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Oct 27, 2017
Compared to the comparable developed nations in Europe, Biden is Center-Right, as are most of the platforms of the Democratic party because they fundamentally ascribe more value to Capitalism and the free market than genuinely left leaning politics ever would. We're the richest nation in the world and we're closer to a Russian oligarchy than we are to a Swedish democracy right now. The US should be compared to similar Western democracies and Western powers because that's the frame of reference for us as such a rich country.

But yes call me xenophobic because I make the relevant comparison and say America should be considerably more progressive than what the Democratic party mostly offers given its own supposed cultural values and absolutely insane wealth in comparison to considerably more progressive countries that actually do something for the everyday citizens of their country with that wealth instead of building an utterly pointless military industrial complex to secure oil and bomb anyone who threatens them, and say that "If you take the average of left to right wing existence across the world, the US is actually very far left" while not realizing how much of an absolutely awful condemnation of how far the world has slipped into increasingly right wing lunacy and authoritarian tendencies. The left has largely not been allowed to exist globally for some time and we're only really seeing it come back into focus after people started to become disillusioned with the neo-liberal status quo.

The Democratic party has never been a legitimately leftist party at any point in history. It's left leaning relative to other parties, but has never been a leftist party except for in the moth scathing of Fox News propaganda pieces. Progressive at times? Absolutely. But genuinely left? Absolutely fucking not.

I'm not American but I roll my eyes when people trot out the US left is centre-right thing. It's a tired European exceptionalism trope that is very surface level and fails to understand the complexity of the federal system and size of the US.

I'm not saying it's wrong, that aspects of the US political left discourse is actually centre right elsrwhere, but it's reductive and allows people to put the US Into a box then talk around it

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.
Again: "Not doing exactly what I believe should be done as fast as I believe it should be done" =/= "doing jack-shit".

Also "threatening to turn us over to the facists" is some real bullshit. They didn't make the conservatives facists. You don't elect one side, you get the other side. Independent of what anyone else wants.


Oct 27, 2017
Compared to the comparable developed nations in Europe, Biden is Center-Right, as are most of the platforms of the Democratic party because they fundamentally ascribe more value to Capitalism and the free market than genuinely left leaning politics ever would. We're the richest nation in the world and we're closer to a Russian oligarchy than we are to a Swedish democracy right now. The US should be compared to similar Western democracies and Western powers because that's the frame of reference for us as such a rich country.

But yes call me xenophobic because I make the relevant comparison and say America should be considerably more progressive than what the Democratic party mostly offers given its own supposed cultural values and absolutely insane wealth in comparison to considerably more progressive countries that actually do something for the everyday citizens of their country with that wealth instead of building an utterly pointless military industrial complex to secure oil and bomb anyone who threatens them, and say that "If you take the average of left to right wing existence across the world, the US is actually very far left" while not realizing how much of an absolutely awful condemnation of how far the world has slipped into increasingly right wing lunacy and authoritarian tendencies. The left has largely not been allowed to exist globally for some time and we're only really seeing it come back into focus after people started to become disillusioned with the neo-liberal status quo.

The Democratic party has never been a legitimately leftist party at any point in history. It's left leaning relative to other parties, but has never been a leftist party except for in the moth scathing of Fox News propaganda pieces. Progressive at times? Absolutely. But genuinely left? Absolutely fucking not.

Having a conversation about where various political parties sit on a global ideological scale doesn't really make sense. It doesn't take into account the way various pre-existing political realities in the different countries shape what the parties support. A good example is Conservatives in the UK, they have the public position of supporting the NHS because it's political suicide to not have that position based on the political reality of the UK. However, we all know that If the NHS didn't exist, and Labour wanted to create it then the Conservatives would be trying to stop it from being created. This stuff is all relative to the individual country's status quo.


Oct 25, 2017
But how do we hold him accountable?

The only way to hold a politician accountable is to threaten to withhold your vote (well, unless you subscribe to...other ideologies).

To be clear: I'm going to vote for Biden. But it's solely a harm-reduction method, and it is being done under duress. The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.

