sold in the first 10 days.

I'm in somewhat in a love-hate relationship with the game. I've been a DMC fan since the early PS2 days with the first game and DMC sits only behind Prince of Persia as my favorite game franchise. I can't feel but feel dissapointed with some of the things they decided do with Devil May Cry 5.

In thread I'd like to discuss the flaws and shortcomings of Devil May Cry 5 and see what and how it went wrong.

I think the biggest criticism and one that everyone seems to notice is the Level Design,

- Ever since the original game back on the PS2, the Devil May Cry series used a structural level design. There were no ''levels'' per say but a big interconnected map that's been separted by the actual missions themselves. That was your ''playground'' for the most part.

DMC3's Temen-ni-gru and it's layout serves the best examples on how the series actually had it's peak level design in terms of both player progession and the levels themselfs.

DMC5 is that it throws all that out the window and instead replaces this with a mission based that is it's own level. Where's the problem with that you ask? The level themselves are small, shallow and very uninspired and short.

It starts off pretty okay with some decent examples would be Mission 2, Mission 4, Mission 7 and Mission 9. Everything beyond that point just takes a nose dive, and one example of this would be Mission 13 where you're dropping down in 3 diffrent circle rooms via holes and fight mobs in each of them and that's the mission.

They're sugar coated hallways served up as level design per mission. It blows my mind that a game that was actually build for this generation of consoles has such poor level design and many would say that it's straight up of a PS2 game, but I'd say they're wrong and that would be an insult to the actual level designs of PS2's era.
Hell PS3 too, DMC4's Fortuna is a bit more diffrent in this regard given that there's some questionable things about it like one minute you're fighting in snow and the next 2 missions you're out in a sunny jungle, and the fact that it's pretty much half a game. It's still the same interconnected mini world that still respects the same rules that they've previously enstablished. You can always go back from the Fortuna Castle all the way to the church where you start the game.

Which brings me to my next point, The Loading Sreens,

- This is one of the worst offenders that I have to give DMC5. Again, I just find it unbelivable a game in 2019 has a loading screen for every single little thing possible. You boot up the game > Loading Screen> Title Logo > Press Mission Select > Loading Screen> Select Mission 06> Loading Screen> Cutscene Plays > Loading Screen> Mission Start Up and Customize Menu> Start> LOADING SCREEN > We're finanlly in the game itself.

Not to mention that while you're in the actual game too if you call up Nico's Van, Going in or out of it will result in ...you've gussed it another loading screen!

How is this possible? Specially since RE2's only major loading screen was during the first boot up after the menu. Even DmC's with it's original UE3 had nothing like this.

Now that we have some of the tehnical aspects out of the way let's talk about the Story, ( spoilers obviously)

- Oh boy, this might be some of the worst excuted and poorly written story in a char action game ( that's saying something ) in recent memory. DMC5's story is just terrible fanservice with no real execution or legs behind it. Everything about this relies heavily on concepts and themes that have been used in the past games except done ten times worse. ( A general problem of DMC5 really).

Yet another demoic giant thing raised in the middle of the city by none other then Vergil ofcourse, and at the base of this very reason is ...you've gussed it power once again so he can finally beat his little brother!

It's never exaplained to us what Vergil did in those 20 years post Nelo Angelo and the Mallet Island incident. He just shows up one day, steal Nero's arm and Yamato and splits himself in two trying to get get rid of his human side(V) thinking that's what's holding him back and we're back at square 1.

The whole's game plot is just a setup to shove Vergil back with no real build up or reason behind it other then ''oh my god it's VERGIL!''. It's just done for the sake of being done.

Which is also wierd because Vergil in DMC5 has some some wierd mood swings from his fight with Dante all the way to the game's ending where they're being cool with eachother. I won't go in depth about everything since the story in those games isn't a key selling point but it's still something to be talked about, which brings me to my next topic.

- V

- Ever since they revealed him as the third playble MC I always wondered how will he fit in with the rest of the series being a new addition. Sadly V is one of the biggest missed opportuities of the game.

The only reason he exists is to serve as a lame story asspull. That's it. He's not even his own person, being the human side of Vergil. They also decided to make him playable even tho I would have been fine with him just being a new character given that he had so little actual in-game story time and we won't see him ever again.

His kit and mechanics are pretty much at odd with the game itself and what Devil May Cry is about. It's very shallow and button-mashing. In fact the game actually knows this and rewards you S ranks like candy for button-mashing like a madman.

