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Oct 25, 2017
arguably, the corporate media is one of the main reasons Trump IS in office.

ratings. they could not keep the cameras off of him in 2016. Can't stop talking about him today. And media can't really do anything about conviction and removal, but they can and do produce a narrative. Explain how else Bloomberg is being taken seriously? advertisements and media exposure alone have done powerful things.
How is Bloomberg powerful? He has 60 B dollars and has flooded super Tuesday with ads and it has seemed as though Biden was getting stomped for months, thus the room for a moderate to rise. It isn't CNN/MSNBC/etc. that did that, I have never in my life seen more paid ads by a candidate in my life. Its like I live in Iowa but I live in fucking Texas and see a Bloomberg mail add 1-2x a day.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm so done with politics, the fact that people are able to support Joe Biden as a candidate to beat Trump after Hilary losing blows my fuckin mind. The fact that Bloomberg can spend 550 million dollars to get delegates in an election and nobody sees anything wrong with that blows my fuckin mind.

In all of CNNs exit polls people want huge economic changes and medicare for all yet Biden is winning the states. I'm going to vote this last election and just be done because clearly America can't get it's shit together. There are two candidates that could've actually fixed things and neither of them is winning even though most their ideas poll extremely well by democrats independents and republicans.

Boutta just worry about getting rich before I die from not being able to afford medicine.


Alt Account
Jan 30, 2020
I don't think Biden has been running as a "do nothing candidate" that would be pretty silly of him tbh


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Those of you saying you won't vote for Biden in the general aren't really allies or progressives I'd argue.

You're just tribalists.


Oct 29, 2017
I remember for years and years, Joe Biden had a reputation as being very liberal member of Congress. Now somehow he is equivalent to Trump... Huh? His policies are nothing like Trump, if anyone who bother to read them.
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (1 week): ignoring modpost in regards to conspiracy theories
People saying "Well MORE PEOPLE just wanted Biden!" are ignoring the obvious ploy that was the last-second drop outs and endorsements by Buttigieg and Klobuchar. They were turned into sacrificial lambs at the behest of the DNC because they saw Biden win one state and saw they had one chance to stop Sanders. Buttigieg was ahead of Biden in multiple states and he just up and dropped out like that? It's more than coincidental.

The DNC wants Sanders stopped, plain and simple, and they're willing to sacrifice generations of goodwill and elections if it means stopping the party from going further left. They'd rather see Trump in office than Bernie. They make more money that way.


Oct 25, 2017
this is actually, completely, false. The systemic problems the US face have been present for centuries, not just since trump got elected in 2016, and include the DNC as well.

I'm a little surprised that this hasn't sunk in yet to the majority after four years. If you don't want whatever good policies Biden brings to the table to be undone again once the next republican gets back in office, the system and the wheels that power it (money) need to change. Unfortunately, Biden is not the one to do bring that change. So it's just a matter of time for that seesaw to go back to where we are today, even if he clutches it out against Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
People are seeing Biden as a continuation and through line of Obama. And rank and file Democrats want that.
I don't know. I was all for that in 2016, but I don't think that's good enough now. Even if he does get the nomination and win he's going to have to spend a lot of time and political capital just trying to undo the 4 years of damage from Trump. Pragmatism and half measures with an increasingly hostile, just shy of fascist opposing party doesn't really seem like it's going to cut it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A true socialist movement in the United States was always going to need more than a single President who was only a leftist when compared to all the other assholes running for office in this country. It was also going to need to exist and thrive outside of simply electoral politics and especially outside of national politics. Those are words that I'd stand by even if Sanders won every remaining delegate. A Sanders victory would be great for changing the conversation about what's possible in this country (and would also save an unimaginable number of lives on an international level) but it was never going to permanently change the capitalist, imperialist, white supremacist soul of this nation. That fight is a much larger one, and it's one that won't end tonight.

Well said

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
jeebus this thread is something

yall got like 8 months to get it together, dems were winking at bloomberg for a little bit there as a not-sanders option, biden is bad and the implications for the democratic party going with part 2 electric boogaloo are awful but good lord vote trump out


Oct 29, 2017
Does it matter? If the head of the DNC supported Biden, does it actually matter? The people are voting, and if they vote for Sanders he wins.
Of course it matters. It's all a numbers game. If Pete and Klob stay in, Warren drops and endorses Bernie with the side of the party, they split the moderate vote and Bernie walks to the nomination.

