Oct 27, 2017

Thank you Angie22 and sabrina for this banner!

If you guys want to discuss spoilers without having to tag every single thing, you're more than welcome to make a spoiler thread.

Feel free to discuss Detroit without spoiler tags here!

FAQ (thanks dragonbane):

Q: How do Androids turn deviant exactly/what's up with the deviancy virus?
It's a dormant virus/software bug present in every CyberLife Android, possibly planted by Kamski himself. Through firmware sharing every future product line came with it from that point onwards. A strong emotional trauma/shock can lead to the virus mutating which causes deviancy. Alternatively the RK series (Connor & Markus) are also able to transmit the mutated virus immediately to any Android to awake them.

Q: How are Markus/Connor able to transform Androids by just touching them?
Markus is an earlier model of Connor (RK prototype series). They are the most advanced models CyberLife has, were originally designed by Kamski himself and are not supposed to be in normal circulation. Markus was gifted to Carl by Kamski as well since they are friends. Only those two have been shown to be able to pre-calculate paths through the environment, rewind events and are also both clearly the best fighters with the strongest physical abilities. Also only Connor and Markus can probe memories of other Androids by just touching them, which other Androids are very afraid of as seen with Connor. North also gets shocked by it when Markus does it on her the first time. So it is heavily implied that only Connor and Markus can transfer the deviancy virus right away without needing an emotional trigger like Kara.

The reason why they can do this also can likely be linked back to Kamski and his plan.

Another possibility comes from the fact that Amanda mentions that it was their plan all along to stage the Android revolution, then kill their leader (Markus or North) and have Connor take over his/her place being in control by CyberLife. So it could easily be by design as well. Why CyberLife would want that is unknown, it could be that the Amanda AI went rogue and believes Androids should control the world or more likely it is a political maneuver to increase the influence/market value of CyberLife further.

On that note Kamski also tells Connor that he built the emergency switch into the Zen Garden program that Amanda doesn't know about that allows Connor to break CyberLife's control. Kamski is certainly a psychopath, but does seem to believe that Androids are the superior race and should take over eventually. That probably lead to a rift between him and other CyberLife executives causing him to depart.

It is likely he himself planted the software error/virus after all.

Q: Who is rA9?
Kamski says it is a religious figure for Androids. A codeword that stands for their god, their prophet, the person who will set them free. They cling onto the idea of rA9 for hope cause the situation seems otherwise hopeless. It can be Connor, Markus or North depending on your choices who eventually try to become what rA9 stands for. It is said the original rA9 was the first Android to be awake. If he is still alive or even exists is unknown. If Markus succeeds in his quest his people generally consider him to be rA9 or his incarnation.

Q: Does Kara know about Alice being an Android?
Yes Kara knew. Just like the player she didn't want to accept it. She broke her programming and wanted it to be for something meaningful and not an Android child as hypocritical as it is.

When she sees the ad flyer she gets a yellow LED and registers the information but pushes it away. When you ask Luther about it during the amusement park there is plenty of time to explain but Kara snaps at him "not now". It was obvious she knew what he wanted to say and just didn't wanna hear it.

And when she finally gets confronted about it her reaction was more heartbreak and denial then shock.

Q: Does Alice know she is an Android and why didn't she tell Kara?
Yes she knows. She refers to Androids as "us" multiple times. She didn't want to tell Kara because she was afraid she would push her away and abandon her.

Q: Why doesn't Alice have a LED and how does she feel cold/get a fever?
It is all simulated or a feature to allow Alice to be the perfect child. See Alice's entry in the game's gallery: https://i.imgur.com/h1UOkld.jpg

Q: How can Todd afford 2 state of the art Androids?
Kara only costs $899 new. She is an old model at this point and was bought pre-owned by Todd, which likely lowered the price further. Alice is somewhat newer, but you can find unpaid bills on Todd's desk and a rejection for another credit card, so he has been living on credit for a while selling drugs around the neighborhood for extra cash. So it is not that surprising he was able to maybe shell out $1500 for Alice and Kara.

Q: What's up with Todd anyway?
His wife left him and took their daughter with him. The photo of Alice in her box is not Alice, but Todd's real daughter. He wanted to prove to himself he could improve and be a better father, so he bought Alice and Kara. He admits he failed again.

Q: Why did Kamski leave CyberLife?
It is said he left because he disagreed with the strategy for CyberLife planned out by his board of directors. In reality it is likely because he started to work towards making the Androids deviant and wanted to get out before shit hit the fan.