You can actually see how broken he is (not in a good way) on higher difficulties where his kit and playstyle crumbles like a soggy biscuit under everything that's been thrown at him. Unlike Nero and Dante he's not properly designed to handle anything but the default encounter design and modifiers.

He just feels like an afterthought and not very enjoyable to play as.

- Relaying a bit too much on fanservice.

Devil May Cry 5 is as safe as it can possibly get. It realies very heavily on it's predecessors on pretty much every level raging from names, plot, boss fights, enemies, items and various things.

In my opinion it's a bit too much. Almost half of the enemy variety is lifed from DMC1&3 with your Hell Cainas, Sin Sissors, Nobodies, Angelos, etc. There's Cerberus, Greyon, Vergil and Faimilars as actual bosses.

Artemis & Gilgamesh....

I'm not too fond of this and actually don't mind well done fan service. Having some never hurts, going overboard with it just shows that you lack the creativty to make new stuff.

- Boss Fights

This is probably the last major point I will talk about. I found the boss fights pretty lackluster and averege for the most part. Most of them are just worthless behemoths with no personality. I'd rank them as following,

Bad Tier:
Qliphoth Root, Gilgamesh

Averege Tier:
Nidhogg, Elder Geryon Knight, Urizen 2 & 3, Familiars

Good Tier:
Goliath, Artemis, Malphas, King C

Fantastic Tier:
Cavaliere Angelo, Vergil.

One problem is that the good majority of them have 0 personality nor any liners as opposed to DMC3. There's just so many average ones that have nothing intresting going for them except some pretty scenery. The tracks are also super hit or miss. King C has to be one of the most awful ones I've heard. Even the good ones like Artemis and Goliath are not really mechanically intresting nor engaging to fight. Vergil here despite being a fantastic fight, isn't as good as his DMC3 final counterpart.

With all that said, DMC5 is a pretty good game that relies a bit too heavy on things of the past but still manages to come out on top because of it's stellar combat and that was to be expected. It's the one thing that holds DMC as a whole together. However, the other areas are always 1 step foward and 2 steps back and that's a shame. Devil May Cry needs to evolve more then it's combat and actually try to strike a good balance between all of it's elements. I'm not one of those people that think that only doing ''BP: The Game'' is fine because ''that's what the people play DMC for''.

Legendary games like Devil May Cry 3 or NGB reamined fan favorites of the genre for so many years because almost all of their package were perfect.

What do you guys think?


Feb 12, 2018
Geyron in good tier, malphas in average, Urizen in shit tier and Artemis in fantastic is wot I think

Vergil fight reminds me too much of the DmC one, it feels like a Mexican standoff with little of the ebb and flow of the dmc3 fight. It's far better when Nero fights him tho.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i don´t thought the game was very interesting at all tbh...

story was ho hum and just there and somehow the game is just not motivating for me to play through it again and again, i´ve played it once more on Son of Sparda and had my fill.

i´ve sold the game faster than i anticipated, i don´t know, but something was not gripping me about it. the artstyle, while looking good is a little bit too realistic for my taste too, i don´t need characters looking like real people in such a game.


Feb 22, 2018
The level design was extremely bland, and it was essentially run from one end to the other. Sure previous games terrible 3d platforming sections, but completely removing them isn't the way to do it. Sekiro completely overshadowed this game for me. Still a great game though and would recommend it for it's insanely polished combat


Oct 25, 2017

1. I don't have a problem with the level design just being corridors and arenas. I do have a problem with every level looking almost exactly the same visually. The game is just grey not-London and some demonic terrain. Next game needs to add some color or some sort of interesting architecture.​
2. Bosses were boring compared to DMC3 and some modern action games like Bayonetta. The only ones I REALLY love are Artemis (one of the most creative and fun bosses Capcom has ever made), Cavaliere Angelo and both Vergil fights.​

That's it. Game is a solid 8.5/10 for me. Just need some Trish/Vergil DLC.


Oct 25, 2017
The art direction is a big issue, the lack of visual variety makes you feel like you're playing the same three levels over and over again. Beyond that, the bosses are mostly forgettable, the story isn't great, and the way they reduced Lady and Trish's roles to blatant fanservice was straight up embarrassing.
R.T Straker

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
and the way they reduced Lady and Trish's roles to blatant fanservice was straight up embarrassing.

I forgot about that.

I kept saying for years, either make Lady some good material or just don't use her again.

