
A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Still in chapter 3 after 22 hours.

I thought it's a good idea to dismantle the very first bunker you build, cause it's the tutorial and everyone builds it at the same place, so nobody will ever see it besides you, right? So instead of taking up the space I removed it and hope I will see someone else's there.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I'm curious how much there was going on for people reviewing the game. Because that whole aspect definitely adds a lot to the experience.
Considering the game wasn't even released when the reviewers had to play it (along with the missing day 1 patch), I'd assume there was none of it.

And yes, finding those clutch climbing/traversal objects and devices left behind by other players just came in so clutch so many times. I would have had a demonstrably lesser game experience without them.

Well...maybe not lesser. But it would have been different as I know I would have never built a zip line with my own materials given how you really have to deliberately plan them out and place them, but as soon as I tried one and it took me safely over BT territory in one of the mountain passes -- complete with the whole BT slow-mo trigger while on the line and everything along the way as smiled and waved down -- I realized they were the best thing since sliced bread. I would have never known otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo
Well , end of chapter 9, I had to stop a little to:

try to stop laughing.... this is the most kojima thing EVER. I love kojima I mean I love that he does some batshit crazy stories and dont give a fuck, but WHY he saw the need to copy MGS4 ending? When I saw the health bar I bursted laughing.

Still, I think its great that we finally get kojima unleashed. Higss is some great af char.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Is it possible to take BB out of the pod for the CE? Got mine in yesterday. This CE is HUGE. Even since importing MGSV's and MGR's CE, the case is sturdy.

Might do some model weathering techniques on the pod and case. It's too clean.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I get the feeling reviewers were playing it, basically, offline.

They weren't getting that feeling of seeing someone had laid a rope or a ladder or someone had created a generator where it's sorely needed.

Pretty much every negative review I saw at least said the social aspects were great and the best part of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
This game is off the scale amazing. There is absolutely nothing else like it. I completely respect other people's opinions but I'm often baffled at how some reviewers came to the scores to they did.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering the game wasn't even released when the reviewers had to play it (along with the missing day 1 patch), I'd assume there was none of it.

And yes, finding those clutch climbing/traversal objects and devices left behind by other players just came in so clutch so many times.
I put a lot of work in to building the south bound road all the way but if I had to do that all on my own it wouldn't have been as fun. And I like seeing the pop ups when people use stuff like climbing anchors or ladders I used somewhere.
Jan 10, 2018
I totally get that the hands on Sams body and the blackness outlining them is supposed to be like a supernatural scar effect, but... it totally looks like dirt and it drives me crazy when he can't wash it off in the shower!
Aug 15, 2019
so I also need to get my bike back......sorry if I seem a bit lost on how to get it back. LOL I was riding up a massive mountain, clearly the path i was on was not intended to have the bike traverse....that being said I got stuck and fell off the mountain. LOL my bike went missing, i tracked all the way down below to where it would have /should have been and it was not there. Glitched into the matrix maybe? Idk where it could have went, do i need to fabricate one or does it automatically end up back in the garage?!
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Well , end of chapter 9, I had to stop a little to:

try to stop laughing.... this is the most kojima thing EVER. I love kojima I mean I love that he does some batshit crazy stories and dont give a fuck, but WHY he saw the need to copy MGS4 ending? When I saw the health bar I bursted laughing.

Still, I think its great that we finally get kojima unleashed. Higss is some great af char.
Higgs is best character.


so I also need to get my bike back......sorry if I seem a bit lost on how to get it back. LOL I was riding up a massive mountain, clearly the path i was on was not intended to have the bike traverse....that being said I got stuck and fell off the mountain. LOL my bike went missing, i tracked all the way down below to where it would have /should have been and it was not there. Glitched into the matrix maybe? Idk where it could have went, do i need to fabricate one or does it automatically end up back in the garage?!
You may have destroyed it.

I mean it did fall off a mountain.

