Deleted member 13364

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Oct 27, 2017
Are there rewards for doing the set dungeons? I did the Rathma one this morning but other than clearing one of the season challenges, I couldn't see anything else.


Oct 25, 2017
So this is my first Diablo 3 on console experience, and I gotta say they did a marvelous job. I was pretty skeptical about how the game would work without a mouse but it really does work extremely well.

The major difference I've noticed is that Nephalem orbs give you 2x damage for a while, I don't remember that happening on PC. Anyone know why they made that change?


Oct 29, 2017
I'm confused by the Season challenge, I see at the bottom of the Level 1 there are four boxes. The first box is outlined green and the others are red, and it says 0/4 completed. I have 8/9 of the level 1 challenges completed (only missing level 50, which will take a awhile because I'm only level 26 now). What does it all mean?


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
The major difference I've noticed is that Nephalem orbs give you 2x damage for a while, I don't remember that happening on PC. Anyone know why they made that change?
In the original PS3/XBox 360 versions, the mob density was a lot smaller, so to keep up the damage between going from one mob pack to another, the console versions got nephalem orbs to compensate.

Fast forward to the current gen versions of PS4, XBOne and now Switch. The mob density is a lot higher and there have been many tweaks and updates to the game since last gen (in fact most of the features, balancing and systems are in parity with the PC version). However, the devs decided to keep the nephalem orbs in, probably because, although very much improved the mob density still didn't match with the PC version. You'll notice that as you push to the upper reaches of the Greater Rifts, certain builds that would normally do fine in the PC version will struggle on console due to not keeping their procs/skills/damage up.


Nov 15, 2017
Playing through the campaign on one character (for story and lore) and playing through seasons. I'm using Witch doctor and have to bump the difficulty up more to Master. I did a rift with my Demon Hunter and some randoms and i realize the key figure of players is to rush though things. I'm a weird player that has to kill everything because i feel like you have a likely chance for some form of random drops off of enemies.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused by the Season challenge, I see at the bottom of the Level 1 there are four boxes. The first box is outlined green and the others are red, and it says 0/4 completed. I have 8/9 of the level 1 challenges completed (only missing level 50, which will take a awhile because I'm only level 26 now). What does it all mean?

The 4 boxes are for levels 1 through 4, since you haven't yet finished level 1 you're at 0/4 completed still. Levels 1 through 4 are the ones you need to complete to get a complete seasonal item set, so that's why they're shown there.

In the original PS3/XBox 360 versions, the mob density was a lot smaller, so to keep up the damage between going from one mob pack to another, the console versions got nephalem orbs to compensate.

Fast forward to the current gen versions of PS4, XBOne and now Switch. The mob density is a lot higher and there have been many tweaks and updates to the game since last gen (in fact most of the features, balancing and systems are in parity with the PC version). However, the devs decided to keep the nephalem orbs in, probably because, although very much improved the mob density still didn't match with the PC version.

Ah interesting, that makes sense. Thanks!

It adds a neat sense of urgency that I don't really remember on PC (outside of when I used Bane of the Powerful).


Oct 29, 2017
Playing through the campaign on one character (for story and lore) and playing through seasons. I'm using Witch doctor and have to bump the difficulty up more to Master. I did a rift with my Demon Hunter and some randoms and i realize the key figure of players is to rush though things. I'm a weird player that has to kill everything because i feel like you have a likely chance for some form of random drops off of enemies.
It will always be more efficient to only engage large groups of enemies and ignore stragglers. Doesn't just apply to rifts.


May 19, 2018
Really love the handheld aspect of playing Diablo 3.
Decided to do a quick rift in bed before going to sleep, realized 2 hours later how much time had passed :p


Oct 27, 2017
Do seasons start and finish back to back? I won't get this until my birthday on December 11th, but I heard the current season finishes on the 16th? I probably won't get much time to play either, and everyone seems to be insisting on starting with a season character!


Oct 25, 2017
Playing through the campaign on one character (for story and lore) and playing through seasons. I'm using Witch doctor and have to bump the difficulty up more to Master. I did a rift with my Demon Hunter and some randoms and i realize the key figure of players is to rush though things. I'm a weird player that has to kill everything because i feel like you have a likely chance for some form of random drops off of enemies.
Just spend time on packs/elites to maximize drops.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, rifts and grifts are rush elites. Don't bother with smaller packs as they don't really give much contribution to the overall completion of the rift. End-game is about efficient speed farming for better gear so that you can push (which is where you'll swap a skill or two to facilitate pushing for rushing).


Oct 27, 2017


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
Yes. So fucking annoying.

