Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Finally have gotten around to playing these games (still midway through 2 though) and in every Dead Space thread I've been in — or at least the recent ones— it seems like most folks prefer the first one. I'm kind of surprised though, because playing them back to back makes it feel like an Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 jump. I thought I would like the first game more just based on everyone saying it was the better horror experience, but I don't think it really delivered on that aspect.

The fire that Dead Space is a solid game, don't get me wrong. Rock solid mechanics, tons of polish, some nice atmosphere. But it also feels like it's caught between trying to be a horror game and an action game and never really satisfying as either.

As a horror game, it's simply far too linea. I was excited when I opened the map and started running into locked doors because I assumed the game would be akin to classic Resident Evil where you do a bunch of backtracking as you slowly unlock an area, and while there is backtracking it's all scripted and linear. I turned out to never have to use the map at all in the game, because the levels were so linear and the "secret" rooms were all along the main path anyway. I didn't find the game scary either, but I'm aware that's totally subjective, because the hallway encounters were too predictable.

The game is at its best when you're in the super chaotic encounters that mix multiple enemy types, but because the game wants to try to build dread, it takes several hours before the game starts throwing these types of encounters at you and they're fairly far between. It's the interstitial segments that feel like a bit of a slog as the environments are too repetitious, as are the objectives and pacing beats (basically every chapter is structured the same way), and the boss fights were not good at all.

Like I said, solid game, but it feels a touch uninspired in its execution despite a great foundation and good mechanics. Moments like where you have to move the bunk beds around to block the unkillable enemy as you're being chased were great tense setpieces though to spice up the mundanity though.

Dead Space 2 though? This is the closest a western game has come to Resident Evil 4. Of course this game is also most closely aping it, but in terms of western action games I can't think of one that so consistently throws new things at the player, with the brisk pacing constantly moving you through gorgeous and varied environments, great encounters with new enemy types, brief uber polished setpieces, and other pacing shake ups.

It doesn't feel tired in the way the first game did, and right from the jump the game throws you into an insane spectacle driven setpiece (as opposed to the opening of the prior game where you're given no control a time all) and wastes no time at all in giving you new tools, weapons, and getting right to the good stuff in the encounters.

The sprawl is a way better location than the Ishimura too, as each section has so much detail and feels distinct from one another. The Unitology Church (this feels like the prototype for the mansion level in Evil Within, which did a better job of making it a mini-classic Resident Evil area where you backtrack around) was a great area and just as soon as I was getting tired of it moves you along to the elementary school with all sorts of varied interstitial stuff in between.

I'm not done with the game, I just finished the elevator encounter that yooo me up to a Solar Array, but if this game doesn't let up for the remainder I could see this entering my top 5 third person shooters, and like The Evil Within it feels like a worthy fallow up to everything I liked about RE4.

What do y'all think about these games?


Oct 25, 2017
I think it depends on what you value most about the first Dead Space. DS2 had set pieces and more action, which I loved, but it didn't have quite the same sense of isolation as the first, which is hugely important for me personally. The atmosphere just wasn't quite there. In saying that it's still a great game, just not as great as the first.


Oct 25, 2017
That moment you first step into the Church is just too good.


Dead Space 2 is just the perfect action horror game. It's the Aliens to Dead Space's Alien and I love it because of that. I miss Dead Space and I would love for the series to come back in some way.

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They're both really fucking good. I don't think I could pick one over the other. One is a really super-tense horror-action game, while the other is an action-horror. Both have their places. Both have a different mix of the formula. One thing's for sure... fuck that school section. That's some terrifying shit, right there. NO THANK YOU, SIR.

Alien vs Aliens. Both equally awesome in their own way.

Or this much more eloquent take.
Oct 25, 2017
I replayed both of these pretty recently and was very impressed with both in their own ways. DS1 nailed the atmosphere for me, and even though the environments were not all that diverse, the art direction completely makes up for it.

DS2 feels so much better to play in every way, no question, but it was also infected by Uncharted syndrome a little bit and I didn't think they pulled that stuff off as well as ND does or as well as they pulled off what they were going for in DS1. Still a fantastic game.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"but if this game doesn't let up"

It gets very repetitive and to be honest, quite boring by the end of it. I don't disagree with your points necessarily, but taken as a whole it just always felt redundant to me after the first game. It was just more of the same in terms of the action, but lots more and overall more the same.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I still prefer the first, i even liked to replay it a couple times and going for those additional Plasmacutter only cheevos. Second game delved too deep into hollywood setpieces :D
And the System Shock 3 origins are still there which i just love.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
DS2 is one of my favorites, I must have replayed it five or six times if I had to guess. I'd probably agree that it's the closest we've gotten to another RE4.
Oct 25, 2017
"but if this game doesn't let up"