I put a lot of work in to building the south bound road all the way but if I had to do that all on my own it wouldn't have been as fun. And I like seeing the pop ups when people use stuff like climbing anchors or ladders I used somewhere.
I'm watching a streamer finish up his run through the main story. He built so many zip lines that he could literally get to any mountain NPC in SECONDS...without ever really scaling any mountains ever again. It was amazing.


Dec 5, 2017
I get the feeling reviewers were playing it, basically, offline.

They weren't getting that feeling of seeing someone had laid a rope or a ladder or someone had created a generator where it's sorely needed.
Even if that were so, I have a
network of ziplines that I built myself every time I went to a new location
all over the mountains.

Like after your VERY FIRST trek up the mountains, it is EXCEPTIONALLY clear that plain old hoofing it is not the way you are meant to do it.


Oct 28, 2017
I have a weird view on the traversal as I actually dislike how simplified R2+L2 makes everything. I have some really silly ass videos of me with a giant tower of cases on my back going down very steep, rocky hills in such a way that should absolutely screw me, but if you hold the buttons down you are essentially never going to have an issue and there's not really a detriment to always holding it.

For all the systems at work it actually bugs me a lot, the risk/reward isn't there as much as I feel it should be. But I don't know how common a view that's gonna be as I am essentially asking for the game to be significantly harder in a way others might find dull or annoying.
Fully agre ewith you. Honestly they just needed to make the r2l2 trick take up stamina so it couldnt be spammed to make travel trivial.


Nov 3, 2017
so I also need to get my bike back......sorry if I seem a bit lost on how to get it back. LOL I was riding up a massive mountain, clearly the path i was on was not intended to have the bike traverse....that being said I got stuck and fell off the mountain. LOL my bike went missing, i tracked all the way down below to where it would have /should have been and it was not there. Glitched into the matrix maybe? Idk where it could have went, do i need to fabricate one or does it automatically end up back in the garage?!
If it is before you can craft a new bike you are out of luck. You gain this ability in Episode 3. I actually re-loaded a save at one point because I figured this was the case. Gotta have them wheels.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Like after your VERY FIRST trek up the mountains, it is EXCEPTIONALLY clear that plain old hoofing it is not the way you are meant to do it.
I kinda disagree, actually. But I like the on-foot traversal through that area. Finding new places you can climb up and paths you can take. But yea for when I'm in a hurry I will want a setup like yours.

Question about the ziplines, can they be used to go up and down or is it down only?
spoiler tag that.

and they are omin-directional.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I get the feeling reviewers were playing it, basically, offline.

They weren't getting that feeling of seeing someone had laid a rope or a ladder or someone had created a generator where it's sorely needed.
i don't think this is really fair. reviewers mostly all spoke about how their game was populated with stuff from other people, but they were in a prerelease world where that stuff couldn't have been as dense as it is now

but it was still all there


Dec 5, 2017
I'm watching a streamer finish up his run through the main story. He built so many zip lines that he could literally get to any mountain NPC in SECONDS...without ever really scaling any mountains ever again. It was amazing.
This is what I did. It actually takes less time than you think. You just gotta plan your loadout around it, do the work you can in the chiral network and then complete the work after getting them to join.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm about 20 hours in and still only in the middle of Episode 3. Damn I'm slow, but I am really taking my time to savor and enjoy it after being a bit frustrated at the beginning. I think I put too much stock in lost cargo at the beginning and doing that before you have any upgrades is not fun. If I could do it all over again I wouldn't have wasted so much time on early lost cargo, epecially other player's since you don't get progress toward the location's star level for them.

