Oct 29, 2017
This couldn't possibly be any more embarrassing and stupid. Outrage for the sake of it.

It's time we retire "do better", it means nothing anymore.

I was thinking the same thing. It just became a thing said to try and shame someone you don't agree with (no matter how small that thing might be, like with Demi and this frozen yogurt shop)


Oct 25, 2017
The fuck is "diet culture"?

Just from what I can try and speculate based on her posts, it sounds like when she says "LA Diet Culture" its when sugar free or diet options are pushed on people for their superficial benefits (this will make you skinny) as opposed to purely health reasons. I think her own personal experiences with being a young actor/celebrity in LA, and having developed an eating disorders, might really be skewing her perspectives in this case and making an issue where there isn't one.


Oct 29, 2017
It is certainly a choice to attack as small business during a pandemic. And if she is so sensible right now that sugar free cookie is "triggering" to her she should be taking a break and not be in LA and promoting documentaries.


Oct 25, 2017
California, USHeyHey!


Oct 27, 2017
I think she's saying that sugar-free or diet options front and center promotes "LA diet culture"' - that is, losing weight is the biggest thing, make sure you're skinny etc.

She argues they need to label those things as needed for people with diabetes, vegan diets, celiac disease, etc.

It's really aggressive and weird, and I'm honestly confused why she thought this would be a good look (or her publicist not stopping her etc)
Yeah i think her complaint is that seeing the sugar free options then makes people feel bad for buying the ones with sugar but that's really not something I'd blame the store for


Oct 27, 2017
but it is.

here in mexico the goverment mandated some label seals that say if the product has "Excessive sugar" "excessive fat" and stuff like that

AND EVERY FUCKING "healthy" option, has those seals.

even "low sugar" shit has "Excessive sugar" labels
Lmao, that's why we joke about "the more black seals, the better". It's even weirder when those seals hide important nutritional stuff about them.


Like, the table was already there, just teach people how to read it instead of "this shit will kill you". Of course you're overloading yourself with sugar if you're having Pinguinos, ffs.


Oct 27, 2017
While I understand that she has struggled with a severe eating disorder, I think turning "sugar-free" into "diabetic" for things like treats can make people with diabetes feel othered. Also, frozen yogurt itself can be seen as the diet version of ice cream. Not a fan of her using "culture vulture" as she did either.
Also makes it sound like it's something you shouldn't eat if you don't have diabetes which also isn't helpful


Oct 28, 2017
Lmao, that's why we joke about "the more black seals, the better". You can't take that shit seriously.

but why wouldn't you???

the contents of the products had not changed, they are as unhealthy right now as they were before.

people not knowing how to read labels and the labels being confusing because other way people would realize these products are shit is a whole different thing


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
She's suffered from emotional trauma in the past. She probably regretted this afterwards. Let's not rake her over the coals too much.

Emotional disorders are not funny.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
My take on it is that she seems to think that labeling things as "diet" or "sugar free" only serves to reinforce "LA diet culture" which puts unhealthy expectations on people regarding their bodies as opposed to emphasizing health. When it was brought to her attention that "hey, the reason we label stuff as sugar free is because we have customers who have diabetes or celiacs who might need that" her response was "Well call it Diabetic Yogurt instead of Sugar Free yogurt", because apparently people would prefer to call attention to their health issues every time they go out to have yogurt or a cookie.

Its an absolutely ridiculous, out of touch and over the top reaction. In a bit of fairness, she has very openly struggled with eating disorders, so that is obviously going to impact her perspective on this, but even still, if you really think its a problem, why not try and reach out to the owners of the place privately instead of turning it into a huge attention getting social media moment?
Ah this clears it up. Thank you.

Completely ridiculous and tone-deaf.


Oct 25, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.


Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017

I read her post, I read Big Chill's response, and I read all the era posts explaining it. But I still don't get it
She had (has?) a horrible eating disorder and the advertised sugar free options are associated with unhealthy dieting in her mind (her relationship with avoiding sugar was abusive rather than healthy). It triggered an irrational response from her.
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Oct 27, 2017
but why wouldn't you???

the contents of the products had not changed, they are as unhealthy right now as they were before.

people not knowing how to read labels and the labels being confusing because other way people would realize these products are shit is a whole different thing
Yeah, edited my post way too late. I just thought it was silly to think that people would go "oh my, those black seals are making me rethink my diet habits". But then again, adding dead rats and mutilated feet on tobacco products hasn't stopped people from smoking. I just find it annoying that a lack of regulation on those products can somehow be fixed by just slapping those black seals.

Sorry for misreading your post.


Oct 29, 2017
Look, I'm sympathetic to her struggles... but this is the most fucking ridiculous thing I'll probably hear all year.

It's like if I got some low sugar ice cream and bitched about it being right to the one full of sugar. They're trying to make me fat by tempting me with their ice cream filled with sugar! Do better. No, how about you pull your head out of your ass and maybe we can deal with real problems in the world?

Hey Demi... it's okay to have both co-existing. If you want the more unhealthy shit, go for it. If you don't, go for the other one.


Oct 31, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.
According to replies to that tweet, that screencap is from 2016 so I do not believe she is talking about those.


Oct 25, 2017
This reminds me of the Yelp reviews I've seen needlessly shaming and slamming small businesses over things that don't really matter.

