
DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017

In a new series of features - 2020 Vision - Alex Battaglia returns to genuine PC classics, re-evaluating their technology and seeing how well these games perform on modern, mainstream PC hardware. In this initial piece, Alex revisits the astonishing The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Think you can run it maxed at 1080p60 on a mainstream gaming? Well, let's talk cinematic depth of field and ubersampling...

will try to do a summary, if it's necessary (and if I'm not still playing the temtem stress test)
  • The Witcher 2 came at a time where consoles have been hitting their peaks and PC was treated as a secondary platform
  • minor environmental elements have high geometric detail for the time
  • NPCs use the same models when in cutscenes or in gameplay when playing on the highest settings
  • NPCs have texture resolutions and polycounts on par with main characters
  • Ultra texture settings use 600MB of vram alone
  • DX9 game, lacked mult-threading, lots of pop-in in the environment
  • deferred rendering, lots of dynamic lights with realtime shadows
  • GI faked via point lights
  • AI and Quests affected by the realtime time of day
  • GTX 480 sucked
  • point light shadows are very low res
  • 580/1060 can't max the game at 1080p/60 (with ubersampling)
  • 580 has higher framerate, 1060 more stable
  • 2080Ti gets under 60fps with 4K/Ubersampling (8K)
  • cinematic depth of field is "insane" (direct words from the person who made it)
  • cdof chokes a 2080Ti like crazy
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Oct 27, 2017
Ah, UberSampling aka screenshot setting. That setting produced quite a few good screenshots for me at 1920x1200 back in 2011 on a Radeon HD 6950 (2GB), with Cinematic DoF set to off. Heck, even attempted to play at that setting dreaming of better performance. Hopefully an eventual 3080 Ti (or lower tier card) will manage to pull off a stable 60 fps at 4k w/ubersampling.

Edit: Meant with ubersampling


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Ah, UberSampling aka screenshot setting. That setting produced quite a few good screenshots for me at 1920x1200 back in 2011 on a Radeon HD 6950 (2GB), with Cinematic DoF set to off. Heck, even attempted to play at that setting dreaming of better performance. Hopefully an eventual 3080 Ti (or lower tier card) will manage to pull off a stable 60 fps at 4k.
it can, just with ubersampling and cdof off


Oct 26, 2017
This game still looks so good. Great timing on this video to revisit this game. I'm still wowed by some locations and the detail of the world.

I also think it's best game in the series, and best representation of the world and characters. The unfolding conspiracy over the course of this game is just something that was incredibly well done, and the choices you make and how they change the game in significant ways is unmatched.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
I love the "2020 Vision" concept. So ready to revisit more early-2000s PC games with fresh eyes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It was a good watch. Interesting to see modern tech still struggling with the game because of thinking it was designed around at the time.

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
Awesome video. i love these type of re-visits. i really want them to do a deep dive on Crysis and skyrim mods. i spent 100s of hours exprimenting with crysis mods.


Oct 28, 2017
Played maxed out ( outside ubersampling ) at 1080p / 60 fps back in 2012 with the GTX 670.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Played through back in August, and yeah, it absolutely still holds up. Mods and ini tweaks can help alleviate the foliage pop in, but not entirely remove it, while also having a significant impact on performance.


Oct 27, 2017
If I remember correctly, cinematic DOF also blurred EVERYTHING in the cutscenes, so much that it's better turned off anyway.

I loved this game. Did some things much better than TW3, though that game is ultimately better.

And it still looks fine.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I like how Alex says uber lol. Hopefully Witcher 3 graphics video is coming too , eventually
Oct 27, 2017
Watching now. Built a PC for this game about 9 years ago, then later upgraded the gfx card to a 670. Funny that back then the biggest gameplay complaint was the opening/closing door mechanic.

Graphically, the dither always stood out, but the LOD transitions were less noticeable comparatively as they are today, because the overall amount of detail at any distance was stunning for the time.

Good to know we can finally use ubersampling haha, I remember being initially confounded by it at release.


Jan 9, 2018
I was planning to play this game after having finished the first (didn't really like it, but I guess it's just really outdated).

