
Oct 31, 2017
It's pretty weird, you get that same purple armor every so levels and it's the same level as your current armor or worse, I dismantle them every time.
Glimmer in the game's a joke, a cap of 250K is a even bigger one since you're constantly full and to give a bunch of glimmer as a reward is laughable.

Wish it was more type of shaders, emblems and other unique thinks to make you look more interesting.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
It's pretty weird, you get that same purple armor every so levels and it's the same level as your current armor or worse, I dismantle them every time.
Glimmer in the game's a joke, a cap of 250K is a even bigger one since you're constantly full and to give a bunch of glimmer as a reward is laughable.

Wish it was more type of shaders, emblems and other unique thinks to make you look more interesting.
They want you to buy the interesting things from Tess.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
You'll never fill out the 100 slots without grinding a ton.

Complete nonsense.

Bounties, to me, are boring as shit. They're grinds. They encourage me to play the game in ways I would never find enjoyable.

So we're just going to move the goalposts to fit your agenda, I see.

You grab bounties before doing an activity. You'll completely plenty of them without even trying to, meaning you don't need to play the game in ways you never would.

Your entire argument is based on factually incorrect nonsense.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Complete nonsense.

So we're just going to move the goalposts to fit your agenda, I see.

You grab bounties before doing an activity. You'll completely plenty of them without even trying to, meaning you don't need to play the game in ways you never would.

Your entire argument is based on factually incorrect nonsense.
Your argument is based on bullshit. So we're even. Tell me how I'm going to accidentally complete a "Kill 25 enemies with a sword" bounty when I hate swords? Or how do I kill 25 enemies in gambit using void abilities when I don't ever use my void tree? But sure, "factually incorrect nonsense". Good talk!

But looking cool means nothing if you didn't have to work for it. ;p

Yep, ships, shaders, sparrows, finishers etc etc would all make for great rewards for doing the game's harder content. Instead they're just rewards that show other people that you got money. Yay!

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
The only armour set from this season you can buy from Tess.

everything else is earnable in game, but fuck facts when you spread FUD instead.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
There is no way it needs a 30mbps upload to stay connected. Did you typo, is it an exaggeration or are you just complaining with hyperbole?
Sorry mistyped it, but it still uses an absurd amount, and it doesn't help with a couple of my friends having not great internet legitimately having a worse experience because of it being P2P.

Perfect Chaos

Oct 25, 2017
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Your argument is based on bullshit. So we're even. Tell me how I'm going to accidentally complete a "Kill 25 enemies with a sword" bounty when I hate swords? Or how do I kill 25 enemies in gambit using void abilities when I don't ever use my void tree? But sure, "factually incorrect nonsense". Good talk!
Just drop them and grab randoms that have things you'll complete naturally.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Eh it's a bit grindy, especially if you aren't actively stacking bounties

True, but in D2 you should be stacking bounties since they award resources you need.

The one gripe I can see people have with it is the exotic but it's available to freemium players and not that far in.

I think this pass is a pretty decent version of a less then ideal way of trying to get players commitment to your game.

Now... about those pinacle rewards Bungie....


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
You'll never fill out the 100 slots without grinding a ton. And yes, that's why it's in the game.
Idk someone here already hit 100.
It's all about utilizing your 3 character slots and doing your daily bounties and just playing the game.

Your idea of "grinding a ton" is normal destiny play.

I'm at level 69 with 50 something days left to the season, it's totally fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Your argument is based on bullshit. So we're even. Tell me how I'm going to accidentally complete a "Kill 25 enemies with a sword" bounty when I hate swords? Or how do I kill 25 enemies in gambit using void abilities when I don't ever use my void tree? But sure, "factually incorrect nonsense". Good talk!

What I said:

You'll completely plenty of them without even trying to

You then continued to move the goalposts by complaining about specific bounties. Yes, there are some bounties that require you to change how you play.

And there are plenty of others that don't. I never said "every single bounty will complete without you putting in effort."

You're clearly losing this argument. Stop.

I might consider doing that when Bungie allows us to collect bounties without first flying into the Tower. If I log into Destiny, the last thing I want to do is waste 5 minutes going to the tower. I just want to play.


So basically, any legitimate counter argument to your posts ends up getting a reply of, "But I don't feel like it."



Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Or how do I kill 25 enemies in gambit using void abilities when I don't ever use my void tree? But sure, "factually incorrect nonsense".
Why not....just use your void tree? Is it not viable or something?

