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volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
lol suddenly #petedropout is trending. I think he was the only one who wasn't before this announcement.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I meant when threatening to sit out. If you're in CA it means nothing.
I edited to be more clear about whether we were talking about PlanetSmasher 's comment or not. And yeah, if you're in CA, it means nothing.


If Pete Buttigieg's delegate count or endorsement makes or breaks this election for either Bernie or Biden, then both of them ran campaigns insufficiently able to establish a mandate within the Democratic party.


Nov 3, 2017
Biden drop out next you coward, and go back to being a creep



Feb 25, 2020

If these numbers are correct, it would basically mean the status quo continues as it is. Maybe Warren winning 0.5% lol.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
uh huh. Biden=Trump. Brilliant analysis.
And a brilliant misrepresentation of my post, bravo. Racism is a spectrum, not binary.
I don't think corporate Dems have a compelling story.

Sure I'd take them over Trump just on the environment issues alone. But they still seem blind to the systemic issues Sanders and Warren have addressed.
They are all aware, they just don't care. Some have a vested interest in not caring.
So Bernie voting for the 1994 crime bill while supporting it like this makes him a racist as well?
Both Bernie and Biden have showcased "acceptable, well meaning White folk" racism. Biden has the extra baggage of being anti-busing, working with segregationists, being close enough friends with a segregationist to eulogize him, thinks Black parents don't talk to their kids lmao. It's a spectrum. Bernie and Liz are the least anti-Black candidates trying to win the election at the moment. Liz imo is the most conscientious out of them.

Pete is probably worse. Bloomberg is a lot worse lol.
Good fucking grief.
How do you square believing that with Biden having the highest African American support by far?
Black people have the least options politically in America. Joe got the Obama shine, is a Democrat, and is popular. As others have pointed out, traditionally Black people roll with who they think can win as opposed to who they agree with more. Bernie has only been on the national scene for five years. Joe has been known for decades and got a successful 8 season long reboot due to Obama picking him as VP. It's the same thing with Hillary back in '16. The Clintons have been known.

American Black people can't afford to have purity tests when it comes to White politicians. We will accept certain levels of racism because Republicans are guaranteed to be worse. Hell, we make these concessions everyday of our lives when dealing with other people.

Look what happened in VA's last Governor's race. LOL the (D) candidate was a racist with Blackface photos and didn't lose any Black support. White Liberals were more outraged by the pics than Black VA voters. Northram's racism was forgivable because abandoning him would bring a bigger threat, a Republican governor, into power.
I wonder if he could respond without using the racist dogwhistles of "low information voters" and "voting against their own interests".
I did. I'm Black btw. There's like 3 white folks here max who know who Roger, Rerun, Dwayne, and Big Shirley is.
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Oct 25, 2017
i've seen like eight different "here are pete supporters' second choices" polls and they're all wildly different


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I can understand it. I was a Warren supporter, dallied with Pete, went back to Liz, then donated to Bernie. Joe's okay, but really just okay.

And Bloomberg fucking sucks.
I went Gillibrand->Beto-Harris->Warren->Biden.

And Warren was always the "wave a magic wand and install as President" candidate for me.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't get why people keep thinking this matters. How SC votes in the general is irrelevant, a primary is about the members of a political party deciding who they want to represent them. Democrats in South Carolina have just as much right to influence that decision as Democrats in California.
If you are trying to win an election in a system where a few swing states decide the election, building your nomination process around states that don't matter makes zero fucking sense.

Not sure what is hard to grasp?

They can have a voice, why they should be setting the stage and basically deciding the nomination is the issue.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to see that 1% of responders who, when Pete dropped, said, "You know what? Comrade Tulsi is my new BFF."


Oct 25, 2017
I think we're in great shape. Need to stay hungry to win on ST and beyond. It's Us against the world.

Let's do this!

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
If you are trying to win an election in a system where a few swing states decide the election, building your nomination process around states that don't matter makes zero fucking sense.

Not sure what is hard to grasp?

They can have a voice, why they should be setting the stage and basically deciding the nomination is the issue.
The Democratic electorate and the General Electorate in those swing states are not 1:1.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I went Gillibrand->Beto-Harris->Warren->Biden.

And Warren was always the "wave a magic wand and install as President" candidate for me.
I forgot about Beto. Still love Beto.

RIP Beto.

That's how I still view Liz. I continue to be shocked and amazed at how my girlfriend's little nieces have more political savvy than a woman with a brain twenty times the size of mine.
Oct 27, 2017
Literally a few posts above yours

Warren and Klobernator are staying in the race through Super Tuesday to kneecap Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, and Pete dropping out early despite being in a more favorable place than both of them means only one thing.
They've all coalesced around Biden and this is their play to beat Bernie.
There are many people making this argument. You can disagree that it's the case, but you can't just snark 'oh boy those Bernie bros love to self-victimize for no reason'


Feb 25, 2020
no i mean like why do some polls have sanders, biden and warren each as buttigieg's first pick. it seems like there's no actual discernible second choice from his voters across the polling we've seen

do you know who elizabeth warren is lol. she wont endorse him or drop out

Ah, yeah. Seems like the pragmatic candidate does not have ideologically consistent supporters. But that does not matter anyway if Pete endorses Biden in an hour.


Sep 27, 2019
Hey. Maybe Bernie can answer a question at the next debate without someone being a total assclown and talking over the entire answer.


Oct 29, 2017
The Democratic electorate and the General Electorate in those swing states are not 1:1.
No shit, but its a hell of a lot more tactical then the shit show process/schedule we have now. Where states like Iowa and South Carolina essentially set the stage and enjoy outsized power.

You all talking about anything to beat Trump then defending a broken process that gives outsized power to states that will be mostly meaningless come the general.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
If you are trying to win an election in a system where a few swing states decide the election, building your nomination process around states that don't matter makes zero fucking sense.

Not sure what is hard to grasp?

They can have a voice, why they should be setting the stage and basically deciding the nomination is the issue.
How a state votes in the primary has little to do with how it votes in the general. Letting swing state Democrats pick the nominee doesn't mean that nominee will perform well in those given states, as primary voters are already exceedingly likely to support their parties' candidate in the general, no matter who it is.

And again, swing state Democrats don't deserve more control over the party than Red state Democrats. They are all equally members of the party, or at least supporters.


Oct 25, 2017
These dropouts are making me uncomfortable...

That moderate vote needs to be shaved. Very concerned for Sanders now.


Oct 25, 2017
No shit, but its a hell of a lot more tactical then the shit show process/schedule we have now. Where states like Iowa and South Carolina essentially set the stage and enjoy outsized power.

You all talking about anything to beat Trump then defending a broken process that gives outsized power to states that will be mostly meaningless come the general.
It's not, though. It's not tactical at all. Those states could easily just nominate someone that appeals to the base in those states and who faceplants in the general. You saw it happen in swing districts in the 2018 House elections!

The process isn't broken! It's representative, weights swing states higher, and gives everyone a chance to weigh in. In 2016 Bernie lost because he got less votes and less delegates than Hillary. If it happens again, it's on him!
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