
The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
I have an OLED and I couldn't even tell you what HDR looks like.

Things look pretty on it though.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Bad HDR implementation on top of bad PS4 Pro checkerboarding and supersampling implementation. Big disappointment...and I honestly thought/expected they were going to nail it.


Oct 30, 2017
The source is still a 100 nits image so any brightening of it is artificial and not what HDR is meant to do. The 500 nits is only when you put the HDR slider all the way to 500 too which then destroys the blacks.

This sums up HDR well on RDR2:

You missed an important part in the next paragraph...
You've got nothing to lose by turning on HDR in Red Dead Redemption 2 but nothing to gain either and this begs the question - what's the point in it being there?

Which serves as a counterpoint to the "Muh HDR, it's teh brokes...use SDR for colors!" crowd.


Nov 9, 2017
Spent my first 5 hours playing going back and forth trying to tweek the HDR to look good. Eventually I gave up and accepted that HDR looks bad no matter what I did so I keep it turned off, playing on a Pro with a samsung MU8000.

How do you like HDR in games that support it well on that set? I've been thinking of getting a NU8000 or Q6F which are pretty much the same.


Nov 14, 2017
Yup, I took pics last night after seeing the "HDR is washed out" thread. On a professionally calibrated LG OLED HDR and SDR are virtually indistinguishable. I just turned it off.

Isn't burn-in an issue on OLEDs?

You might get burn-in if you left RDR2 running for a week straight without moving. Don't do that and you won't get burn-in.

It also serves as a counterpoint to your own posts on "The HDR looks great" so are you trying to gotcha yourself here too?

HDR does look great. Just as great as SDR! If there's any washing out it's due to your personal TV settings.

Deleted member 43552

User requested account closure
May 17, 2018
4k TV and non PS4 pro owner here... I agree that the HDR seems a bit off in particular when compared to games like HZD. With that being said, I've left it on because turning it off seems to create an effect where it looks very "gamey", exaggerated colours, etc.

The desaturated look that HDR provides in this game kind of reminds me of that pseudo film grain effect in the older Mass Effect games. I guess it comes down to whatever aesthetic the individual enjoys along with what looks best on their setup.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I turned it off on PS4 pro as well and was surprised at how much better everything looked. I also can't tell if I like the game more at 1080p or with their checkerboard I crazy?


Nov 18, 2017
Yup, I took pics last night after seeing the "HDR is washed out" thread. On a professionally calibrated LG OLED HDR and SDR are virtually indistinguishable. I just turned it off.

You might get burn-in if you left RDR2 running for a week straight without moving. Don't do that and you won't get burn-in.

The burn in will be from the icons which are on screen most the time in exactly the same position. As pointed out in the write up (if I understood it correctly) because they are white they are being displayed much brighter than they should be because of the 'fake HDR' implementation therefore increasing the risk of burn in

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yup, I took pics last night after seeing the "HDR is washed out" thread. On a professionally calibrated LG OLED HDR and SDR are virtually indistinguishable. I just turned it off.

You might get burn-in if you left RDR2 running for a week straight without moving. Don't do that and you won't get burn-in.

HDR does look great. Just as great as SDR! If there's any washing out it's due to your personal TV settings.

Try lowering your brightness to 47, it really improves things a lot.

Makes it better than SDR in my personal opinion.


Oct 30, 2017
It also serves as a counterpoint to your own posts on "The HDR looks great" so are you trying to gotcha yourself here too?

If it makes you feel better, sure. Although going into it with no prior reference (HDR doesn't have an in game toggle on XBOX) one could still observe an output higher than SDR depending on slider setting. Since I had mine set to 150 vs 100 I would still notice in increase in luminance for certain things compared to a properly calibrated SDR image (this goes out the window for a lot of folks that are used to overbright/oversaturated SDR).
Oct 27, 2017
HDR when done right is awesome! All you need to do is look at Horizon: Zero Dawn for a glowing example. HDR in this game and Monster Hunter World (as another example), are complete half assed trash. Just wish it would be consistently taken seriously by devs in their games. If you're not going to do it right, just leave it out.
Oct 27, 2017
The source is still a 100 nits image so any brightening of it is artificial and not what HDR is meant to do. The 500 nits is only when you put the HDR slider all the way to 500 too which then destroys the blacks.

This sums up HDR well on RDR2:

You missed an important part in the next paragraph...

Which serves as a counterpoint to the "Muh HDR, it's teh brokes...use SDR for colors!" crowd.

The source can be whatever. At the end has been tailored the end output is up to 500 nits which the tv should account for which goes beyond 100 nit sdr scale. It has to be showing some content above the 100 nit scale though because all you would be getting would be 100nit sdr, which his lumens test show they are not. It peaks at 500. How does it show colors/brightness out of the sdr scale and still be out if it is sdr 100 nits still? Using terms like '''fake hdr' is also misleading as HDR is fake, as HDR is a postprocess.

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The burn in will be from the icons which are on screen most the time in exactly the same position. As pointed out in the write up (if I understood it correctly) because they are white they are being displayed much brighter than they should be because of the 'fake HDR' implementation therefore increasing the risk of burn in

You can turn some or every single HUD element off btw, and you can make them come up when you need them by pressing down on the dpad. Its actually great, gives the game a much more immersive feel, while never feeling like you're at a disadvantage.

The way I have mine set up is everything off except the mission prompts and the aiming dot.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah HDR is a mess in general right now. Very few games do it well.