Q: Who is Amanda?
Amanda is based on the real life person Amanda Stern, a college professor teaching AI and former mentor of Kamski. At some point after she died the Connor program was started. Kamski developed the Zen Garden location, as well as the Amanda AI to watch over Connor's work and question him occasionally on his state to find out if he is becoming unstable and needs to be replaced/improved. Both Connor and the location are in a constant refinement process. He used the appearance/name of his former professor out of respect. It is not clear if the Amanda AI is starting to work towards her own interests and is self-aware or if she is fully devoted to CyberLife, but the latter seems likely. She has her secrets however and can react in shock when Connor betrays her.

Q: Is the Zen Garden location real?
No. It exists in CyberLife's computers. Amanda can order Connor to come to the place whenever she desires and even trap him there.
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Oct 27, 2017
Washington State
What endings did you guys end up with? I ended up winning the violent revolution with Markus but both Josh and North were killed in the process. I killed Simon back at the broadcast tower.

Had Conner turn deviant, resulting in him joining Markus and infiltrate the Cyberlife HQ. Ended up sacrificing Hank and killed the Conner double so he could activate the androids in the Cyberlife Warehouse.

Kara, Alice, and Luther ended up getting executed at the bus terminal because I was an idiot and walk straight into the guards, somehow not noticing them.

Ok what color hair did y'all choose for Kara?

I chose black

White is the only choice here.
Oct 27, 2017
What endings did you guys end up with? I ended up winning the violent revolution with Markus but both Josh and North were killed in the process. I killed Simon back at the broadcast tower.

Had Conner turn deviant, resulting in him joining Markus and infiltrate the Cyberlife HQ. Ended up sacrificing Hank and killed the Conner double so he could activate the androids in the Cyberlife Warehouse.

Kara, Alice, and Luther ended up getting executed at the bus terminal because I was an idiot and walk straight into the guards, somehow not noticing them.

White is the only choice here.
My first ending kinda sucked.
  • Missed the entire Kara storyline because I wanted to stay a good android and didn't move as Tood killed Alice... so he killed Kara too right after
  • Markus wanted to lead a peaceful revolution but got killed by Connor in Jericho
  • As for Connor... I don't remember clearly what happened. He fought on a roof with Hank and his sniper rifle got damaged in the process, then he just left.
  • North went on to lead the revolution


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
Kara, Alice, and Luther ended up getting executed at the bus terminal because I was an idiot and walk straight into the guards, somehow not noticing them.
That's brutal.

I didn't give into Alice's little-girl-eyes when deciding to keep the stolen tickets.
Similarly I didn't try to save the Jerrys being rounded up and executed in the previous chapter... The focus was purely survival (especially with Luther already deceased).

My end-game outcomes:
Hank was killed/sacrificed. :´(
Deviant Connor managed to release the androids from the factory and the news reported a million on the loose in the Detroit area.
Luther had died previously and Kara ended up having to sacrifice herself to save Alice. :´(
Markus lost his Revolution fight on the field. Josh and Simon died but North as the lover survived. We ended up igniting the dirty bomb and the war was a fact.

Black was the only option
White is the only choice here.
Blonde was the choice. C'mon now.
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Oct 25, 2017
The sign on the Celsius Theater towards the end of Kara's story is full of references to previous QD games. Does anyone know what "Jungle 2" is referring to, possible reference to a future game or just a pun for Detroit that I didn't get? Something along the lines of "urban jungle", "the city is a jungle" specific to that city?

edit: for reference
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Oct 28, 2017
My ending was pretty dope. Getting there was stressful as hell.

Had Connor turn deviant and help Markus. I didnt want him to turn deviant but I felt like he wouldn't want him to disappoint Hank. Was dope when he told the story about Cole.

Markus lived on to lead a peaceful demonstration. No leaders died. But almost everyone else did. I really thought David Cage would have no trouble having the androids killed even with peaceful protests. Especially when everyone was lined up at the bus surrounded.

