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Oct 25, 2017
More to the point: there are people that only play destiny 2 for the single player pve activities and loot farming. They like FPS games but come from a background of games like Diablo. PvP wasn't their motivating factor and PvP isn't part of the reason they bought Destiny.

Complaining is higher because that audience is large and is being forced to cross over into activities they'd otherwise avoid or never play because there is good loot for their PvE activities to get or are otherwise completionists. It just exacerbates things. Ultimately, those players are going to have to accept that The Crucible is an essential part of Destiny and critical to its lore. They can either always not enjoy it or learn to get better (they can with time, like everyone else does who started just like they did). It's really that simple. That said, Bungie should look to make the PvP elements of quests for weapons that are not tied to Crucible directly (via lore or pinnacle reward) a little less of a grind. But getting 25 headshots or 100 "defeats" in PvP isn't too much to ask. Suck that shit up, boys.
Pretty much agree. This is the way they made their game, with some cross over, and you're signing up for that. It's worth dipping into pvp at least for the daily and weekly rewards anyway, so may as well get good enough that it's not going to utterly kill your enjoyment every time you do.


Oct 27, 2017
Clinton, MO
Well I hit level 50 and 500 power today...I know that shit lol but it feels really good.

I fell off D1 and when I came back I auto leveled...fell off of D2 around Forsaken but came back recently and been obsessed lol.

It feels like a real accomplishment to me and the best part is I have soooooooo much more to do and I look forward to it. I love this world and this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm mostly solo. I love it. I group with one friend when they play but they're only on a couple of times a week, and use the discord when I want to raid, but usually I'm playing alone.

There's a tone of content that can be solo'd or has matchmaking.

All the pre-forsaken content.

Forsaken campaign with Tangled shore
Dreaming City
Post game missions for powerful gear.

Bounties - daily, weekly, one off.
--- Pinnacle weapons and powerful gear.

Black Armory - unlock forges and forge some great weapons.

All of the above can be solo'd or has matchmaking.

Tn there's stuff like:


Exotic quests - some steps need grouping, do jump into Discord or use LFG sites.

Raids - same as above.

And then you get into multiple characters...

There's a lot to and much if it is solo friendly. Incan highly recommend it in that respect.

Sounds great then!


Oct 26, 2017
You want a thousand voices? guess what, you gotta do the raid - You hardly hear PVP players kicking up a fuss about it,

Heaven forfend you need to enter crucible to gain crucible loot
I don't mind that they put stuff behind Crucible (though I like Crucible for the most part), but the quests are usually just really shit though, which does start to annoy me. I wish they'd fuck off with kill x amount of people being a % and not just 0 - 100/1000/whatever the kill total is, I usually just have to go on DIM to see exactly what I need to get to.
Dec 2, 2017
I strongly recommend hip firing. It takes less time to shoot and you will find improved consistency, easier follow-up shots, find good bank and bounce angles, and clearer understanding of what's going on around you in general. Plus it will open up the air game for you, which I can't imagine has been effective if you've been trying to ADS a Maul in air.

Check John's Lion videos and note how often he ADS's. Or anyone with F.Lion YT highlight video.

That's what I was saying, I usually hip fire GLs. I asked about hip fire grip, what I was trying to say was Freehand Grip mod, does that make a difference with GLs?

Can I ask where this app/website is from? I've got loads of junk in my vault, would be really useful to see if I've got suggested perks for the weapon types I don't use so much

The Destiny 2 companion app does it too, and lets you change things like scopes/barrels/trackers. Both can transfer equipment from your vault or between characters. I prefer the way DIM displays the info for the purpose of showing it here.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Anyone else getting constantly broke on planetary mats and glimmer?

Season of Opulence my ass

More like season of Poverty


Oct 29, 2017
A while back I did an experiment in solo Q.

I looked up meta builds and made sure I was 100% optimized. then I changed up my strats. I would choose a person or people on my team and follow them. As people don't work together much, I decided I would take that initiative and try to back up the other players instead of expecting them all to do the same.

