
Oct 27, 2017
Got to play another 90 so or minutes and just wanted to pop in to say I believe I am officially hooked.

I get this game may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those of us that it is, it is a fucking damn good game. It really is TLOU meets Insert Whatever Open World 3rd Person Game You Enjoy Here.

The best part about it all is I know I have barely even scratched the surface.

I also know this game is going to take me way longer than most as I already find myself abusing the Load Game option as I say to myself I know I can do whatever I did that much better. My obsession with wanting to do things as efficiently as possible might get the best of me eventually, but right now I am enjoying the hell out of myself and especially grateful for the fact the Save mechanics (as long as my bike is nearby) allows me to play until my OCD'ish type behavior is fulfilled.

I also know I cannot be the only one obsessively opening every car hood and trunk even though I know I am maxed out on scrap / ammo or whatever item may be waiting for me, simply because I know if and when I revisit that area they will already be open ready for me to quickly plunder.

Great fucking game.
Was this the first Nero Camp, the one where we're looking for sterile bandages for Boozer? Because I really struggled on my first one.
It was my 3rd I believe. Possibly the 4th but I am pretty sure it was the 3rd. That first one taught me to search for all the speakers.
My second one taught me there are also little huts with said speakers. Haha


Oct 27, 2017
So far Days Gone has the best story in any "zombie game" I played, after TLOU, of course. I just love how the story was crafted in an unconventional and natural way, and then the parts come together. Also, the voice acting is superb, except for that small recruit missions.

The game have issues, but damn, I'm very impressed with the story at this point - I'm like 25 hours in. There's some good character development.


Oct 27, 2017
Got to play another 90 so or minutes and just wanted to pop in to say I believe I am officially hooked.

I get this game may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those of us that it is, it is a fucking damn good game. It really is TLOU meets Insert Whatever Open World 3rd Person Game You Enjoy Here.

The best part about it all is I know I have barely even scratched the surface.

I also know this game is going to take me way longer than most as I already find myself abusing the Load Game option as I say to myself I know I can do whatever I did that much better. My obsession with wanting to do things as efficiently as possible might get the best of me eventually, but right now I am enjoying the hell out of myself and especially grateful for the fact the Save mechanics (as long as my bike is nearby) allows me to play until my OCD'ish type behavior is fulfilled.

I also know I cannot be the only one obsessively opening every car hood and trunk even though I know I am maxed out on scrap / ammo or whatever item may be waiting for me, simply because I know if and when I revisit that area they will already be open ready for me to quickly plunder.

Great fucking game.

It was my 3rd I believe. Possibly the 4th but I am pretty sure it was the 3rd. That first one taught me to search for all the speakers.
My second one taught me there are also little huts with said speakers. Haha

Yep, as I said earlier, this is the closest thing I've played to The Last of Us in the open world genre. And you're not the only one, I also have a habit of opening most cars, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hope they'll think about patching some of this stuff in the future:

- The weapon wheel never remembers the last thing I had equipped. I have never intentionally used any distraction items other than the rock, but when I try to equip a rock it is never the default item in the distraction items section. I'm constantly going deeper into a nested submenu by accident, and when I try to back out of it by holding the analogue stick in a different direction for a moment I end up unintentionally going into a different nested submenu. I'll hit Square to reload, but if the last weapon I used was a melee one Deacon won't automatically pull the gun out. It just doesn't work the way it should; they more or less lifted Horizon's weapon wheel wholesale, but made the user experience more cumbersome at every step.

- They need to do something about Fast Travel eating up all your fuel and potentially leaving you stuck if there isn't any at your destination. Let me pay some extra money to Fast Travel and keep my fuel. Introduce a tow service. Anything. As it stands, Fast Traveling to anything that isn't a main camp or a NERO checkpoint simply isn't worth doing because you don't know if you're just going to be stranding yourself. What is the point of any of the Ambush Camp Fast Travel points around Tucker's Camp if you're going to be out of fuel when you get there and have to hit Tucker's Camp for a top up anyway?

And why does Fast Traveling to a main camp spawn you outside the camp, but facing in? You need to refuel every time you fast travel, which means you need to enter the camp, so why doesn't fast traveling to a camp just put you inside the camp? This is the kind of thing you'd think would be caught during playtesting.

- Speaking of the Ambush Camps, I haven't found any reason to revisit one. Clearing one out doesn't give you anything useful other than the usual XP/scrap stuff. They aren't useful as Fast Travel points, as I mentioned, but they aren't useful as a kind of 'home base' either. They don't seem to spawn fuel there, sleeping in a bed doesn't refill your health, gun lockers are available at the main camps you're going to be visiting anyway. I don't feel like clearing them out has had any effect on the number of bandits I'm seeing in the surrounding areas, and zombies eventually spawn in the camps once you've cleared them.