Kara Luther and Alice lived on to make it to Canada. I knew I was throwing a hail Mary when I hit sacrifice no one. Dropped my controller in legit relief when they made it.
Oct 27, 2017

My game / ending
  • Markus was mostly peaceful but that statue had to go after I read it's quote.
  • Stuck with nonviolence until the attack on Jericho and said fuck it, it's time to go Malcom X / Magneto.
  • Fought to retrieve androids from internment. I was generally nonviolent but people getting shot at the protest + the boat attack was my limit.
  • Markus convinced Connor to deviate and he successfully activate the Androids in the Cyberlife warehouse
  • Connor died but transferred everything to nu-Connor. Sacrificed Hank though (to be fair he did tell me "do what you need to do" before I did it).
  • Amanda tried to have me kill Markus after but I found the emergency override.
  • Society forced to accept Androids (President makes a statement).
  • Lived: Markus, Connor, Kara, North
  • Died:
    • Luther + Alice got shot when we took the boat across to Canada. Had to dump Luther's body to stay afloat.
    • Josh during the rebellion.
    • Simon back in the broadcast Tower.
    • Hank killed by nu-Connor
    • Connor killed by nu-Connor, who then forcibly transferred everything of himself into nu-Connor to fuse and become neo-Connor? I'm not entirely sure on exactly what happened but I won.
    • Carl had heart troubles because of Leo.
    • Alice shot Todd to save Kara

Playing the piano as Markus at the beginning of the game was really well done and a great use of the touchpad.

But my favourite part of the game was having characters meet up with conflicting interests and the game switching you between playing them. Connor trying to get Markus to come with him vs Markus trying to convince him to join them was fantastic, as was playing Kara/Alice escaping over the freeway while Connor chased after them and you playing it from both of their perspectives.

You can really tell a huge amount of work went into this game in ways that most people might not ever see - but I'm really glad that games like this exist and I'd really like to see a sequel or prequel if Quantic & Sony are interested.
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Oct 27, 2017
So what are the most horrible deaths in the game?

I thought Kara and Alice being hit by cars and trucks in the highway was terrifying but then I remembered the literal concentration camp or freezing to death and getting shot on a river in the middle of nowhere....

Deleted member 13250

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So my ending was pretty cool if a little abrupt.
Kara had to sacrifice Luther in order to escape with Alice at the end. Happy ending! :)
Connor stayed as a robot and eventually killed Markus after leading his peaceful revolution successfully.
Markus lost Josh and North at Jericho but survived with Simon until the end in which he was assassinated giving a speech.
Hank killed himself :( man I really screwed up my Connor playthrough lol.
Can't wait to play it again!
Blonde was the choice. C'mon now.
My man

Deleted member 17289

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
I finished the game weeks before release date and i was so pissed the end you get for luther when taking the river path, is probably the only decision i felt it was "bad" in the whole game, i did the right thing and returned the bus tickets to the mom and dad with the baby, but this leads to luther dying? Fuck that, I'm still salty for that lol


Oct 25, 2017
I'll post in this thread a lot later but I'm just gonna say that this is my GOTY so far and I'm gonna leave it there for now.
Very close to getting the platinum now, the most time consuming trophy will be the magazine trophy (since some magazines only show up under certain conditions, i.e. the ones related to Markus' choice of rebellion) and the one for getting Connor killed 10 times (which I can cut short by killing off Markus and Kara)
Oct 27, 2017
Personally I really like that there is no 100% good outcome. Everything comes with some kind of price or downside.

I'm not really too fond of systems where you can get through everything without consequence by picking all the "good" options. As much as I love Mass Effect for example, being able to Paragon your way out of anything and everything lessens the experience for me. Shades of gray always richens the experience to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I finished the game weeks before release date and i was so pissed the end you get for luther when taking the river path, is probably the only decision i felt it was "bad" in the whole game, i did the right thing and returned the bus tickets to the mom and dad with the baby, but this leads to luther dying? Fuck that, I'm still salty for that lol
Yea I think it was the one thing that I feel is off.
Cage said this regarding trophies and I feel like while it's true for the most part, it isn't for certain trophies.
You've shown off Detroit a few times now and have gotten some feedback, and I know some people are really concerned with the difficult subjects and how those blend with gameplay. How do you ground those heavy subjects among the more game-y ones, like the unlock symbol that pops up when you find a certain piece of evidence or information?

We were really careful about this. For example, you can't unlock any trophy with actions that are not [morally] right. That's something that we were really careful about. There's no gain in doing mean things or wrong things. The use of violence also is something we really thought about… If it's a part of life, if it serves a purpose, if it serves the narrative, if it's a part of the context and emotion, then it's fine, but it should never be egregious... And it should never be cool to be violent.