She's a one trick pony for DMC3 and everything beyond that is just fanservice for the sake of fanservice. Shame.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Enemy design used from previous games doesn't at all bother me since they function so differently. Nobodies and Scissors play very differently and then you get completely different combat engine to boot. It's a completely different experience. Loading times hasn't been an issue for me on PC but definitely an issue on consoles.

A lot of what was said in OP is true but the level design really takes the cake as the most egregious issue in the game. You would think after getting complaints about it in DMC4 and Dragon's Dogma that Itsuno would learn but nah... makes me wary of Dragon's Dogma 2 now as well.

The rest of the issue is related to post release and lack of general modes in the game. A fairly barebone product when all is said and done, no Turbo mode or extra costumes. Took them a month to release Bloody Palace with not much added to it (Suspend/Warm Up features are cool but doesn't really increase replayability much).

The combat and mechanics are so advance and peak that there really is no point in doing this type of DMC game again. I want to see a new take on Nero's combat and maybe even *Gasp* bench Dante for once.
R.T Straker

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The rest of the issue is related to post release and lack of general modes in the game. A fairly barebone product when all is said and done, no Turbo mode or extra costumes.

I didn't go into those because it would have just seem like nitpicking.

No Turbo mode or LDK even on PC when DMC4 had them at launch was a bummer. Also not a fan of BP being in the game day 1 and served as GaaS one month later.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Probably saving them for a DMC5SE at this point IMO. Seems like very obvious exclusions and Capcom keeps getting berated by TURBO mode every time they are promoting the game, same for playable Vergil and now the ability to play any mission as any character ( a feature that was hinted by themselves in trailers!).


Oct 25, 2017
Enemy design used from previous games doesn't at all bother me since they function so differently. Nobodies and Scissors play very differently and then you get completely different combat engine to boot. It's a completely different experience. Loading times hasn't been an issue for me on PC but definitely an issue on consoles.

A lot of what was said in OP is true but the level design really takes the cake as the most egregious issue in the game. You would think after getting complaints about it in DMC4 and Dragon's Dogma that Itsuno would learn but nah... makes me wary of Dragon's Dogma 2 now as well.

The rest of the issue is related to post release and lack of general modes in the game. A fairly barebone product when all is said and done, no Turbo mode or extra costumes. Took them a month to release Bloody Palace with not much added to it (Suspend/Warm Up features are cool but doesn't really increase replayability much).

The combat and mechanics are so advance and peak that there really is no point in doing this type of DMC game again. I want to see a new take on Nero's combat and maybe even *Gasp* bench Dante for once.
The game feels like it was on a strict budget where every dollar was spent wisely. I feel like there's no other way to justify there not being a Season Pass or some sort of content roadmap with the game especially because a Special Edition release just feels...outdated in 2019. It feels like Capcom was really unsure of how this game would sell.

Or I could be wrong and they're just waiting to announce a bunch of DLC at E3.


May 31, 2018
Level design is very bland visually, especially mid game.

Agree with you about the loading screens, its way too much. Hopefully there will be a patch that may fix or reduce it.

The game definitely has a number of issues, but the combat system is god tier, super satisfying once it clicks with you.


Oct 25, 2017
My gripes:
-Loading times and amount of them are absolutely horrible, this becomes super apparent when you go for all difficulties and retry missions for ranks
-Lack of costumes and cool unlockables, even dumb recolors
-Once you leave Redgrave as Nero/V the game really becomes a very bland mesh design wise
-Lock on system is mega wonky

Skyball Paint

Nov 12, 2017
I prefer the straightforward level design of 5 vs all the terrible gimmicks they used to pad out 4. Frustrating precision Grim Grip platforming, Beyblades, the fucking board game...


Oct 28, 2017
The level design and incessant gameplay interruptions made me stop playing the game. I'm not in a hurry to continue. I'll come back to it but later, I find it pretty unremarkable so far. It's several notch behind the Bayonetta series IMO, particularly in terms of design work.


Oct 28, 2017
I stopped playing the game halfway, but I was very excited with the demo and i'm not a DMC fan prior to that.
Anyway, levels got boring after a while, very samey and not very inspired.
Didn't enjoyed the combat with V.
Overall after 5 or 6 missions I felt i've played all the game had to offer.


Oct 29, 2017
I wish the game is longer, may be one or two more missions with Nero, because the final part felt rush.

