Oct 27, 2017
I understant but having more options doesn't defeat that purpose. There could be people playing the game in easy mode and other people playing in "intended mode" and both will enjoy the game regardless difficult.
The creator of the series said he wants his games to be difficult to reflect that harsh world us players are exploring (or something along those lines, don't quote me) and that should be respected. And again, you've only just beaten the tutorial boss and already given up? That's just laziness.

Deleted member 14089

Oct 27, 2017
First let me say that I finished Bloodborne and I love it but I couldn't get into the series because I'm pretty bad at games, like terrible. I beated the game with a friend doing coop because he's a "souls veteran". I really apreciate what he did but I feel like he rushed the game and I didn't do nothing at all.

At first I bought Bloodborne alone and I couldn't find any guide (in the game) explaining the regain system, how things works, etc... I find discovering these things pretty boring and It's not difficult, It's just tedious.

Now I'm playing Dark Souls 1 and I don't know what to do, there is no map at all and you should memorize the path, wish there was a map, at least as an option... I'm dying a lot. Just beat the first boss (tutorial) and I don't know where to go now.

I'm not saying that the game should be excessive hand-holding, but atleast with more options more people would give a try.

Now I'm bored with the game, I'm not getting fun of dying over and over.

I understand the frustration, but what should the easy mode provide to you?
Having an easy mode in Dark souls will not really solve your problem of dying.

Why do you die so often? (not trying to sound condescending, just curious)
Is it because you're impatient and you're rushing or do you have a hard time getting the game mechanics? Do you feel like the pacing of fights or ambushes seem unfair?
Did you have the wrong expectation regarding the game (expecting it to be similar to other action-rpgs).

Easy mode in my mind changes some parameters which will allow you not to die as often (less damage from enemies, larger health bar etc.), but that would turn Dark souls into a entirely different game. Because a large amount of the fandom and the challenge is due to the learning curve of you understanding the game mechanics, the environment and enemies. Moreover, the intention of the gameplay the developers want the player to experience would be lost.

My suggestion would be is to take a step back. Go play other games and start up a new game save with the intention of really trying to understand the game and not rush through it. There are also some support available via summoning.


Oct 27, 2017
So here you have the crazy elitest DS's fans who don't want anything to change or get easier whatever reason. but what i dont get is ... NO ONE IS MAKING YOU PLAY THE EASIER VERSION. NO ONE IS TAKING THE OG VERSION AWAY.

you could have
DarkSouls : The Experience you all know and love.
Darksouls Lite : An easier mode for people who are new to the series or struggle with games but still want to have fun.

Now please... PLEASE explain to me.... WHAT is making all the crazy Darksouls peeps so Fcked up? its not making you play the easier version. it's just there. you can completely ignore it.

I would also like to put this whole, Respect the Dev, that's his vision blah blah, is a load of BS, there are plent of games that have come out recently that have had a hell of s shit show attachted to them cause it was the developers vision.

If the Souls Dev's Vision is to cut off his player base with a difficulty wall.. and thats okay?
Why is it not okay to cut off your player base by havuing a male lead character ???

So when a developer desides its thier vision to have a game with a male lead, that can be played by anyone and everyone.. thats bad thats a no go, it must change, burn down the castle. BUT when a game is so hard people are put off playing and screaming for an easy mode? It's the developers vision, every game shouldn't be for everyone, Gtfouter here Reset Gaf, you've got more faces than a oven full of gingerbread men
Oct 28, 2017
should movies have a subtitles /audio tracks explaining what's happening on screen and have all the names of every characters above the head in case i forget them?

DarkSouls : The Experience you all know and love.
Darksouls Lite : An easier mode for people who are new to the series or struggle with games but still want to have fun.

you won't be having fun in a easy mode dark souls. the challenge is the focal point. when you're endgame go back to the first area and mow down enemies with one hit while they do virtually zero damage to you, and tell me it's fun
Last edited:


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I strongly disagree. I've written long and detailed posts about that in the past, I can dig 'em up if anyone cares to read them for some reason but feeling lazy right now. That said:

there's a lot of dismissive responses here. as expected from Souls fans
People don't want to see the best series in gaming ruined because of lazy crybabies. Learn the mechanics of the game or just play Lords of the Fallen instead.
So here you have the crazy elitest DS's fans [...] crazy Darksouls peeps so Fcked up
Let's not do this. Final warning.