You can get that done in like one match killing rank and file enemies. Generate those motes and you probably completed another bounty, bank them? There is another bounty done. You trip over bounty completions in this game.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Why not....just use your void tree? Is it not viable or something?

You can get that done in like one match killing rank and file enemies. Generate those motes and you probably completed another bounty, bank them? There is another bounty done. You trip over bounty completions in this game.
What you're describing is a grind. When I said I don't do it because it's a grind that forces me to play how I don't want to play, people jumped on me and said its not a grind. When they said you can fill out the BP by simply playing the game, it was false. By simply playing how I want to play, the thing fills out very slowly (playing raids, strikes, gambit, comp). Fortunately the BP is pretty meaningless anyway since the better content is still on Eververse, so it's not a big deal.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree and absolutely love what Destiny 2 has become. I enjoy doing lot of different activities and the pass + the bounty make those always rewarding.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
What you're describing is a grind. When I said I don't do it because it's a grind that forces me to play how I don't want to play, people jumped on me and said its not a grind. When they said you can fill out the BP by simply playing the game, it was false. By simply playing how I want to play, the thing fills out very slowly (playing raids, strikes, gambit, comp). Fortunately the BP is pretty meaningless anyway since the better content is still on Eververse, so it's not a big deal.

It's playing the game, not a grind.

You're basically just asking for everything to be handed to you.

Yes, you will sometimes be expected to use a different ability to complete a bounty. (Which you can ignore for another bounty, which Bungie just made even easier because you can buy endless bounties now.)

If you grab bounties, it will not "fill out very slowly." I promise, if you are about to play Crucible, go buy all of the bounties and then a number of the extra bounties. Your bar will fill up quickly. This is a fact.


Oct 29, 2017
What you're describing is a grind. When I said I don't do it because it's a grind that forces me to play how I don't want to play, people jumped on me and said its not a grind. When they said you can fill out the BP by simply playing the game, it was false. By simply playing how I want to play, the thing fills out very slowly (playing raids, strikes, gambit, comp). Fortunately the BP is pretty meaningless anyway since the better content is still on Eververse, so it's not a big deal.

Bounties are a core part of the game.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Bounties are a core part of the game.
No, they're chores that Bungie added as busy work to hold some people's interest who complained that launch D2 didn't have enough content. The core part of the game are strikes, raids, PVP, gambit, missions etc. I'm fine with the core gameplay elements, so I don't need the chores. The problem is that if I don't do the chores, the BP doesn't level up quickly at all. But again, it's not a good BP anyway since the best content is still on Eververse, so I'm not being incentivized to play differently anyway. If it was a good BP, I'd actually consider playing differently. As someone else asked, why are they giving away the same lame armor pieces in the BP numerous times? What is the point of that? In a good BP, those slots would have been filled out by new finishers, shaders, ships, emotes etc etc. That's why calling this the best BP ever is laughable.


Oct 25, 2017
What you're describing is a grind. When I said I don't do it because it's a grind that forces me to play how I don't want to play, people jumped on me and said its not a grind. When they said you can fill out the BP by simply playing the game, it was false. By simply playing how I want to play, the thing fills out very slowly (playing raids, strikes, gambit, comp). Fortunately the BP is pretty meaningless anyway since the better content is still on Eververse, so it's not a big deal.
How to level season pass in 4 easy steps:
1. Look at what you want to do right now
2. Take bounties which can be completed during what you want to do
3. Finish bounties = earn XP
4. Repeat above 3 steps


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
Only other battlepass I ever bought was Apex Legends season 1 and wow that was a mistake. Deffo liking this a lot more, though I'm seeing this a lot closer to a subscription fee MMOs have with free stuff on it. If they keep up with the pricing with a whole year of season passes on the deluxe edition of a big expansion I think I might stick with that. It's a steal.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really glad to hear people feel the system is fair. This was a huge turn off for me during the announcement and ultimately the deciding factor to not pick up the expansion. I still think I needed a Destiny Detox anyways, but hearing that this doesn't feel too burdensome means I won't be too concerned whenever I decide to hop back in.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty weird, you get that same purple armor every so levels and it's the same level as your current armor or worse, I dismantle them every time.
Glimmer in the game's a joke, a cap of 250K is a even bigger one since you're constantly full and to give a bunch of glimmer as a reward is laughable.

Wish it was more type of shaders, emblems and other unique thinks to make you look more interesting.