It gets very repetitive and to be honest, quite boring by the end of it. I don't disagree with your points necessarily, but taken as a whole it just always felt redundant to me after the first game. It was just more of the same in terms of the action, but lots more and overall more the same.
But the action is what they improved the most. The feel of movement, aiming, shooting, and the ability to use stasis more liberally all point to the designers wanting the combat to be more frantic and dynamic, and they succeeded.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd have to replay them again to make that distinction. Both are excellent, however. Best UI in gaming too.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it depends on what you value most about the first Dead Space. DS2 had set pieces and more action, which I loved, but it didn't have quite the same sense of isolation as the first, which is hugely important for me personally. The atmosphere just wasn't quite there. In saying that it's still a great game, just not as great as the first.

DS2 < DS1. Reason? 95% less of USG Ishimura.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
DS1 seemed closer to System shock 2 than Resident Evil 4 or 5 to time, despite sharing many of the same gameplay controls and mechanics. Its in this way that DS1 succeeds more as Sci-Fi Horror than DS2 does and the experience of playing it close to release is one that's been replicated only by Stalker COP and Amnesia TDD.

DS2 is far more straight forward action with horror elements and shares its DNA more directly with RE5 in my reading. RE5 was an action game for me through and through. There were moments, such as exploring the empty spaceship from DS1, that got close to DS1 but never equaled it.
Dec 31, 2017
I'm making my way through 2 now and was thinking of making a thread.

I disagree.

I'd guess at chapter 9 I'm about 60-75% through the game.

I like part 2 but the empasis on just throwing more and more hordes of enemies at you has made this a noticably less pleasant experience.

The first DS was one of my favorite games ever. It's what actually got me to give other horror games a chance. This one just doesn't seem to flow nearly as well.

I do like the expansion of Isaac though. The transition to actual character from voiceless a atar was pretty outstanding. And the Nicole hallucinations have been great. Some of them get me more emotional than I was expecting.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I love the first two games in the series. The third had several missteps, but I ended up enjoying the ride nonetheless, just not nearly as much as the previous games.

Sad that EA doesn't make games like this anymore, so I don't buy any EA games these days.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally really never liked the Alien/Aliens comparison with DS/DS2, as Aliens is much further removed from Alien than DS2 is to DS1.

Though as a description of quality, it's spot-on. All four are 10/10's.


DS2 < DS1. Reason? 95% less of USG Ishimura.
The Ishimura is my favourite setting for a game ever, along with Rapture.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
The first game was excellent survival horror and the second game was an almost perfect mix of action and horror. I like DS2 more than 1 for sure though. Lots of great moments like
Returning to the Ishimura was a big surprise and terrifying, the needle in the eye, train crash and hanging upside down, the school, the ending sequence, etc.

Also, I feel like I'm one of the only people who loved the multiplayer in Dead Space 2. I was one of the top ranked players on PS3.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Late game spoiler but the...

Ishimura section of Dead Space 2 puts it over the original game for me. You slowly travel through this ship expecting something to pop up at any moment, but nothing, real, does for a long while. It's not until you get into a long hallway where you can eventually make out a brute coming at you from the other end without any fanfare. I loved it.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. Now get out of your thread until you've finished it. Severed is a cool little extra campaign and Extraction a neat spinoff too.

It's too bad they never made a Dead Space 3.


Oct 26, 2017
Dead Space 2 has too many enemy encounters. The first one had the right balance. In the second one they just keep throwing enemies at you. It gets old fast. Also they went overboard with the weapon upgrades. Too many of them. More is not always better.
In a nutshell the game improved on some aspects but lacks the focus of the first one.


Dec 19, 2017
You guys need to talk about the sound in these games too. Best sound design ever, especially with headphones. At night...


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed both but I only remember the first one as a classic, and in fact the best part of 2 was the return to the Ishimura.

Alien and DS1 isn't a particularly great comparison but I can;t think of better one off the top of my head


Oct 25, 2017
I like part 2 but the empasis on just throwing more and more hordes of enemies at you has made this a noticably less pleasant experience.
Yea DS1 is a lot more restrained, it really only does this right at the end and it feels earned. It happens early and frequently in DS2, I don't mind it, as it is just a different way of stressing the player out. Just prefer the methods employed by DS1

You guys need to talk about the sound in these games too. Best sound design ever, especially with headphones. At night...
One of the main reasons I played multiplats on PS3 last gen was the sound. It's 7.1 PCM output absolutely destroyed the 360's lossy 5.1 DD.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
United States
You right, Fancy Clown, you right.

