
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I like the suit as a Batman finding his way in the early days of his career. It really does just look like a bunch of different items cobbled together as he realizes what the suit needs.

I, ultimately, don't think this iteration of the suit survives past this film or early into the next film when he brings someone else into the fold to help with suits, gadgets, etc.
Oct 25, 2017
There's no way this suit goes past this movie. We've heard too many things that this is Batman in year one or two. It makes sense that he makes his own suit with the help of Alfred kinda off the grid.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way this suit goes past this movie. We've heard too many things that this is Batman in year one or two. It makes sense that he makes his own suit with the help of Alfred kinda off the grid.
I'd think it'd be the opposite though when he's in his first two years and not wear excessive plating or padding to bring his weight down. He's supposed to climb buildings and do acrobatic feats after all. Like, what do those shoulder pads serve? I kind of feel bad for the stuntmen who have to move in that suit.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd think it'd be the opposite though when he's in his first two years and not wear excessive plating/padding to bring his weight down. He's supposed to climb buildings and do acrobatic feats after all. Like, what do those shoulder pads serve? I kind of feel bad for the stuntmen who have to move in that suit.
Because getting hit sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd think it'd be the opposite though when he's in his first two years and not wear excessive plating or padding to bring his weight down. He's supposed to climb buildings and do acrobatic feats after all. Like, what do those shoulder pads serve? I kind of feel bad for the stuntmen who have to move in that suit.

To... protect shoulders?

You realize most real-world armor has shoulderguards for a reason, right?

They're not even that bulky.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Minus the collar, the suit kinda reminds me of the design from Telltale's Batman: The Enemy Within



Aug 12, 2018
Still not feeling the headless Bat-symbol but otherwise I think the suit looks fine.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
Gonna miss you Ben

Ben Affleck Says Zack Snyder's Justice League Cut 'Should Be Available'

He loves Zack, and has his full support.

Today, during a press event for Affleck's new movie The Way Back, we took a moment to thank him for showing that support, and he finally explained why he did it. Said Affleck:

I didn't know about it. Zack was like, 'Hey, they are doing this thing.' And I said, 'Zack, I love you, and I support you. However I can help you.' I do think that movie, you know, having two directors is a very weird thing. And for Justice League, the director had a family tragedy. … and so you have a kind of cow's body with a horse's head a little bit with two directors a lot of times, for better or for worse. I do think Zack's cut should be available.


Oct 25, 2017
Think I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that the suit is good but the cowl sucks and kind of ruins the whole thing


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The cowl on the stunt suit seems so much larger than what we saw on the test footage, but who knows. Cowl is odd, for sure. Gonna see an official pic to make up my mind definitively.


Oct 25, 2017
The stuntman is obviously like 15 years older than Rob and has an entirely different build. It's not accurate to judge the suit off of today's shots.


Oct 26, 2017
Guys can we please not judge the suit based off of the stunt suit haha. Let's wait! I mean damn, look at that fugly black panther suit wow


Oct 25, 2017
I think the Battinson outfit looks pretty good. I also get serious Talon from the Court of Owls vibes with the armour look, especially the forearms.
Oct 25, 2017
I think the Battinson outfit looks pretty good. I also get serious Talon from the Court of Owls vibes with the armour look, especially the forearms.

Honestly the most apparent influences I'm seeing in the suit are the Batsuits from Arkham Origins/Knight, Zero Year, Gotham by Gaslight and Batman: Noel. I also spotted a couple of bits here and there from Batman: Earth One.

It's visibly handmade and tactical, but it looks like Bruce deliberately went a more cost-affordable route with this suit to throw the cops off his tracks and used materials that most middle class/upper middle class citizens in Gotham could potentially buy and make if they wanted to. It's the sort of Batsuit that can make me believe the idea that Gordon and other police officers in Gotham City might suspect someone like Harvey Dent of being Batman instead of the local billionaire playboy that owns a massive company that makes advanced tech military gear and vehicles.


Oct 25, 2017
While I agree with you, Ody, why are we bringing up the BVS Batfleck suit again? We're supposed to be talking about Pattinson's awesome new costume!


Maybe. But it can suck less :)
And so people won't get the wrong impression I wasn't going into this wanting to hate it. There's serious talent behind this and I really wanted to be blown away by the suit but I actively dislike it lol

Could it change? Sure, but I get the feeling this is the style he's going for. Maybe to further separate himself from the previous films
Oct 25, 2017
We might see the Batmobile today!

Very eager to see the new Batmobile myself!

Based on what we've heard from recent rumors of it being a very hot-rodded muscle car and our latest look at the Batsuit and Batcycle, I have a feeling that this Batmobile might be similar to the V8 Interceptor from Mad Max, except modernized and Bat-stylized.


Honestly it's been a long time since we last got a proper 'car' Batmobile on a live action Batman film.


Oct 26, 2017
Very eager to see the new Batmobile myself!

Based on what we've heard from recent rumors of it being a very hot-rodded muscle car and our latest look at the Batsuit and Batcycle, I have a feeling that this Batmobile might be similar to the V8 Interceptor from Mad Max, except modernized and Bat-stylized.


Honestly it's been a long time since we last got a proper 'car' Batmobile on a live action Batman film.
I'm not sure what modern car they would use for that
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what modern car they would use for that

Neither am I. It might just be a wholly original car or something that heavily modifies a pre-existing card to the point where hardly anyone would be able to recognize the original vehicle. Wasn't the Burton Batmobile originally a very heavily modified Chevy Corvette? Or am I misremembering that?

For now, I'm just describing the very basic direction I'm suspecting the new Batmobile to go in visually, based on what we've heard about it and seen of other parts of the film so far.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't see the issues with the suit lol. Looks good to me, and it'll look even better with the cape and CG improvements, especially at night.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see the issues with the suit lol. Looks good to me, and it'll look even better with the cape and CG improvements, especially at night.

Yeah, I really dig the suit all things considered. The various influences I'm seeing in it are some of my personal favorite designs of the character ever and I prefer to see the Batsuit reflect the world and overall aesthetic that its film goes for.

So far we can tell that this version of Gotham City is a lot more traditionally gothic looking compared to the Nolan and Snyder films, but it's also populated by a lot of older, worn vehicles and we've seen at least one derelict building and poster in set photos. It's gritty and realistic, but it also feels more stylized. Reminds me a bit of the Arkham games and the Nameless City in Se7en.


Oct 25, 2017
Pattison could wear an armored clown suit and I would still bet on THE BATMAN being a better movie then the last 4 movies batman was in .


Oct 27, 2017
First look at what appears to be the Batmobile

Edit: Nope, looks like a rig car of sorts.