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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Biden is favored for a majority

Bernie is favored for a plurality

... their model is fucked lmao. Tomorrow is gonna make their graph look like an etch a sketch.
I mean, the model is trash, but both can be true. If the logic is that: if things break Biden's way on ST he'll be more likely to get a majority than Bernie Sanders. However, Bernie is more likely to take a plurality overall, though he's unlikely to get a majority.


Nov 18, 2017
Just seen an NHK World segment on Bernie. Saw some people speaking Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic to others hoping to gain votes for Bernie. Good stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
If Liz gives even half a shit about progressivism in America, she will drop out and endorse now. But she doesn't and she won't.
Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.
Oct 25, 2017
Wait a second, a SINGLE supporter was booing press and said press, notoriously against Bernie for the past year, is trying to spin it into another Bernie Bros thing?

Jesus Christ they deserve for every voter in America to boo them.


Aug 1, 2019
I think Joe and Bernie are on equal footing.

Joe has a Bloomberg problem.
Bernie has a Warren problem.
If Bloomberg drops Sanders is going to have a Bloomberg money problem.

Probably all Russians though, right?

Chuck Todd tried to warn us...

I agree, that was unfair. Let me edit - judging from the reaction on this thread, the vast majority of Sander's supporters on this forum seem to agree with the Senator that every employee of the Washington Post, even if they had worked there before he bought that paper, are all part of Jeff Bezo's personal goon squad.
Bezos didn't pay people to be his goons. He bought a media outlet because they were already doing the things he'd like a media outlet to do.
I wish there were more time before my state's primary to see if Sanders actually went in this direction. Responding in a Trump-like manner to reporters and fostering that atmosphere in his supporters. If he did, I'd change my primary vote to Biden so quickly. But I have no idea if he would evolve in that direction, and Super Tuesday is tomorrow, yay....
I don't think you have to worry about Sanders becoming fascist-like. Call it a hunch.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if the moderate voltron memeing will end up like the Michael Cohen "Who says?" "The polls. Most of them. All of them." bit.


Nov 18, 2017
Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.
There are multiple approaches, but one approach is pretty much dead in the water as sad as that is. I've never lied when I said I would gladly vote for Warren (even though I really really preferred Bernie), which is why I've never really attacked her like I do other candidates. Still, we're going to need everyone to beat Biden.

Anyone who likes Warren should not vote for Biden. I'm assuming people are voting for her because of her progressive values of which Bernie is closer than Biden.

In the case of Bloomberg, at this point it's good for Bernie that he's in. However, his millions and dropping out will massively help out Biden, which is scary.
Oct 26, 2017
Wait a second, a SINGLE supporter was booing press and said press, notoriously against Bernie for the past year, is trying to spin it into another Bernie Bros thing?

Jesus Christ they deserve for every voter in America to boo them.

Why would one Sander's fan be mad at the mainstream press when it's gone as far to say he'll be executing people in Central Park? The absurdity. Clearly the civility of this one person is more important than universe healthcare, killing black people at home, education, the wealth gap, and murdering brown people abroad.

Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.

Well, America has one shot at a progressive candidate right now whilst Warren's providing a shield for Biden which kind of seems she isn't too fussed about the 'progressive agenda'. Plus, if Bernie got to respond first he'd probably be doing just as well against Bloomberg in the debates.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie bros finally got to Matthews. We should have seen this tragedy coming

Not sure, why don't you ask the person yelling

i would love to. i'd be more interested in hearing what they had to say about it than see folks say "it's ok to yell at folks because their coworkers, who they may or may not have ever interacted with, were critical of Bernie Sanders"
Oct 27, 2017
Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.

This is really where we at? Lmao. Warren's effect on the voting and delegate totals is infinitely more important than her attacking Bloomberg on stage (and her second go already showcased diminishing returns), and it's not like Sanders can't handle him alone. AND Bloomberg might very well not be relevant by Wednesday.