- Why can't you slide down ladders? Seriously. I'm willing to bet that everyone in this thread went through every button on their controllers looking for the 'slide down' button when they hit their first ladder.

I feel like all of this stuff would be fairly easy to fix with some small tweaks in a patch or two. For example, having cleared Ambush Camps spawn useful resources for you and maybe give you an RPG-style well-rested bonus for sleeping in a bed would give them some tangible value. Changing where Deacon spawns when you fast travel to a camp would be easy. This game has a lot of problems that are too deep-seated to patch away, but I feel like a few of these QOL and useability tweaks would be a really nice improvement all the same.
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of funny; I think I've put, like, 20 hours into the game -- well into events at the
third camp
and just
got the TNT with Skizzo
-- but I have yet to buy a single new weapon. I've just had this AK you get off dead people, and it has a stupid amount of penetration and, stat-wise, isn't off-base with the best weapons I have seen (that I still can't purchase, as they require rank 3 with the camps).

I am actually loving my time with this game, which is definitely a repetitive and fairly unrewarding game all things considered, but I still think the bang for your buck is here in terms of atmosphere and overall story-telling and of course exciting zombie moments -- but I *do* wish there was a more reasonably ramp in terms of rewards. Like, if after each mission you could get access to a new bike part, or a new weapon, or a weapon mod system, I think this game would have a lot more reason to push through.


Oct 25, 2017
To me, the game's far better than TLOU in terms of being interested in its story and its gameplay... ironically the parts that I think fall the most flat in Days Gone are those where it tries to be cinematic and clone TLOU most closely.

In any case, it's a very happy medium between something like State of Decay and something more scripted most of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yeah, the transitions do look rather strange. I wonder if there was a gameplay segment similar to The Last of Us prologue that got cut during development.
That's probably my biggest gripe with the game so far. It's so obvious that there were gameplay sections all throughout the flashback sections, and all we're seeing are the cutscenes that would have bookended the gameplay. Characters just jarringly arrive at places or go from a moment of calm to being in a confrontation. It's so weird, and really hurts the storytelling related to the backstory. I quite like Deacon and the various plot threads in the present, but all the flashback story stuff feels so shoddily strung together.


Jan 14, 2019
- I would say there have been at least 3 times where I was just casually messing around, maybe walking back to my bike, and I glance to my left to see A GIANT HORDE like 100 feet away. What a scare that is, lol. I'm like HOOOOOLEEEESHIIIIT and get out of there fast as I can.

- the biggest jump scares I've had are wolves. They can come up on you so quietly while you are tinkering in inventory or thinking about what to do next and BAM they attack.

- I truly don't find the game generic or flavorless. It's set in boreal/mountainous areas and everything there feels appropriate to the setting. I really like it.


Jan 14, 2019
That's probably my biggest gripe with the game so far. It's so obvious that there were gameplay sections all throughout the flashback sections, and all we're seeing are the cutscenes that would have bookended the gameplay. Characters just jarringly arrive at places or go from a moment of calm to being in a confrontation. It's so weird, and really hurts the storytelling related to the backstory. I quite like Deacon and the various plot threads in the present, but all the flashback story stuff feels so shoddily strung together.
I dunno, is it really so bad? There's a little jank , yes, but in general they've given me the ghist of Deacon, Boozer and Sara's backstories just fine.

The one thing I do find odd (but not game ruining) is the way some missions artificially stop you to change day/night lol.


Oct 25, 2017
- I would say there have been at least 3 times where I was just casually messing around, maybe walking back to my bike, and I glance to my left to see A GIANT HORDE like 100 feet away. What a scare that is, lol. I'm like HOOOOOLEEEESHIIIIT and get out of there fast as I can.

- the biggest jump scares I've had are wolves. They can come up in you so quietly while you are tinkering in inventory or thinking about what to do next and BAM they attack.

- I truly don't find the game generic or flavorless. It's set in boreal/mountainous areas and everything there feels appropriate to the setting. I really like it.
I'm loving the world. I really enjoy when a game world feels like it has a realistic scale. The Witcher 3 does this masterfully, and Days Gone feels similarly spaced out, in both the scale of the landscape and the size of encampments/enemy camps. The world also has an authentic sense of place compared to a game like State of Decay which has a similar rural/small town setting. You can tell that Bend took the advice of "write what you know" with the look and design of the world


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Anyone else come across the blue question mark at Lost Lake where

the guy plays the song "Yesterday" on the guitar?