Is there a good place to look up and fins the current meta build? My character is a Warlock and I like pulse rifles mainly.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a good place to look up and fins the current meta build? My character is a Warlock and I like pulse rifles mainly.
Just ask here or in discord, read through the last few pages, that's all I did. People will let you know. Not sure about articles, soz.

i haven't played pvp for a while, so not 100% on what's in. Also on Pc, so it varies between platforms a little I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Its not about being great at a new mode, come on, when we started we all started relatively on par with each other.

You get crucible access at level 8 or something, with the aggregate of gear and weapons we have currently, its just gonna be a mass slaughter.

I would say a bigger problem lies with really good PvE-ish weapons only be accessible by playing, and being very good at comp.

I am fine with every other PvP grind except for Mountaintop and Recluse.

If someone is just godawful at PvP I can see them never getting those weapons.

I wish Bungie backported the progression for revoker to all the PvP pinnacle weapons.

Recluse is one of the most straight forward pinnacle weapons to date. Just get to 2100. Mountain is a an absolute pain.


Oct 25, 2017
Making my way through the Warmind expansion (haven't gotten to Forsaken yet) and have capped out on Glimmer. Anything I should be spending it on? Or should I just save it until I catch up with everything


Oct 27, 2017

Hooboy, that was fun (not)


Oct 25, 2017
Making my way through the Warmind expansion (haven't gotten to Forsaken yet) and have capped out on Glimmer. Anything I should be spending it on? Or should I just save it until I catch up with everything
Before you get to forsaken I think it's only infusions and buying bounties.

When you hit Forsaken and unlock Spider, you will get to trade it for planetary materials.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017
Old dumb question, but are there any methods to increase odds at getting a Rare Black Armory bounty to drop? Doing Izanagi quest with a friend and he's needing one in order to progress the quest step. With this being Shattered Throne week, it'd suck to have to wait another 3 weeks.

I saved my rare bounty for months in prep for this quest lmao


Nov 20, 2017
Anyone else getting constantly broke on planetary mats and glimmer?

Season of Opulence my ass

More like season of Poverty

Haha, I know, right? Same here!
Old dumb question, but are there any methods to increase odds at getting a Rare Black Armory bounty to drop? Doing Izanagi quest with a friend and he's needing one in order to progress the quest step. With this being Shattered Throne week, it'd suck to have to wait another 3 weeks.

I saved my rare bounty for months in prep for this quest lmao
Supposedly if you turn in a bunch of dailies back to back you have a better chance of a rare popping up. That's how I got my first one.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though they did a great job making revoker base on glory accumulation I still have no desire playing comp because matchmaking is such a shitshow. I played 2 seasons of comp and faced nothing but ELO imbalance majority of the time. How is bungie gonna attract new and old players if they keep their garbage matchmaking of 5 years?


Dec 4, 2018
I got all the pinnacle weapons solo *shrugs*

wasn't particularly difficult, especially in comp, sometimes you just need a change of perspective, and to support your team instead of "winning" the game.

edit: except mountaintop and not forgotten lmao, I'm no masochist


Dec 4, 2018
You know what happens when you act smug online?
You know what happens when you type out "shrugs"?
You wanna know what happens?
Do ya?

Sure why not

edit: btw I'm not trying to be a dick, and I don't think I'm some great player either. If anything I'm just above average, maybe not even that depending on who I'm playing with tbh, but I've played pretty much every shootbang solo since none of my friend's are gamers and my brother doesn't play FPS games. I honestly think people kinda exaggerate the PvP situation in Destiny and talk about it as if it's some insurmountable obstacle when a different perspective is usually more important than the right weapon, teammates or map. Anyway, I'm very tired but I'll try add something more productive to the conversation.

If things aren't going great for you in comp (before I got my recluse and revoker, I hovered at 800 for a day or two because I fell back into old habits) I think there are a couple of things to consider that might help people out.

