
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think they literally mean "Don't ever say MLK ever", they just mean don't invoke him to say things like "well MLK said this!" in an argument.

Please correct me if I'm wrong Chaotic-Strike

More or less. The latter is the only time I ever see MLK discussions nowadays when it comes to other white people.
There's no denying white folk have an investment in protecting the status quo here in all the ways detailed ITT, and honestly your original comment fits. I retract that reply, it didn't need to be said.


Oct 25, 2017
There it is.


Feb 13, 2019
As a white dude from Mississippi that whole exchange if fucked and I am embarrassed by both Cuomo & the Rosen woman (most especially by Rosen). All because she couldn't stand to face any criticism of Biden.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
White people using MLK Jr. to talk down to black people has got to be the epitome of whitesplaining

This never stops being funny.

Reminds me of this thing I saw a few days ago (original twitter account got deleted/went private it seems but someone screencapped):

Now, I know the lady's quote wasn't even about race, but the juxtaposition of the caption + the streamer's face.... lol


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
User Banned (3 Months): Dismissing Racism


This is easily one of the worst political clips I've ever seen........ Hot damn...

Dear White People,

1. Please... Please don't loudly and INCORRECTLY quote/summon/resurrect MLK to be used as a talking point to defend a white person's activism... Please Don't

2. PLEASE, PLEASEEEEE Don't EVER tell a black person that they don't have the "standing" to talk about MLK. Dawg, WTF?!?!? The sheer audacity.... The entitlement... The disrespect....

My mind is racing on where she came up with such a thought? WTF, Im simply fucking baffled that I witnessed this. I truly am. The verbiage is the absolute worst part of this. She said Nina, As a Black Woman in America, didn't have the "standing" to talk about MLK after she just loudly and incorrectly used him to make her points. Fucking insanity, The only thing this Hilary woman needs to do after is take her finger and bumble her lips with it like Daffy Duck. Fucking Coo Coo for CoCo puffs over here.

3. PLEASE don't be Chris Cuomo and moderate a black person speaking, but when a white person interrupts, have nothing to say in regards to moderating the discussion.

4. PLEASE, don't be Chris Cuomo and try to backtrack into "Unite against Trump" rhetoric when the issue is totally outside of the subject. "You both have some figuring out to do because you're both in the same party"

And yet they both don't see eye to eye with one side being just blatantly fucking wrong entirely. And it isn't fucking Nina Turner. This is a prime example of liberal racism. And its a matter of fact that black people of America deal with this bullshit hell of alot more than the aggressive Klanner racism that gets played up in media. So many white people always try to threaten us with Trump, like Reagan didn't fucking exist?.... Both Bushes, Nixon... Goldwater... Theres been endless politicians giving black people hell since beginning of fucking time. Its nothing new.

Trump just embarrasses white people because he proves that all their kumbaya narrative bullshit (post racial society) doesn't exist in the modern day, and they can't hide it anymore. And potentially the people they surround themselves with choose to align themselves with that type of behavior. Majority of these White People don't give a shit that Trump is making peoples lives worse, they just don't want a blatant visible example of White Supremacy that people can point at.

5. ALSO, PLEASE don't be Chris Cuomo who tries to end the segment with a corny fucking motivational poster quote from MLK which has nothing to do with the segment and disagreement at hand. How fucking lame.


DO NOT, PLEASE DO NOT "apologize" and invoke a racist stereotype in your "apology"

What the fuck is this woman on?


Its impressive how bad this fucking clip is. Truly. But the beautiful thing about it is how it perfectly depicts just exactly what MLK spoke about. You're looking at them right there, 2 white moderates. More devoted to order than justice. More interested in telling black people how to feel rather than pushing for things to change. Still dealing with it 60+ years later. Democrats have a long way to go to getting their shit in order, and just because black people vote blue and are the life blood of the party doesn't excuse the fucking contempt and disrespect we receive from liberals whenever shit doesn't go their way for them or they don't like what we have to say. Just because you're a democrat or lean left, doesn't mean you're invulnerable to being fucking ignorant or racist.

This is one of the main reasons why America is completely fucked.

Also fuck this Hilary woman, never even heard of her and this 2 min clip and her twitter dogwhistle has me wanting for her to get chucked in a garbage can somewhere.


Okay the african American lady should come down. She says she wasnt cutting her off but she was. I see both of them as being ignorant


Sep 10, 2018
Okay the african American lady should come down. She says she wasnt cutting her off but she was. I see both of them as being ignorant

Please don't tell me you're bothsiding this? Unbelievable. And the fact that you said "the african American lady" is just gross. Did you even read the OP?