They give you multiple copies of the armor for a few reasons. They give different randomly rolled stats each time you pull them. They can be used to level up a second or third character. They can also be left in the pass and not claimed until you're behind on that one specific piece of gear.


Oct 25, 2017
Bounty design absolutely does force you to use weapons in situations you might not enjoy. I fully understand it feeling like a grind to go through those motions otherwise you can't make the progress you need.

Not that you need the progress, but it feels bad ignoring such good accumulative rewards when the tasks are so simple. And it can feel like busy work.

Yeh, some bounties will auto-complete if you just play, and maybe you do enjoy all that busy work (I actually enjoy it myself, I don't find any of it an annoyance side from the rare occasion) and that's great!

It's fully understandable why others wouldn't.


Oct 25, 2017
I played comp the other night for 4 hours to get Recluse and didnt fill out a single bar (I'm currently sitting at around 30. I play a lot, but I don't waste time doing bounties, which is what it appears to me the game wants me to do).

idk what to tell you but I think I did one or two Bounties The whole time and still leveled 5 levels just playing Iron Banner. I would be gaining half a bar almost every two games.


Oct 25, 2017
Bounty design absolutely does force you to use weapons in situations you might not enjoy. I fully understand it feeling like a grind to go through those motions otherwise you can't make the progress you need.

Not that you need the progress, but it feels bad ignoring such good accumulative rewards when the tasks are so simple. And it can feel like busy work.

Yeh, some bounties will auto-complete if you just play, and maybe you do enjoy all that busy work (I actually enjoy it myself, I don't find any of it an annoyance side from the rare occasion) and that's great!

It's fully understandable why others wouldn't.
I gotta be honest, if bounties didn't force me to use other guntypes, I would probably never unequip the exact same loadout ever.
So i'm personally always happy to get something else in my slots.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta be honest, if bounties didn't force me to use other guntypes, I would probably never unequip the exact same loadout ever.
So i'm personally always happy to get something else in my slots.
Precisely my thinking. It sometimes leads me to discover something that I enjoy more than I used to and gets me to change up for a while.


Nov 8, 2017
This. A good battle pass isnt just about reaching a number, its about earning worthwhile rewards and not still being forced to pay for essential content.
I will defend bungie charging for 60 or 70 or 80 or even $120 for a year worth of content (which you can get for $50 ish in March or April). For players like the game, it is very worthy of paying for $120 for playing like 800 hours a year.
The battle pass is very bad for me.


Nov 8, 2017
It has been worse since season of opulence, aka season 7, the last season of Year 2.
For reference, I don't spend mtx money and I just play the game fair amount. I got most of the stuff in season 5 and 6 and just barely anything in season 7.
Sparrow and Ships

Edit: all the stuff I have not got in season 7 are eververse only

Edit: and I don't spend dust in any serious way. I just don't want to look at shops in paid game and now it is free to play i can't complain about it and I kinda have to pay for the new content....... I don't like this....
Last edited:


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
I gotta be honest, if bounties didn't force me to use other guntypes, I would probably never unequip the exact same loadout ever.
So i'm personally always happy to get something else in my slots.
I don't need chores to get me to try new weapons. I know I hate swords and bows from using them.


One Winged Slayer
They do need to offer better rewards next season, but overall I agree with OP. It's geared very well so that pretty much anyone who plays even semi-regularly can get to SR100 with few problems. I appreciate that it's a flat 100,000 XP per level as well, ensuring that you get rewards at a steady pace.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't need chores to get me to try new weapons. I know I hate swords and bows from using them.
Muh chores

I don't hate any weapon or weapon type. It's just that once I settle on something super efficient i usually don't switch from it.
So with bounties I not only get rewarded for it, but it just kinda reminds me to try something else.
It's nice

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
It has been worse since season of opulence, aka season 7, the last season of Year 2.
For reference, I don't spend mtx money and I just play the game fair amount. I got most of the stuff in season 5 and 6 and just barely anything in season 7.
Sparrow and Ships

Edit: all the stuff I have not got in season 7 are eververse only

Edit: and I don't spend dust in any serious way. I just don't want to look at shops in paid game and now it is free to play i can't complain about it and I kinda have to pay for the new content....... I don't like this....

Destiny's Eververse has always been a cosmetic storefront, always.

What were we getting? sparrows and ghosts?

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I wanna know who the weirdo is that puts these bounties up to kill aliens a certain way. It's a strange fetish.


Oct 27, 2017
So far, I'll agree.