- It's competitive, make sure you're actually in a competitive mindset before going into the playlist. I know this sounds silly, but I might have been thinking more about trying out a new Austringer roll, or just thinking that 1 game in comp might not hurt since it's the last game before I go to bed or I can get my weekly through this game and you just aren't in the mindset for this shit if you're doing that. Comp time is considered time, don't play it on a whim but don't be too serious too n_n

- Make sure you're not holding any PvE weaponry. Go to the tower, drop your shit off, (better yet, have the app on your phone so you can swap in and out as you please) make sure you have a gun for every possible engagement and range and get your armour perks proper for a slew of different weapons and you're good to go, although I understand if you need to be fashionable before functional.. Obvs some guns might work well for both, just make sure you've got the proper alternatives (especially a shotgun or handcannon for both slots even if they're not great)

- If it isn't working, stop doing it? I actually do this a lot, especially in quickplay. Going back to the place you died at in the last round, trying to own that lane against the sniper instead of flanking him, using the same weapon, tactics or subclass when it hasn't been working. So many times we'd lose the first two matches and then I'd swap pretty much everything I'm using, and I'd feel more comfortable, or I'd kill the guy who keeps clowning me. It wouldn't always work, but if by the second round you're getting no joy I honestly don't think it can hurt.

- Fuck the meta. You know how many times I thought fuck it and whipped out the fighting lion because I just wasn't getting in the game (don't actually know if fighting lion is meta, all I know is I'm very bad with it and I will never attempt the mountaintop quest), and it just happened to be the perfect weapon to counter the entire enemy team's tactics and positioning at the time. Don't use lord of wolves and stuff like that, no cheese will really help if you ask me. There was always the one using it but I swear they get found out first and they'd tend to fritter away the early advantage throughout the game because that shit is predictable, unless they're acutally good in which case they will merk you with whatever, barely matters at that point. I think it's a great time to be versatile in Destiny. I was looking through the collections the other day and I was honestly shocked at how many guns and playstyles there are, especially when considering the exotics. A few days ago I posted about about a game I lost against 4 titans with rally barricade and sweet business, it was nuts, tried it all and couldn't beat them, GG. Right now there are a lot of snipers around, especially because of the Revoker quest - if you're not a great sniper just don't do it, get what you need in Quickplay first. Play more aggressively, right now a lot of the guys sniping won't be elite until you stand still for them.

- Like I said before you gotta back your team. I get annoyed when I feel like people aren't in the right position, and I usually predict what is about to happen well enough but maybe your team is thinking something different, or (this happens in rocket league too) one or more players might be too closely aligned with what you're currently doing. in the same lane, looking at the same threats, at the same range, in the same spot, etc. Obviously you gotta play your game, but I think playing for the cause requires you to do some things you might not wanna do at the time if you wanna win. As well as that, pay attention to how your team is doing at the time. If one player is doing well, it might actually be better to let them go alone down that lane and flank or support the weaker members, maybe go solo yourself if you have the breathing space.

- If you're tilted, just stop playing. Winning 3 and losing 4 might not be the worst thing considering the weekly reset bonus and if necessary that is a possible route toward the Recluse. You will lose games. Sometimes your team will be awful, sometimes you'll be awful, but remember it's the same with your opponents. Don't lose hope because they have the same fucking clan tag, so many times people go on about 4 stacks or whatever and when you play them its just 4 people that know each other and like Destiny 2, not sweaty 24/7 gamers. They do exist obviously, but when they show up just take the L and move on. I remember a game where we loaded in 3v4, I'm thinking thats because one player saw they had the same clan tag and they looked kitted out in terms of weapons, masterworks all, but I swear it was one of the easiest games of comp in recent memory. I'll also add here, if you keep getting matched against the same people and they keep beating you... Maybe play a bit later? I've done this before, because I wanted to play the fuckers that just bodied us and I got my wish and it kept happening. That's not what you're here for.

I can't vouch for LFGs and stuff like that, but I just remembered that I did play like 9 games in a group getting my Recluse. A guy on my team sent me an invite after my third game of the night and in that game I did much better than him - as it turns out, this guy is way better than I am. If you vibe with someone on your team, and you think you have decent enough synergy, just send an invite after - worked for me and this guy (we didn't even communicate, and IMO you shouldn't really do too much of that in Destiny if you're not comfortable with your skills - there's far too much happening on screen at once to try to communicate that and it ends up being noise to me. Work on your own game and predicting scenarios on each of the maps. Easier deal with what's on your own plate lol). You still have to play with 2 randoms in this case, but they could be great or awful too, forget that though, focus on your game.

