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Nov 8, 2017
Literally half the country hasn't voted yet and there hasn't even been a 1v1 debate yet. I don't understand why Sanders can't have another week in the race at least.

Not to mention Biden has not only refused to make any concessions to the growing progressive wing of his own party, but he's actively scorned them to the extent that he said he'd fucking veto his own party's hypothetical M4A bill. How people aren't more upset over this is baffling. He'd throw the greatest political achievement of the last half-century or more into the gutter even if his entire party moved forward with it because of his own personal attachment to the ACA. Absolute insanity.

If you're reading this and aren't bothered by this, you're engaging in politics for the sport and drama of it, there's no other explanation. You can look at people dying of cancer and begging their communities for money on GoFundMe and smile to yourself knowing that "At least they had ACCESS!!!".

Africanus II

Oct 26, 2017
A poster made a point that if the actual primary election were to halt now, it would affect crucial downballot elections in places like Wisconsin, and other location like dem strongholds where the primary for all intents and purposes IS the general election.

I want to see Biden's mettle in a 1v1 contest and my state (IL) doesn't even vote till the 17th, so I at least want a litmus test on how people are feeling in the most demographically accurate state in America.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that New Hampshire has a state law that makes them the first primary is so bizarre to me. Like, how is that enforceable or binding to other states? What's to stop another state from passing a similar law and being like nuh-uh we're first now
Yeah I dunno, the DNC should probably stamp that out.

Especially after this year where Iowa and New Hampshire had shit-all to say about who the eventual nominee was.

I can see why you'd want to stagger it out (give lesser-known candidates a chance to gain momentum), but then again, think of how many candidates we had this year, and it still boiled down to the two with near-100% name recognition, the former Vice President and the runner-up in the last primary. I don't think it's working lol
Aug 12, 2019
Biden will net you Florida's 29 Electoral Votes come November

Sanders can't beat Trump in Florida

This still remains to be seen. If there is one state I absolutely do not trust from an electoral perspective, it's Florida. I feel like Biden has to win big in Florida for it to really happen because I also don't trust Florida to not pull insane amounts of Republican fuckery.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there any justification for not just treating primaries like the general at this point? Just have them all be on one day so we cut this whole process down and candidates have to genuinely win and lose outright instead of having to rely on momentum and narratives across multiple weeks of wildly different states voting and shaping the narrative? You know, as opposed to Iowa of all places getting an enormous weight (it didn't happen this time, but in any other cycle it would have).

Having it all on one day would have made it a lot easier for Bloomberg to be the nominee. Access to that kind of money would be enormous on a 1 day primary.

They should do it like a big soccer tournament and have 4 random states each week determined by a big draw event. Treat all the states equally or something.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
Not to mention Biden has not only refused to make any concessions to the growing progressive wing of his own party, but he's actively scorned them to the extent that he said he'd fucking veto his own party's hypothetical M4A bill. How people aren't more upset over this is baffling. He'd throw the greatest political achievement of the last half-century or more into the gutter even if his entire party moved forward with it because of his own personal attachment to the ACA. Absolute insanity.

Eh, saying "of course I'd sign" a 34 trillion dollar bill without any further detail seems kind of crazy especially when you've been critical of the cost


Oct 27, 2017
As long as Biden is as good as he was in his speech last night, he'll cruise to victory this year. Trump's done nothing to expand his base, third party voting is going to drop like a rock and turnout is looking likely to tick up overall. We've seen in national polling that voter engagement is already higher than it was in November 2016, right before the election.

Frankly I'm tempted to say it'll be an easy 52-46 win all the way through to November with the polls telling a very consistent story all the while, though people will be understandably concerned as the consequences of Biden somehow losing are too dire. He could very easily blow it but I feel like the general naysaying over Biden's chances are pretty emotionally charged right now, turnout's ramping up pretty much everywhere and it seems to be benefiting him almost exclusively (in contrast to the common "Bernie is the only one who can turn out the voters we need" talking points), and whatever you can say about his speaking/debate ability, the idea that Trump will beat him is laughable.

For me, the numbers are looking good. Like I said earlier, Sanders' success in the Midwest wasn't a sign of a working-class progressive revolution which some people seemed to believe. It was a warning for how disliked Clinton was in the region. I'm interested to see Biden's performance in Florida because that would be huge if he does really well there.