Had it for the entire first day. Then magically worked. Now it's popped up again. Wtf is going on.

Blizzard has already stated there is an update coming which includes a new icon. There is also an issue with Necromancer curses not working.

Here is hoping we get a nice lot of fixes alongside some better networking.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Here is hoping we get a nice lot of fixes alongside some better networking.
Really hope so. I'm fine playing solo as I love the game, but it's my friends first foray into Diablo and he bought it mainly to co-op with me. So to have 2 of the 3 sessions start and end in being unable to play together at all is pretty irritating.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
Just noticed that the game downloaded 60 GB of data, while the original download was around 13. Now I cant download anything else. Did I do something wrong here? Or are all the expansions very large. I didn't download any language packs or anything.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Damn it
Was grinding a tomb while I was riding the train this morning and missed my transfer. I got to work half an hour late.
Portable Diablo is dangerous people. Don't let it distract you too much lol

I'm a weird player that has to kill everything because i feel like you have a likely chance for some form of random drops off of enemies.

Lol I'm the same but only cause I'm obsessive like that. I explore every bit of the map and kill every enemy. I also try to crush everything I see.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Just noticed that the game downloaded 60 GB of data, while the original download was around 13. Now I cant download anything else. Did I do something wrong here? Or are all the expansions very large. I didn't download any language packs or anything.

you probably did, each language pack is like 5gb


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
This was my dream 3rd party game when the Switch launched. I finally got it this weekend and it's glorious! It's also nice that a lot of the included updates I missed out on originally are new to me, so everything feels fresh. Rolling with a Necromancer to start. Any tips for someone who hasn't played since all the rifts and adventure mode etc was added?


Oct 28, 2017
Tip for newbies. Activate "advanced tool tips" in the gameplay options. Shows you exactly what percentage of weapon damage your skills do when looking at your skills.
Nov 8, 2017
I played this game on PC launch, then 360, then PS4, and now Switch. And just now discovering that Primal Ancient items exist, lol. Goddamn I love this game. It is my forever game. The port is so good! The graphics are obviously blurrier bc lower resolution, but that's totally worth PORTABLE forever game. You don't even notice the lower res when the screen is filled with the chaos of high level / endgame maps.

I also recommend turning on monster health bars, very helpful. It's extra satisfying to crunch a screen of enemies with the health bars on.


Oct 27, 2017
Loving this game so far. I played the story as a Barbarian back when it launched on PC but having it on a handheld is so perfect.

I started a Necromancer and so far he is very powerful. I bumped the difficulty up once but I still am untouchable so I'll probably bump it again.

I also tried a Demon Hunter but she feels very weak in comparison in the early game? Takes forever to kill basic mobs even. Am I missing something with her?
Oct 27, 2017
Man, I didn't understand how Seasonal characters worked so I started my D3 campaign as a normal character...I wish I didn't do that lol. Anyway, I decided to play as a Monk to try something different from the Wizard I was running on PS4 years ago. I might create a seasonal Necromancer though because that class seems really cool.

I'm loving the game on Switch so far and think it fits the system PERFECTLY!
Aug 29, 2018
was a huge diablo 2 fan and playing diablo 3 first month was actually pretty depressing. Have they fixed the 1. more linear loot progression 2. more linear map design and 3. lack of diversity in viable character builds by end game?


Nov 15, 2017
It will always be more efficient to only engage large groups of enemies and ignore stragglers. Doesn't just apply to rifts.
Just spend time on packs/elites to maximize drops.
Thanks for the tip. Ill focus on that with my rift runs.
Lol I'm the same but only cause I'm obsessive like that. I explore every bit of the map and kill every enemy. I also try to crush everything I see.
Pretty much my play style in a lot of games. lol


Oct 27, 2017
So, let me summarize as far as I understand this, from my perspective as a nub.

The current season has a neat set of goodies for the Demon Hunter, especially. (guidefor DH for intermediate players)
You get them by completing a buncha tasks and then pressing X while in the seasons screen. This takes a while though, especially for newbs.

It is perfectly reasonable to start a season character as a newbie (guidefor noobs) and use it to play through the story to learn about game mechanics and most importantly, grab the only head gear you will be allowed to use until you hit Level 70, the socketed helmet that boosts the efficiency of the +XP gem (Ruby) it will be fitted with: Leoric's Crown. Seriously, nearly every guide I've read is harping on about this thing. At least it's a guaranteed drop.
Experienced players will instead go Rifting in adventure mode as soon as possible, interspersed with the rare bounty run for season unlocks (also to exploit the occasional bonus loot).

