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Oct 25, 2017
TBH, the winging about appearing on fox is kinda... pointless? Like, I don't think it's a positive but are we gonna pretend that fox's ratings are gonna be any worse without a Bernie Sanders town hall?
The timing of "Warren drops out, Media Matters explain how Warren got the candidates to boycott Fox, Sanders does Fox Town Hall once Warren is out of race" was pretty blatant.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
You know what guys. I've decided I won't vote for Hillary this year.

There's gotta be better ways to make your point aside from avatar shaming.


Oct 27, 2017
You do realize the Townhall was on Fox right?

I do and what about it? I'm not sure what difference that makes to what I said and was responding to.

Alternative take: A choice between a "true progressive" and a neo-nazi loving Republican would result in the Republican win.

I'm genuinely sympathetic - I'm 42 years old, and yet I can honestly see that before I die the ice-caps will be irrecoverably damaged, the South American rainforests will be destroyed, and water will become a scarce resource.

And yet I look at the UK, where Corbyn repeatedly refused to step-down, and think "Fuck me, yes, incrementalism would mean that there wouldn't be a sub-class of people who have to choose between food and heating, and where legitimate British citizens were deported to a country they have never seen in their lives". If you ask me if I would rather have an incrementalist Centre-Left/Left leader in power, or a Left/Socialist leader forever tilting at windmills, then I would say I'm not heartless, and would rather the lives of some of the most vulnerable were improved than a right-wing government continue to shit on the poors whilst making money.

Once again, I understand where you're coming from, but you have to see that "Bernie is the only one who can save us" 1) only works if a voting majority believes that, and 2) dismisses the needs of the many until that one moment when the stars align and everything can be improved for everyone.

The centrist political establishment and media will always do their best to stop someone like Sanders from winning. It makes sense. He is not in their best interests. However, we are still in a close primary and yet I see normal people who are supposedly progressive sit here and shit on the one person remaining who has any sort of left principles. Now these people are either true believers in centrist politics (we know the regulars in this thread who are) or they are those who have been browbeaten or scared with straight up lies or half truths into supporting the wrong candidate by the media class and establishment. A candidate who fails to live up to their own progressive standards. Just some of those lies and half truths being "voters won't vote for a socialist", "Biden is a safe choice because Southern states (who's votes won't matter in the general) are up in their voter turnout!", "America is too racist to enact policies that benefit everyone" etc.

So you're a dick to anyone who isn't a Sanders supporter? Like, I'm not sure how else to read this, especially when you throw Warren into the pile for some reason.

Obviously it depends on who I'm talking to. People who know better I would say yes I have little patience for. Random person I talk to on the street who I don't know that is like "yeah I'm going Joe Biden because I like Obama and I think we need someone like that to beat Trump" I wouldn't be a dick to. It would frustrate me a bit, but I don't know much about them otherwise so I would listen to their concerns. But person who posts a lot in threads like this? Who clearly watches a lot of news media and essentially claims to know a lot about all this? Or some NYT columnist on Twitter vouching for Joe? Yeah I'll be as dickish as is permissible. Warren I was increasingly iffy on until this past week. Now yes I would be a dick to her and maybe her supporters, again depending on what they are saying. Whatever that actually means when we are talking about public figures who are trying to work for us. I assume saying she betrayed the progressive movement and will go down as one of the most disappointing candidates in history for the American left would be considered dickish which i'm fine with.


Oct 29, 2017
Feels like Trump has totally lost the plot on this coronavirus outbreak.

Starting to feel like it's the Democratic nominee's to lose.


Oct 25, 2017
The centrist political establishment and media will always do their best to stop someone like Sanders from winning. It makes sense. He is not in their best interests. However, we are still in a close primary and yet I see normal people who are supposedly progressive sit here and shit on the one person remaining who has any sort of left principles. Now these people are either true believers in centrist politics (we know the regulars in this thread who are) or they are those who have been browbeaten or scared with straight up lies or half truths into supporting the wrong candidate by the media class and establishment. A candidate who fails to live up to their own progressive standards. Just some of those lies and half truths being "voters won't vote for a socialist", "Biden is a safe choice because Southern states (who's votes won't matter in the general) are up in their voter turnout!", "America is too racist to enact policies that benefit everyone" etc.

I've just given you an example of the socialists bread-and-butter - white working class in non-capital cities - not voting for a progressive, and that is due in no small part to racism/xenophobia. Corbyn - who many were comparing to Bernie - lost. And Bernie is in worse shape than Corbyn, because at least the youth turned out for Corbyn.