You guys demand that we "vote blue no matter who." So we do. Then when the Blue Team gets into office, we criticize them and demand accountability. They do absolutely nothing. After years of doing nothing, they get blown out in a midterm or general and we get blamed for it, for some reason. We didn't fight hard enough, we criticized them too much, we demanded too much "purity" because we asked Obama not to drop a bomb on a school or lock a family in a cage for crossing the border.

We are smugly informed that if we want to affect real change, we should go nominate and vote for candidates who support those values. But then the national party apparatus and the corporate media, the most powerful propaganda apparatus in human history, fights back against us every single step of the way to ensure our candidates can't win. And then when they lose, we're smugly informed that it was because we just didn't fight hard enough, so get back in line and vote for whatever corporate stooge we've annointed.

After decades of this happening, eventually some people start to realize that there is one weapon they have that seems to get these people scared: threatening not to vote at all. Like a worker going on strike, we start to question whether causing some short-term damage might cause long-term benefit by reminding our overlords that they only succeed because we let them succeed.

A vote for Biden, from myself and others, is solely done to reduce harm here in the short-term. If Biden wins, we are going to be loud and angry and make sure that you people remember what it is that we asked for and you haven't given us. We'll see if he listens. And if he doesn't, we'll be right back here in 2024 having the same conversation, where some of us will be forced to once again make this same choice.
I think you've touched on a really important problem. It seems like the only meaningful power the left has is to not vote. But threatening to not vote for him, if he doesn't do XY or Z is not a credible threat at all. Since probably the people who would do this were never going to support him in the first place. And if anything, it makes moderate politicians rely more on voters that will credibly support them - i.e. moderates who like moderate policies.

And it's made all the worse because if the goal of progressives is "okay you should vote for the moderate, but hold their feet to the fire", then we're already not on the right track for that if we keep getting reminders about how he's AcTuaLLY to the left of Obama. And yeah once they get into office, any hope that you can meaningfully change their actions goes out the window. People didn't care about Obama extending the surveillance state or drone program one bit. They still really don't. And so... idk. it all feels like we don't really have a say in anything one way or the other.


Oct 30, 2017
But how do we hold him accountable?

The only way to hold a politician accountable is to threaten to withhold your vote (well, unless you subscribe to...other ideologies).

To be clear: I'm going to vote for Biden. But it's solely a harm-reduction method, and it is being done under duress. The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.

You guys demand that we "vote blue no matter who." So we do. Then when the Blue Team gets into office, we criticize them and demand accountability. They do absolutely nothing. After years of doing nothing, they get blown out in a midterm or general and we get blamed for it, for some reason. We didn't fight hard enough, we criticized them too much, we demanded too much "purity" because we asked Obama not to drop a bomb on a school or lock a family in a cage for crossing the border.

We are smugly informed that if we want to affect real change, we should go nominate and vote for candidates who support those values. But then the national party apparatus and the corporate media, the most powerful propaganda apparatus in human history, fights back against us every single step of the way to ensure our candidates can't win. And then when they lose, we're smugly informed that it was because we just didn't fight hard enough, so get back in line and vote for whatever corporate stooge we've annointed.

After decades of this happening, eventually some people start to realize that there is one weapon they have that seems to get these people scared: threatening not to vote at all. Like a worker going on strike, we start to question whether causing some short-term damage might cause long-term benefit by reminding our overlords that they only succeed because we let them succeed.

A vote for Biden, from myself and others, is solely done to reduce harm here in the short-term. If Biden wins, we are going to be loud and angry and make sure that you people remember what it is that we asked for and you haven't given us. We'll see if he listens. And if he doesn't, we'll be right back here in 2024 having the same conversation, where some of us will be forced to once again make this same choice.
This is the sentiment that I'm currently battling in my circle. I'm probably not the most effective because I feel it as well, though I hate admitting that to myself. I think I'm gonna let my people cool for a couple months and then try again cause the only thing I'm doing now trying to convince them that we all should still vote in Nov is making them more angry.


Oct 27, 2017
But how do we hold him accountable?

The only way to hold a politician accountable is to threaten to withhold your vote (well, unless you subscribe to...other ideologies).