I was upset/angry when I heard a battle pass was coming to Destiny, because I associate them with ridiculous time syncs and forcing me to play the game in ways that are counter to how I actually want to play. I also have a big problem with the idea of paying for additional content, and then being forced to play on a particular schedule to actually earn access to the content I paid for - content which is time limited and goes away if you don't complete their arbitrary goals.

I still dislike the concept of battle passes, but the implementation of one in Destiny has admittedly been handled decently. The length of time to complete it generally felt appropriate for the amount of time/effort I put in, and I liked that essentially playing the game however I wanted contributed to it. (That said, I'm not entirely thrilled at the new emphasis it has placed on completing bounties, which do pressure me to play with load outs that are less enjoyable than what I'd be running otherwise.)

I think my main fear at this point is that they're going to look at how long it took players to complete this first battle pass, and tune them more aggressively in the future to require a longer time commitment. As a paying player, I just don't trust them yet to not screw me over in an attempt to pinch pennies from the F2P crowd.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
How do you do? Because I'm having trouble to do one level per day...


Pro tip: pick up bounties, fam. Going to do crucible? Pick up crucible bounties. Strikes? Hit up Zavala. Gambit? Drifter has a new hustle and bounties waiting. Vex Offensive? Ikora is happy to give you more. On a planet doing public events? the plantary vendor has the easiest bounties in the game. Get 15 kills. Loot 3 chests. You should be picking up Banshee's bounties every single day and doing them because they give you free masterwork materials AND XP.

Did you complete your bounties in that last round of Gambit/Crucible/Vex Offensive? Good for you! Go get more from the vendor. Skip or delete the bounties that you don't want to do (eg. I always skip grenade kill bounties because fuck that). Do the rest as you play. Mark them so that you can see the your progress when you pull up your Ghost, then mark the next one so you don't forget to equip something or do something. Abandon them if you think it'll take you more than a few minutes to complete.

Bounties give massive XP gains, and Powerful reward drops are even bigger.

I don't need chores to get me to try new weapons. I know I hate swords and bows from using them.
Delete or ignore the Sword and Bow bounties in the rare instances they come up. That's what I do with grenade bounties. Problem solved.


Nov 8, 2017
Destiny's Eververse has always been a cosmetic storefront, always.

What were we getting? sparrows and ghosts?
I did not say it is not a cosmetic store....
And cosmetic is part of great things in Destiny...

I was just showing I play the way I play and I got most of the stuff previously and barely anything new since season 7.

I don't like it and maybe I need to adjust.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Destiny's Eververse has always been a cosmetic storefront, always.

What were we getting? sparrows and ghosts?
And ornaments and emotes. Let's not pretend the community doesn't love that stuff. I hate grinding, but I'd grind for a cool weapon ornament for a weapon I love. But I sure as shit won't be giving Bungie additional money for it. So all they're accomplishing is making a lot of us less interested in parts of the game we used to enjoy. And people used to blame Activision for these decisions. At least we know now who was behind it.
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Nov 13, 2017
I still don't get these battle passes, so if they sell these rewards to you for $10 that would be bad micro transactions? but if they sell a pass to you to have you "earn" these rewards then it's good?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I still don't get these battle passes, so if they sell these rewards to you for $10 that would be bad micro transactions? but if they sell a pass to you to have you "earn" these rewards then it's good?
This is neither. It's built into the season expansion; not a separate purchase like it is in Fortnite or Apex or whatever. You can't have Season of The Undying and *not* have the season pass.

I did not say it is not a cosmetic store....
And cosmetic is part of great things in Destiny...

I was just showing I play the way I play and I got most of the stuff previously and barely anything new since season 7.

I don't like it and maybe I need to adjust.
If you're not willing to spend your bit of bright dust -- which you can now earn in game -- you're not going to get anything new, period, outside of the season pass.

There has been and continues to be new stuff in the store every week for bright dust.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't get these battle passes, so if they sell these rewards to you for $10 that would be bad micro transactions? but if they sell a pass to you to have you "earn" these rewards then it's good?

They aren't selling you the pass though. They are selling you a season with new content and gear like they always have, but added a seasonal pass on top of it.


Oct 27, 2017
Progression is better than the "we want to own your life" crap games like Magic Arena and now Fortnite seem to employ, but you can always do better.

Rewards though, way too much padding while the actual cosmetics start to pop up only 2/3 through the pass. Usually that is handed out at the beginning.