I hope my old laptop (GTX 850m) can run it with decent settings and using a controller.


Oct 25, 2017
I can really relate with a lot of the stuff being said in this video.
TW2 was what got me back into PC gaming back then. Seeing pictures of the game pre-release was what made me buy a gaming PC. God, it still looks so good, the art direction is gorgeous.
It's funny because I've been wondering how it would look on my current setup with the upgrades I made (and again the reason for those upgrades was TW3 lol).


Oct 30, 2017
If I remember correctly, cinematic DOF also blurred EVERYTHING in the cutscenes, so much that it's better turned off anyway.
No, it just works like a real camera lens does. Anything that's not supposed to be in focus is completely defocused by multisampling the gaussian blur on the image. It looks god damn pretty, and in fact, Witcher 3 uses a much lower quality gauss blur to run well on modern machines. It's a FPS killer.


Oct 27, 2017
No, it just works like a real camera lens does. Anything that's not supposed to be in focus is completely defocused by multisampling the gaussian blur on the image. It looks god damn pretty, and in fact, Witcher 3 uses a much lower quality gauss blur to run well on modern machines. It's a FPS killer.

I have to disagree. It does what you say, yes, but it is WAY overdone:


It has a very narrow focus, and ends up blurring way too much of the image. This image is the best comparison I could google, but there are worse examples. Look at DF's video at 16:37, the scene with Geralt looking out the window.

I'm not one of those people who disable every kind of post processing. The normal DOF option is great, but the cinematic DOF is unbearable, at least IMO.


Oct 30, 2017
I have to disagree. It does what you say, yes, but it is WAY overdone:


It has a very narrow focus, and ends up blurring way too much of the image. This image is the best comparison I could google, but there are worse examples. Look at DF's video at 16:37, the scene with Geralt looking out the window.

I'm not one of those people who disable every kind of post processing. The normal DOF option is great, but the cinematic DOF is unbearable, at least IMO.
That's a fault of cinematic design in that scene and not the effect itself. It looks like a decent shot that was accidentally shown at the wrong FOV.


Oct 27, 2017
That's a fault of cinematic design in that scene and not the effect itself. It looks like a decent shot that was accidentally shown at the wrong FOV.

Oh, I see, you are defending DOF in general. In that case, I agree, it's a very nice effect when done well, and I rarely disable DOF nowadays.

It's just that, in this particular game, the Cinematic DOF option is not worth it, even if we had hardware that could bear the load.
Oct 28, 2017
Yup, my old HD4850 was chugging under this when it cane out, then in 2015 replaying before 3 my 270X screamed in terror when I enabled cinematic DOF.
Also the game itself is awesome.


Oct 27, 2017
This will be interesting to watch, I just finished the Witcher 2 for the first time yesterday (and ready to play the third one) was really surprised that I couldn't run it beyond 1080p on a GTX-1080.


Oct 27, 2017
I love the "2020 Vision" concept. So ready to revisit more early-2000s PC games with fresh eyes.
Same. Looking forward to more.

Awesome video. i love these type of re-visits. i really want them to do a deep dive on Crysis and skyrim mods. i spent 100s of hours exprimenting with crysis mods.

I doubt a single video could cover it but a mod series from DF would be really cool.

This game murdered my rig on release day. That first fog was brutal. Incredible game though even with the pre patch combat. Also best intro cinematic for any game, ever. Don't @ me.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Hahaha oh man I remember the meltdowns before people realized what Ubersampling was actually doing.

2011, the last time AMD had a competitive laptop GPU. Good times playing this at 1080p with my Radeon HD 6970M.

I really want to see it but I need to know just how spoilery is it for someone who has yet to play TW2 and TW3?
Alex did a good job of not showing any spoilers. The footage is all from very early in the game from what I can tell, and I watched the whole thing. Basically the intro/prologue. No TW3 footage at all.

Anything you see is within the first hour or so. You are safe.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Hahaha oh man I remember the meltdowns before people realized what Ubersampling was actually doing.

2011, the last time AMD had a competitive laptop GPU. Good times playing this at 1080p with my Radeon HD 6970M.

