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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Re: the people begging Sanders to drop out

Is it not important for him to continue to spread his message as much as he can while he can?
One thing is certain for me, he should've disabled donation links as of last night. If he wants to coast on money already earned, whatever. Still accepting donations in a lost cause? Not a good look IMO.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
I feel like the people demanding Bernie to drop out are the same people who are dangerous to our democratic process. They just want to be told who to vote for, they don't want there to be a true primary.
Oct 27, 2017
People have already decided which candidate is best positioned, Bernie.

Keep rejecting the will of the voters and shitting all over black voters especially.


Oct 25, 2017
🙄 We live in the digital age. At worst they should have a closed stage debate and broadcast it out to the american people. There doesn't need to be an audience.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like Bernie wants Biden to adopt some more Progressive ideas into his campaign to satisfy Bernie to dropout.

Very interesting conference.


Oct 25, 2017
People certainly have active imaginations with all these descriptions of the great harm Bernie is causing by not dropping out.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
I never understood how him staying in hurts the dems? Assuming you trust and have faith in the front runner, how does this not just bolster Biden's support leading into the election? It only works to allow him to showcase his policies and really show that he deserved the nomination.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie's speech was all about telling Joe how to get younger voters more excited for him, it started out with him bashing trump and it ended with him bashing trump. Bernie did 40 rallies for Hillary, I'm sure he will do even more for Biden.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I feel like the people demanding Bernie to drop out are the same people who are dangerous to our democratic process. They just want to be told who to vote for, they don't want there to be a true primary.

It comes from bad-faith, disingenuous arguments based on privilege, usually. Tone-policing has become full on ad-hominem attacking with casual insults and blanket statements left and right without regard to any of the people who are actually affected by the policies that need changing the most.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I don't really buy the unity angle. The vast majority of Sanders voters are going to vote for Biden in the general without sweating it. Some contingent will not (and boy oh boy will they constantly tell us that!), but they aren't going to be swayed by Bernie giving Biden a lukewarm endorsement.

But, Bernie staying in even though the primary is over means that voters will be forced to watch progressive ideas get fucking ruined at the ballot box, over and over. How does that help the movement???


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2018
I thought that was great. I don't honestly see him hanging in there much past the debate. All of you who have this perception of Bernie as selfish and vain are way off... I'm sorry you feel that way, but chill for just a little bit. And PLEASE remember that his staying in for now is also going to help get out the vote for down ballot races

He's made it clear over and over and over that if he doesn't win he'll support and endorse the candidate.


Jul 12, 2019
Bernie is living on borrowed time. He will get squashed next week as well. Only question will he still stay in then?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Does Joe Biden winning mean my taxes go up and I still have to pay my health insurance premiums? (Assuming he gets his plan through)

If we're assuming Biden were to sign his plans as laws:

- There'd be a public option for health insurance subsidized by the government. You'd likely still have to pay a premium under the government public option.
- Many Trump-era tax cuts will likely be reversed over time

Trump's tax cuts are unsustainable without massive cuts to the federal budget, which Trump has not done and is very unlikely to be done under a Democratic president.


Oct 26, 2017
I am glad Bernie is not allowing Joe Biden to have a Weekend at Biden's- style fight towards the generals.
If he has to be hidden from the people and cannot face Bernie one-on-one, he is NOT ELECTABLE.


Oct 25, 2017
It comes from bad-faith, disingenuous arguments based on privilege, usually. Tone-policing has become full on ad-hominem attacking with casual insults and blanket statements left and right without regard to any of the people who are actually affected by the policies that need changing the most.
"We have a viral pandemic and it's irresponsible to ask people to come out and vote for you when you cannot win" is not a bad-faith, disingenuous argument coming from privilege.

If he wanted to jog it out Hillary 08 style in a normal circumstance that'd be fine and I said as much over the past week. This is no longer a normal circumstance.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
That was a strange presser.

Part of it sounded like he's ready to drop out - seemingly telling him how to win his base and what questions he's going to ask. Then others sounded like it may be 2016 again.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't have much hope that Bernie would act 'rational' here. Bernie is in this entirely for the cause, the revolution. He's not here for the sake of the party or the cause of defeating Trump.

Deleted member 43

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Oct 24, 2017
They're trying to set up the same thing they've done for the last four years where they blame Bernie supporters/Russia/Comey/dirtbag left/whatever for their terrible candidate's loss.
The only people who would think that are those unaware the exact same calls to drop out happen every single primary when the end result bcomes certain.

Bernie isn't special in this regard.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
It kind of sounded like he might drop out after the debate. Anyone else think this is a possibility?
yeah. charitable, but i think he's using the debate to publicize his pitch to biden. it wouldn't surprise me if the biden camp is currently unreceptive to negotiating behind the scenes. kinda cool but i still think just dropping out would be better for him
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