
  • Android user turned to iOS user. Bring on the premium prices!!

    Votes: 17 1.5%
  • Android user staying with Google. No thanks

    Votes: 548 47.4%
  • iOS user, definitely getting the new devices !

    Votes: 139 12.0%
  • iOS user, not upgrading but staying with iOS

    Votes: 359 31.0%
  • iOS user, Androids looking pretty good about now...

    Votes: 94 8.1%

  • Total voters


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Curious how people felt. Did it turn any Android users into iOS users? Did it turn any apple users into Android users?


Oct 27, 2017
There's some neat stuff there but not nearly enough to get me to switch. We'll see if we upgrade my wife's 6S Plus with something, but it sure as shit won't be the XS Max.

That bastard hits $1,999CDN at 512GB, which is hilarious and insane.


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
There's some neat stuff there but not nearly enough to get me to switch. We'll see if we upgrade my wife's 6S Plus with something, but it sure as shit won't be the XS Max.

That bastard hits $1,999CDN at 512GB, which is hilarious and insane.
It is truly wild. 1TB micro SD cards are coming in 2019 I believe was said and it will definitely be less than the 512gb iPhone lol

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
I like the products but refuse to pay that much for them.

My S8 was $375 four months after launch, came with a year of Netlix, a 128GB memory card, and a nice case.

Paying $1000 for a phone just seems insane to me.


Oct 26, 2017
I still like both iOS and Android. You're a chump if you think one or the other is way better.

I'm really curious what the iPhone 11 could be? I can't think of anything eye popping they can do with hardware? So maybe they will start to merge iOS and macOS more?


Nov 14, 2017
Definitely upgrading to the Max, may upgrade to the Watch 4 if I can find a good deal.


Oct 25, 2017
I pay off my 7+ next month so I would like to have a cheaper phone bill for a while. Also, my 7+ is still working quite well so I'm in no real rush to upgrade.


Oct 25, 2017
I switched from Android to iOS, and although they didnt show much mind blowing, what matters is they gave no reason to switch back. Google's event is where they have to impress me, otherwise I'll just stick to iOS without giving it much thought.
Oct 27, 2017
I pay off my 7+ next month so I would like to have a cheaper phone bill for a while. Also, my 7+ is still working quite well so I'm in no real rush to upgrade.
I wouldnt upgrade if my 7plus didnt break two weeks ago, but Im going to pay out the ass for the 64gb max. I use the cloud and stream everything anyway, but the storage does suck.


Oct 28, 2017
Huge Apple fan.
Own an X.
Pre-ordering a 256GB Gold Max Ex Special Edition Turbo.

... that said, even as someone who was gonna get the new one no matter what (dat screen), these prices are utterly insane. I know I'm empowering them, and I'm to blame - but I'm a huge tech geek, a huge apple fan, and I use my phone for work 10+ hours a day, every day.

But for "normal" people, I can't believe their entry-level model is now a 6.1" monstrosity with a 720p LCD for $750 before tax/warranty... with 64GB of storage. I can't believe their top model lands at just shy of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS before tax and (pretty much required) warranty. Just insane.


Oct 27, 2017
Unless they're rich, nobody in their right mind would spend over a thousand dollars for a cellphone. It's a phone. These things are outdated in a year, and contracts generally only last two (at least in Canada, by law).

I don't like android, but will not be spending $1300-2000 for one of these new iPhones. When I can upgrade in November, I may, but I'm happy with my SE. When I do upgrade, I will just get another 'free' phone, likely an iPhone.
Jan 29, 2018
I mean, it looks like last year's but slightly faster and a slightly better camera. To be fair though the competition hasn't impressed me in a while either. I'm on a S8 and none of the newer phones from anybody have been tempting yet.

Phones are boring now.


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I cant get over how ugly the X looks.

Like damn.
Yeah I said it in the other thread but... Did apple lose a bunch of designers or something? I don't like iOS but the iPhone 4 line and the iPhone 6 or 7 8 etc all looked really beautiful. Always wanted an Android ripoff of them. But the X line just looks.... Bad. Like easily the worst looking phones of 2017 and now 2018 with HTC in 2nd worst


Oct 25, 2017
Huge Apple fan.
Own an X.
Pre-ordering a 256GB Gold Max Ex Special Edition Turbo.