RDR2 on my KS8500 looks a million times better with the HDR turned off. I'm cool with that and I'm not expecting R* to fix it.


Nov 9, 2017
fixing the HDR would be one of the biggest improvements they could make IMO. Wonder if they will address it at all.

Gonna turn it off on my PS4 Pro next time I play. Sigh.

Man... I remember playing FFXV in HDR and it was blowing me away. I was hoping we'd be moving more in that direction... too bad Rockstar doesn't see the benefits of having it done well in their games.

Fortunately, HDR isn't like 3D (which was simply removed from TVs) and is just going to get better over time. Every year we have seen HUGE improvements in TV sets and software implementation of HDR. It's quite amazing. It's still going to take awhile.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm I was thinking about having and getting a 4k tv because of this game. Guess I'll still wait till next gen before I take that dive.


Circumventing a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Great now I am going to turn both my versions off and Nit pick even more. If the difference between the X and my PS4 is not as noticeable with it off I will continue to play it more on my ps4
Oct 27, 2017
Wow. At one point people were posting comparisons where it almost seemed like HDR off was actually HDR on, and vice-versa - as if the toggle switch was just flipped. But it's the container implementation after all. I'll be looking out for updates!


Oct 25, 2017
To those who are using OLED, turn it off, you'll lose that inky blacks if you turn it on. You'll also have a washed out contrast

It's a shame that a game with caliber, scope, and polish botched this one. It's still a gorgeous game but my god if they got the HDR right? It will be eye melting, hopefully they can fix it with a patch.


Nov 18, 2017
You can turn some or every single HUD element off btw, and you can make them come up when you need them by pressing down on the dpad. Its actually great, gives the game a much more immersive feel, while never feeling like you're at a disadvantage.

The way I have mine set up is everything off except the mission prompts and the aiming dot.

cheers, will look into that


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah definitely lets just ignore Sea of thieves, Forza and Gears 4 right?
Seriously. Those 2 games are the top examples of gaming HDR. We have that wonderful Resetera thread going into detail about how great the work is.

Night time driving in FH4 with HDR is unbelievable.


Nov 27, 2017
Yeah HDR is a mess in general right now. Very few games do it well.

RDR2 on my KS8500 looks a million times better with the HDR turned off. I'm cool with that and I'm not expecting R* to fix it.

It's funny that, among Sony's first party devs, the often criticized Ubisoft is one of the best companies out there that utilize proper HDR. AC and Far Cry are really shining in HDR.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
Congrats EvilBoris, the article was excellent. Hope we see more content from you soon.

Shame that the HDR implementation turned out the way it did.'s a HUGE difference to you and the hardcore peeps.

Run a game or a video with and without HDR to your mum or uncle. Or the '2 games (COD, Madden) per year' casuals. Their answer is the representation of the general consumer. Not the hardcore native pixel counting audience

The weird thing about HDR is that some people expect bright scenes to get brighter and colors to pop when that's not exactly the purpose of HDR. Some of the best implementations are a bit subdued or grounded, but are still excellent examples of the technology. I bet the average person would agree that games like SoT, GTS, and FH4 look better with HDR on. They don't have to understand the technology to know it helps produce a more pleasing image.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The source can be whatever. At the end has been tailored the end output is up to 500 nits which the tv should account for which goes beyond 100 nit sdr scale. It has to be showing some content above the 100 nit scale though because all you would be getting would be 100nit sdr, which his lumens test show they are not. It peaks at 500. How does it show colors/brightness out of the sdr scale and still be out if it is sdr 100 nits still? Using terms like '''fake hdr' is also misleading as HDR is fake, as HDR is a postprocess.
sdr can be above 100 nits. look at any tv review on rtings. the x900e can hit 900 nits in sdr.


Vehicle Handling Designer
Oct 25, 2017
So, am a bit confused with what the best way to play on a ps4 currently is, should I turn off HDR and output at 1080p for now?

Or just turn HDR off and leave it at whatever resolution it is checkerboarding to?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I hope that by the time I get around to getting a 4k tv that all these HDR quirks and gotchas are sorted and standardized.


Oct 30, 2017
sdr can be above 100 nits. look at any tv review on rtings. the x900e can hit 900 nits in sdr.

Of course it can. But the TV should be calibrated so it doesnt happen.

This is why you encounter situations where people are arguing about how bright/vivid/colorful things look in SDR. TV's can be adjusted way higher than what SDR calls for which to many can look subjectively better but less accurate.


Oct 27, 2017
The thing with HDR is that it can make content look absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing, like the BBC "Blue Planet/Planet Earth II" documentaries, or it can just slightly enhance the image like in Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4. It also largely depends on what you are actually watching, not everything will look fantastic in HDR.

When I watched the trailers for RDR2, I was sure that the HDR in this game is going to be amazing due to the light shafts, fog and specular highlights in the mud you could see in the nighttime moonlit scenes. The way it was actually implemented in the end is mind-boggling.


Dec 5, 2017
So the PC version that will come out in 3-4 years will have Native HDR, 8K resolution and VR comptaibilities. lovely!

Haven't played the game yet, but i will say that it is strange for a game that was so marketed on details and how it was handcrafted to near perfection decided to take a shortcut like this... i mean, it's not like Rockstar lacks the resources or talent to make it work properly... weird call.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I wonder if this is at all tied to performance? I'm not sure what the technical demands are for HDR, but if they wanted a stable frame rate over this implementation, then that might make a bit more sense.