To be clear: I'm going to vote for Biden. But it's solely a harm-reduction method, and it is being done under duress. The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.

You guys demand that we "vote blue no matter who." So we do. Then when the Blue Team gets into office, we criticize them and demand accountability. They do absolutely nothing. After years of doing nothing, they get blown out in a midterm or general and we get blamed for it, for some reason. We didn't fight hard enough, we criticized them too much, we demanded too much "purity" because we asked Obama not to drop a bomb on a school or lock a family in a cage for crossing the border.

We are smugly informed that if we want to affect real change, we should go nominate and vote for candidates who support those values. But then the national party apparatus and the corporate media, the most powerful propaganda apparatus in human history, fights back against us every single step of the way to ensure our candidates can't win. And then when they lose, we're smugly informed that it was because we just didn't fight hard enough, so get back in line and vote for whatever corporate stooge we've annointed.

After decades of this happening, eventually some people start to realize that there is one weapon they have that seems to get these people scared: threatening not to vote at all. Like a worker going on strike, we start to question whether causing some short-term damage might cause long-term benefit by reminding our overlords that they only succeed because we let them succeed.

A vote for Biden, from myself and others, is solely done to reduce harm here in the short-term. If Biden wins, we are going to be loud and angry and make sure that you people remember what it is that we asked for and you haven't given us. We'll see if he listens. And if he doesn't, we'll be right back here in 2024 having the same conversation, where some of us will be forced to once again make this same choice.

I think critics would view it all differently if some people on the left were going "I'm going to start a movement saying that we shouldn't vote for Biden unless he moves to the left a bit on issue X". That's actually holding people accountable.

People saying "I'd never vote for Biden" or "fuck voting for Biden", that's an absolute statement, it isn't holding someone accountable at all.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I think you've touched on a really important problem. It seems like the only meaningful power the left has is to not vote. But threatening to not vote for him, if he doesn't do XY or Z is not a credible threat at all. Since probably the people who would do this were never going to support him in the first place. And if anything, it makes moderate politicians rely more on voters that will credibly support them - i.e. moderates who like moderate policies.

And it's made all the worse because if the goal of progressives is "okay you should vote for the moderate, but hold their feet to the fire", then we're already not on the right track for that if we keep getting reminders about how he's AcTuaLLY to the left of Obama. And yeah once they get into office, any hope that you can meaningfully change their actions goes out the window. People didn't care about Obama extending the surveillance state or drone program one bit. They still really don't. And so... idk. it all feels like we don't really have a say in anything.
Do the work. You can't have a sporadic presence on the state level, a handful of House reps, and a single Senator and expect to have more than a little influence on the party.

You need to pick a region and start gobbling up seats there. You need to build into an actual political force that has weight to throw around. You need to be able to form a weighty caucus in Congress (and no, I don't mean the CPC because that has plenty of people you wouldn't personally consider to be on the left of the party).

You need to be able to bring votes to the table. To point to your constituencies, not your twitter feed, not your primary voters, your consistent every two years we re-elect some of you and/or put new ones in a seats voters and say "this is who we represent".

That takes time to build up. To convince people of your views, get them to trust you, and get them to start putting their votes behind your cause.

AOC's doing the work on that.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I'm a disabled, unemployed trans woman who can't afford medical care, and who has to make a phone call to a lawyer next week to try and convince the company they represent not to take my Chromebook in small claims court to cover debt I can no longer pay.

I'm not comfortable. I'm not safe. I'm sure as hell not well off.

All or nothing voting actively harms me. It's not a righteous position, it's not an ethical stand, it's simply moralistic masturbation. Something you do for yourself that makes you feel good and helps no one else.

Biden wasn't my candidate. He was at the bottom of my list of people I'm okay with and I didn't want him to run at all, but he's going to be the nominee. That's just a fact. I can't afford to sit this one out, 4 more years of Trump will probably kill me.