Coming from a celebrity it encourages that shitty behavior. On top of this just reading as incredibly self obsessive.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Eating disorders are bad, hopefully she can continue to fight it.

You know else is bad? Sugar. I love seeing sugar-free/sugar-alternative options.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.

Edit: nm, looks like that wasn't the product. Makes sense thinking about it sense she's going after a yogurt place lol.
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Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, edited my post way too late. I just thought it was silly to think that people would go "oh my, those black seals are making me rethink my diet habits". But then again, adding dead rats and mutilated feet on tobacco products hasn't stopped people from smoking. I just find it annoying that a lack of regulation on those products can somehow be fixed by just slapping those black seals.

Sorry for misreading your post.

yeah the seals are just a bandaid

we need the nutrition facts table to actually tell you how much shit they have

oh only 5 calories per portion!, every little indeed!

*there are 500 portions in this package



Oct 25, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.

These types of products are all over the place, especially in LA. Picking on one Yogurt shop is bizarre when damn near every grocery store in LA promotes this. Demi can easily go elsewhere with this.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Um, just in case, I hope her support system keeps an eye on her. And she should probably drop the issue.


Oct 27, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.

I mean, I guess this is pretty obnoxious advertising. But I feel like she's taking this way too personally. Like, she realizes these sugar-free options are largely for people with diabetes right? They'd wanna know immediately what the shit they can eat is.


Oct 25, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.

1. This clearly isn't what she was referring to. 2. As pointed out, those are years old--back when keto was the latest thing.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
yeah the seals are just a bandaid

we need the nutrition facts table to actually tell you how much shit they have

oh only 5 calories per portion!, every little indeed!

*there are 500 portions in this package

Lol I just went through this with a tiny can of honey roasted almonds. Ate 3/4 of it. I knew I had over a couple servings, but didn't expect 12. It was like 5 almonds in a serving lol.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always good once in a while to try and get outside your own headspace and remember that other people exist in the world

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
So this lady had to be reminded diabetic people exist, then when realizing her colossal blunder, pivoted to asking sugar-free products to be labelled "for diabetic people", because they're "triggering" her otherwise.

Pack it up, everyone; the experiment was a success. We've finally managed to reach peak first world problems. Thanks everyone for your collaboration.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
there is a vocal subset on the internet that do not believe overeating or obesity are issues.

Even still, the Health At Every Size movement doesn't attack businesses for offering sugar free options, to my knowledge. This seems like a whole other level.

Hell, I even agree with her about diet culture concerns. It's a huge problem that causes lasting mental health harm to tons of people.

But, calling out a random business for doing the same thing everyone else does is shitty. Offering alternative dessert options isn't offensive.


Oct 27, 2017
In fairness to her, this is being reported without full context. They definitely have products that are not marketed as dietary restriction accommodation, but just plain diet pushing.

This is also embarrassing that everybody is so confused with Demi Lovato that a fan had to research up something from a 2016 post to make this somewhat make sense, that is so sad

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I think Demi Lovato but... this is dumb, and also she's misusing her platform by punching down.

Her justification for renaming certain foods like "For celiac" or "diabetic," is flatly wrong, as well. Diabetics can eat sugary treats, it's all about balance. And non-diabetics can enjoy sugar-free foods. Same with people who might want to avoid certain foods but don't have celiac disease. My wife will sometimes avoid gluten for whatever reason, she doesn't have celiac disease. The idea that diabetics can't eat sugar is straight out your grandmother's 1950s understanding of diabetes.

(my sister developed type 1 diabetes as an adult, "childhood diabetes," as it used to be called, and one of the most frustrating things for hr was old people who didn't understand that their 1970s concept of "If you have diabetes you can't eat ANYTHING with sugar" is straight up false... my loving grandmother used to ignorantly make comments all the time like, "ohh.. can you eat that?" if my sister wouldhave a slice of cake or w/e)
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Jan 7, 2018
She suffered from severe anorexia due to the pressure of Hollywood, so likely a lot of people shamed her for eating sugar when younger.

And? Because of that it's the store's problem that they have options for more people? How is that an excuse for her behaviour? Is the world revolving only around her? What the hell I'm reading


Jan 12, 2018
No, labelling food items by health condition is not better. It's worse. I don't want lactose-free options clearly labeled IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Jesus.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like she still has some issues. That's no reason to be a self-centered fool to a small frozen yogurt shop.

Lube Man

Jan 18, 2021
We need a 10 page MSDS for all the food products now, because everything is offensive to everyone, even stuff you can avoid. Because God forbid the names of these food products may not sit well in someone else's head, so let's forget if it sits well in someone's stomach.

Sarcasm aside, a person with Lactose problem will know what to eat and what not to eat. Same goes for diabetic patients or any other food disorders and allergies.

No, labelling food items by health condition is not better. It's worse. I don't want lactose-free options clearly labeled IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. Jesus.

Right?! God damn, can't believe this is an outrage. Last thing we want is to "shame" people for having IRRATABLE BOWEL SYNDROME by mentioned it in bold letters. Imagine going to cashier and saying "Hi, yes, I would like the IRRATABLE BOWEL SYNDROME COMBO please, with extra dosage of Diabetes".

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand. Like, at all. I am a parent so maybe that has something to do with it.