A few questions/observations:
- Wow, the likes really start coming when you contribute to roads. I'm getting thousands of Likes regularly now and am enjoying those oxytocin rushes :) Speaking of roads, if you contribute to a section that gets finished with the help of other people, if you exit and return to the game and happen to get placed on a different server where people didn't contribute as much to those sections will those sections go away? And how is upkeep on them, does the game let you know if they are degrading?
- I pretty much never get Delivery Speed bonuses. I thought it was just me at first but if you look at Bridge Links most peoples Speed levels are single digits even when they have 50+ in other areas. I feel like they should change the parameters around speed so you can get those every-10-levels bonuses easier. Speaking of that: what is the first one for Delivery Speed?
- Should I save custom hemetic grenades for bosses? Right now the plain ones take down normal BTs in one hit so I do just save these for stronger BTs/bosses?
- So it's not just weight that limits you, it's also how many pieces of cargo and/or their size? Is there anything that breaks this down? Sometimes, especially after getting the powered exoskeleton, it seems like I have a bunch of weight to spare but am cut off by another limit and I can't tell what it is.
- Love using other people's stuff! I'm trying to finish roads first so always check shared lockers before using resouces elsewhere like crafting. Was pumped to find a couple mint condition bikes once I got the shared garage. But on the other hand it makes things crazy easy once you connect at each location. My Bridge level is super high and - I assume because of that - other people's stuff is everywhere. I've only had to use like 2 of my own ladders or ropes so far. Got to the point where I'm putting stuff up next to other peoples stuff just to try and help people who might have access to mine but not theirs. The whole social aspect is something special. Pre-release I thought it would be gimmicky but it is anything but.
- Could use some QoL improvements in spots, though. The aforementioned size/qty restrictions, plus not being able to take out and apply specific quantities of materials for upgrading structures is a pain. Kind of hoped private storage would be Resident Evil-like and everything shows up everywhere, but design-wise I get it, it's all about making deliveries (or it's just padding and I'm giving it too much credit).

Overall very satisfied. Can't wait to get back and play some more.
Finish premium deliveries that have a tine limit as fast aa you can and you can raise your speed stat very quickly.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I felt this way at first too but I actually came around to it. Personally I find the reward between speed and safety to be enough of a balancing tool. I almost never use L2+R2 except as a clutch mechanism to prevent tripping and prefer to use the momentum from tripping itself to speed up movement.

It might be nice to have as an option, the removal of L2+R2, but given how long journeys can be and how many other factors you have to account for in that journey, I really think the traversal works as is.

Yeah I've made peace with it by now. But I can't help but sometimes have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that this same style of game with the same mechanics could be spun into a pretty incredible hardcore survival style game.

I do wonder if maybe something changed from when reviewers played it, since the day one patch mentioned game balance adjustments and that would atleast explain some of it. I've had one tumble in the entire time I've been playing and it was me looking at me phone while moving and eating shit for it, lol. There's also a tooltip I saw for the cargo bot that mentioned you could ride it and use that to easily slide downhill, which is interesting, but it's not something I would ever even think to use since there's no issue just running downhill anyway.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
This is what I did. It actually takes less time than you think. You just gotta plan your loadout around it, do the work you can in the chiral network and then complete the work after getting them to join.
Noted. I'll definitely do that at some point. I really do like the adventure of walking, though. But I really like the ability to avoid BT's if I don't want to be bothered that this provides.


Dec 5, 2017
I kinda disagree, actually. But I like the on-foot traversal through that area. Finding new places you can climb up and paths you can take. But yea for when I'm in a hurry I will want a setup like yours.

spoiler tag that.

and they are omin-directional.

Well for sure, I'm not saying that hoofing it doesn't have any value, but I'm saying if you get frustrated because you didn't use your tools or if you don't utilize the all terrain exoskeleton then yeah you are going to find nothing but frustration then thats on you, and not a flaw of the game itself.


Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo
Chapter 9 is SLAYING ME! I cant even....

"So Im Mario and you princess beach?"

"So we run like Mario and princess BEACH"



Oct 27, 2017
Chapter 3 spoiler
That romance stuff with junk dealer was terrible. A huge stain on an otherwise great game so far. That was the worst acting and dialogue Kojima has ever directed.

Aside from that, when you're transporting the girl, is there a boss fight? I had to fight some huge lion-like BT and I wasn't sure if it was scripted or not because I was riding my trike through BT territory like I usually do but I drove practically headfirst into one (first time I do that) and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Thankfully I brought the new anti-BT handgun and one pack of grenades or I would have been done for.