Have you tried Souls Era? As much as the Souls community is unfairly stereotyped there's a cool helpful bunch over there always eager to assist new players.
Yep yep.

If anything, I'd like a harder mode.
Dark Souls 2 has one! Both vanilla and Scholar.

Scholar in the Company of the Champions is the hardest Souls game in the series. It's brutal.


Oct 27, 2017
There is no people for summon at all in DS1 and I wanna play the game alone. I just wish there was an easy option, there is no excuse for having more options.

A number of bosses allows you to summon phantom NPC for help, you need to be in human form though to see their sign around the boss' chambers.

Also, the game may not be for you, or you're not in the right mindset right now. First time I played DS1 I couldn't get into it but a second tentative a few months later made me realize how wrong I was.
Yes, this serie is more difficult than most but the sense of accomplishment you get out of progressing in them is really satisfying.
Tight fights, surreal atmosphere, cryptic lore, "badesserie" everywhere, rewarding exploration... It'd be a sin not to tell you to persevere, be it now or at a later date.


Oct 26, 2017
The creator of the series said he wants his games to be difficult to reflect that harsh world us players are exploring (or something along those lines, don't quote me) and that should be respected. And again, you've only just beaten the tutorial boss and already given up? That's just laziness.

I'm 5 hours in the same zone, undead burg, can't get past because there is a dragon who kills me everytime. Also there is a fat guy under the tower pretty scary.


Nov 6, 2017
It was a marketable appeal when the franchise was new. But as mentioned in the post above, we've got 5 games like that already. It wouldn't detract at all from future Souls games if they start adding more options. The fanbase will still bite because they know what to expect and this will only give more newcomers an easier access to jump in.

Maybe the devs don't want to dumb down their game. It's selling well without compromising their vision.


Nov 15, 2017
I understant but having more options doesn't defeat that purpose. There could be people playing the game in easy mode and other people playing in "intended mode" and both will enjoy the game regardless difficult.

Sure: there being an easy mode is a non issue. The die hard fans can simply ignore it.
But it's pointless in the sense that, there would be no fun in easy mode besides just exploring the world of souls. If you're into that sure. But the gameplay itself would be boring because it would not be exciting or rewarding.

Trust me when I say I didn't get souls. But when it clicks it just does. Plus it can be all overwhelming.. Every souls I have played since demon souls has been progressively easier because you get the mechanics.


Oct 27, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I'm usually in the 'options are always better' camp, but I'm torn when it comes to Souls-Borne stuff.

I was introduced to this type of game with Bloodborne. While Souls veterans consider BB to be baby mode, I found it exceedingly difficult. After trying to play the game for about 3 hours, I was ready to give up as I hadn't really progressed past the first boss (who was actually optional) at that point. If an easy mode would've been available to me, I don't think I would've been able to resist switching to it because I still wanted to play the game.

However, something clicked in that 4th hour of playing. I started to "git gud" as they say. I was becoming more calculated, more precise, more agile. I learned how to parry with the gun. I learned the move set of my current weapon. Combat became so much more rewarding and, in the end, Bloodborne sits as one of my favorite games of all time. I went back and played DS2 with a friend and, while it was punishing as all hell, we both loved it. Naturally, I played DS3 when it came out and loved it just the same.

In my head, I feel like I wouldn't have enjoyed these games as much if easy mode existed. It feels good to triumph over difficult parts in these games and I think that feeling would be diminished if they weren't as hard as they are. Then on the other hand, the games would be accessible to more people if they had an easy mode which would mean more sales which we mean more of the games I love.