I don't usually post because I have anxiety issues and honestly confrontation sends me into a panic, just typing this is making me freak out because of how heated this conversation has become - but I keep feeling like people are talking over my experience reading this thread. I'm marginalized. I'm asking for help. Please vote out Trump.
Thank you for posting. I agree with your view of this. All or nothing is a strategy that I will never ever get behind.


Oct 25, 2017
Do the work. You can't have a sporadic presence on the state level, a handful of House reps, and a single Senator and expect to have more than a little influence on the party.

You need to pick a region and start gobbling up seats there. You need to build into an actual political force that has weight to throw around. You need to be able to form a weighty caucus in Congress (and no, I don't mean the CPC because that has plenty of people you wouldn't personally consider to be on the left of the party).

You need to be able to bring votes to the table. To point to your constituencies, not your twitter feed, not your primary voters, your consistent every two years we re-elect some of you and/or put new ones in a seat voters and say "this is who we represent".

That takes time to build up. To convince people of your views, get them to trust you, and get them to start putting their votes behind your cause.

AOC's doing the work on that.
Clearly this country does not want progressive politicians. If actual electoral results are anything to go by.


Oct 25, 2017
I think critics would view it all differently if some people on the left were going "I'm going to start a movement saying that we shouldn't vote for Biden unless he moves to the left a bit on issue X". That's actually holding people accountable.

People saying "I'd never vote for Biden" or "fuck voting for Biden", that's an absolute statement, it isn't holding someone accountable at all.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the most extreme rhetoric seems to be coming from people who either can't vote in the election or people whose live in areas where their votes are highly unlikely to be marginally relevant in the Presidential race. In 2004 third party voting in the Presidential race crashed through the floor relative to 2000 and we're likely to see the same pattern here, because it's a lesson many only seem to learn through experience, and is why the problem re-emerged in 2016 as a new generation came of age not having experienced Bush vs Gore and Dubya's disastrous Presidency.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
Clearly this country does not want progressive politicians. If actual electoral results are anything to go by.
You may be right, but two things keep me positive:

1) Obama in '08. Yeah I know he bailed out the banks, had 4 Goldman Sachs execs in his cabinet, drones, NSA, etc, but he originally campaigned with a progressive (for the time) agenda.

2) Trump. What the Dem electorate has shown in this primary is that this election is about beating Trump, not any other policy. Once Trump is gone, it may be easier for a progressive Dem to follow a centrist Dem.
Oct 25, 2017
If not Russian then privileged as fuck. And let's not act like that Europe has it together right now.
the numbers just don't back that up

there really aren't that many "privileged as fuck" people under 40

your bias is showing because you clearly can't understand why people who disagree with you think the things they think, outside of the idea that they are ignorant or involved in a conspiracy.

it's a bad look and you should stop bringing that energy to discussions about politics because it's just not true

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Clearly this country does not want progressive politicians. If actual electoral results are anything to go by.
You can't rock up to a national election and expect to win it in one go outside of the most sapphire blue districts. This is why progressive causes get nowhere. You need to start locally and on the state level. You need to make inroads that way to build to regional dominance. No one is going to elect some nobody that no one knows or has any reason to trust. You're a snake oil salesman as far as they're concerned. You need to make connections with local organizations outside of your own and outside of the purely political ones. Then you'll have an easier time gaining a national presence.


Oct 25, 2017
You can't rock up to a national election and expect to win it in one go outside of the most sapphire blue districts. This is why progressive causes get nowhere. You need to start locally and on the state level. You need to make inroads that way to build to regional dominance. Then you'll have an easier time gaining a national presence.
I mean 2018 wasn't great either. there's a general sense that moderates just do better in general elections. it's probably right

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But how do we hold him accountable?

The only way to hold a politician accountable is to threaten to withhold your vote (well, unless you subscribe to...other ideologies).

To be clear: I'm going to vote for Biden. But it's solely a harm-reduction method, and it is being done under duress. The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.

You guys demand that we "vote blue no matter who." So we do. Then when the Blue Team gets into office, we criticize them and demand accountability. They do absolutely nothing. After years of doing nothing, they get blown out in a midterm or general and we get blamed for it, for some reason. We didn't fight hard enough, we criticized them too much, we demanded too much "purity" because we asked Obama not to drop a bomb on a school or lock a family in a cage for crossing the border.

