Oct 30, 2017
Lol at going by reviews of people who reviewed a game before getting to the end. Destiny 2 was shit. Not because it was casual friendly but because it was across the board mediocre.

Destiny 2 was a massive step down from The Taken King Era of Destiny 1. I have no idea how TTK was so well received and Bungie said "fuck all these things TTK did, lets regress to some bastardization of Destiny 1."

Like people loved the expansion and a lot of changes it made, why would you get rid of those changes for the next game?

Ivory Samoan

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
New Call of Duty
New Battlefield
Rainbow Six operators
Overwatch holiday event
New PUBG Map
RDR2 Online

and so forth. Activity will always drop in this season.
Just this OP.... Forsaken is amazing, but there are a LOT of games out at the moment.

Destiny is a returning game though, aka, I'll always return to it once I've tasted the sweet nectar of other games.

Well, you'll hear online that "Destiny 2 is in a good place now". It sounds more like a marketing campaign than actual users. Destiny 2:F is more of the same. Good initial content drop with no legs. Before, Bungie used to depend on RNG and players grinding to keep the game alive, however, today there are a lot better games that gamers much rather play
instead of mindlessly grinding.

I mean, Bungo keeps using recycled guns and armor from D1? They can't come up with more new stuff?

There are too many good games out now I much rather play, instead of wasting my time with Destiny 2.

One person's "mindless grinding" is another person's joy.

Destiny 2 is in a very good place right now, those saying it's the same as at D2 release obviously don't play guardian gangs.
Nov 14, 2017
lol my gearscore would be better if i got items i could actually equip instead of reminders that im lesser than for not owning the dlc...but yea must be a super convenient bug that promotes the sale of dlc, i have a chest piece as well and its happening to a friend as well, so fuck us for not forkin over that cash right.
OK, I just googled and it's a known bug with crucible rank up rewards, which is why it's crucible gear you have.


Oct 25, 2017
Destiny 2 was a massive step down from The Taken King Era of Destiny 1. I have no idea how TTK was so well received and Bungie said "fuck all these things TTK did, lets regress to some bastardization of Destiny 1."

Like people loved the expansion and a lot of changes it made, why would you get rid of those changes for the next game?

To have something to add for your big expansion a year later

"they saved destiny 2! It's really good now! Those geniuses did it again"


Nov 20, 2017
As a guy who did pretty much everything there was to do during the Curse of Osiris days and then quit I came back recently and have been enjoying myself for the last couple of weeks. I did the Warmind stuff first and have just gotten into the actual Forsaken content and have already gone from around 335LL to 570LL as of yesterday with an absolute TON of stuff that I haven't even touched yet.

I think if you like the base gameplay (which has always been a strength) and embrace (or at least don't mind) the grind then you will probably enjoy what's going on with D2 right now.
Oct 27, 2017
Destiny 2 was a massive step down from The Taken King Era of Destiny 1. I have no idea how TTK was so well received and Bungie said "fuck all these things TTK did, lets regress to some bastardization of Destiny 1."

Like people loved the expansion and a lot of changes it made, why would you get rid of those changes for the next game?
Yep, so many quality of life changes that went into D1 never showed up in D2, and still haven't. Yet people want to blame an appeal to casuals for the failure. It was a quest for money that ultimately hurt D2 the most. How quickly people forget what happened last Christmas event.


Oct 25, 2017
To have something to add for your big expansion a year later

"they saved destiny 2! It's really good now! Those geniuses did it again"

It was like something out of The Sims. By the end of that games lifespan, you've got a really complete game with a ton of systems and endless activities.

Destiny 2 at launch was like that. It's like they went back to the drawing board, ripped out the stuff that made D1 feel complete by Rise of Iron and it didn't work. At all.

With that said, Destiny 2 is now in the best spot it's been in since it launched. It doesn't make Bungie's changes to vanilla D2 any less idiotic though.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Literally nobody uses the in game matchmaking for savage raiding. If you suggest doing it to fill a slot, everyone will say no unless you're meming or something. It's worse than guided games in Destiny.

Look, having to use your phone or a laptop on an external website is a bad experience. Destiny should have an in-game LFG tool. The reason why in game LFG is a priority for an MMO and not really for Destiny is because in Destiny precisely one kind of activity really needs it - the raids - whereas in an FFXIV you need it for the majority of content; such a hunts; primals; and raids. Having said that, if you have a phone or laptop to hand then forming groups in Destiny is a far better experience and easier experience than in FF XIV.

The reason why Destiny is actually easier, is because in Destiny all your stats are public by default. In FF XIV you have to hope that the people you're recruiting use FFLogs. In fact, if you're trying to make progress as a solo raider most of the hardcore community who use the in-game LFG will exclude you unless you have either a clear (I never once saw anyone host a sherpa group for clear to help randoms clear, which happens all the time in Destiny) or a decent log at the fight you're progressing. So, to really participate in FFXIV endgame progression you have to run another utility and use an external website. Use of loggers is actually banned by the TOS too, just the devs turn a blind eye for personal use - they don't want you raging at strangers in matchmade dungeons because of their stats. If you're serious about progression in FF XIV and don't have a static, you still have to use an external website and also have to commit a technical TOS violation.

I really appreciate someone else with actual MMO experience chiming in, because I've raided in both WoW and XIV and feel like I'm taking crazy pills whenever someone suggests that they're great case studies for blind matchmaking working. (Although its generally the same guy, in every single Destiny thread, and not a widespread opinion).

The only instance where blind matchmaking works is with inherently easy content, or content that has been outgeared through stat inflation, both of which represent a case where mechanical complexity / team coordination can be effectively ignored and have no equivalency to Destiny's raids because of the lack of traditional stats and the focus on action platforming + intelligence sharing.

Also anyone who has been stuck waiting 40 minutes for an LFR raid, only to have a tank leave and get stuck waiting for another 20 minutes, only to have a guaranteed 5+ people undercontribute and/or not contribute while another 5+ don't interact with any of the encounter mechanics, and then wipe several times until you have enough stacks of vengeance to brute force the encounter, knows that LFR is not a fun or pleasant experience (it's a joyless 40+ minute game of whack-a-mole, at the absolute best) meant as a cold hard cash grab for another month's sub fee from players looking for one more grind.

In-game LFG or bust.


Oct 27, 2017
In hindsight, luna and NF were mistakes that have poisoned the rest of PVP.

I've heard this before, but I personally have no issue with Luna or NF. Great and popular guns sure, but I don't find them broken like I do with Telesto or even Wavesplitter.

Luna outside of its optimal, and short, range becomes a pretty average handcannon. Even within its range, if engaged properly, it can be beaten pretty regularly by weapons like Trust, Bygones etc. NF is harder to deal with because it has the same TTK has Luna but allows its wielders to fight from further away, still, I find it consistently beatable with Bygones, Ace of Spades etc. The thing is, players that have NF (not the ones that paid for it/got carried etc) tend to be more skilled than majority of Destiny players, so losing an engagement/match to a NF wielder doesn't grind my gears much because chances are those players would wreck majority of the other players regardless of guns.

Telesto and Wavesplitter just feel "cheap" or "cheesy" to me.

also, I find the ranges for shotgun kills much more troublesome than either Luna or NF