I thought the conspiracy shit in 2016 was absurd, but it was pretty transparent what was going on this time and I suspect it will have a lingering effect and be part of what gives us another 4 years of Trump.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You know damn well that if the DNC backed Bernie in the same way they are united to take him down with their golden boy Biden, that he'd easily be the front runner and would actually have a chance of taking down Trump.
Because it's the DNC's fault that Bernie didn't expand his coalition past what he had in 2016. It's the DNC's fault that Bernie didn't really improve his numbers with Black voters from what he had in 2016, leading to almost the exact same situation from 4 years ago once again.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Tampa FL
So you think young people are a hive-mind or something? That the 21 year old college student who is politically active is the exact same as the 18 year old just-out-of-high school delinquent who couldn't care less about politics? Because only if you believe that can you truly say that "young people aren't voting."

Seriously it's like every single potential reason for "why people don't vote," is thrown out as soon as the age gets too low. Can't be education, voter suppression, messaging or policy: Nope, it's all the fault of those damn young folk.
Hes not saying it, Bernie and the exit polls are.


alt account
Jan 25, 2020
We need a green new deal so bad. Biden won't do fuck all about climate change. We are all fucked. This planet will be unlivable by the end of the century if we don't take drastic action now. We cant wait another decade for a real progressive to take office.


Oct 26, 2017
Is he really? At least Trump hasn't started any new wars yet, even if he has come close. Obama/Biden had drones and special forces bombing and maiming people all over Africa and the middle east. Shit, at least Trump is finally getting us out of Afghanistan. Obama should have done that his first term and closed down Guantanamo Bay. Of course, he failed to deliver on those promises. Then there was the illegal mass surveillance program...sheesh. I'm not seeing much of an improvement here if Biden plays on being Obama 2.0.

Wtf are you talking about? Trump made Nazis a thing again, completely crippled the world order, crippled the global economy, crippling the planet with his anti-environmental policies. Trump has made the Middle East situation even worse with his and Jared's godawful decisions. Trump has also propped up Kim Jong Un and Putin to the detriment of long time allies such as the EU, Canada, Japan and South Korea.


Jun 10, 2018
People saying "Well MORE PEOPLE just wanted Biden!" are ignoring the obvious ploy that was the last-second drop outs and endorsements by Buttigieg and Klobuchar. They were turned into sacrificial lambs at the behest of the DNC because they saw Biden win one state and saw they had one chance to stop Sanders. Buttigieg was ahead of Biden in multiple states and he just up and dropped out like that? It's more than coincidental.

The DNC wants Sanders stopped, plain and simple, and they're willing to sacrifice generations of goodwill and elections if it means stopping the party from going further left. They'd rather see Trump in office than Bernie. They make more money that way.



Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie loses the primary to this degree I'm not sure why a home would think he would have stood a chance in the GE


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
I'm so done with politics, the fact that people are able to support Joe Biden as a candidate to beat Trump after Hilary losing blows my fuckin mind. The fact that Bloomberg can spend 550 million dollars to get delegates in an election and nobody sees anything wrong with that blows my fuckin mind.

In all of CNNs exit polls people want huge economic changes and medicare for all yet Biden is winning the states. I'm going to vote this last election and just be done because clearly America can't get it's shit together. There are two candidates that could've actually fixed things and neither of them is winning even though most their ideas poll extremely well by democrats independents and republicans.

Boutta just worry about getting rich before I die from not being able to afford medicine.

Don't give up man. Vote local and vote for your beliefs. Keep up the fight man


Oct 25, 2017
Except for the fact that Biden can absolutely beat Trump.

This idea that Biden getting the nomination means an instant win for Trump is factually wrong and not based in reality. Step outside of your bubble.
I mean really though. People live in their Era bubble and forget there is a whole country out there.


Oct 31, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario, CA
Fuck tonight.

I can't get over that some people look at Biden and go "that's my guy". He's an awful human and terrible piece of shit. Worst of all, he's going to lose to Trump.

Nobody is excited to vote for Biden like Trump's base is excited to vote for him.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know. I was all for that in 2016, but I don't think that's good enough now. Even if he does get the nomination and win he's going to have to spend a lot of time and political capital just trying to undo the 4 years of damage from Trump. Pragmatism and half measures with an increasing hostile, just shy of fascist opposing party doesn't really seem like it's going to cut it.
Maybe, but it's surely better than leaving Trump to do even more damage?


Oct 25, 2017
It makes my head hurt when other Dems accuse others in the party who implore them to still vote for expired Biden as "being in it just for the told you so's." Like I'm becoming extremely put off by our political system and much of it is because of how some in the "left leaning" party cant see that sometimes, you HAVE to drink the expired milk before you can move forward. Revolutions don't happen anymore. Not in this sedated and overworked age we live in. The only way change is made is through painfully slow as fuck progress, or unfortunate(sometimes avoidable) catastrophe.

