
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Sounds like they just need to integrate the website toggle function and they should be fine? The decision to completely block NSFW servers from iOS devices seems like an overreaction.


Oct 28, 2017
This seems like a Discord news turned into an "WTF Apple at it again!?" news. And it's getting tiring tbh...

There are plenty of apps where you can access NSFW content on iOS, Reddit, like mentioned, but even NFSW content on Twitter on the official Twitter app is accessible.

Edit: Also to OP: Maybe add the original source from Discord about this change? They seem to be talking about a general new NSFW marking for all servers:

Our Community Guidelines require that all adult content posted to Discord be kept behind an NSFW gate. Server owners can designate specific channels as being 18+ by adding an NSFW gate. Entire communities can now be classified as 18+ through the use of an NSFW server designation. No users between the ages of 13 and 17 will be able to join or view the content in NSFW servers.

Discord server owners must still apply NSFW gates to channels with mature content. Having NSFW channels does not automatically mean, however, that an entire server should be designated NSFW. Servers must be classified as NSFW if the community is organized around NSFW themes or if the majority of the server's content is 18+. Discord will mark servers meeting these criteria as NSFW if they are not appropriately designated.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a lot of servers that don't have NSFW content but just mark themselves as nsfw to keep children out. Doesn't make sense.


Feb 3, 2020
The reddit app on iOS blocks nsfw subreddits. The website obviously works fine.
I was literally just looking at some dick on my reddit app lmfao. So no.

I guess I'll wait and see how this change is actually implemented. But I already know lgbtq+ communities are nervous about this.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in a lot of servers that don't have NSFW content but just mark themselves as nsfw to keep children out. Doesn't make sense.
This is the part of the whole thing that really rubs me the wrong way. Like I'm really hoping there's some miscommunication and there will be work arounds for these sort of servers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't even know Discord had NSFW stuff, but why can't they just add a toggle to filter NSFW content if the user wants that filtered out?

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Is this an Apple issue or is Discord just choosing not to allow an easy workaround toggle via web? I'm confused I can view NSFW content in Reddit app and Apollo app.

Why is Discord magically different?


Oct 25, 2017
I understand why Apple is doing this but it seems like they could have made a better technical implementation.

Having a NSFW api that lets you set a list of apps where you allow adult content. Or having proper user accounts on iPad that lets you set up a whole profile for kids.


Oct 29, 2017
I understand why Apple is doing this
You do? Because I don't. Puritanical nonsense about sex in society being dirty really needs to GTFO of American culture and not ruin yet something else.

As someone else said there are a few servers I'm on that are labeled NSFW to keep kids out and cover bases, but aren't pornographic in any real way...And even if they were, fuck Apple for censoring sex and nudity like it's 1950.


Oct 26, 2017
The only thing I use Discord for is to stay in touch with several BDSM communities, so.. great. 🙄


Nov 11, 2017
At least Discord isn't nuking all NSFW content, like Tumblr did when they were delisted. Seems Discord could just be trying to get ahead of the situation before any delisting can happen. Maybe they got word that was coming or something?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
This is what you get when you have a walled garden with no other options - your content is either forced to adhere to Apple's standards, or it isn't allowed.

Not that Android is a ton better, but I don't like the idea of the only provider of applications for an entire software platform dictating what (non-illegal) content can be displayed on it. If you have to do something, then why not expose the parental blocking API to allow apps to hide content based on existing, already provided information?


Oct 25, 2017
You do? Because I don't. Puritanical nonsense about sex in society being dirty really needs to GTFO of American culture and not ruin yet something else.

As someone else said there are a few servers I'm on that are labeled NSFW to keep kids out and cover bases, but aren't pornographic in any real way...And even if they were, fuck Apple for censoring sex and nudity like it's 1950.

Building tools to stop kids accessing porn is not a bad thing. They just haven't built a good tool here.


Oct 25, 2017
I've read speculation Discord are doing this to lower its age rating down on the App Store (it's currently 17+). Actual seems like it could be the reason why to me; from memory of my time using the Discord api there's a NSFW flag, and so it would be easy to implement the same method for blocking these as Reddit does to avoid this.
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Memphis, TN
Every now and then I think about giving iOS another shot. I mean they respect my privacy more than Android does these days and a lot of the customization I liked about android is available on iOS now, but shit like this will forever keep me away. I'm not even in any NSFW discord servers but I'm a fucking adult Apple. Fuck off and don't tell me how to use my own stuff.


Nov 19, 2017
horny people have no rights. horny people are NOT protected under the constitution. if you are horny i WILL find you and then you will be sorry buster. unfollow me right fucking now of you are horny, have ever been horny, or ever will be horny. this is not a joke. please leave.


Oct 27, 2017
Apple, this is so fucking dumb, Reddit app is trash because of the blurred thumbnails too, unable to disable them on iOS. WHATS NEXT?! Twitter too?

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
It's funny because there has to be a name for when a company gets popular for supplying porn and then ruins themselves by banning it.

Maybe we can say Discord Tumblr'd itself?


Oct 25, 2017
I've read speculation Discord are doing this to lower its age rating down on the App Store (it's currently 17+). Actual seems like it could be the reason why to me; from memory of my time using the Discord api there's a NSFW flag, and so it would be easy to implement the same method for blocking these as Reddit does to avoid this.

The speculation is almost certainly wrong, given the App Store requires any app that can access to the open internet in a browser window to be rated 17+. Discord opens links in webviews, so it will still be 17+, in much the same way as even 1password is a 17+ rated app in the App Store.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this an Apple issue or is Discord just choosing not to allow an easy workaround toggle via web? I'm confused I can view NSFW content in Reddit app and Apollo app.

Why is Discord magically different?

Multiple Reddit app developers have said before that App Store reviewers don't understand their own app guidelines and block updates sometimes due to the presence of NSFW subreddits, sometimes taking weeks to sort out.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to actually read the op or the thread before writing their biased opinion on Apple. They don't have in their guidelines that NSFW content is strictly not allowed. You can still access NSFW content on ios apps. Like reddit or deviant art app.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to actually read the op or the thread before writing their biased opinion on Apple. They don't have in their guidelines that NSFW content is strictly not allowed. You can still access NSFW content on ios apps. Like reddit or deviant art app.

Apple have been caught misrepresenting this rule repeatedly previously.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in some servers that use the NSFW to block spoiler chats. Will something like that count ?

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
They don't have a toggle, but if the chat you're about to enter contains NSFW images, it'll tell you.
There's a toggle for server admins to mark a specific channel as NSFW. A lot of community, non-strictly NSFW discords do it as a containment zone of sorts for the inevitable posting of porn that happens when you put enough people in a room together without strict moderation.