It's absolutely terrible but breathes a little life into the camp. Would be a lil better if there was some ambience from the NPCs or sounds from the camp.


Oct 25, 2017


There are cougars in this fucking game?!

Oh no, oh nooo


Original Man

Alt account
Apr 28, 2019
The characters, story and world are so great in this game. Im thinking im midgame to late game right now, just had a super crazy mission. A sequel that fixes the little things like the cutscene transition will take this IP to the next level.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
In regards to Boozer's arc from the third camp:

It would have been a lot more meaningful to have a scene where Boozer gives you his shotgun in exchange for saving his life. It would show his transition from complete self-reliance to accepting he can't solve or handle everything solo in this new world and it would have complemented the earlier scene where he takes it back from you. I'm assuming this stuff is implied since you unlock it after the scene where he's recovered but I think they could have trimmed anything else to fit this in lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a sucker for these type of scenes, but the part where Deacon
is taking Boozer to Lost Lake with his comments and then that song.
Amazing I love those character moments and I would also like to add i hate Ms. Tucker.


Oct 25, 2017
About 5-6 hours I. And I'm enjoying myself so far. Definitely some jankness going on, but it's balanced out by some interesting stuff. Got totally boned earlier, ran high speed into a tripwire, then about 30 seconds later I ran into a tree sniper... with no ammo. Fortunately the checkpoints seem generous.

Feels like a game that reviewers are going to get some backlash on, though I understand they were playing a version with way more technical issues. Seemed like it was getting primed for there to be a "lol this game is so dumb" thing but it seems like people are enjoying it. Looking forward to the salt when it turns out the game sold millions already and ranks #1 or #2 in the NPD.


Oct 25, 2017
From being gone of the chartssss.

I am also of the thought that Bend could be at risk if the game doesn't sell well. Just want more Oregon goodness, that's all.


Dec 8, 2017
Popping this bad boy in right now, 4k HDR with the Platinum headset with 3D Sound. Let's see how this goes.


Oct 27, 2017
This game has issues for sure, but I'm maybe 25+ hours in, think I'm near the end of the 3rd camp, and I'm bummed I rented this and didn't buy it. The story, setting, the whole package even with the bad is so good. I just keep wanting to play and learn more. Also this game looks awesome on my pro in hdr on my Ks8000, paired with headphones with the 3d audio setting and when the game isn't loading I'm fully immersed in this game world.


Double Eleven
Oct 27, 2017
After 6 hrs or so the conclusion is...reviwers are way off, way off! I absolutely love it! As i do with all games im taking my time with everything i do...Love it.


Oct 25, 2017

:D In what other game does stuff like this happen?

(not my video, just something I found on reddit)


The Fallen - Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am enjoying the game a lot. I'm chilling around and taking in the lovely sites and taking pictures. I've been trying to stealth my way around everything which is pretty fun to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got to

Lost Lake camp

And man, I'm really loving this game. have no idea where those low review scores came from.


Oct 28, 2017
Wow, most impressions in here are extremely positive. Though to be fair, I've noticed that they often are in OTs (Crackdown 3 and even Fallout 76 were kind of like that). So I look forward to trying this game myself soon and seeing where I land. One game that I feel the critics criminally underrated was Dying Light. That game was awesome. So if it's a similar situation to that, I'll be pleased...


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
I really hope they'll think about patching some of this stuff in the future:

- The weapon wheel never remembers the last thing I had equipped. I have never intentionally used any distraction items other than the rock, but when I try to equip a rock it is never the default item in the distraction items section. I'm constantly going deeper into a nested submenu by accident, and when I try to back out of it by holding the analogue stick in a different direction for a moment I end up unintentionally going into a different nested submenu. I'll hit Square to reload, but if the last weapon I used was a melee one Deacon won't automatically pull the gun out. It just doesn't work the way it should; they more or less lifted Horizon's weapon wheel wholesale, but made the user experience more cumbersome at every step.

- They need to do something about Fast Travel eating up all your fuel and potentially leaving you stuck if there isn't any at your destination. Let me pay some extra money to Fast Travel and keep my fuel. Introduce a tow service. Anything. As it stands, Fast Traveling to anything that isn't a main camp or a NERO checkpoint simply isn't worth doing because you don't know if you're just going to be stranding yourself. What is the point of any of the Ambush Camp Fast Travel points around Tucker's Camp if you're going to be out of fuel when you get there and have to hit Tucker's Camp for a top up anyway?