Also Michigan passed things like no-reason absentee and same day registration. I think you're seeing the effects of that as well. Democrats should make voter reform a priority. It's fair, hard to argue against, and helps them. Anything to get the most people out on election day.

Is there any justification for not just treating primaries like the general at this point? Just have them all be on one day so we cut this whole process down and candidates have to genuinely win and lose outright instead of having to rely on momentum and narratives across multiple weeks of wildly different states voting and shaping the narrative? You know, as opposed to Iowa of all places getting an enormous weight (it didn't happen this time, but in any other cycle it would have).

Your candidate gets a year's worth of exposure to the public to compete with someone who has had 4+ years of nearly constant exposure. Might help against incumbency advantage.


Oct 25, 2017
This still remains to be seen. If there is one state I absolutely do not trust from an electoral perspective, it's Florida. I feel like Biden has to win big in Florida for it to really happen because I also don't trust Florida to not pull insane amounts of Republican fuckery.

Someone has to find a way to get the PR's in Florida engaged. Both Biden and Sanders are crushing Trump in that poll among Puerto Rican's. If you could get them to turn out like the Cubans or Venezuelans then the entire FL map changes.


Nov 9, 2017
Not to mention Biden has not only refused to make any concessions to the growing progressive wing of his own party, but he's actively scorned them to the extent that he said he'd fucking veto his own party's hypothetical M4A bill. How people aren't more upset over this is baffling. He'd throw the greatest political achievement of the last half-century or more into the gutter even if his entire party moved forward with it because of his own personal attachment to the ACA. Absolute insanity.

If you're reading this and aren't bothered by this, you're engaging in politics for the sport and drama of it, there's no other explanation. You can look at people dying of cancer and begging their communities for money on GoFundMe and smile to yourself knowing that "At least they had ACCESS!!!".

No he did not.

He specifically said if a M4A bill got to him that didn't raise taxes on the middle class and didn't have a huge adverse impact on the rest of the budget that he would sign it.

So the only way you can believe he'd veto a M4A bill is if you buy into the farce that you can't do M4A without raising costs for the middle class. Yes, we'd have to pay a tax for it, but shit, my household pays $1500 a month for insurance premiums and no M4A tax is going to come close to being that much not to mention the extra cost of copays and deductibles.

That answer was Biden literally saying he'd sign a M4A bill but in a way that didn't scare off all of the people who are afraid of "a government takeover" of healthcare raising their taxes.
Aug 12, 2019
Eh, saying "of course I'd sign" a 34 trillion dollar bill without any further detail seems kind of crazy especially when you've been critical of the cost

Again, should have been a slam dunk hypothetical, anything that gets past Pelosi is going to have had some serious considerations and details already. It almost speaks to a lack of faith in his potential own House and Senate. Like, the House is under pretty traditional Democratic control and the Senate will probably be the same come November. Anything that passes both the House and the Senate would be very much the same people who Biden continues to work closely with and agree with on ideological lanes. It's just saying I trust the party that supports me to make the right decisions and a good bill for this theoretical M4A that passes both chambers. There's no reason to think it wouldn't have the details by that point in the process.


Nov 8, 2017
Eh, saying "of course I'd sign" a 34 trillion dollar bill without any further detail seems kind of crazy especially when you've been critical of the cost

I now understand why leftists go nuclear on Twitter, this kind of take is infuriating. It both ignores the actual real-world cost savings of switching to M4A and it easing the suffering of 300+ million American citizens being fleeced by a parasitic insurance industry. It's like you're choosing to interpret his words in the most generous way possible while also saying things like "without any further detail" like these plans, both Bernie's and Warren's, haven't been painstakingly explained over and over again. This is the presumptive Democratic nominee saying he would fight his own party to retain a healthcare system that inherently exploits every American citizen. This is not a thing to "Eh" at.