Below are the trophies that you get for commiting morally wrong actions
1) Killing Tracies
2) Killing Chloe
3) Stealing the bus ticket (BUT this isn't the only way to get it, the other, and you could say morally clean way, is to actually get captured and sent to the recycling camp and then escape from there with both Luther and Alice. If you are doing revolution path with Markus then you even get help from him.) But you can also argue that the bus tickets did not mean as much to the couple because they were humans and humans are in no danger at all and can get help wherever they go.

I don't consider Markus' violence against police, his violent riot and his "revolution" path to be morally wrong as in the context of the narrative and story it's fine.


May 7, 2018
I finished the game weeks before release date and i was so pissed the end you get for luther when taking the river path, is probably the only decision i felt it was "bad" in the whole game, i did the right thing and returned the bus tickets to the mom and dad with the baby, but this leads to luther dying? Fuck that, I'm still salty for that lol

actually the decision is not bad at all, it's a problem with the script of the game. they don't explain why Luther dies all of a sudden. i mean he just got in the water for less than a minute why should he die so easy? they should have put an option to keep him alive, i would have really felt bad if that couple were two deviant androids who were trying to hide their identity to cross border and save that baby's life! i don't regret giving those tickets back at all!


Oct 25, 2017
actually the decision is not bad at all, it's a problem with the script of the game. they don't explain why Luther dies all of a sudden. i mean he just got in the water for less than a minute why should he die so easy? they should have put an option to keep him alive, i would have really felt bad if that couple were two deviant androids who were trying to hide their identity to cross border and save that baby's life! i don't regret giving those tickets back at all!
I haven't seen that section play out, but I've read about it.
Isn't it because he gets shut down and is too heavy to be on the boat but if he wasn't shut down he'dd have gotten off and made his own way across water without the boat?

Deleted member 17289

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
Yea I think it was the one thing that I feel is off.
Cage said this regarding trophies and I feel like while it's true for the most part, it isn't for certain trophies.

Below are the trophies that you get for commiting morally wrong actions
1) Killing Tracies
2) Killing Chloe
3) Stealing the bus ticket (BUT this isn't the only way to get it, the other, and you could say morally clean way, is to actually get captured and sent to the recycling camp and then escape from there with both Luther and Alice. If you are doing revolution path with Markus then you even get help from him.) But you can also argue that the bus tickets did not mean as much to the couple because they were humans and humans are in no danger at all and can get help wherever they go.

I don't consider Markus' violence against police, his violent riot and his "revolution" path to be morally wrong as in the context of the narrative and story it's fine.

actually the decision is not bad at all, it's a problem with the script of the game. they don't explain why Luther dies all of a sudden. i mean he just got in the water for less than a minute why should he die so easy? they should have put an option to keep him alive, i would have really felt bad if that couple were two deviant androids who were trying to hide their identity to cross border and save that baby's life! i don't regret giving those tickets back at all!
I also feel kara is by far my favorite character and her ending is the worst of them all, you get closure for connor and hank if you went the buddies way and also for markus with north and their revolution which i did peacefully, but kara just kneels and hugs alice and that's it? I forgot the name of the lady that help them get across ( her VA was phenomenal btw, so emotional ) when she tells kara " i see you in the other side " i honestly believed i was gonna see her again, aside from those two gripes this was a phenomenal experience and my GOTY so far.

Deleted member 17289

Account closed at user request
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen that section play out, but I've read about it.
Isn't it because he gets shut down and is too heavy to be on the boat but if he wasn't shut down he'dd have gotten off and made his own way across water without the boat?
You have four options and in all luther dies, there's no saving him if you take this path.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
Just wanted to say that the scene with Kara and Alice when they escape on the road, slaloming between cars was the most intense stuff i have seen in a narrative game since Kate in Life Is Strange


May 7, 2018
I haven't seen that section play out, but I've read about it.
Isn't it because he gets shut down and is too heavy to be on the boat but if he wasn't shut down he'dd have gotten off and made his own way across water without the boat?

that's right but the problem is why does he shut down? i mean when they fled Jericho they all jumped into the water and got away safely. even if we say that he was wounded and he shut down because of that, they should have added an option to give him a shock to revive! , or maybe even an option in which Kara decides not to throw him in the water and tries his best to push the boat with Alice and Luther to the shore and sacrifice herself to do that!
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Oct 25, 2017
that's right but the problem is why does he shut down? i mean when they fled Jericho they all jumped into the water and got away safely. even if we say that he was wounded and he shut down because of that, they should have added an option to give him a shock to revive!
Yea I think I'd say that's the fault of writing if they never show him get hurt enough to shut down, because it can't just be a "natural shutdown" since if you take the border route he does not shut down.