Also, this:

The centrist political establishment and media will always do their best to stop someone like Sanders from winning.

is life. If you can't win a Primary, how do you expect to win a general?

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017


Dec 3, 2019

Data for Progress on Twitter

“Michigan Results: Biden - 59 Sanders - 38 Gabbard - 2 Idaho Results: Biden - 51 Sanders - 47 Gabbard - 1 N: 320 MI, 329 ID, fielded 3/7 to 3/9 text to web”

DFP polls for Michigan and Idaho.

Biden - 59 Sanders - 38 Gabbard - 2

Biden - 51 Sanders - 47 Gabbard - 1


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I can't abide by people who say Warren betrayed the progressive cause

1) Warren headed the CFPB.
2) Warren stuck to her guns with Fox News costing them upfront ad buys.
3) Warren put out meaningful achievable plans to M4A.
4) Warren has been consistently for enhancing gun regulation and safety laws.
5) Has established relationships with a large network of democratic legislators in order to get progressive legislation through
6) doesn't feel comfortable endorsing either candidate right now

1) Has more than a few times voted in line with what gun manufacturers and the NRA want
2) appeared on Fox News frequently in town halls even when no other candidate participates.
3) has constantly trashed potential allies as establishment if they take an action not in line with his approach

I don't see how you can make the claim it's Warren who is betraying progressive causes unless you say the progressive cause is Bernie himself and not his policies.
Oct 27, 2017

Data for Progress on Twitter

“Michigan Results: Biden - 59 Sanders - 38 Gabbard - 2 Idaho Results: Biden - 51 Sanders - 47 Gabbard - 1 N: 320 MI, 329 ID, fielded 3/7 to 3/9 text to web”

DFP polls for Michigan and Idaho.

Biden - 59 Sanders - 38 Gabbard - 2

Biden - 51 Sanders - 47 Gabbard - 1

Another 20+ poll win in Michigan and Idaho finally leaning Biden.
Oct 26, 2017
You know what guys. I've decided I won't vote for Hillary this year.

There's gotta be better ways to make your point aside from avatar shaming.

Avatar shaming is doing something along the lines of thinking all people with anime avatars are creeps. Asking why people are using the avatars of a slave using transphobe on a site that's supposed to be inclusive seems like a fair question?


Oct 25, 2017
One thing I'd note is that young people don't care about primaries, either because they're not politically involved enough or they don't know what they are, how important they are, or when they are. Even regular general election voters don't necessarily care about primaries. We can guess that youth turnout might have been bad in November with Bernie, but it might not have been. It's hard to say because there's not a lot of precedent to look at.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the question I keep asking.

Some combination of belief in the anti-establishment vote, and Bernie polling we'll head to head against Trump. It is a weird tone that some Sanders supporters take, as if the primary is some trivial hurdle as long as he can gin up a plurality. If he was only electable in a wide field of a bunch of candidates splitting the vote, then he wasn't really electable. And it's why Biden snapped up everything else so seamlessly and easily.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Avatar shaming is doing something along the lines of thinking all people with anime avatars are creeps. Asking why people are using the avatars of a slave using transphobe on a site that's supposed to be inclusive seems like a fair question?

If you think it violates the rules you should report it. Deflecting criticism to "no u" based on their avatar isn't really conducive to discussion.

Also, Hillary "half ass" apologized for the transphobic stuff for whatever that's worth.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
One thing I'd note is that young people don't care about primaries, either because they're not politically involved enough or they don't know what they are, how important they are, or when they are. Even regular general election voters don't necessarily care about primaries. We can guess that youth turnout might have been bad in November with Bernie, but it might not have been. It's hard to say because there's not a lot of precedent to look at.
We know how the youth turnout is in other elections. This isn't a primary-only thing.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's looking like we got 4 years of Trump because Obama convinced Biden not to run in '16.
lol no

Looks like Biden is going to have an '18-like wave election that gives Dems control of the Senate. How about if we all vote for the candidate and get to repairing the judiciary?

Sure, but just imagine how powerful the party and a large grassroots movement working together to make progressive change would be. Unfortunately we get one or the other because everything is sports teams.
Fuck all sports and sports thinking tbh. I've written before about how much more potent I think Sanders could have been if he'd dedicated himself to transforming the party from the inside, AOC-style.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
User banned (until July 22nd): trolling and baiting, 2nd violation of the staff post
I am amused that talking about a current candidate for office has questions regarding his ability to govern instantly causes deflections to a users avatar.

That is very constructive conversation, maybe Sanders should use that when he's given a tough question? Just talk about Clinton!
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