Deleted member 13506

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I feel like if you could finish BB you could probably make it through any of the Dark Souls games. Very few people are naturally good at every aspect of a Souls game, and lots of people don't talk about the hours that went into grinding and learning the mechanics. Lots of things in life are like that, it's like it's not cool to act like something was initially difficult.

On topic, I personally don't want there to be an easy or cinematic mode for Dark Souls - not everything needs to be accessible to every player. So many games have already been watered down to satisfy the masses.

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
I don't know. Invincibility? Infinite souls? Just stuff you'd see in Cheat Engine or something like that. Obviously, doing that would have to make your character permanently offline. Baldur's Gate 2: EE and Persona 5 both have easy modes like that.
I guess, it's just in my experience, for a game like this, summoning is so close to an invincibility mode there's no need to feel gated at all. The few times I've done it, the help made it so easy, that I regretted it because I did pretty much nothing.

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So here you have the crazy elitest DS's fans who don't want anything to change or get easier whatever reason. but what i dont get is ... NO ONE IS MAKING YOU PLAY THE EASIER VERSION. NO ONE IS TAKING THE OG VERSION AWAY.

you could have
DarkSouls : The Experience you all know and love.
Darksouls Lite : An easier mode for people who are new to the series or struggle with games but still want to have fun.

Now please... PLEASE explain to me.... WHAT is making all the crazy Darksouls peeps so Fcked up? its not making you play the easier version. it's just there. you can completely ignore it.
I mean, you start the game on the easiest mode. I dont see what an easier mode would change that doesnt change the fundamentals of the game would do for people who are already having trouble.


Nov 3, 2017
Adding an extraneous difficulty mode seems like a bad idea.
It's the game's job to provide the best experience and nudge the player into a fun playstyle.
Making an easier mode to the game would mean reballancing everything and some parts wouldn't make any sense to the meaning the devs are trying to share with the player through the game.
Just hack the game and get infinite health or something, that way you get the experience you want and the game is not worse for everyone else.


Oct 26, 2017
I do think this makes for interesting discussion. What would an easy mode mean for Souls? I think having enemies do less damage would be the only way to go, without touching any of the level and encounter design.


Nov 3, 2017
Sure, but this game would be for the OP with some simple tweaks that do not affect any other player in any way. Where's the harm in that?
Ah yes.

Rebalancing an entire game based around a deep combat system in which challenge is the main offering to a completely different skill set and player mentality.

'Simple Tweaks'


Oct 28, 2017
I think i never actually needed a map in Dark Souls, level design is just too intuitive. It's the kind of game that looking at a map could get you killed by a stealth enemy, tho, so great idea to not have one.

Summons are designed to be the easy mode in Dark Souls. There's npc summon if nobody is online. Everything works as planned.

Deleted member 4541

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
First let me say that I finished Bloodborne and I love it but I couldn't get into the series because I'm pretty bad at games, like terrible. I beated the game with a friend doing coop because he's a "souls veteran". I really apreciate what he did but I feel like he rushed the game and I didn't do nothing at all.

At first I bought Bloodborne alone and I couldn't find any guide (in the game) explaining the regain system, how things works, etc... I find discovering these things pretty boring and It's not difficult, It's just tedious.

Now I'm playing Dark Souls 1 and I don't know what to do, there is no map at all and you should memorize the path, wish there was a map, at least as an option... I'm dying a lot. Just beat the first boss (tutorial) and I don't know where to go now.

I'm not saying that the game should be excessive hand-holding, but atleast with more options more people would give a try.

Now I'm bored with the game, I'm not getting fun of dying over and over.
sounds more like you need a coop partner that knows what going on or an online walkthru more than an easy mode.

Not every game is for every person anyways especially the souls series.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm 5 hours in the same zone, undead burg, can't get past because there is a dragon who kills me everytime. Also there is a fat guy under the tower pretty scary.

You should take that as a hint and go into one of the countless other directions, like the staircase right next to it.

No easy mode in the world would help you with that, because you're not supposed to pass the dragon.

Beef Stallmer

Oct 27, 2017
Some of my friends only play on PC for this very reason: if a game is too difficult for them they resort to trainers and cheating so that they can still enjoy the game.

