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Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I don't know why everybody seems so sure it's happening. Is it just because Microsoft's doing it or is there more going on?

There are a few factors.

Simplicity of the architeicture to actually program it to work.

Basic business sense regarding carrying your purchasing history forward in this time of interconnected accounts, long lasting service based gaming and PS+ subscriptions(which sony has already consistently noted in their financial reports)

And of course, regarding the competition, Sony is obviously aware of what MS has been putting out, and so at the very least, they will want to not fall behind any further on that front.

Its not even really about BC, but about retaining users in an ecosystem that is long running and is continuous.


Oct 30, 2017
Would be nice. If they do have ps4 BC I'm curious how they'll handle cross gen releases.

Hopefully it's not like how Xbox does it. A ps4 disc should at least entitle you to download the ps5 version.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
While expecting it to be there ill wait till its official before i believe it especially with sonys previous stance on it


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, PS4 proved you could sell gangbusters without BC. People might crow about it but PS4 sales suggest they'll still show up at retail during the launch window with cash in hand. PlayStation has become increasingly hostile toward BC. If the trend continues, PS5 won't play anything but games designed for PS5.
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