It's preferrable to play with friends to decrease difficulty due to generous mob scaling, and to earn XP/drop boosts. Apparently you can fake-multiplay by syncing up additional controllers for local multi, even if you don't control the additional players - the party characters warp to you automatically if they get too far away from you. Playing like that sounds painful, though. Doubt it's worth it.

Switch on Elective mode so you can configure controls in a way that's not braindead.

On the level of difficulty, for newbies, Hard is recommended, with Master a possibility if you get good gear synergies going. Expert is discouraged because Monsters gain excessively more health, making them less fun to fight. Of course, YMMV. Please note that you can only switch difficulty level from the main menu, not while playing with a character.

Between Levels 1 and 70, too much focus on gear and crafting is detrimental, as it will be rapidly replaced anyway. Just grab whatever boosts your primary stat and damage. Plus the Crown from above. Rings and Amulets that add fixed amounts of Damage are to be prioritized so you can punch above your weight.

During their playtime, noobs should keep an eye out for two more items besides the freaking Crown, namely the Bovine Bardiche and the Puzzle Ring. These items may drop at random and allow you to access bonus dungeons with massive XP and gold gains once you unlock a certain cube in Act 3. Anything else you don't use that isn't a legendary, dismantle. You'll have enough crap to fiddle around with once you hit Level 70. No need to keep around lowlevel gear.

After newbs have gotten fully accustomed to controls and mechanics, and for experienced players from the start, it is a good idea to try the (weekly?) Challenge Rift from the pre-game lobby. There's a buncha goodies to be had that help you substantially in your run to 70. It's more or less a speedrun challenge with a fully kitted out character, harvested from the attempts submitted to the leaderboards, and as such requires experienced players. Depends on the run though.

Recommended gameplay tactic: Always focus on groups of mobs, try to lead stragglers into groups or otherwise ignore them if at all possible.


Oct 28, 2017

I have a question, maybe it was answered many times already but I couldn't find it. In the OP, the following is stated:

"Another thing of note is that you only need to be online to create a Seasonal character. After that, you can play offline and earn the rewards to your heart's content."

Well, somehow this is not working. If there is no connection to the Internet and the server, I can't start a session with my seasonal character. Neither single nor multi. We wanted to do a quick mp couch coop (campaign with our lv. 14 seasonal chars) during lunch break, but all of us had the messages displayed that we are not eligible for leader boards (which we didn't care about) and after clicking past that message, we were told that one or more players in our group are not connected and below our characters there was a message in red that "the season has not yet started".
We had to create new normal charakters to play offline couch coop. Seasonal playing would've required at least a hotspot via smart phone as it seems.

I don't think we've missed something in the game settings, we tried all possible things. It can't be that complicated, because everything works so fast and easy regarding multiplayer in Diablo III on Switch. So it simply does not seem to be possible to play and progress with your Seasonal Charakter in any way without a connection to the Internet.


Oct 25, 2017
was a huge diablo 2 fan and playing diablo 3 first month was actually pretty depressing. Have they fixed the 1. more linear loot progression 2. more linear map design and 3. lack of diversity in viable character builds by end game?
All fixed ages ago yeah. Loot/stats are still the part with the most in common with launch, like while levelling it's pretty eh, but endgame loot is fine. It's much like the difference between vanilla D2 and Lord of destruction. Loot just does more interesting stuff in much larger quantity which enables builds

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if saved games from physical games also work with downloaded versions? Tempted to go to digital so I can always have it ready to play.


Oct 27, 2017
fuck, where did my weekend go? bought the game friday after work and next thing I know I've got a lvl 68 Necromancer on master and I'm back at work.


Nov 2, 2017
Can't believe I'm playing this again. Truth is - I stopped playing before Seasons started so there is much here that is new to me.

I feel like I'm not getting gear quickly enough. I am currently running a Crusader at Paragon 101. GR36. I'm rocking Seasonal Set... which is not optimal for Crusader... and I'm starting to feel the damage fall off a bit. I'm going to need to run a Condemn build, which requires the Akkhan's set.

Looking at the leaderboards - there are people in there that have spent less time than me in the GRs that are outgearing me. I am wondering if I am spending my time in the wrong places or if I am simply not farming the right areas to get the pieces I need. The Seasonal set has definitely gotten me to the right place... but I really want to push more.

I've done some research on how to farm gear. I'm not sure - but it looks as if gambling blood shards is the way to go in picking up these pieces. I'm just really scared about getting my new set to run Condemn.

Could someone a bit more "seasoned" at this lead me to the right direction for spending optimal time in getting the build I want? How is it that others have spent less time in GRs than I have... but have VASTLY progressed further than I have?


Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe I'm playing this again. Truth is - I stopped playing before Seasons started so there is much here that is new to me.

I feel like I'm not getting gear quickly enough. I am currently running a Crusader at Paragon 101. GR36. I'm rocking Seasonal Set... which is not optimal for Crusader... and I'm starting to feel the damage fall off a bit. I'm going to need to run a Condemn build, which requires the Akkhan's set.

Looking at the leaderboards - there are people in there that have spent less time than me in the GRs that are outgearing me. I am wondering if I am spending my time in the wrong places or if I am simply not farming the right areas to get the pieces I need. The Seasonal set has definitely gotten me to the right place... but I really want to push more.

I've done some research on how to farm gear. I'm not sure - but it looks as if gambling blood shards is the way to go in picking up these pieces. I'm just really scared about getting my new set to run Condemn.

Could someone a bit more "seasoned" at this lead me to the right direction for spending optimal time in getting the build I want? How is it that others have spent less time in GRs than I have... but have VASTLY progressed further than I have?

Grifting isn't going to get you gear. You run grifts for the ability to upgrade your legendary gems. If you want gear, run bounties and speed farm rifts. Gear is on a steady treadmill, so as long as you're equipping upgrades and such as you go, you'll continue to see better drops.

Also, don't overstretch your difficulty. It's far better to run one difficulty lower if that means you can speed farm. More mobs killed = more chances for loot drops. Plain and simple.

Gambling is great, but the most controlled way to upgrade gear is using Kanai's Cube.

  • Upgrade Rare - changes your rare into a legendary or set item of the same type. Incredibly powerful if used correctly, and great to use on those gambled items that don't turn out the way you want.
  • Convert Set Item - allows you to "easily" get a new set item. It turns the current set piece into another item in the set allowing you to more easily complete a 5 or 6 piece set.

Eventually you'll be able to solo a GR70 and open the door to primal drops. I don't remember if you can upgrade a primal rare to a primal legendary or primal set (same with converting).


Oct 30, 2017
So am I playing this right?

I did the story back on PS4 a coupla years ago and wanted to dive in to the adventures, I'm currently doing the bounties and the odd rift and levelling quick enough, is there anything in particular I should be doing?


Dec 13, 2017
Grifting isn't going to get you gear. You run grifts for the ability to upgrade your legendary gems. If you want gear, run bounties and speed farm rifts. Gear is on a steady treadmill, so as long as you're equipping upgrades and such as you go, you'll continue to see better drops.

Also, don't overstretch your difficulty. It's far better to run one difficulty lower if that means you can speed farm. More mobs killed = more chances for loot drops. Plain and simple.

Gambling is great, but the most controlled way to upgrade gear is using Kanai's Cube.

  • Upgrade Rare - changes your rare into a legendary or set item of the same type. Incredibly powerful if used correctly, and great to use on those gambled items that don't turn out the way you want.
  • Convert Set Item - allows you to "easily" get a new set item. It turns the current set piece into another item in the set allowing you to more easily complete a 5 or 6 piece set.

Eventually you'll be able to solo a GR70 and open the door to primal drops. I don't remember if you can upgrade a primal rare to a primal legendary or primal set (same with converting).
That's great info. This is my first go with the series and there is so much I don't know. That being said I'm absolutely loving the game. It's the most fun I've had on Switch to this day! Trying to get a set for a Necro currently. No pieces yet. )=

Deleted member 4367

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe I'm playing this again. Truth is - I stopped playing before Seasons started so there is much here that is new to me.

I feel like I'm not getting gear quickly enough. I am currently running a Crusader at Paragon 101. GR36. I'm rocking Seasonal Set... which is not optimal for Crusader... and I'm starting to feel the damage fall off a bit. I'm going to need to run a Condemn build, which requires the Akkhan's set.

Looking at the leaderboards - there are people in there that have spent less time than me in the GRs that are outgearing me. I am wondering if I am spending my time in the wrong places or if I am simply not farming the right areas to get the pieces I need. The Seasonal set has definitely gotten me to the right place... but I really want to push more.

I've done some research on how to farm gear. I'm not sure - but it looks as if gambling blood shards is the way to go in picking up these pieces. I'm just really scared about getting my new set to run Condemn.

Could someone a bit more "seasoned" at this lead me to the right direction for spending optimal time in getting the build I want? How is it that others have spent less time in GRs than I have... but have VASTLY progressed further than I have?

It's 3 days after release. How quickly do you expect it to happen?