Oct 28, 2017
It does drain your stamina on certain inclines.
But thats like 10% of the time. For the rest of the 90% of the time you can spam it and cheese the entire mechanics of the game everywhere you go. Just seems like a strange decision to make the gameplay about balance and then put buttons in that allow you to entirely skip it.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
But thats like 10% of the time. For the rest of the 90% of the time you can spam it and cheese the entire mechanics of the game everywhere you go. Just seems like a strange decision to make the gameplay about balance and then put buttons in that allow you to entirely skip it.
Probably added as a recognition of the reality that they'd run off scores of potential players if they didn't have that there, and all of those reviews would have been 100% true.

It's important that a game be an enjoyable game at some point and respect the player's time.

Maybe they add a harder difficulty that removes it at some point? That would actually be pretty cool.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
People who leave their vehicles smack dab in the middle of the roads or distribution centers lanes are buttholes. >:(
Especially when they leave their dark blue vehicles that camouflage into the building so I don't see it and crash directly into it. >8(((


Oct 28, 2017
Probably added as a recognition of the reality that they'd run off scores of potential players if they didn't have that there, and all of those reviews would have been 100% true.

It's important that a game be an enjoyable game at some point.

Maybe they add a harder difficulty that removes it?
Oh yeah I totally agree. The original poster I quoted brought this up as well which is the game would certainly be a lot more tedious to play. I think it could have just been balanced a bit better to have the trick use up stamina a bit more often to prevent from spamming it (or have it eat in to total stamina or something). Basically I'm wondering if there is a happy medium between the two extremes.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
But thats like 10% of the time. For the rest of the 90% of the time you can spam it and cheese the entire mechanics of the game everywhere you go. Just seems like a strange decision to make the gameplay about balance and then put buttons in that allow you to entirely skip it.

That's also the "extreme" stamina or whatever that layers the normal one when that happens, like when you go through a river. It seems very hard to even run into stamina issues and I just about never use the canteen.

In my head when he scales a super steep hill like that he should use his hands and everything to scale up, making it so you can't R2L2 up, so having a huge load should make that damn near inaccessible and require a new path.

but yeah like, I imagine people would hate this the way I imagine it. But I personally would be way more into pathfinding like that, and bigger detriments to having a huge cargo haul. At the very least I think it's strange that Hard only touches combat. Maybe difficulties for combat and movement could have been a thing.


Aug 31, 2018
The embargo for this actually made it so they had to finish it to write a review. It's actually why Edge won't make one since they hate the game and stopped playing, lol.
But they had to prove to Sony somehow?

Like, by trophies unlocked or something?

Otherwise they could say that they have finished the game when in reality they havent

And yeah, Edge was honest about it.

I dont agree with their decision, but I respect the honesty


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I don't get the criticism on the combat.

You are not supposed to be doing combat in the game. Your are a porter, not a fighter.
This isn't really accurate considering
you're fighting soldiers/terrorists at a certain point.

you beat Cliff multiple times and he's a captain of a US Spec Ops team.


Nov 24, 2017
Literally my only gripe with the game is the distribution centers not having a charging station within them. Bike got me up to Mountain Knot but I have no juice and no charging towers near me -_-
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
This isn't really accurate considering
you're fighting soldiers/terrorists at a certain point.

you beat Cliff multiple times and he's a captain of a US Spec Ops team.
Yea this.

It is central to the game. It really could have felt better. I suspect it will feel perfect on KB&M.

Literally my only gripe with the game is the distribution centers not having a charging station within them. Bike got me up to Mountain Knot but I have no juice and no charging towers near me -_-

On the bright side, bikes are cheap to fabricate and you can build your own charging stations!

Speaking of bikes: I'm surprised I never ran into any bike customization options. No colors or decal options? Are these in the game through getting some vendor to 5 stars or nah?