... that said, even as someone who was gonna get the new one no matter what (dat screen), these prices are utterly insane. I know I'm empowering them, and I'm to blame - but I'm a huge tech geek, a huge apple fan, and I use my phone for work 10+ hours a day, every day.

But for "normal" people, I can't believe their entry-level model is now a 6.1" monstrosity with a 720p LCD for $750 before tax/warranty... with 64GB of storage. I can't believe their top model lands at just shy of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS before tax and (pretty much required) warranty. Just insane.

I can believe it because of people like you who said that you're getting it no matter what, lol.

Unless they're rich, nobody in their right mind would spend over a thousand dollars for a cellphone. It's a phone. These things are outdated in a year, and contracts generally only last two (at least in Canada, by law).

I don't like android, but will not be spending $1300-2000 for one of these new iPhones. When I can upgrade in November, I may, but I'm happy with my SE. When I do upgrade, I will just get another 'free' phone, likely an iPhone.

Yes they will. People do not care. The use of payment plans and contracts have eased the pain of this (in the US). People will always justify the cost because it's their most used device and because it's Apple. Apple knows this and they go for the throat while still offering a variety of price points.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Until Apple starts bringing pricing down across their entire product line into territory I'm comfortable with, I think I'll just look on with slight envy and zero commitment.

I think they make really solid stuff, I just don't think their continually increasing price premiums are justifiable, and today's event is no different. The fact that today's event is in particular phone-focused, as someone pointed out phone technology seems to accelerate at a rapid pace so paying an extreme premium for a relatively "disposable" device seems insane.


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it looks like last year's but slightly faster and a slightly better camera. To be fair though the competition hasn't impressed me in a while either. I'm on a S8 and none of the newer phones from anybody have been tempting yet.

Phones are boring now.
OnePlus 6 (and 6t) look good, the different xiaomi phones look good, Poco f1 is really good looking hope they do a premium model, as well as Nokia's offerings I like a lot. Hoping essential does a new phone too. Good diversity of good phones on android right now

I audit healthcare records. The Max is only like $4 more a month than the X, and I'd likely sell my 3 to finance the 4.

Glad your job can support your apple lifestyle lol that's so much money


Oct 27, 2017
Nosgoth, Leviathan
I'm sad that Touch ID is not in any new models. Also, I don't want to go larger than my current model (iPhone 6). Unsure if I'll just grab an 8, or deal without Touch ID and a phone that I can't comfortably hold by getting an XR.

Razer just dropped their phone price, so that is kinda tempting.
Mar 3, 2018
I love Apple products and have owned them throughout the years, but at this point moving forward I cant justify spending $1700 on an iPhone. Thats the price of the new base model XS Max here in Canada. When I was younger and poorer I would still buy an iPhone and just be broke for a while and not care, but now that I am older and making a good living, I cant justify that kind of spending on a iPhone. Im not saying that $300-$500 phones are exactly the same as a $1700 iPhone, but Apple prices are getting really absurd and the competition is offering so much.

Thats just me personally. Not judging or hating on anyone that purchases any Apple products.
Oct 25, 2017
OnePlus 6 (and 6t) look good, the different xiaomi phones look good, Poco f1 is really good looking hope they do a premium model, as well as Nokia's offerings I like a lot. Hoping essential does a new phone too. Good diversity of good phones on android right now

Glad your job can support your apple lifestyle lol that's so much money

Come on it's poor taste to nitpick someone over how they spend their money. If he or she wants to purchase the latest and greatest it's the user's prerogative. You are coming off quite rude.


Oct 27, 2017
A quick, fun calculation - at its peak, assuming you live in a province with high sales tax like BC and you buy AppleCare because holy shit this is a $2k device, the XS Max totals $2,540 CDN all-in.

Unless they're rich, nobody in their right mind would spend over a thousand dollars for a cellphone. It's a phone. These things are outdated in a year, and contracts generally only last two (at least in Canada, by law).

I don't like android, but will not be spending $1300-2000 for one of these new iPhones. When I can upgrade in November, I may, but I'm happy with my SE. When I do upgrade, I will just get another 'free' phone, likely an iPhone.

I confess I've bought our last couple of phones outright (Nexus 5, 6P, iPhone 6S) but are there actually any good deals with Canadian contracts any more? I know people complained a lot about 3 year contracts but the 2 year ones don't seem any better - they're just more expensive again so the companies can extract the extra value of the phone in 12 fewer months.