I have soooo many bad habits in D2. I never really know when to hold territory and usually end up poorly co-ordinated with my team's movements unless I make sure to think about it - usually ending up in a 1v3/4 against the other team because I'm chasing a kill, especially because I'm really hasty and I like those situations in quickplay, even though I should be trying to stay alive. I'm awful in 1v1 at range, and if I don't get the first shot in, I'm usually dead but I like to commit and see if I can win this one? lol. If you're jumping I'll probably miss every headshot. I don't peek with emotes. I'm no good weapons like the Colony or Wardcliff, even though they specialise in easy kills. But because I think about these issues of mine a lot when playing I try hard to offset those aspects. And if you really think you're not good, but you also really want the Recluse I think a week of solid quickplay and you'll be ready for most of what comp has to throw at you. You'll have to mainline it though.

Despite everything I just wrote, if you don't like Destiny 2 PVP, none of that will be useful. I actually like Destiny PVP so I put in effort to improve at it. I got into Destiny late, so by the time I played D1 I didn't know shit and got toyed with by people who had shit like Thorn and Icebreaker. I didn't know how you even got those weapons haha, and I'd take my Zhalo Supercell (Still the best gun in Destiny history don't @ me) into crucible and basically hope for the best. Total newb. I made it through the Uriel's Gift and Vigilance Wing *shudder* meta and actually love this shit now, but even at it's worst I still liked it. If you don't even like it... I just wouldn't. Even more so if you hate it.

I loved the shit out of The Division 2 but you honestly couldn't entice me to play that game's PVP for something like the Recluse. The raid also sucked >_>; but enough about that

Hopefully a better post than before.
Last edited:

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
D2 PVP can be fun, but it is built on such a shoddy foundation, P2P servers make almost every game a lottery - being shot from behind cover and just laggy deciders.

Further to this, its the only AAA mp I can think that's still on 30fps, with a field of view so narrow, Often times I can't see enemies standing right next to me.

Then you have the maps, not designed for 4v4, so everyone is on top of each other making it easier to get one-shotted by a myriad of BS abilities and weapons.

In a way, its a good thing Bungie haven't thrown effort and resources in PVP in the past year, because it would be building a house on a shoddy foundation.


Oct 25, 2017
Luna sucks now. And I'm terrible with SMGs.
Luna and NF are still the best Handcannons to use on console because other energy handcannons or any other handcannons are still not up to par.

Bungie really screwed over the console meta with their recoil/bloom nonsense when you still see people using Luna/NF since last year Sept despite the nerfs because these 2 are still the best Handcannons with the best TTK and best consistency.

D2 PVP can be fun, but it is built on such a shoddy foundation, P2P servers make almost every game a lottery - being shot from behind cover and just laggy deciders.

Further to this, its the only AAA mp I can think that's still on 30fps, with a field of view so narrow, Often times I can't see enemies standing right next to me.

Then you have the maps, not designed for 4v4, so everyone is on top of each other making it easier to get one-shotted by a myriad of BS abilities and weapons.

In a way, its a good thing Bungie haven't thrown effort and resources in PVP in the past year, because it would be building a house on a shoddy foundation.
P2P, 30fps and terrible FOV not to mention the recoil and bloom is the last straw for me which is why I'm looking forward to move to PC when cross save is available. Sure on PC is still P2P and 10hz but at least I get better FOV and FPS with no recoil/bloom.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Luna and NF are still the best Handcannons to use on console because other energy handcannons or any other handcannons are still not up to par.

Bungie really screwed over the console meta with their recoil/bloom nonsense when you still see people using Luna/NF since last year Sept despite the nerfs because these 2 are still the best Handcannons with the best TTK and best consistency.

P2P, 30fps and terrible FOV not to mention the recoil and bloom is the last straw for me which is why I'm looking forward to move to PC when cross save is available. Sure on PC is still P2P and 10hz but at least I get better FOV and FPS with no recoil/bloom.
That's absolutely shameful tickrate. I get it's P2P which is a joke. But 10 freaking hz. Now wonder it feels like you constantly get killed well after dodging around corners etc.