The only reason I'm not furious at Warren is because Biden is operating with a similar handicap. If this is Sanders v Biden v Warren no amount of weird logic is going to make Warren any more dignified.
Oct 25, 2017
Man I sure wonder what set all those Bros off to hate the media, kinda like Trump does.

Haven't the slightest clue at all. Seems pretty irrational.


Nov 18, 2017


They are who we thought they were.


Sep 4, 2019
The longer this primary goes on, and the better Biden's odds look against Bernie Sanders, the more resigned I am at the future of a second term of Donald Trump. I am by no means rolling onto my back ready for defeat, but in the event that it happens, I will not nearly be as surprised as I was in 2016.


Oct 28, 2017
Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.

As it stands, it's going to be really tough for the one progressive candidate which has a strong diverse coalition of support.

The multiple approach is a losing strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I sure wonder what set all those Bros off to hate the media, kinda like Trump does.

Haven't the slightest clue at all. Seems pretty irrational.

is this the tweet you meant to post because i'm not sure "yelling at random people in the press pool at a rally" is the correct response to "meg mccain, daughter of john mccain, criticized bernie sanders"

People in this thread should listen to AOC

i love that AOC reads my era posts!


Oct 27, 2017
When Obama officially endorses Biden, its over. I don't think Bernie can beat that.


Oct 8, 2018
Turns out that "progressivism in America" isn't limited to Bernie Sanders and there can be multiple approaches. Plus, as I've said, she's staying in to combat Bloomberg. She's much more powerful against him than Bernie is.

Give me some of these "multiple approaches." Because right now, the only way to get a progressive in the White House in November is with a clean win (either a significant plurality or an outright majority). She's sure as shit not going to get that, and her presence in states like CA, for example, is just soaking up delegates from the only other progressive in the race.

A brokered convention giving the nomination to anyone but the leading candidate is absolute suicide, both for this election and the party.

And "well actually she's trying to stop Bloomberg" when when the guy's already lost, and is now only serving to siphon off Biden voters, is a real galaxy brain take.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Man I sure wonder what set all those Bros off to hate the media, kinda like Trump does.

Haven't the slightest clue at all. Seems pretty irrational.

I'm not sure even Meghan McCain's family takes her seriously anymore. Bernie doesn't lean into the media hatred the way Trump does. It's important to add context and not just bash anyone that disagrees with you. If someone's being an insincere shit, I get being frustrated, but there are plenty of people who simply are just not as informed as we all are. Even people on TV.


Oct 27, 2017
Started feeling sick this weekend and stayed home from work today, I tried to vote Saturday but I missed that early voting ended Friday.
Now I don't think I should go


Oct 25, 2017

It specifically says in that same article that Obama did not specifically tell Buttigieg to endorse Biden. What he says is true: Buttigieg endorsing Biden would make him more formidable against Sanders. It's probably his preferred outcome.

But how is this specific instance a prelude to Obama coming in and endorsing Biden in public himself?

It certainly is a possibility that Obama could attempt to "save the day" against Sanders. But mere implication and backdoor rumors are the only fuel to that suspicion. Every official who publically or privately opined on it said Obama wouldn't step in. Combine that with Obama staying out of 2016 publically until the nominee was chosen, and the Biden camp being upset earlier that Obama wouldn't endorse him to begin with, paints a clearer picture that Obama most likely won't step in until the Democratic leader is decided.
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Oct 25, 2017
is this the tweet you meant to post because i'm not sure "yelling at random people in the press pool at a rally" is the correct response to "meg mccain, daughter of john mccain, criticized bernie sanders"
They're indirectly related. Most of the View hates Bernie for reasons I couldn't at all imagine. Most of the media does, actually. Again, not justifying one person booing another in particular, but maybe we should put context to certain scenarios to help us better understand why they happen.


Oct 25, 2017
honestly one thing that's really surprised me over the past two years or so is how many folks watch The View and talk about it on social media. ellen seems to be the only other daytime show that comes close to getting this much #engagement
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