We are smugly informed that if we want to affect real change, we should go nominate and vote for candidates who support those values. But then the national party apparatus and the corporate media, the most powerful propaganda apparatus in human history, fights back against us every single step of the way to ensure our candidates can't win. And then when they lose, we're smugly informed that it was because we just didn't fight hard enough, so get back in line and vote for whatever corporate stooge we've annointed.

After decades of this happening, eventually some people start to realize that there is one weapon they have that seems to get these people scared: threatening not to vote at all. Like a worker going on strike, we start to question whether causing some short-term damage might cause long-term benefit by reminding our overlords that they only succeed because we let them succeed.

A vote for Biden, from myself and others, is solely done to reduce harm here in the short-term. If Biden wins, we are going to be loud and angry and make sure that you people remember what it is that we asked for and you haven't given us. We'll see if he listens. And if he doesn't, we'll be right back here in 2024 having the same conversation, where some of us will be forced to once again make this same choice.

This is a good post and obviously I agree with most of it. We've watched as the party did nothing for workers or even made cuts. The signature piece of "progressive" legislation from the last time Democrats controlled both the presidency and Congress was a mandated buy-in to the broken private insurance market that had some admittedly-welcome Band-aids to the system. This isn't a party that represents the average American, that has become clear. So what can you do? Unless you are a billionaire, all you can do is withhold your vote, as you say. A sort of strike. If it's widespread enough, maybe we see change. Maybe.

I will say though, Biden isn't going to listen to an appeal from the left no matter how loudly we scream. If you vote him into office, you have given up the only direct power that you have over the process. We don't have the kind of political and economic power to affect a Biden presidency and we won't have it in the next four years.


Oct 25, 2017
I will support Biden. But clearly we have different priorities. I don't think we can rely on Joe Biden to have the same stance wrt Israel-Palestine as Bernie does. I don't think we can rely on him to not be as interventionist in South America or the Middle East. If Joe Biden's foreign policy is half as bad as Obama's - that's still several hundred people that will be killed in drone strikes or intentionally immiserated by sanctions. I don't like pretending like they're equal, because on the issues I really care about - they're really not at all. And John Kerry's recents comments as a surrogate for Biden, criticizing Bernie's support for "authoritarian dictators" in Latin American countries like "Morales", or lying about Joe Biden's support for the Iraq War is not convincing me that we care about the same things.
This is my view as well.

As for people who want to sit out the election. There's no reason not to vote against Trump. I guess some feel they're in super red/super blue state so it doesn't matter, and yeah, it doesn't. But I think giving Trump as big as a loss possible (hopefully) is worth something, however little it might be for you.

Also, I'm pretty sure most posters here have made comments over this primary that they don't prefer Biden or his agenda. So, if your preference was to the left of him, I hope y'all join in to pushing his platform further left. If you didn't like Sanders's plans, well congrats already you've won, but I'm pretty sure a lot here would like something closer to his and Warren's proposals, no? Am I asking too much?

It'd also be nice if you add Palestinian human rights to your priorities going forward considering Biden's record on this.
Thanks and good night.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a good post and obviously I agree with most of it. We've watched as the party did nothing for workers or even made cuts. The signature piece of "progressive" legislation from the last time Democrats controlled both the presidency and Congress was a mandated buy-in to the broken private insurance market that had some admittedly-welcome Band-aids to the system. This isn't a party that represents the average American, that has become clear. So what can you do? Unless you are a billionaire, all you can do is withhold your vote, as you say. A sort of strike. If it's widespread enough, maybe we see change. Maybe.

I will say though, Biden isn't going to listen to an appeal from the left no matter how loudly we scream. If you vote him into office, you have given up the only direct power that you have over the process. We don't have the kind of political and economic power to affect a Biden presidency and we won't have it in the next four years.

"This isn't a party that represents the average American, that has become clear."