Cliff Steele

Oct 28, 2017
Bought the Annual Pass in preparation for Shadowkeep. I've been out of the loop for too long. Feels like I have a million things to do lol


Oct 27, 2017
Completed my first ever run of the Shattered Throne with two randoms from the Destiny app. That was a ton of fun!

No Idea

Mar 18, 2019
D2 PVP can be fun, but it is built on such a shoddy foundation, P2P servers make almost every game a lottery - being shot from behind cover and just laggy deciders.

Further to this, its the only AAA mp I can think that's still on 30fps, with a field of view so narrow, Often times I can't see enemies standing right next to me.

Then you have the maps, not designed for 4v4, so everyone is on top of each other making it easier to get one-shotted by a myriad of BS abilities and weapons.

In a way, its a good thing Bungie haven't thrown effort and resources in PVP in the past year, because it would be building a house on a shoddy foundation.

Thank you. I hope they don't continue to build off that same foundation because the PvP has potential to actually be really just isn't. I hope the next game is on par or close to the PC version or there won't be any point playing it on console anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
The game is in such a good place right now. Really looking forward to what they do next year, just hope enough people pay so they have the budget to do it all justice.

I have a feeling they're gonna take what was done of Destiny 3 already, cut it up and use it as content drops for future D2 updates.
Oct 28, 2017
The game is in such a good place right now. Really looking forward to what they do next year, just hope enough people pay so they have the budget to do it all justice.

I have a feeling they're gonna take what was done of Destiny 3 already, cut it up and use it as content drops for future D2 updates.

Yeah, there's zero need to do a 3rd game. Plenty of successful games like Warframe that they can look to for inspiration on roadmapping their future.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
There will be a Destiny 3 - it will most likely involve a migration to a whole new engine system that can accommodate massive locations with minimal loads, dozens of player characters, effects and seamless in-out for multiplayer that can most probably be done on a new engine.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure why not

edit: btw I'm not trying to be a dick, and I don't think I'm some great player either. If anything I'm just above average, maybe not even that depending on who I'm playing with tbh, but I've played pretty much every shootbang solo since none of my friend's are gamers and my brother doesn't play FPS games. I honestly think people kinda exaggerate the PvP situation in Destiny and talk about it as if it's some insurmountable obstacle when a different perspective is usually more important than the right weapon, teammates or map. Anyway, I'm very tired but I'll try add something more productive to the conversation.

If things aren't going great for you in comp (before I got my recluse and revoker, I hovered at 800 for a day or two because I fell back into old habits) I think there are a couple of things to consider that might help people out.

- It's competitive, make sure you're actually in a competitive mindset before going into the playlist. I know this sounds silly, but I might have been thinking more about trying out a new Austringer roll, or just thinking that 1 game in comp might not hurt since it's the last game before I go to bed or I can get my weekly through this game and you just aren't in the mindset for this shit if you're doing that. Comp time is considered time, don't play it on a whim but don't be too serious too n_n

- Make sure you're not holding any PvE weaponry. Go to the tower, drop your shit off, (better yet, have the app on your phone so you can swap in and out as you please) make sure you have a gun for every possible engagement and range and get your armour perks proper for a slew of different weapons and you're good to go, although I understand if you need to be fashionable before functional.. Obvs some guns might work well for both, just make sure you've got the proper alternatives (especially a shotgun or handcannon for both slots even if they're not great)

- If it isn't working, stop doing it? I actually do this a lot, especially in quickplay. Going back to the place you died at in the last round, trying to own that lane against the sniper instead of flanking him, using the same weapon, tactics or subclass when it hasn't been working. So many times we'd lose the first two matches and then I'd swap pretty much everything I'm using, and I'd feel more comfortable, or I'd kill the guy who keeps clowning me. It wouldn't always work, but if by the second round you're getting no joy I honestly don't think it can hurt.