Nov 2, 2017
Grifting isn't going to get you gear. You run grifts for the ability to upgrade your legendary gems. If you want gear, run bounties and speed farm rifts. Gear is on a steady treadmill, so as long as you're equipping upgrades and such as you go, you'll continue to see better drops.

Also, don't overstretch your difficulty. It's far better to run one difficulty lower if that means you can speed farm. More mobs killed = more chances for loot drops. Plain and simple.

Gambling is great, but the most controlled way to upgrade gear is using Kanai's Cube.

  • Upgrade Rare - changes your rare into a legendary or set item of the same type. Incredibly powerful if used correctly, and great to use on those gambled items that don't turn out the way you want.
  • Convert Set Item - allows you to "easily" get a new set item. It turns the current set piece into another item in the set allowing you to more easily complete a 5 or 6 piece set.

Eventually you'll be able to solo a GR70 and open the door to primal drops. I don't remember if you can upgrade a primal rare to a primal legendary or primal set (same with converting).

Thanks for this.

I didn't know about GRifting's inability of producing steady gear. Very useful.

The general rule of thumb I've found online is that when Rifting - you should be clearing it in 5-8 minutes. For me - I've been setting my difficulty one Tier lower than what my GR level noted. So in my case - my GRift level is T8... so I am currently running T7. It's been fine.

Are there better Acts for bounties to run? Is there a preferred Act that is known as being quicker or producing better gear? I know certain items drop only from certain Acts... I need to be conscious of that.

Kanai's Cube is completely new to me. I've been playing around with it and have not produced any worthwhile gear from it yet. I'd like to understand the nuances if there are any. For example - am I more likely to get a good legendary from an upgraded rare if the rare I am upgrading comes from a gambled items? Rift drops? Also - my understanding with the Convert set item is that it only rolls into another piece of the current set. For this reason - it is only useful to roll this item if you have dupes. Is that correct?

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm not getting gear quickly enough. I am currently running a Crusader at Paragon 101. GR36. I'm rocking Seasonal Set... which is not optimal for Crusader... and I'm starting to feel the damage fall off a bit. I'm going to need to run a Condemn build, which requires the Akkhan's set.

Looking at the leaderboards - there are people in there that have spent less time than me in the GRs that are outgearing me. I am wondering if I am spending my time in the wrong places or if I am simply not farming the right areas to get the pieces I need. The Seasonal set has definitely gotten me to the right place... but I really want to push more.

I've done some research on how to farm gear. I'm not sure - but it looks as if gambling blood shards is the way to go in picking up these pieces. I'm just really scared about getting my new set to run Condemn.

Could someone a bit more "seasoned" at this lead me to the right direction for spending optimal time in getting the build I want? How is it that others have spent less time in GRs than I have... but have VASTLY progressed further than I have?

Practice, adaptability, time, a bit of luck. I'm still running Roland and I'm at GR 66+, the only reason I'm not 70 yet is that I'm playing hardcore so I don't want to push too hard and end up dying, I'm more than capable of doing 70 in terms of damage output right now but I still feel way too squishy (still missing both Unities and my RCR + own skill isn't enough for a cubed Aquila to work).

Gambling blood shards is good for the pieces that cost 25 or 50. Don't waste them on weapons unless you have everything, the pool is massive. Upgrade your rares instead. I've spent a looot of time running regular rifts to get Death's Breath.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
was a huge diablo 2 fan and playing diablo 3 first month was actually pretty depressing. Have they fixed the 1. more linear loot progression 2. more linear map design and 3. lack of diversity in viable character builds by end game?

Yes to all three questions.

The game in its current state is much better than Diablo II in my opinion (and I say that as someone who hated Diablo III when it first came out).

Thanks for this.

Are there better Acts for bounties to run? Is there a preferred Act that is known as being quicker or producing better gear? I know certain items drop only from certain Acts... I need to be conscious of that.

Kanai's Cube is completely new to me. I've been playing around with it and have not produced any worthwhile gear from it yet. I'd like to understand the nuances if there are any. For example - am I more likely to get a good legendary from an upgraded rare if the rare I am upgrading comes from a gambled items? Rift drops? Also - my understanding with the Convert set item is that it only rolls into another piece of the current set. For this reason - it is only useful to roll this item if you have dupes. Is that correct?

Each Act has exclusive legendaries that you can get from bounties. Act 1 has Ring of Royal Grandeur which is a pretty amazing ring. They are all similar in length I beleive, especially if you team up with friends and do 4 different bounties at the same time! :)

For Kanai's Cube, it doesn't matter from where you rare item come from. I usually craft the piece of gear I need from the blacksmith before I try getting something good from the cube. And about the set items, you are correct.