Occasionally a candidate comes along with strong support who could change things for the better, but the reality is the masses arent ready for such "radical" change yet.
And so those ideas trickle into public discourse for the next time around. In the meantime we drink the expired milk, knowing that we survived and avoided the shit sandwich. I would love for some zeitgeist to occur overnight that gets young voters out and changes the minds of many a moderate, but in reality that will not happen. Not in this country.

So if it comes to it, vote for expired biden to avoid shit sandwich trump and wait for 5 star sub AOC or other to push us further away from the stone ages. Thems the breaks yall.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Also, why is it doom and gloom in here? There are a bunch of states that Bernie is going to win in the latter half of the night.

Like Bernie is winning Texas right now...

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People saying "Well MORE PEOPLE just wanted Biden!" are ignoring the obvious ploy that was the last-second drop outs and endorsements by Buttigieg and Klobuchar. They were turned into sacrificial lambs at the behest of the DNC because they saw Biden win one state and saw they had one chance to stop Sanders. Buttigieg was ahead of Biden in multiple states and he just up and dropped out like that? It's more than coincidental.

The DNC wants Sanders stopped, plain and simple, and they're willing to sacrifice generations of goodwill and elections if it means stopping the party from going further left. They'd rather see Trump in office than Bernie. They make more money that way.
Moderate democrats dropped out and endorsed the most promising moderate candidate in the race


Oct 29, 2017
I mean are we just already pretending that two non-Bernie candidates strategically dropped out and endorsed Biden right before Super Tuesday while Warren stayed in place and started playing spoiler?

Are you pretending that candidates strategically withdrawing and endorsing candidates they share more ideological with is untoward? Are you also then pretending that Warren's voteshare has been anywhere close to making up the delta between Biden and Bernie in the states Bernie is getting stomped on?


Dec 25, 2017
I don't like Bloomberg but his TV spots are so good. I can understand why he is getting votes. I wish more people followed politics so he wouldn't get most of those votes.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
yeah all I can say is if Biden wins y'all on the right wing of the democratic party who keep responding with bile to everyone who says they won't vote for Biden in the general will get your threads back. you will definitely be able to have these poliera threads as an echo chamber to yourself and drive out those evil lefties who disagree with you by screaming at them and being super toxic but you won't get our votes. sorry. we will just silently not vote for him and stop participating in these political threads.

if y'all want to lose to Trump but have the purity of Era threads to yourself where you can scream "fuck non-voters!!!! fuck non-voters!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH" at the top of your lungs while casting your vote for the Corn Pop Crusher than fine, go all out. but if you want to actually have a chance of convincing some people like myself who are extremely skeptical of voting for Biden (to say the least) then yelling "fuck you" and telling people to check their non-voter privilege or whatever despite the fact that many of those people come from marginalized communities and do not remotely have the "privilege" your bullshit narrative caricatures them with.
I don't like and don't want Biden. But people are rightfully very, very scared of what a Trump second term would look like and they need and want your help. Keep pushing, keep showing up. I'm hoping Biden chooses a progressive VP, wins then doesn't stay in office too long.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand being disappointed that your preferred candidate isn't pulling ahead.

But to go "fuck this, if X doesn't win I won't vote"? All these meltdowns are frankly embarrassing.

Honestly, I understand why people would be frustrated. We're not talking about small differences in policy here. Bernie getting elected could potentially mean a historic, near revolutionary change for the United States. It would benefit low income people and in fact everybody. I'm not even American, but looking from the outside, I think giving up Bernie (or Warren, really) is akin to going back to the dark ages.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm not panicking just yet. Bernie has a good shot at winning Texas, that's huge. No reason to freak out just yet.
Oct 25, 2017
Lol AOC is just as angry and polarizing as Bernie.

I know no one here wants to believe it but hate him or not Pete is the solution to convincing moderates to go progressive. It's not as exciting as going all the way with the Bern, but progress is not always through the exciting solution.

Biden loves Pete. If he defeats Trump I'm hoping he can convince him into progressive solutions involving Healthcare and Climate
Lmao Pete was the most old-fashioned politician in the late race after the literal centrist VP.
Bernie winning non-white voters in MA. The tide is turning sisters!
B-b-but Blacks hate Bernie!
It's not propaganda, it's demonstrably true. Bernie has been given multiple chances to go into detail about his plans, such as his healthcare plan during interviews and debates, and he shrugs it off and goes back into his stump speech.
Yeah this is just factually untrue. He has gone into detail multiple times on town halls and online. If your health plan is simple enough to detail in full in a 70 second debate answer, it's not a good plan.
Jayapal ... I love her but she's ineligible because foreign-born citizen. :(
Ah i forgot, that sucks.


Mar 21, 2019
bernie winning TX narrowly due to Bloomberg spoiling biden would probably be a phyrric victory at this point. Bloomberg will drop out tomorrow and then Biden just romps in FL and GA
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