- Fuck the meta. You know how many times I thought fuck it and whipped out the fighting lion because I just wasn't getting in the game (don't actually know if fighting lion is meta, all I know is I'm very bad with it and I will never attempt the mountaintop quest), and it just happened to be the perfect weapon to counter the entire enemy team's tactics and positioning at the time. Don't use lord of wolves and stuff like that, no cheese will really help if you ask me. There was always the one using it but I swear they get found out first and they'd tend to fritter away the early advantage throughout the game because that shit is predictable, unless they're acutally good in which case they will merk you with whatever, barely matters at that point. I think it's a great time to be versatile in Destiny. I was looking through the collections the other day and I was honestly shocked at how many guns and playstyles there are, especially when considering the exotics. A few days ago I posted about about a game I lost against 4 titans with rally barricade and sweet business, it was nuts, tried it all and couldn't beat them, GG. Right now there are a lot of snipers around, especially because of the Revoker quest - if you're not a great sniper just don't do it, get what you need in Quickplay first. Play more aggressively, right now a lot of the guys sniping won't be elite until you stand still for them.

- Like I said before you gotta back your team. I get annoyed when I feel like people aren't in the right position, and I usually predict what is about to happen well enough but maybe your team is thinking something different, or (this happens in rocket league too) one or more players might be too closely aligned with what you're currently doing. in the same lane, looking at the same threats, at the same range, in the same spot, etc. Obviously you gotta play your game, but I think playing for the cause requires you to do some things you might not wanna do at the time if you wanna win. As well as that, pay attention to how your team is doing at the time. If one player is doing well, it might actually be better to let them go alone down that lane and flank or support the weaker members, maybe go solo yourself if you have the breathing space.

- If you're tilted, just stop playing. Winning 3 and losing 4 might not be the worst thing considering the weekly reset bonus and if necessary that is a possible route toward the Recluse. You will lose games. Sometimes your team will be awful, sometimes you'll be awful, but remember it's the same with your opponents. Don't lose hope because they have the same fucking clan tag, so many times people go on about 4 stacks or whatever and when you play them its just 4 people that know each other and like Destiny 2, not sweaty 24/7 gamers. They do exist obviously, but when they show up just take the L and move on. I remember a game where we loaded in 3v4, I'm thinking thats because one player saw they had the same clan tag and they looked kitted out in terms of weapons, masterworks all, but I swear it was one of the easiest games of comp in recent memory. I'll also add here, if you keep getting matched against the same people and they keep beating you... Maybe play a bit later? I've done this before, because I wanted to play the fuckers that just bodied us and I got my wish and it kept happening. That's not what you're here for.

I can't vouch for LFGs and stuff like that, but I just remembered that I did play like 9 games in a group getting my Recluse. A guy on my team sent me an invite after my third game of the night and in that game I did much better than him - as it turns out, this guy is way better than I am. If you vibe with someone on your team, and you think you have decent enough synergy, just send an invite after - worked for me and this guy (we didn't even communicate, and IMO you shouldn't really do too much of that in Destiny if you're not comfortable with your skills - there's far too much happening on screen at once to try to communicate that and it ends up being noise to me. Work on your own game and predicting scenarios on each of the maps. Easier deal with what's on your own plate lol). You still have to play with 2 randoms in this case, but they could be great or awful too, forget that though, focus on your game.

I have soooo many bad habits in D2. I never really know when to hold territory and usually end up poorly co-ordinated with my team's movements unless I make sure to think about it - usually ending up in a 1v3/4 against the other team because I'm chasing a kill, especially because I'm really hasty and I like those situations in quickplay, even though I should be trying to stay alive. I'm awful in 1v1 at range, and if I don't get the first shot in, I'm usually dead but I like to commit and see if I can win this one? lol. If you're jumping I'll probably miss every headshot. I don't peek with emotes. I'm no good weapons like the Colony or Wardcliff, even though they specialise in easy kills. But because I think about these issues of mine a lot when playing I try hard to offset those aspects. And if you really think you're not good, but you also really want the Recluse I think a week of solid quickplay and you'll be ready for most of what comp has to throw at you. You'll have to mainline it though.