As for V, I had fun with him in first playthrough but playing as him on DMD mode is...frustrating, make me want to skip all V mission. Which ia dissapointing when Nero and Dante are the most fun to play in any action game.

My friends are new to the series said they like V gameplay though, stated that he's easier to play, exciting to watch all those beams and explosions. So may be this character served its purpose.


Oct 27, 2017
The levels were dull and repetitive
-The enemies mostly bland in design. I swear damn near all of them were a shade of gray
-Lock on sucked. Half the time I couldn't target what I wanted
-V was awful
-Disliked being forced to switch characters
-Didn't like nero's arm things breaking mechanic
OP's missing the terrible treatment of Lady and Trish. :/
Also it's been around 10-12 years between DMC1 and 5, not 20.

But this thread seems to be the perfect opportunity to whine about the story once more. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, my personal hot takes first: I hate Nero, always did and hate him being Vergil's son for several reasons.
V's design is like Capcom stole my data to create someone, that throws me off in every way possible.
On the other hand I am unhealthy attached to the twins, with Vergil being weird important to me.
And what their story did is just ruin the both of them.
They changed Vergil's background to some bullshit I can't sympathize with, that is plain wrong in the story itself and that contradicts with DMC3.
It was kinda common knowledge, that he was driven by his guilt, not being able to save Eva back in the day. Driven by anxity of losing people and not being able to protect them. Ever since the attack he was on the run, hunted by demons and avoided relationships because of everything. He becomes so desperate, that he his willing to sacrifice everything, just to get Sparda, to get the power he needs to feel save again.
He always knew, what he was doing wrong. He always felt remorse. But he had no choice.
In the end, when he lost to Dante, he wasn't expecting forgiveness, nor could he forgive himself. He accepted the consequences of the path he chose and walked it to the end - he stayed behind in the demon world. I'd also say he attempts suicide with throwing himself down into the abyss. And when he rushes against Mundus, that's also suicide. He has nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, he has lost everything and just tried to end his life. Why not go down fighting the enemy? He didn't expect to be captured.

So I wanted a redemption for him. And they kinda tried it with V. But V is just the idea of a redemption, not the execution.
V may feel remorse, wants to defeat Urizen and right his wrong.
But on the other hand he still does morally questionable things. He also is clearly still driven by the same lust for power and hatred for Dante as his other half.
In the end, he merges back into him, what in a way throws away the whole "atone for my former sins" idea.

V is also a part that dirties Vergil's new characterization. Before him, Vergil was able to see his faults on his own and deal with his guilt.
Now it sounds like he is only able to do it as V, implying that Vergil himself, never ever had any second thought, what makes him a worse person than he was before.

Quick look at Dante, who is known as cheerful and helpful and even nice and fair around demons. He supports everyone around him and becomes friends even with foes.
He was sad back in the day, when he had to fight Vergil. He mourned over his death two times.
But here, despite knowing the whole time Urizen and V are both Vergil, he acts super hostile towards both of them. He doesn't even seem to care about V.
Both brothers are turned into stupid idiots, with half assed sibling rivalry, who are out to kill each other.
It doesn't seem to be in line of any previous characterization.

One of the biggest mistakes they did with the story was to have a mystery that is none.
We as the player aren't supposed to know who Urizen and V are. (Also it becomes highly obvious rather quick.) They dance around the big reveal, but that leads to the character acting strange, not fitting and spouting vague dialogue the whole time.
It is also a problem that Dante knows everything from the beginning, but we aren't supposed to know, so he has to act in a way, that doesn't give the mystery away.
When it's finally revealed, suddenly they start to call each other by real names and saying "brother" - things that were absolutaly forbitten before.
It also prevents them from underlining what every character thinks and feels, because they can't go into detail without ruining their mystery. (This comes a bit along with the pacing problem; the story needs far too long to really come to the important points, and then they just don't have the time for more.)
We argued a lot about my problems with the characterization of the boys I stated before and I see where everyone is coming from, who doesn's see it contradicting.
But for me it just doesn't work. There is always a "but" that comes along with every explanation.
I just don't see where all this hatred comes from, Dante feels suddenly.
I don't see why Vergil thinks, his childhood was such a mess.
And many more.
It would have been better, if Dante and we as the player had the same knowledge.

I would even say, the whole splitting Kingdom Hearts style plot wasn't that good of an idea to begin with.


Does anyone need salt? Just call me, I have a lot to spare. :3


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
Yeah, I kinda lost a bit of interest thanks to the level design. Not playing DMC to run around looking for gross bug keys and shit.