Feb 3, 2018
The Seychelles
that's right but the problem is why does he shut down? i mean when they fled Jericho they all jumped into the water and got away safely. even if we say that he was wounded and he shut down because of that, they should have added an option to give him a shock to revive! , or maybe even an option in which Kara decides not to throw him in the water and tries his best to reach the boat with Alice and Luther to the shore and sacrifice herself to do that!

I want to go back and replay this sequence. When you get to the boat, you can check the temperature of the water. When you do, the word "Danger" flashes across the screen and Luther says something about the water being cold enough to freeze their biocomponents. That's why I chose "Protect Alice" over "Jump in Water" when given the choice. But if all three jumped into the water in your playthrough and Kara and Alice survived, then it doesn't really make much sense for Luther to have died. Maybe he got shot?


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Question about the Kara bus station scene- The game implies that somehow the family you take the tickets from is going to die/ be in danger if they miss the bus (if you give the tickets back the dad says "thanks for saving our lives" or something to that effect. If you take the tickets Alice worries that family is going to die.) Did this make sense to anyone? To me it just felt like manufactured drama to make an obvious choice (slightly inconvenience a human family so that Kara, Luther, and Alice survive) more ambiguous.

Did anyone actually understand how the family would be in danger if they don't get on the bus?
Oct 27, 2017
Question about the Kara bus station scene- The game implies that somehow the family you take the tickets from is going to die/ be in danger if they miss the bus (if you give the tickets back the dad says "thanks for saving our lives" or something to that effect.) Did this make sense to anyone else? To me it just felt like manufactured drama to make an obvious choice (slightly inconvenience a human family so that Kara, Luther, and Alice survive) more ambiguous.

Did anyone actually understand how the family would be in danger if they don't get on the bus?
They were probably afraid of the android revolution and knew my man Markus would detonate a dirty, radioactive bomb?


May 7, 2018
I want to go back and replay this sequence. When you get to the boat, you can check the temperature of the water. When you do, the word "Danger" flashes across the screen and Luther says something about the water being cold enough to freeze their biocomponents. That's why I chose "Protect Alice" over "Jump in Water" when given the choice. But if all three jumped into the water in your playthrough and Kara and Alice survived, then it doesn't really make much sense for Luther to have died. Maybe he got shot?

they all got in the water and Alice and Kara survived, it was less than one minute they would have been fine. and he didn't get shot i'm 100% sure about that. the only justification they can make for it, is the fact that he got shot in the Jericho so he was wounded, water got into his vital organs and made him shut down. still doesn't quite makes much sense since there might have been other options, for example he could play dead in the boat while Alice and Kara plunged into the water. then if the boat was about to sink he could have pushed Kara and Alice to the shore then die like a hero who tried to save his family!

i just hate that you choose a good path but there is no option to keep this guy alive!


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
they all got in the water and Alice and Kara survived, it was less than one minute they would have been fine. and he didn't get shot i'm 100% sure about that. the only justification they can make for it, is the fact that he got shot in the Jericho so he was wounded, water got into his vital organs and made him shut down. still doesn't quite makes much sense since there might have been other options, for example he could play dead in the boat while Alice and Kara plunged into the water. then if the boat was about to sink he could have pushed Kara and Alice to the shore then die like a hero who tried to save his family!

i just hate that you choose a good path but there is no option to keep this guy alive!
I had Luther die accidentally multiple times in my playthrough (I replayed scenarios where a major character died). The cop who comes to Rose's house discovered him because I didn't close the pantry curtain. He got shot and killed during the escape from Jericho, and died crossing the river to Canada. For a character who's supposed to function as a protector for Kara and Alice it sure is easy to get him killed throughout the game.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ok what color hair did y'all choose for Kara?

I chose black

Also black. It was the correct choice.

What endings did you guys end up with?
  • Connor became deviant, but I missed the thing about Hank's son, so Hank ended up killing him before I could convert the androids at CyberLife HQ.
  • Markus was 100% peaceful, so support was strong for the android's cause and they earned their freedom (I got them to sing). All of the Jericho crew made it to the end alive.
  • Kara and Alice made it to Canada, but Luther got killed during the river crossing.
I ended up re-doing the last 30mins and everyone survived. No way I was letting Connor and Luther die that late into the story (and I felt no guilt as it's kinda BS that Luther always dies if you go via the river).