I mean, for the base XR you'd probably pay $500 up-front and then at least $25 more each month vs a bring-your-own-device plan.


Nov 14, 2017
OnePlus 6 (and 6t) look good, the different xiaomi phones look good, Poco f1 is really good looking hope they do a premium model, as well as Nokia's offerings I like a lot. Hoping essential does a new phone too. Good diversity of good phones on android right now

Glad your job can support your apple lifestyle lol that's so much money

I mean, I will have paid $600 for the X and $648 for the Max with Applecare+. I consider that decent value. My 3 was $379, and will mostly pay for the 4, unless I give it to my wife.

The money other people spend on games, I spend on tools and tech. I have like a ten+ year backlog for entertainment as it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Look, I know your identity is so wrapped up in your choice of platform that you have to make multiple threads on the "other team's" announcement day, but next time try to make it a little less obvious that you're not actually looking for discussion, but validation.

For a ton of people, their phone is their most-used device. For more and more, it's their *only* device. When someone says "yeah, the devices are worth it to me" and your response is "lol you must be rich," it's clear the level of insecurity you have on this topic.


Oct 27, 2017
I confess I've bought our last couple of phones outright (Nexus 5, 6P, iPhone 6S) but are there actually any good deals with Canadian contracts any more? I know people complained a lot about 3 year contracts but the 2 year ones don't seem any better - they're just more expensive again so the companies can extract the extra value of the phone in 12 fewer months.

I mean, for the base XR you'd probably pay $500 up-front and then at least $25 more each month vs a bring-your-own-device plan.

Generally speaking, they're all horrible and gouge the consumer. I'm not defending them or saying they're good in the least. I'm just not interested in spending a ton of money up front for a phone when I can get one 'free' through my contract.

I pay $50 a month for one fucking gig. It's not good.

Look, I know your identity is so wrapped up in your choice of platform that you have to make multiple threads on the "other team's" announcement day, but next time try to make it a little less obvious that you're not actually looking for discussion, but validation.

For a ton of people, their phone is their most-used device. For more and more, it's their *only* device. When someone says "yeah, the devices are worth it to me" and your response is "lol you must be rich," it's clear the level of insecurity you have on this topic.

Maybe it's your most used device, but a new one comes out every year and contracts only last a couple or three at most. It's not like these updates make it so that the phone brushes your teeth, wipes your ass or does something great that other phones before it don't.


Oct 28, 2017
After that thread showing how many more android users than ios users this forum has, don't think there need to be any android vs. ios based polls anymore. You know how the results are going to look lol.

Maurice Hamblin

User Requested Ban
Apr 6, 2018
I generally switch between the two based on offerings but Apple is slowly falling out of my mind in general. But I'm not their target user which I now recognize after today. Apple watch is a non-thing to me. Integration across all products is not something I particularly care about and I'm not someone who takes pictures on their phone very often.

As an example, I went on a 7 month trip around South East Asia and South America last and came home with like 100 pictures total give or take.

I'm more into being able to customize my phone and not having a notch on my screen so I'll likely be a Samsung user for a while. Shit is too expensive too.


Oct 25, 2017
"Hey, that conference went exactly like we thought it would. Did your mind change after seeing exactly what you thought you'd see?"


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I liked was the +90 minute battery life, although it seems a bit laughable that's all they could squeeze out of that one XR phone.

If they would sell a slightly stripped down iPhone that got an extra 6 hours of battery life in normal operating mode, I'd be impressed.


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I will have paid $600 for the X and $648 for the Max with Applecare+. I consider that decent value. My 3 was $379, and will mostly pay for the 4, unless I give it to my wife.

The money other people spend on games, I spend on tools and tech. I have like a ten+ year backlog for entertainment as it is.

Wasn't trying to be rude with my comment, it was genuine that I'm glad you are able to afford the Apple products you like. Just crazy to me how extreme they are getting g with prices


Oct 25, 2017
It's not like they were about to 180 on what iOS is, so it was never up for debate.

But as a Mac user, I think it looked like a keynote of a company in desperate trouble.


Oct 25, 2017
iOS still does a bunch of stuff regarding digital purchases, homescreen customization, USB C, and default apps that I don't like. Gonna stick with Android until that changes.


Oct 30, 2017
I'd buy an Apple Watch if it integrated well with Android phones. Even if I think they're kinda ugly, they're the best smart watch by miles.