I do need to go back and finish it once I clear Sekiro though!


Oct 27, 2017
It was an excellent game overall but the story was all over the place. Please Capcom never cut up a story like that ever again


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Level design is phenomenal and the way stages flow is the best in the series by far... but the environment art itself is pretty repetitive and at times bland, its either city ruins or demon goo. Also lack of cool unlockables like costumes will forever be a shame, look at DMC3 and Bayo, look how much cool stuff you can get, and here you can only unlock two alt colours, and one of them is for a character that isnt even playable.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, Vergil should have been playable after you beat the game. It would work in a similar way to his DMC4SE incarnation, as in he just plays through everyone's stages in a non-canon what-if, heck just lift him wholesale from DMC4SE and I'l be happy!

I still think its the best DMC around but could have been a little better.


Alt account
Mar 18, 2019
Definitely level design a that dumb female representation.

Complete waste of characters which were bad ass in the previous games but not in this one for some reason.

They could have been soooooooo cool
Oct 27, 2017
Biggest issues:

Level design
Trish and Lady

The level design was really bad honestly. People defended it because "it is straight to combat and that's what matters". If that was the case then why did they stretch it out so far? They could have made levels have alternative routes which would help on a replay and could have learned some things from God of War which could really vary up the gameplay. It was structured similiar to DMC but even then it had some interesting levels.
DMC1 is still the king in this department for the franchise, I really liked how varied that was. Another aspect I hated would be the fact the levels look so god damn bland and boring. Should have made it much more varied especially because it is in a city so they had a lot to work with.

Lady and Trish being reduced to women sitting in the van for the player to look at and being in the game just to be rescued, and seen naked was really bad. These women were badass so why the hell did they do this shit?

I feel like I made a mistake getting the game this early. I should have gotten Sekiro instead and waited for a sale because so far Sekiro was way more enjoyable.


Oct 29, 2017
Berlin - Germany
Too many loading screens. You'll get them everywhere, every time you click something. It's so bad, it's almost funny.

But that's my only complaint about the game.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
The story (especially the ending) and the treatment of Lady and Trish were by the far the worst aspects of the game. Everything else was top tier tho
May 18, 2018
I don't know if this counts as level design but I hated how the game switched between the 3 different characters. I honestly would have preferred something like DMC4 and just replay the whole game as a different character with slightly different alterations for the respective character. I would get used to playing as Nero and nope sorry, time to play as V. You now have all of these red orbs to power up V, lol back to Nero. Don't get comfortable because it's Dante time.

Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
Bosses weren't good at all apart from
Vergil and cavalier.

Level design was horrid and the story was utter shit.

Apart from that I had fun.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread bums me out, I haven't read all the posts in fear of spoils but some of them about the biggest issues.
I'm just at the end of my marathon, I've replayed all the series these past two months, spent countless hours on DMC3 (again) and played the Special Edition of DMC4 for the first time (already played the normal edition a lot) and couldn't get enough of it.

I waited for DMC5 like it was gonna be the messiah, perfection or near perfection on every aspect. I'm sure the gameplay won't disappoint me, but it's not the first time I hear that the game lacks in visual variety and that's a shame. Shame about the loadings too, I hope my SSD will help. And shame that Trish and Lady are done dirty. I only watched the first two trailers and the demo and it was not reassuring at all in that regard but I hoped it would be better later in the game.
Well now I finally have the money to buy it and will do so next week, but I'm gonna lower my expectations a bit ._.


Alt account
Jan 24, 2019
- Level design tweaks for sure. I'd love to see more platforming, acrobatics and Nero's Devil Bringers open up lots of options for varied environment traversal.

- Instead of one story with character switching, what about RE6-style multiple stories with multiple characters you play as the whole way through (Dante, Nero, and character(s) we don't get to play as much, maybe Lady, Virgil, Lucia, etc) with some location and story crossover.

- A boost to the difficulty. DMC3-level or harder.


Oct 27, 2017
I absolutely love character action games. Next to JRPGs they're my favorite genre... So I couldn't believe how... bored I was when playing this game for the first time. I even thought something was wrong with me and that I just didn't enjoy this genre anymore.

When I finished DMC5, I decided to replay Bayonetta 2 and finished it in like two sittings and not only was I wrong about me maybe not loving this genre anymore, I found a new appreciation for that game I didn't have before.