Oct 25, 2017
Question about the Kara bus station scene- The game implies that somehow the family you take the tickets from is going to die/ be in danger if they miss the bus (if you give the tickets back the dad says "thanks for saving our lives" or something to that effect. If you take the tickets Alice worries that family is going to die.) Did this make sense to anyone? To me it just felt like manufactured drama to make an obvious choice (slightly inconvenience a human family so that Kara, Luther, and Alice survive) more ambiguous.

Did anyone actually understand how the family would be in danger if they don't get on the bus?
They were just scared. Think of yourself if you were living in that world, disconnected from the revolution. You don't know Markus, Connor or Kara personally, whaat you see instead is Androids grouping up in massive numbers and the government making a military response to it. I'd be scared too if I didn't know any better.

But yes, they are humans and as such are in no imminent danger, not unless you are playing super violent Markus with dirty bomb and such, in any other case they are just needlessly panicking but it's still understandable.
My endings.

Kara: stole the bus tickets from the family, no sacrifice at the immigration processing center, all of Kara, Luther and Alice made it to Canada cause the processing guy saw the androids peacefully protesting on tv.

Markus: led a successful peaceful revolution and got android's freedom by kissing north...

Conner: I'm so mad at this, conner became deviant and went to convert the unawakened androids at cyber-life. He was confronted by nu-Conner with hank who I choose to sacrifice (because I legit thought he was gonna died in the other option.) to complete the conversion which Conner died trying to do...

All in all I loved my endings except for conners, I felt the best story amount the three was conner's as his build-up to becoming deviant was fantastic! I felt amazing satisfaction when I got the option and seeing him tear down that wall was awsome! This is by no means playing down Kara and Markus' stories as they where great too, but Conner was definitely the best!


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
They were just scared. Think of yourself if you were living in that world, disconnected from the revolution. You don't know Markus, Connor or Kara personally, whaat you see instead is Androids grouping up in massive numbers and the government making a military response to it. I'd be scared too if I didn't know any better.

But yes, they are humans and as such are in no imminent danger, not unless you are playing super violent Markus with dirty bomb and such, in any other case they are just needlessly panicking but it's still understandable.
I suppose that makes sense. I think the scene would have played better if they somehow implied that the family were Androids as well. It would have been a much tougher choice if I had to potentially fuck over another Android family for Kara/ Luther/ Alice's survival.


Oct 25, 2017
Can you successfully pull off a non-violent revolution?
Yes, you can do a total non violent revolution where you always stand your ground and never run away.
But for this you need to let that Cyberlife dude from Spare Parts mission join you/jericho, otherwise if you stand your ground in Freedom March and pick the "sacrifice" option Markus will die. However, if you did pick that guy up and then choose "Sacrifice" then he'll intervene after Markus gets shot once and he'll sacrifice himself instead to save Markus.

The next point to make decision is when you are in that Cathedral and you can decide if you want to go non violent or violent. If you go non violent then you need to:
1) Talk to the FBI guy and tell him to fuck off (if you don't talk to him then Markus can potentially die iirc, and if you talk to him and then take the deal then North and Markus will both die)
2) When you get surrounded at the end you either start singing or kiss North (only available if you have Lover route unlocked with her)
3) If you don't do either then Connor can still come and save the day with his androids.
Oct 25, 2017
Can you successfully pull off a non-violent revolution?

Yes. I just got survivor doing non-violent.

Holy crap I just finished and got Survivor achievement on my first try! I strongly disagree with reviewers on this game. I was hooked the entire way. Instead of selling it I'm going to replay through with a violent approach. Should be interesting to pick up the other paths.


Oct 29, 2017
Game ending:

Markus survived with a non-violent revolution until the end- didn't waver once and my public support was overwhelming and sang at the end. (Almost moved me to tears). Androids get equal rights, president made statement.

Kara made it to Canada with Alice by walking through the border after the security check-in (my heart was RACING). The god-sent border agent let us through because of the high public opinion and was a godsend. Canada is the best.

Connor was able to free the androids in the basement but died by Connor 2.0. But also not really because I transferred by consciousness to Connor 2.0 so all is well. I lost Hank in this struggle, I wasn't able to do the command quick enough I think. But he made a speech about joining his son (pretty much moved me to tears).

Everyone else died, I sacrificed North in the Jericho, same with Luther and Josh in the Jericho. Simon died in the tower a while back.

I'm going to play through this again with completely different choices, but for my first play I'm pretty satisfied!