Again, should have been a slam dunk hypothetical, anything that gets past Pelosi is going to have had some serious considerations and details already. It almost speaks to a lack of faith in his potential own House and Senate. Like, the House is under pretty traditional Democratic control and the Senate will probably be the same come November. Anything that passes both the House and the Senate would be very much the same people who Biden continues to work closely with and agree with on ideological lanes. It's just saying I trust the party that supports me to make the right decisions and a good bill for this theoretical M4A that passes both chambers. There's no reason to think it wouldn't have the details by that point in the process.

Exactly! Thank you!


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I now understand why leftists go nuclear on Twitter, this kind of take is infuriating. It both ignores the actual real-world cost savings of switching to M4A and it easing the suffering of 300+ million American citizens being fleeced by a parasitic insurance industry. It's like you're choosing to interpret his words in the most generous way possible while also saying things like "without any further detail" like these plans, both Bernie's and Warren's, haven't been painstakingly explained over and over again. This is the presumptive Democratic nominee saying he would fight his own party to retain a healthcare system that inherently exploits every American citizen. This is not a thing to "Eh" at.

Maybe Biden doesn't think we're going to turn the senate this fall?


Aug 1, 2018
Yeah I dunno, the DNC should probably stamp that out.

Especially after this year where Iowa and New Hampshire had shit-all to say about who the eventual nominee was.

I can see why you'd want to stagger it out (give lesser-known candidates a chance to gain momentum), but then again, think of how many candidates we had this year, and it still boiled down to the two with near-100% name recognition, the former Vice President and the runner-up in the last primary. I don't think it's working lol

What does the DNC have to do with the times states choose to hold their primaries? It's up to the states to decide it.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie being kept nonviable in MS? How do you manage to do WORSE there four years later? Disregarding him going up to bat for white racists in the state. ...Actually, not disregarding that. Why on God's green earth would you do that.

I'm so tired
As you said, there's the whole defending Mississippi whites as not being racist.

And then there's the thing that I was saying over the weekend that folks really wanted to ignore.



Joe Biden visits Mississippi church, college: 'This is a battle for the soul of America'

The former vice president is in Jackson two days before Mississippians cast ballots in the Democratic presidential primary.


Event with Bernie Sanders

Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and the event starts at 6:00 p.m. This event is hosted by Students for Bernie at University of Michigan.

Sanders is in trouble in Michigan, yes, but he's still close there and
• 7 p.m. on Friday, March 6, at Detroit's TCF Center (Hall C and D)

• 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 7, at Dearborn's Salina Intermediate School

• 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 8, at Grand Rapids' Calder Plaz

• 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 8, at Ann Arbor's University of Michigan Diag
He's been there all weekend. Meanwhile he's close to being rendered nonviable in Mississippi and what is he doing about it?

Sanders cancels Mississippi visit, Biden still set to visit on Sunday - News Mississippi

Update #2: Bernie Sanders has canceled his appearance in Mississippi, according to his campaign. The Democratic Presidential hopeful was supposed to appear at the Two Mississippi Museums on Friday, but he will instead travel to Michigan. Update #1 Joe Biden won’t be the only Democratic...

This is why Sanders is losing and this is why people saying Biden isn't actually campaigning don't know what they're talking about.


Nov 9, 2017
Again, should have been a slam dunk hypothetical, anything that gets past Pelosi is going to have had some serious considerations and details already. It almost speaks to a lack of faith in his potential own House and Senate. Like, the House is under pretty traditional Democratic control and the Senate will probably be the same come November. Anything that passes both the House and the Senate would be very much the same people who Biden continues to work closely with and agree with on ideological lanes. It's just saying I trust the party that supports me to make the right decisions and a good bill for this theoretical M4A that passes both chambers. There's no reason to think it wouldn't have the details by that point in the process.

Exactly? Which is why it's absurd to think that his answer meant that he'd veto the bill. That's obvious to Biden, but his answer wasn't for his benefit or for the benefit of the people that want M4A no matter what, his answer was for the people that are apprehensive about M4A because they think its too costly, and since you've looked at that exit poll data you know that support in many places hovers between 50-60% so that's 40-50% against.

That answer was to assuage the fears of that 40-50%. That he wouldn't sign anything that increased costs for them.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
It's like you're choosing to interpret his words in the most generous way possible
Alternatively it's like they're choosing to read a politician as politicking.

