
The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I don't want this to turn into a console-warrior thread, so I'm hoping people remain level-headed. But a genuine question- did TLOU2 underperform? We know via Sony press release that it got off to a really hot start, selling 4 million copies in the first several days of release. Since then, however, it's dropped quickly in the NPD charts, not charting at all in September after dropping to 12th place in August. It seems to have had poor legs.

Comparatively, Spider-Man PS4 was still hanging around the lower ends of the NPD charts 6 months after release, while TLOU 2 was only out for around 3 and a half months at the end of September. Given it's large production budget, strong sales of the previous TLOU, and sales of other major exclusives, I'd guess Sony was hoping for 15 million copies sold at the low end of the spectrum, but of course, we can never be sure of their official projections.

Anyways, what do you think? Were TLOU2 sales unusually front-loaded? Will it match or exceed the other massive ps4 sellers like Spider-Man and God of War? Think we'll get another official press release on its sales someday or will Sony remain quiet?

s y

Nov 8, 2017
It's probably over 7m sold and literally already made Sony more money than Uncharted 4 and TLOU 1 already because so much of its sales are at full price vs heavily discounted sales and bundles.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony very rarely talks about game sales at all, but just a couple days ago the game stat of players is about 7 million. Obviously it won't outsell nichespiderman. It will sell great.


Oct 30, 2017
In one month and half, TLOU Part II became the 3rd best selling Sony-published game in PlayStation history in US

Legs might not reach Spider-Man/GOW level but the game was a big success and publishers would beg for this kind of performance

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017

we tend to not know unless they tell us one way or the other


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
It heavily dropped off in sales after the first couple of weeks/month. Like, some of the worst legs for a huge game of its kind in a long time. We're talking sub-100k NPD in August bad.

I think Sony and ND are happy it had such a big opening because the negative word of mouth on social media and the YouTube algorithm were amazingly awful; however, it will have a second wind on PS5 with the MP and whatever enhanced version/patch they put out.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, it has done more than great. You cant compare it to Spider-Man. Its like comparing a new Star Wars movie (if it was as good as tlou 2 in gaming sphere) box office with Avengers: endgame. It can outperform like hell but it still wouldnt get near Endgame, you know?

Part II has already made Sony more money than Last of Us 1.

Part 1 sold that many over 7 years, 2 platforms and being included in bundles.

Part II has been out for 4 months...

How much did tlou remastered cost when it launched on ps4?

Are you sure it made more money already? I wouldnt bet on it, especially considering mtx in tlou 1.
Oct 31, 2017
I really doubt it underperformed. But I also think it missing multiplayer didn't help it, not even talking about the pre-release "controversy" (which was and remains stupid/pathetic as hell).

I know several people who owned the original, but didn't buy the second. Now, I can't be sure if they didn't buy Part II because there was no multiplayer, because of the pre-release bs, or if they are waiting for the PS5. I kind of think it's a mix of all of the above, but I genuinely hope the spoilers had minimal affect on people's purchasing decision of this.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
2 platforms. 7 years.

4 months.

how is this an apt comparison?
Not saying I expected it to hit 20 million in the first 4 months lol, but somewhere in that ballpark would be the hope for lifetime sales I would guess. Given that it has fallen off the charts, I'm not sure it's on that trajectory.


Oct 25, 2017
Not saying I expected it to hit 20 million in the first 4 months lol, but somewhere in that ballpark would be the hope for lifetime sales. Given that it has fallen off the charts, I'm not sure it's on that trajectory.
But it literally was two different versions sold of the game. It's not a fair direct comparison. The ps3 version on its own wouldn't sell 20 million.


Nov 12, 2017
idk I think that depends on the performance of the inevitable ps5 version

but I do feel like the hype around it dropped way faster than I expected


Oct 25, 2017
Give TLOU2 7 years of sales, inevitable console bundles, sales and a potential multiplayer add on and then we can compare sales numbers.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Nah, it has done more than great. You cant compare it to Spider-Man. Its like comparing a new Star Wars movie (if it was as good as tlou 2 in gaming sphere) box office with Avengers: endgame. It can outperform like hell but it still wouldnt get near Endgame, you know?

How much did tlou remastered cost when it launched on ps4?

Are you sure it made more money already? I wouldnt bet on it, especially considering mtx in tlou 1.
Only trails GOW and Spider-Man in LTD dollar sales.


Brand Marketing Specialist
Oct 25, 2017
I can confirm TLOUII is doing/has done extremely well. The next time a figure is announced expect to be astounded. This game has done tremendous numbers and I couldn't be prouder.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember this exact same thread for FF7R, lol. Why do people jump to conclusions about sales?

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Not saying I expected it to hit 20 million in the first 4 months lol, but somewhere in that ballpark would be the hope for lifetime sales I would guess. Given that it has fallen off the charts, I'm not sure it's on that trajectory.

I imagine Sony is more than happy if the game manages to get to 10 million and everything after that is just icing, or that would be my guess anyway. Tbh, if something is a failure after selling that much, even on the AAA scale, then either your projections are whack or someone truly fucked up down the line with the game's budget

V has come to

Dec 4, 2019
Not saying I expected it to hit 20 million in the first 4 months lol, but somewhere in that ballpark would be the hope for lifetime sales I would guess. Given that it has fallen off the charts, I'm not sure it's on that trajectory.
well that's combined sales from two versions, includes bundles, and i've frequently seen that game on sale for sub $10 over the years on PSN. not downplaying the success of the first, nor am i dismissing that the negativity has effected the legs of 2. it probably won't ever reach the same heights that the first game did, but i can see it being a 10+ million seller in a few years. has it gotten any major price cuts yet?


Jul 22, 2019
I know it ain't the most accurate thing but, according to gamstat it is at about 7 million after 4 months.

Up to you to predict how much it can sell over the next 7 years.


Nov 21, 2017
Knowing Sony, a re-release on the PS5 will generate a lot of sales. Unfortunately, I don't feel like they would give out a next gen patch for free.
I picked up the remaster of the first one on the PS4, and in my mind, it was definitely worth it.

But I thinkMS has changed expectations a bit for me.

I didn't buy TLOU2 on the PS4, but will definitely get it whenever the remaster comes out.


Oct 25, 2017
It hasn't been heavily discounted yet. If it underperformed we would have seen a ton of sales.

I think during summer everything had huge launches then slowed down faster since everyone was stuck at home with nothing else to do.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
The PS3 game was a new IP that gained a ton of popularity over time. The PS4 has shown immense growth in terms of sales with Sony's first-party IPs, and TLoU2 was a known quantity. To think it should sell around the same ballpark as the original on PS3 is weird.

The game's legs were heavily impacted by awful word of mouth, and I say this as someone who considers it easily a top-5 game of the gen.


Oct 25, 2017
well that's combined sales from two versions, includes bundles, and i've frequently seen that game on sale for sub $10 over the years on PSN. not downplaying the success of the first, nor am i dismissing that the negativity has effected the legs of 2. it probably won't ever reach the same heights that the first game did, but i can see it being a 10+ million seller in a few years. has it gotten any major price cuts yet?
Has had a small price drop in the last month, which likely was a boost.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