Then I realized what my real problem with DMC5 was (other than the load times, the game being boring until SOS, pacing, etc.); this game added nothing substantial to the franchise to move it forward.

With DMC1 we have the birth of this amazing genre - a mix between the occult and survival horror of the RE games but now instead of feeling weak, you're now empowered with a myrid of tools to take out your enemies. Stylishly might I add. DMC2 for all its faults introduced the idea of a 2nd playable character. DMC3 refined the combat in a substantial way by adding a style system and was the blueprint for character actions games for years to come and DMC4 (for as much as I don't care for that game) introduced Nero - a complete paradigm shift in terms of gameplay and a welcome addition to the series.

Outside of V (which not only was a nonstarter in terms of the plot, but was also a failed character mechanically), I can't think of a single new thing DMC5 brought to the franchise, which on top of my previous complaints, bring this package down significantly.

As a standalone title, It's still a great game but I guess I just expected more from it given the series track record.


Oct 27, 2017
My main issues with the game

- Lacks variety regarding art direction, enemy types and level design. Too many corridors, too many demon trees, too many lizard men.
- Total removal of fixed camera angles- they added character/mood and made placement of secrets less overt/more satisfying to find and reach.
- Too many moves- this may sound like a strange complaint, but I feel like DMC5 is superficially bloated when it comes to available attacks. In the past games I always felt like the character tools were equally valid and had a unique purpose. Capcom stuffs DMC5 with an excessive abundance of ways to juggle helpless foes to the point where some moves feel trivial or redundant entirely.
- V is awesome and tons of fun, but once he's figured out, he plays pretty much the same at the end of the game as he does at the beginning.
- Lady and Trish were wasted (although still really cool).
- Default difficulty is far too easy, and Son of Sparda is surprisingly manageable.
- The story and general chain of events isn't interesting enough to warrant frequent jumps back and forth in game's timeline, and after a while it just becomes silly.
- DMC5 feels very safe, for want of a better word. I appreciate that it's the culmination of a storyline going way back, and is laser-focused on giving fans what they want, but it was short on surprises for me. V aside, It basically feels like a DMC3/4 victory lap.

Apart from that, I loved it. Amazing game. I do want DMC6 to stretch its creative legs though.
Last edited:


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm with you OP. If it wasn't for that awesome gameplay, I'd be so damn disappointed. I didn't mind V after a while but still didn't wanna play with him.
I prefer DmC's story and level design by far.


Oct 27, 2017
Camera is my biggest issue with the game. Really only a problem in the smaller enclosed environments during the second half of the campaign, but it still sucks. There's also just something wrong with the vertical look that's never been fixed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've said this before and I'll say it again - outside of having some better character writing, DMC5's story at its core is no different than the likes of MvCI and SFV in terms of plot and even structure.

"Heroes get asses kicked, time to go on a multi-strand journey which partially involves a macguffin, heroes sorta do better but not really until the reluctant "protagonist" character gets arbitrary powerup, heroes win and conclusion is rushed. Also a lot of fanservice."

It's not a terrible way of telling a story (Infinity War sorta does this) but you need tangible character arcs for it. Character development barely exists in DMCV, no one goes through an arc and it feels like the most economical way to write a story. None of the attempts at exploring character feel like they exist because they want to be there. They try to have one throwaway line to imply Vergil regrets his path which goes nowhere, while Nero who is shook after the twist reveal is all fine and dandy after Kyrie basically tells him "I dunno dude you know what to do lmao", like she literally read the script and told him to bust out his DT. After DMC3, I expected more.


Aug 15, 2018
I agree with everything you've said.
The combat is pretty much perfected to a T and the animations are incredible. The amount of stuff you can pull off and combo is second to none.

But just about every other aspect of the game is lacking. I mean I guess just the stuff you mentioned.

V SUCKS. He would be fine as just a character in the story but he did not need to be playable. He is awful to play as.
I guess they didn't want a game where it was just Dante and Nero again but it really should have been just that.

The entire story is very terrible and sooo disappointing. You nailed it and I've said it in other threads about the game, but they need some serious dialogue and explaining added in. Vergil just shows up and Dante is like "huh ok. Let's fight!" That's pretty much it. Would really would have liked to see some more in this regard it's been 11 damn years already.

And yea they HAVE to fix those loading screens. I mean Jesus. When I hit restart mission do you REALLY have to load the cutscene before hand? And then reload the menu screen? Then reload the mission?