Leftists and the well informed aren't the only people whose votes are needed in November and giving Trump a soundbite for his talking points is a bigger problem at this point than giving Sanders one.


Nov 8, 2017
Maybe Biden doesn't think we're going to turn the senate this fall?

The hypothetical offered to him was that either Bernie OR WARREN'S plan makes it through BOTH the House and Senate. This is the perfect dream scenario, not whatever deflection you're inferring. He then pretends that the cost savings to the middle class wouldn't exist to poison the well and make his nightmare ACA band-aid solution seem more sane. He replaces the hypothetical with a strawman.


It's as bad as it sounds, folks. "I'd raise the minimum wage if I could guarantee, by some miracle, that it doesn't give everyone Herpes!"
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Nov 13, 2017
Literally half the country hasn't voted yet and there hasn't even been a 1v1 debate yet. I don't understand why Sanders can't have another week in the race at least.

Of the remaining states, the math just doesn't work for Bernie. There is literally no chance he can win the nomination at this point. He is wasting everyone's time and burning his supporter's money.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
What has the turnout been like for republicans voting for trump this season?
Trump has been breaking primary records despite running essentially unopposed. Wouldn't get too confident about November just yet tbh.. In fact a lot of the states Biden cleaned up in will most likely stay red anyway. Would rather focus on the rust belt and Florida specifically.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I'm good with Sanders staying in to fuel the downballot in other states as long as he doesn't go negative. There's no point to that now save hurting us in November.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2018
Mod edit: removed link to extremely suspect Twitter account
When even Jake Tapper sees it.

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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Following politics since I was seven years old. Unaccounted for variables can and will ruin my long term predictions, but that close to the day? Nah.
I still can't believe no one pointed out the optics of canceling a black aimed event to go hang out with Fox and Friends.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump has been breaking primary records despite running essentially unopposed. Wouldn't get too confident about November just yet tbh.. In fact a lot of the states Biden cleaned up in will most likely stay red anyway. Would rather focus on the rust belt and Florida specifically.
I also read that he's mostly only getting that high turnout in states that already have other big primaries, like Alabama's senate primary. Is that true? I might have just read it from a poster in this thread so I dunno how true it is

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
I now understand why leftists go nuclear on Twitter, this kind of take is infuriating. It both ignores the actual real-world cost savings of switching to M4A and it easing the suffering of 300+ million American citizens being fleeced by a parasitic insurance industry. It's like you're choosing to interpret his words in the most generous way possible while also saying things like "without any further detail" like these plans, both Bernie's and Warren's, haven't been painstakingly explained over and over again. This is the presumptive Democratic nominee saying he would fight his own party to retain a healthcare system that inherently exploits every American citizen. This is not a thing to "Eh" at.

Exactly! Thank you!

The hypothetical is "so you've lost control of your agenda. Congress has decided to pass a bill that will cost 34 trillion over 10 years. You haven't had a hand in crafting this bill because you didn't support it in the first place. This will cause monumental shifts in the economy and you've already announced you oppose this policy on cost grounds. Would you sign the bill?"

Yeah, getting mad at Biden for this completely predictable answer is pretty silly. If basic political conversation makes you want to "go nuclear" maybe take a break.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Mod edit: removed link to extrmely suspect Twitter account.
When even Jake Tapper sees it.

If Fox News wasn't so transparent I would say he has a point. (Yes i know tapper is CNN) But it's painfully obvious Fox (and GOP) wanted Bernie to win because it much easier to scare the Americans public about evil socialist over the next 6 months than "sleepy joe"
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Of the remaining states, the math just doesn't work for Bernie. There is literally no chance he can win the nomination at this point. He is wasting everyone's time and burning his supporter's money.
I definitely agree that he shouldn't run the board and waste everyone's time for three months.

One week. Let him get smashed in Florida.


Oct 28, 2017
Is there any justification for not just treating primaries like the general at this point? Just have them all be on one day so we cut this whole process down and candidates have to genuinely win and lose outright instead of having to rely on momentum and narratives across multiple weeks of wildly different states voting and shaping the narrative? You know, as opposed to Iowa of all places getting an enormous weight (it didn't happen this time, but in any other cycle it would have).
National elections are really expensive. It's a large country geographically and in terms of population.