I'm not gonna comment on the rest of your post, however, I do want to say that I really dislike rhetoric like this. These parties do represent the interests of their voters. You may not think it represents their best financial interests, I don't think that's necessarily wrong, however, to blanketly say that it doesn't represent their interests is not true. I think people need to be more honest when it comes to recognising what voters want, and how those needs are being met.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But how do we hold him accountable?

The only way to hold a politician accountable is to threaten to withhold your vote (well, unless you subscribe to...other ideologies).

To be clear: I'm going to vote for Biden. But it's solely a harm-reduction method, and it is being done under duress. The Democratic Party holds everyone in this country hostage by doing jack-shit to help working-class people in this country or elsewhere and then threatening to turn us over to fascists if we don't constantly do as they say.

You guys demand that we "vote blue no matter who." So we do. Then when the Blue Team gets into office, we criticize them and demand accountability. They do absolutely nothing. After years of doing nothing, they get blown out in a midterm or general and we get blamed for it, for some reason. We didn't fight hard enough, we criticized them too much, we demanded too much "purity" because we asked Obama not to drop a bomb on a school or lock a family in a cage for crossing the border.

We are smugly informed that if we want to affect real change, we should go nominate and vote for candidates who support those values. But then the national party apparatus and the corporate media, the most powerful propaganda apparatus in human history, fights back against us every single step of the way to ensure our candidates can't win. And then when they lose, we're smugly informed that it was because we just didn't fight hard enough, so get back in line and vote for whatever corporate stooge we've annointed.

After decades of this happening, eventually some people start to realize that there is one weapon they have that seems to get these people scared: threatening not to vote at all. Like a worker going on strike, we start to question whether causing some short-term damage might cause long-term benefit by reminding our overlords that they only succeed because we let them succeed.

A vote for Biden, from myself and others, is solely done to reduce harm here in the short-term. If Biden wins, we are going to be loud and angry and make sure that you people remember what it is that we asked for and you haven't given us. We'll see if he listens. And if he doesn't, we'll be right back here in 2024 having the same conversation, where some of us will be forced to once again make this same choice.

this is a beautiful post and will unfortunately do nothing to combat the smugness coming downstream from more privileged folk pretending to have the best interests of the most affected in mind when really they're just scared shitless of the positive changes that could come because it could mean a decent standard of living for folk who don't look like them

our country is too fucked right now


Oct 25, 2017
this is a beautiful post and will unfortunately do nothing to combat the smugness coming downstream from more privileged folk pretending to have the best interests of the most affected in mind when really they're just scared shitless of the positive changes that could come because it could mean a decent standard of living for folk who don't look like them

our country is too fucked right now


The people voting for Biden are the working class and people of colour. Bernies voting base, Latino aside, is wealthier and more secure. How exactly does your rhetoric match what we see in terms of the voters?

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017

The people voting for Biden are the working class and people of colour. Bernies voting base, Latino aside, is wealthier and more secure. How exactly does your rhetoric match what we see in terms of the voters?
Online leftists have a dreadful habit of thinking that, because they support pro-working class positions, they get to speak for working-class people.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

The people voting for Biden are the working class and people of colour. Bernies voting base, Latino aside, is wealthier and more secure. How exactly does your rhetoric match what we see in terms of the voters?

I never said anything about people voting for Biden I was talking about the smugness coming downstream from more privileged folk

it's right there in the post


Oct 25, 2017
I mean 2018 wasn't great either. there's a general sense that moderates just do better in general elections. it's probably right
It's been shown time and time again that in competitive swing districts, far left policies are a massive liability. We saw that in the 70s when Nixon dominated his elections, we saw it when the Justice Dem candidates all lost their purple district races, we saw it just now when Corbyn got destroyed vs Boris.
This is a good post and obviously I agree with most of it. We've watched as the party did nothing for workers or even made cuts. The signature piece of "progressive" legislation from the last time Democrats controlled both the presidency and Congress was a mandated buy-in to the broken private insurance market that had some admittedly-welcome Band-aids to the system. This isn't a party that represents the average American, that has become clear. So what can you do? Unless you are a billionaire, all you can do is withhold your vote, as you say. A sort of strike. If it's widespread enough, maybe we see change. Maybe.