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Nina trying to call out CNN for crappy stuff they aired, the host quickly deflected saying it wasn't on her particular show so let's move on. Can't even discuss CNN's host's behavior when it relates to the campaign you're interviewing.



Oct 25, 2017
It always kind of amazes me when white women try to tell black people how they should behave or think and feel. Like, you have men doing that exact same shit to you as a woman, so you think they'd be more sensitive and able to empathize. Instead, they just turn around and do the same things to someone else. Have some fucking self-awareness.


Oct 29, 2017
Okay the african American lady should come down. She says she wasnt cutting her off but she was. I see both of them as being ignorant
How are both of them being ignorant when only one is deliberately misquoting a civil rights leader for the sake of coddling white people? That "African American lady" was entirely within her rights to cut off that bullshit. If you use your platform to lie you deserve to be called out when you're attempting to spread it as truth.

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"Actually, MLK was a nice submissive guy. He would totally endorse segregationist and mass incarcerator Joe Biden and never be angry or raise his voice."

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
I'm just like Rosen's BS smug posturing was finally seen. Really stunned she thought it would be a good idea to go on with Turner.


Oct 27, 2017
How the hell do you, as a white person tell a black person they don't have the right to invoke MLK. Wow. Fucking wow.

That said, can someone tell me how Rosen misquoted MLK? As has been said in the OP? I'm no expert on MLK, but I thought he DID think silent moderates were also a huge part of the problem? Which was also kind of what Turner said, but much more elaborate. Not defending Rosen here in the slightest, just sincerely curious about what she said about silent moderates was wrong.
Feb 4, 2018
I thought the beginning was bad, but then it got worse...and worse...

and Cuomo sucks for pulling that "unity" bs that always comes out when black women call out white women's racism.


Oct 28, 2017
Imagine telling someone like nina turner (strong black woman) she doesn't have the right to invoke MLK, and to have it come from a white lady LMFAO.

This is the bs that sanders surrogates have to put up with. The mistreatment of these black women in bernies campaign is disgusting. It's coming from randos on Twitter and pundits on tv but it's never talked about.
Oct 27, 2017
Cuomo also gets the quote wrong, which was a twist I probably should have seen coming.

Looking at twitter, did she really make four or five "apology" tweet attempts overnight? The OP has a tweet that capped one of them.


Oct 29, 2017
How the hell do you, as a white person tell a black person they don't have the right to invoke MLK. Wow. Fucking wow.

That said, can someone tell me how Rosen misquoted MLK? As has been said in the OP? I'm no expert on MLK, but I thought he DID think silent moderates were also a huge part of the problem? Which was also kind of what Turner said, but much more elaborate. Not defending Rosen here in the slightest, just sincerely curious about what she said about silent moderates was wrong.
Because being one part of the problem isn't the singular reason MLK called out white moderates. The full quote is:
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

It's not just about silence but active participation in drowning out, shutting down and ignoring black voices for the sake of complacency and a false decorum. Rosen doesn't get partial credit on this.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
holy fucking shit at that woman. "You don't have the standing to talk about MLK" I swear to god my eyes almost popped out of my head.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
Black-era, I've used MLK quote on white moderates to call out moderates.

Have I done wrong? If I did, please let me know.


Oct 27, 2017
Because being one part of the problem isn't the singular reason MLK called out white moderates. The full quote is:

It's not just about silence but active participation in drowning out, shutting down and ignoring black voices for the sake of complacency and a false decorum. Rosen doesn't get partial credit on this.

Much appreciated. Thanks. I hope Rosen reads the quote you just posted and realizes how perfectly it describes the segment in the OP. To a t.

"You (a black woman) don't get to invoke MLK to attack Joe Biden." - a white woman.


Oct 25, 2017
Idiot lady:
MLK never said X thing nobody ever says he said, he said this thing he actually did say and.........that's why people should forget the Joe Biden of 20 years ago. Because MLK amirite?

actually MLK said those words not to give people a pass for saying questionable shit in the past, he said it because there are people who aren't super racist, but don't care about racism in large enough numbers so as to actually become contributors towards racis-

idiot lady:


Misrepresenting MLK quotes to whitewash a persons past? Yes. Perfectly respectable thing to do.

Not allowing someone to use MLK quotes to whitewash a persons past? Totally out of order. Shameful. Sad. Preventing MLK misrepresentation is essentially the same thing as using MLK to attack people. Literally.

Also, pls forgive me for not surrendering to the angry black woman!
Oct 26, 2017
How do you call someone an angry black woman in the same breath that you try to apologize. Is she that ignorant?

"Hey everyone. Real sorry about calling Jeff an idiot. I was in the wrong, and no one should hold it against that stupid fuckface."