There could be different solutions, though. I personally favor doubling the number of early vote states (with most of the new ones being midsize at best) and proceeding with only clustered election days like Super Tuesday going forward. The primary should be over by the end of March at the latest.
Biden will net you Florida's 29 Electoral Votes come November

Sanders can't beat Trump in Florida
Probably not, but if COVID 19 continues to grow worse as an epidemic and as a financial disruptor I think even Bernie could take it by a clear 2-3 point margin.
Seriously, though, what is going on in WA?
They really enjoy staying at 69%.
Someone has to find a way to get the PR's in Florida engaged. Both Biden and Sanders are crushing Trump in that poll among Puerto Rican's. If you could get them to turn out like the Cubans or Venezuelans then the entire FL map changes.
AOC would definitely be an asset in Floridian Puerto Rican communities.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
It's going to be really weird to have the scrappy middle class warrior vs the New York elitist millionaire.

And have it switching parties from normal.
Aug 12, 2019
Bernie staying in serves to help more down ballot races and also to test Biden in a 1v1 capacity and also arguably keep attention away from the general since once we have an absolutely clear nominee, the GOP war machine goes all in to an insane degree. We'll unify when it's time, but we have to work through the process, lest you alienate the voters coming out for Bernie right now. People may say that Bernie needed to build better in roads with older voters, but Biden has done very little to do the same with younger voters and he'll need them to win in the General even if many of the younger voters do understand the need to remove Trump.

If "Bernie or Bust Bros" are such a problematic base of support, then pissing them off by refusing to debate or trying to force him out before we've really passed the point of no return (this election cycle flipped in a week, so, it's incredibly volatile as is and that's the lane Sanders needs to communicate in staying in I think) sounds like a terrible way to go about things. Let this next week happen. If Biden is a strong enough candidate, he has literally nothing to lose from it. And as many people have pointed out, if he can't handle a minor offensive from the left on his record and behaviors, he's going to get demolished in the general, so it's also best to test him on this now.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Mod edit: removed link to extrmely suspect Twitter account.
When even Jake Tapper sees it.


absolutely shit take that ignores a lot of voter agency, the fact that Bush was popular, the fact that turnout was up, and Bernie's rather costly mistakes in putting his economic message above certain types of basic outreach like going to Selma and offering excuses for white Mississippi republicans or as mentioned above cancelling an event aimed at Black voters to pal with Fox and Friends.
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Nov 9, 2017
The hypothetical offered to him was that either Bernie OR WARREN'S plan makes it through BOTH the House and Senate. This is the perfect dream scenario, not whatever deflection you're inferring. He then pretends that the cost savings to the middle class wouldn't exist to poison the well and make his nightmare ACA band-aid solution seem more sane. He replaces the hypothetical with a strawman.


It's as bad as it sounds, folks. "I'd raise the minimum wage if I could guarantee, by some miracle, that it doesn't give everyone Herpes!"

Except Biden wouldn't need to be persuaded to raise the minimum wage because a $15 minimum wage has always been one of his proposed policies during his campaign.
Oct 27, 2017
I now understand why leftists go nuclear on Twitter, this kind of take is infuriating. It both ignores the actual real-world cost savings of switching to M4A and it easing the suffering of 300+ million American citizens being fleeced by a parasitic insurance industry. It's like you're choosing to interpret his words in the most generous way possible while also saying things like "without any further detail" like these plans, both Bernie's and Warren's, haven't been painstakingly explained over and over again. This is the presumptive Democratic nominee saying he would fight his own party to retain a healthcare system that inherently exploits every American citizen. This is not a thing to "Eh" at.

Exactly! Thank you!

Your posts alone do a much better job of highlighting what needs to be immediately addressed than the candidates did ("people shouldn't have to beg to save their lives", "why does deciding how we pay for things seem so arbitrary").

That's a problem, and it is squarely on all the candidates who have ran. Every single debate has muddied the message on healthcare. Only one person was clear on how rich people can pay for it, and it wasn't Sanders. And really, only one person was clear on how you can get something right away - and that was Biden, of all candidates ("you're automatically enrolled"). All this has not been fair to those who need it, or to those who want it.
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