
Oct 27, 2017
HDD plus OPL is the definitive PS2 experience at this point. Nearly every game is compatible, and certain games have their load time MASSIVELY SHORTENED


Oct 28, 2017
I did it because I bought the HDD adapter for the network/modem interface for everquest online adventures, socom, socom 2, twisted metal black, etc. Since I had the interface, I put a drive in for no particularly good reason.


Oct 28, 2017
Since I have a slim ps2 , I was thinking about getting a fat ps2 and install a hard drive. But I went with the mc2sio solution instead. It was hassle free and the most annoying part was getting a micro sd card that was compatible. Here's a video explaining how it works:

For the micro sd card i went with this one
Sandisk micro sd are known for not working properly with it

Saved for later. My slim PS2 is still alive and kicking.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Never had one. I knew someone that had the official one back in the day for SOCOM and such, though.

Didn't know there were games outside of online stuff (SOCOM, FFXI, RE Outbreak, etc.) that supported it, though. I only recently found out that Street Fighter Alpha Anthology had an HDD Install option.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Related and very interesting.

Check this out Dr. Zoidberg

Pretty much what I did recently. Modded my network adapter to a SATA connector, got a drive sled to fit a .5" drive and ended up using a spare SSD instead of one of the many 2.5" HDDs I have laying around. Works a treat and using the modified HDD software lets me load the games from the HDD menu instead of kicking into OPL itself.

My slim PS2 just loads PS2 games over Samba share from my NAS.


Jun 20, 2020
where would i hide my weed?
Lol, that was my spot too.

I actually recently added a HDD on my PS2 for soft modding. Even tho the PS2 is still my fav system, I didn't have the money to play as many games on it as I did from the PS3/360 era on. The library is so deep and I'm looking forward to playing a lot of stuff I missed.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
It improved my PS2 experience by letting me play FFXI.


Yeeeeeeah, best PS2 game requires that HDD baby.

Also was great for RE: Outbreak.


Oct 25, 2017
I bought the FFXI HDD set when it came out and it has been installed in my ps2 ever since. Last time I checked a couple years ago it still had all my ps1/ps2 saves on it as well.

What a cool piece of tech back then.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, used it with HDLoader to install and play games from the HDD. It was an unlicensed hackish utility with so-so compatibility, and I remember having to revert to the disc version to play the Gummi ship segments in Kingdom Hearts 2.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Actually you don't need official PS2 network adapter. There are even ones supporting SATA HDDs, but they lack Ethernet port. FreeMC Boot with SATA drive (or even ssd) is godsend.
Yep, that's what I have setup with my PS2 and it works like a charm with 1tb SSD (less noise, faster access).

Saves wear and tear on the optical drive as well and you got additional options on top as well.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
Mine came with one cause it was the atv offroad fury 2 bundle that had online play. Never got any of it to work cause I was like 10 and understood nothing about online play. I'd run around in empty maps in R&C Up your arsenal wondering where everyone was, was nice exploring though :V


Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah, slapped a 1TB drive on my OG PS2. Was it pointless? Probably.

Could the file system even read a HDD that size? I thought even with modded HDD hardware the max was like 36GB or something.

haha wow, how much did you pay for that thing? TB drives were expensive as hell back then right?
I … would love answers to these too lol. That was not a common HD size in the early 2000s


Oct 29, 2017
Since I have a slim ps2 , I was thinking about getting a fat ps2 and install a hard drive. But I went with the mc2sio solution instead. It was hassle free and the most annoying part was getting a micro sd card that was compatible. Here's a video explaining how it works:

For the micro sd card i went with this one
Sandisk micro sd are known for not working properly with it

This looks cool but looking at the Googledocs compatibility list that's linked in the YT video there are a lot of compatibility issues that OPL and a hard drive/SMB doesn't have.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
I'm in the "I did it for FFXI" club. Total waste of time and money. I put at least 80 hours into that game and hated every second of it. Just couldn't bring myself to miss an FF with a roman numeral. Which is exactly why Square marketing dicks refused to do the right thing and name it "Final Fantasy Online."


Nov 14, 2019
A couple years ago I got fed up with how finicky my Slim was and got a cheap original model that needed a laser replacement. Got an IDE HDD, loaded up HD Loader and have been enjoying the heck out of it since. It's so nice to be able to just jump in and select any game from my collection without having to go find the box and pop the disc in and then worry that I'm going to damage it (my Slim destroyed a couple of my discs thanks to the darn laser assembly ribbon cable sticking up and touching the disc while spinning).

If I was going to do it over I'd get an IDE to SATA adapter and use an SSD or something but I'm happy with it as is. Load times are absolutely fine and there are only a couple games I have that didn't work 100%.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah, playing games fun the HDD was great


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, and I've got it hooked up to LAN so I can just keep my ripped games on my PC hard drive. Much less hassle than having to install them all onto a dedicated HDD imo


Dec 14, 2017
Lots of homebrew but probably nothing you can't get easier on newer hardware. I remember having HDDLoader and 80GB of games which was a loooot. I think loading times were a bit shorter but not really a big difference.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I put one in many, many years ago when I tried to mod the PS2. The mod didn't quite take properly but it never seemed to affect the PS2 otherwise, so I left everything alone. Since nothing actually uses the HDD I have no idea if it still works.
Oct 25, 2017
I excitedly helped my friend install one on his when he got FFXI at launch.
I was gonna get one too, but ended up just getting it on PC instead when another friend who quit gave me his install discs.


Oct 27, 2017
My beautiful launch PS2 got a new lease of life a few years back with McBoot + OPL + HDD. Finding a suitable HDD availibke locally was the hard part. Otherwise it's an easy upgrade.

I'm gonna hijack this thread. For those using ps2 on hdtvs, what hdmi solution are you using?

Component output, connected to a 65" OLED. Looks great.