I will say though, Biden isn't going to listen to an appeal from the left no matter how loudly we scream. If you vote him into office, you have given up the only direct power that you have over the process. We don't have the kind of political and economic power to affect a Biden presidency and we won't have it in the next four years.
A mandated buy-in to insurance systems is a literal necessity when getting UHC done! There are EU countries which literally have a private mandated buy in as part of their healthcare structure, and Dems should be able to implement a public option in addition to that if they can take the Senate.

If Biden hasn't listened to appeals from the left, why has his platform shifted left from where Clinton's was? Accellerationism doesn't work, actually interacting with the party, candidates and elections does.
this is a beautiful post and will unfortunately do nothing to combat the smugness coming downstream from more privileged folk pretending to have the best interests of the most affected in mind when really they're just scared shitless of the positive changes that could come because it could mean a decent standard of living for folk who don't look like them

our country is too fucked right now
You're describing swing voters. Not the Democratic base. Voters reacting to the existence of shitty populist white swing voters does not mean that they also hold those views themselves. (see: black voters in 2016/2020)


Oct 25, 2017
I think critics would view it all differently if some people on the left were going "I'm going to start a movement saying that we shouldn't vote for Biden unless he moves to the left a bit on issue X". That's actually holding people accountable.

People saying "I'd never vote for Biden" or "fuck voting for Biden", that's an absolute statement, it isn't holding someone accountable at all.

The problem is, we played this game already and bending over for Bernie and his movement has never got Democrats anywhere. Hillary bent over backwards to give him a respectful exit at the convention and his supporters spent the occasion heckling all of the Democrats and swearing allegiance to Jill Stein. Bernie spent it refusing to allow a unanimous vote. They literally let him write the contest rules and yet somehow the party is still corrupt and stealing his election. His supporters are either going to vote for Biden or they won't but no amount of concessions will change their mind that he is a centrist neoliberal corporate shill or whatever. Any attempt is just seen as 'pandering.' See: Hillary, TPP

To be clear, before someone breaks out the polls, I am not saying that Bernie supporters are more likely to reject a different nominee. I'm just saying those that are refusing to support the nominee aren't making a rational decision that can be overcome with horse trading

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
How many of y'all in here upset about not getting what you wanted have been door knocking for progressive policy, not for a candidate, but for policy in your local area? Started or been active members of progressive political groups. Run for something, anything, or at least tried to collect the signatures necessary to run for something (and thus have the opportunity to speak to people in your local area about policies you support).

How many of you are putting in the work to start becoming a presence in your neighborhoods?


Oct 25, 2017
Well yes but also because a self proclaimed democratic socialist is not what elected Dems (whom are funded by corps) want?

If Bernie was immortal, he'd never win assuming he takes this view (I hope not).

Ultimately you're going to have to grapple with the fact that "elected Dems (whom are funded by corps)" did not decide this primary, Dem voters did. And they didn't pick Sanders. Sticking your fingers in your ears over that isn't outreach.


Oct 25, 2017
The juxtaposition between Biden and Trump's message to the American people is night and day 😐

We can't have another 4 years of no governance.


Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie was immortal, he'd never win assuming he takes this view (I hope not).

Ultimately you're going to have to grapple with the fact that "elected Dems (whom are funded by corps)" did not decide this primary, Dem voters did. And they didn't pick Sanders. Sticking your fingers in your ears over that isn't outreach.
Bernie would never win because he's completely uninterested in ever adapting or changing.
Why am I just finding out Simone Sanders joined Biden's team?
That happened like two years ago.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
it's always funny when the response to criticism is to put the full burden of american politics onto that person
tbf the general questions being asked are framed as "how do I make an impact?" People are arguing that not voting is one of the best ways they can make their voice heard, but clearly activism is another element. Is anyone expected to hold that burden, particularly alone? Of course not. I personally can attribute the hope I have in the future of the party directly to my canvassing for Bernie this primary and gaining signatures around Florida universities to give our state's felons back their agency.

Biden sucks, but the impact of his administration doesn't have to be solely defined by his actions.

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