And why does Fast Traveling to a main camp spawn you outside the camp, but facing in? You need to refuel every time you fast travel, which means you need to enter the camp, so why doesn't fast traveling to a camp just put you inside the camp? This is the kind of thing you'd think would be caught during playtesting.

- Speaking of the Ambush Camps, I haven't found any reason to revisit one. Clearing one out doesn't give you anything useful other than the usual XP/scrap stuff. They aren't useful as Fast Travel points, as I mentioned, but they aren't useful as a kind of 'home base' either. They don't seem to spawn fuel there, sleeping in a bed doesn't refill your health, gun lockers are available at the main camps you're going to be visiting anyway. I don't feel like clearing them out has had any effect on the number of bandits I'm seeing in the surrounding areas, and zombies eventually spawn in the camps once you've cleared them.

- Why can't you slide down ladders? Seriously. I'm willing to bet that everyone in this thread went through every button on their controllers looking for the 'slide down' button when they hit their first ladder.

I feel like all of this stuff would be fairly easy to fix with some small tweaks in a patch or two. For example, having cleared Ambush Camps spawn useful resources for you and maybe give you an RPG-style well-rested bonus for sleeping in a bed would give them some tangible value. Changing where Deacon spawns when you fast travel to a camp would be easy. This game has a lot of problems that are too deep-seated to patch away, but I feel like a few of these QOL and useability tweaks would be a really nice improvement all the same.

This is all great stuff!! Another minor one I would add is when you go into focus mode and all the triangles appear for stuff you can pick up, they should show a triangle with an X over it for stuff you're maxed out on or otherwise can't collect. Gets annoying going over areas multiple times because I can't remember which triangles are things I tried to collect but couldn't and which ones I can or are new.

But anyways I'm loving the shit out of this game!! It's sucking me in the more I play.


Oct 29, 2017
Was playing all night after work it was storming almost the whole time so I just couldn't put the controller down, noticed the rain actually turns the ground quite muddy which affects control of the bike and also makes things look suitably wet and dirty. Did a burnout on a zombies face with mud spraying everywhere just in time to get away from a horde which was closing in on me, parked my bike near a lake and camped out in a small cabin to watch the rest of the storm, ended up falling asleep (irl) and woke up this morning with the Deacon still crouched in the same spot but I had to go to work so can't wait to get home in a couple of hours and play some more, Game of Thrones episode 3 will have to wait another night!


Nov 26, 2017
Finally got the game. Currently downloading the patch 1.0.5 (supposedly 19.65 or so GB??? I thought it was supposed to be bigger). Gonna play when I get home from college
Welp, turns out this piece of shit didn't download the patch after I left it in rest mode. Do you seriously need to be a plus user to download updates in rest mode???


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, most impressions in here are extremely positive. Though to be fair, I've noticed that they often are in OTs (Crackdown 3 and even Fallout 76 were kind of like that). So I look forward to trying this game myself soon and seeing where I land. One game that I feel the critics criminally underrated was Dying Light. That game was awesome. So if it's a similar situation to that, I'll be pleased...

At the risk of derailing things I don't think that Crackdown 3 or FO76 are a fair comparison at all. Those games don't strike me as competent. Days Gone is very competent (not perfect, but very competent).

The level of polish isn't quite as high as other Sony first party games, since we do have a few bugs and some animation issues in melee combat -- But this is offset slightly by the scale of the game's ambition. I can safely say I've never seen another game like this.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
This game guys. This damn game. This is the open world zombie game I've always wanted. State of Decay used to be my favorite but this one is like SOD on crack and with huge production values. People call me crazy for thinking this is one of the best open world games realized. Couldn't put it down all weekend. Can't say I relate to the majority reviews at all.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
I put a few hours into this game today. Very beautiful game. Gameplay is just ok. I don't like that the cap for crafting materials is do damn low.

I'm invested, more or less. The characters all seem so poorly written though.


Oct 29, 2017
Found a cave last night that I wanted to take shelter from the rain in, upon creeping up to the entrance I noticed a couple of zombies stirring about so I thought I would clear them in style and threw a pipe bomb, was not expecting the huge roar of moans and snarls as 100 zombies came running straight at me!! I just managed to get away but fuck that was one epic scare.

Uhh I haven't been a PS+ member since Monster Hunter World came out and have had zero problems downloading patches and updates while in rest mode.


Oct 27, 2017
Uhh I haven't been a PS+ member since Monster Hunter World came out and have had zero problems downloading patches and updates while in rest mode.
It's possible that I misunderstood, the Plus requirement is for the console to fetch and download patches automatically during rest mode. If you start downloading something manually and go to rest mode, the patch should download without rest mode (you have to activate that in the console settings, but you don't need Plus)