Dead Space 2 is prolly my favorite TPS outside of RE4. The pacing is insane, the shooting is immaculate, and the game is an audiovisual masterclass.


Mar 6, 2018
I didn't liked DS2 playing it straight after DS1.
I felt more isolated, more under stress and bathing in atmosphere in DS1 than in DS2.

DS2 formula changed most things for me for the worst.
Faster pacing, more action, more dialog etc.
It's really the Uncharted essence which ruined it for me and holy fuck @ DS3.

Personally I found Dead Space Extraction for the Wii very well crafted.
Great atmosphere and nicely done with different characters, a lot of dialog and different set pieces, like the mine, the canalisation, classic grey corridors.
It got the stuff better tied together for me than DS2 did.


Oct 26, 2017
The original will always be my favorite. The sequel did ramp up everything from the first game to 11 though, which was both great and terrifying. I just enjoyed the slow introduction to the first game that built up to the shit hitting the fan. The sequel hits you with the terror immediately and never lets up.


Oct 27, 2017
I always liked the comparison Visceral made themselves:
Dead Space 2 is to Dead Space 1 what Aliens was to Alien.

I think they both are fantastic games and it just comes down to personal preference
Fancy Clown

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I thought Alien: Isolation did a better job of making the same sort of environment that the Ishimura did. It feels just as cohesive from a visual standpoint, but has a lot more variety and feels more "real".

But I just love how detailed and filled with character the environments in DS2 are. Even that little laundry room feels like it could have been a lovingly crafted pre-rendered screen of a (sci-fi) classic RE game.

Too many levels of the first game felt exactly the same. They look similar, and they're structured and paced similarly.

I haven't found DS2 wanting in the "slowly moving through dark corridors" that the first game was filled with either, it's just that it mixes it up with so many other sections that it never gets old.

I agree, game was absolutely fantastic

Game also ran and looked incredible on PC

I find it runs a little worse than the first game actually. I can hit 60fps no problem, but I'm getting wicked screen tearing even though I turned Vsync on in the NVIDIA panel.

The two games look amazing though at max settings and playing in 4K though.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I never got this line of thinking that DS2 is more action than DS1. Both are the same to me, while DS2 looks and plays better.


EIC of Theouterhaven
Oct 27, 2017
Claymont, Delaware
Agreed. Now get out of your thread until you've finished it. Severed is a cool little extra campaign and Extraction a neat spinoff too.

It's too bad they never made a Dead Space 3.
Um, they did and it wasn't very good. Not good in the sense that Dead Space 1 and 2, were amazing atmospheric games. Dead Space 3 ended up being the Dead Space: Gears of War Edition.


Oct 27, 2017
Alien vs Aliens. Both equally awesome in their own way.
I'd say the first is closer to Aliens and the second is more like Evil Dead. The second always struck me as being really quite silly (in a good way). Like machine gunning hordes of zombified babies and watching their limbs flying around everywhere.


Oct 30, 2017
It got more Action Orientated as the Series went on, its no bad thing, it showed that Issac got better at fighting these monsters, by the end of 3 you felt like a Hero that can take on anything


Oct 25, 2017
I never got this line of thinking that DS2 is more action than DS1. Both are the same to me, while DS2 looks and plays better.
DS2 features a lot more enemies than the first, and has sections where you are swarmed every few chapters. In the first game I don't recall having to deal with anymore than 3 necro's at a time until the last chapter. DS2 is still very well balanced but the difference is noticeable.

I hope for another game and they can market it as "Going back to their roots", like what RE7 did recently.
EA wouldn't fund that type of game anymore, even more so when they could use those funds on the Star Wars license that they are currently wasting.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
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Sorry, I can't read your reply for some reason. The text is all glitched out on my screen. Can somebody else quote him for me?


Oct 29, 2017
I totally agree. Just in voicing Isaac and adding more characters, it grants the game more, uh, character.
Dec 6, 2017
I really like both on its own terms but having replayed DS2 quite recently, the encounter design got pretty tedious for me by the time I was about 3/4 into the game. There certainly are small variations but the majority of it plays out in a very obvious ebb and flow of walking down a quiet corridor, suddenly loud noise then Action set piece where you're first attacked from the in front of you and then something bursts out of vents/containment or similar behind you.

The combat, overall gameplay and setting are all top notch though so maybe it's a bit nitpicky. Still something that honestly ended up bothering me way more than I would've expected.

Comparing it to the outrageous variety of RE4 may be a tad unfair, but I replayed that right before and just couldn't help but notice.

PS: Special shout-out to the sound design in these games. It can get grating over time but damn, it's fucking hair-raising.