Despite everything I just wrote, if you don't like Destiny 2 PVP, none of that will be useful. I actually like Destiny PVP so I put in effort to improve at it. I got into Destiny late, so by the time I played D1 I didn't know shit and got toyed with by people who had shit like Thorn and Icebreaker. I didn't know how you even got those weapons haha, and I'd take my Zhalo Supercell (Still the best gun in Destiny history don't @ me) into crucible and basically hope for the best. Total newb. I made it through the Uriel's Gift and Vigilance Wing *shudder* meta and actually love this shit now, but even at it's worst I still liked it. If you don't even like it... I just wouldn't. Even more so if you hate it.

I loved the shit out of The Division 2 but you honestly couldn't entice me to play that game's PVP for something like the Recluse. The raid also sucked >_>; but enough about that

Hopefully a better post than before.
This is a great post, imo. You REALLY do have to adjust your mindset when playing solo. Like I said above, the proof is in the image I posed. I went from 1 k/d with sub 50% wins, to 1.5 k/d and 72% wins, and I only did this for the sake of the experiment itself. Had I enjoyed the mode more and invested more time, I would have only gotten batter.

The standouts from above are, imo:

1. If it's not working, STOP DOING IT.

and this paragraph:

Like I said before you gotta back your team. I get annoyed when I feel like people aren't in the right position, and I usually predict what is about to happen well enough but maybe your team is thinking something different, or (this happens in rocket league too) one or more players might be too closely aligned with what you're currently doing. in the same lane, looking at the same threats, at the same range, in the same spot, etc. Obviously you gotta play your game, but I think playing for the cause requires you to do some things you might not wanna do at the time if you wanna win. As well as that, pay attention to how your team is doing at the time. If one player is doing well, it might actually be better to let them go alone down that lane and flank or support the weaker members, maybe go solo yourself if you have the breathing space.

THIS right here is the real key. This is the single tactic I used that changed my win rate so dramatically.

Back up your team, always be looking out for where YOU can help.

When you're playing with randoms off mic, the chances are they are not going to back you up. So don't expect it. Instead, look to see how YOU can back up your team. Pick a person, follow them, cover them and aid their push, etc....

If you do this, you WILL see improvements. It's the single biggest mindset shift you need to achieve to do well in solo Q, unless you're just a pvp god who can down anyone anytime.


Oct 27, 2017
Congrats, how long did that take, and how many encounters did you have to do?

About an hour - cheesed gauntlet, did crystals up to about the second boss then hid like rats, survived mockery and slammed whatever orbs we could on left side, riposte went about as well as expected (hid at the start lol). Finished on Hunted

Used three warlocks


Oct 25, 2017
Call me crazy....but I feel like I want to farm for a god roll Hard Truths SMG LOL. I want to see whether god roll perks can make the worst SMG in the game decent to use in PvP.


Nov 20, 2017
Call me crazy....but I feel like I want to farm for a god roll Hard Truths SMG LOL. I want to see whether god roll perks can make the worst SMG in the game decent to use in PvP.
What perks would consist of a God Roll, do you think? It has such crummy stability I would think you would need Tap the Trigger or something similar. It's definitely a gun that hardly gets used, thats for sure.
Nov 14, 2017
Even though they did a great job making revoker base on glory accumulation I still have no desire playing comp because matchmaking is such a shitshow. I played 2 seasons of comp and faced nothing but ELO imbalance majority of the time. How is bungie gonna attract new and old players if they keep their garbage matchmaking of 5 years?
Comp matches based on glory rank. I know for a time it would sometimes match well outside your range, which was annoying, but I think that's fixed. If you play comp now starting at 0 glory you should be up against (and matched with) mostly bad players.


Oct 25, 2017
What perks would consist of a God Roll, do you think? It has such crummy stability I would think you would need Tap the Trigger or something similar. It's definitely a gun that hardly gets used, thats for sure.
Looking at Light GG. I think the perks has to be Model Red 8, Ricochet Rounds, Zen moment, Tap the Trigger and Stability MW with Counter Balance mod. That would put Stability @ 35 which is 3 points lower than Ikelos SMG but Zen Moment + Tap Trigger will boost the stability up further than Ikelos. Range isn't a problem since Ricochet and Model Red 8 zoom would push it to mid distance no problem.
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