Alex did a good job of not showing any spoilers. The footage is all from very early in the game from what I can tell, and I watched the whole thing. Basically the intro/prologue. No TW3 footage at all.

You are safe.

Thank you very much!


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
As a huge fan of the original I picked up a 6850 after just playing the intro so I could bump up the settings on this game. I remember thinking it looked incredible at the time & felt significantly beyond what was being done on the consoles. I particularly remember how incredible the lighting was once I hit Flotsam with the fog, DOF & huge trees along with the relatively seamless transitions between the town area and wider forest. The one blemish that I thought was distinctive at the time was the heavy shadow dithering & I remember trying to find a way to minimise it.

I think design wise it is also very brave as the middle act is vastly different (locations, characters, story) dependent upon the choices you make. No doubt The Witcher 3 surpasses it for me however the second game is definitely worth going back to play.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 8, 2017
Game was cutting edge aside from water or any kind of liquid really. There's a few scenes where liquid being static stood out against everything else being super detailed. They tried to hide it in cutscenes but it was still obvious.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Shows you how much of a leap the third game is even outside of scope - 2 just looks so gaudy and unnatural in comparison. Triss still looks great though, luckily you can mod her TW2 outfit into 3.


Dec 2, 2017
I remember my 8600GT crying and not being able to run this at an acceptable framerate at all, I ended up playing through the game first time on my 360, years later I finally played through it on a better PC and boy oh boy it's such a better experience, loading times and loading screens are almost non existent, but still the 360 port was basically witchcraft lol
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Very good video.

Does TW2 have any open World elements or is it strictly linear?

It's not open world like 3 but each area you visit is a decent size with lots to do before moving on.

Also depending on certain choices you make, there is a split path leading to 2 totally different area's - so it had some replay value to go back and pick the other option and see the area you didn't get to see on the first playthrough.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I have to disagree. It does what you say, yes, but it is WAY overdone:


It has a very narrow focus, and ends up blurring way too much of the image. This image is the best comparison I could google, but there are worse examples. Look at DF's video at 16:37, the scene with Geralt looking out the window.

I'm not one of those people who disable every kind of post processing. The normal DOF option is great, but the cinematic DOF is unbearable, at least IMO.

yeah , it's a pretty basic implementetion of it, one that would be impossible to achieve in real life, which is why it looks so weird


Oct 30, 2017
Can anyone help me decide something? I'm almost done playing the first Witcher so will be playing Witcher 2 soon. Should I go with the Xbox One X Enhanced version, or am i better playing on PC? I have a GTX 980/i7-6700k so I'm expecting I can get good things out of it on PC, but I dunno if the experience on console is different in any way seeing as it came after PC.


Dec 2, 2017
Can anyone help me decide something? I'm almost done playing the first Witcher so will be playing Witcher 2 soon. Should I go with the Xbox One X Enhanced version, or am i better playing on PC? I have a GTX 980/i7-6700k so I'm expecting I can get good things out of it on PC, but I dunno if the experience on console is different in any way seeing as it came after PC.
Definitively on PC, the 360 port has a bunch of loading screens and a lot of cutbacks compared to the PC version, and you'll easily run it on a 980 at 1080p, just keep ubersampling and cinematic DOF off.


Oct 27, 2017
Can anyone help me decide something? I'm almost done playing the first Witcher so will be playing Witcher 2 soon. Should I go with the Xbox One X Enhanced version, or am i better playing on PC? I have a GTX 980/i7-6700k so I'm expecting I can get good things out of it on PC, but I dunno if the experience on console is different in any way seeing as it came after PC.
Whatever you prefer.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Ah, no wonder I dipped on a 2070, I had no idea about cdof being so resource intensive like that(had Uber sampling disabled already cause damn, that really lowered it). Also I haven't played it since I changed my bad ram. I've seen a big boost in performance in games like Witcher 3/Skyrim VR since changing it. I'd boot it up again if I hadn't uninstalled it a few days ago for room lmao.

I just read the list, I'll have to watch the vid later.


Mar 24, 2018
I will watch it later, but hopefully Alex adressed the bullshit that Leadbetter spread about Xbox 360 having better lighting.