Unfortunately for other people... they don't always limit the cheating to offline mode... :-(
I saw one of them going trough what could be h1z1, pubg, or another clone with an aim bot. I thought the AI moved weird... turned out he was playing against humans. Immediately I told him to stop it but he was laughing his ass off. I really hate cheating online.

But for offline, on PC you can almost always use cheats to make the games less difficult so maybe that is an option for you.
Oct 25, 2017
When I started Dark Souls 1 I got stuck on the Undead Parish before the Tauros Demon for ten hours. Ten long hours. Then Suddenly like magic it clicked and I really started enjoying myself and beating the Tauros Demon for the first time was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. I just feel like if people put in the time they'll eventually begin to get better and enjoy it. If you don't feel like putting the time in I really can't fault you for that. I was in a similar position as you OP but I think if you power though it you'll really enjoy yourself. At the same time if you don't that's fine too don't worry about it the game just isn't for you and that's ok.


Oct 25, 2017
United States
While diffucilty isnt a issue for me. It has been for some of my friends.

I think games should be accessible to as many people as possible. It might keep certain games going to have more people excited to play.

I think its silly to get upset because someone wants to play a game on a easier setting. Its not like there is a life time award for playing games HARDCORE EXTREME!!

I guess thats what achievements and trophies are for. They do a good job of giving one to people who play on hard and give a incentive for others to play thru again at a harder difficulty.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Far from it considering the amount of cryptic stuff in the game you will lose context quite fast if you don't keep playing.
That isn't s valid counterargument to anything, that's like saying games being immediately approachable at all times is somehow more important than intricate lore, or world design, or the like


Nov 15, 2017
For all those new to souls and want to get into it: Play BB, if you still don't like it after beating the first (I'd say second actually, super hard) boss the game isn't for you. And that's OK?


Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes.

Rebalancing an entire game based around a deep combat system in which challenge is the main offering to a completely different skill set and player mentality.

'Simple Tweaks'
It wouldn't be Dark Souls then. And that's the problem.
Permit me to disagree. Dark Souls is not just what you define it as. Dark Souls -- to me -- is a challenging game built around struggling over and over again, fighting crazy difficult bosses, and eventually reaching the credits. That's what I get out of the game.

Others play through using summons and have a great time breezing through with friends. Others spend hundreds of hours in PVP. Some, like OP, may just want to get some cool weapons and admire the presentation.

And, again, it doesn't affect you at all.


Oct 25, 2017
there are two sides to this, and i don't know which i lean more: games to be more inclusive, and respecting the artists vision, ergo, "not all games need to be for everyone".
in one way, i don't think that it would be a problem to include an easy mode. the normal mode would still be there, tho i could see online being an issue, and the pub not being arsed to create different servers for those two populations.
on the other hand, it's FROM's vision. most don't do this with other genres or media. i dont think the interactive aspect of it give us the right to question their vision.


Oct 29, 2017
Why are people so adamant on not having an easy mode? If you don't want it easier, then play on normal? Why are so many of you against having people being able to enjoy the atmosphere and scenery without having to play against frustration?


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
I think people need to look at the difficulty and the success of the series as a whole.

Let's look at Demon's Souls. The notorious difficulty is what made the game a cult classic and increased its popularity, not the world or the story (although they did help). Even then, so much of the world would have gone unappreciated if you could fly through it instead of slowly progressing out of fear and carefulness. Dark Souls followed this tradition with a cohesive open world. 2 and 3 did much of the same as well.

It's simply part of the series' identity at this point. Changing that would fundamentally change what the series is.


Oct 28, 2017
Well it just seems like you're talking up the mystery of Dark Souls like it was the first game in the formula when Demon's Souls already exists so people kinda knew what the whole thing was about.

There was probably a similar situation around Demon's, I have no idea. It felt like a much more linear and straight forward game to me, even though it technically allowed you to go wherever you wanted from the start. Dark Souls was a bigger release, and it had (in my humble opinion) a world more ripe for exploration and discovery, which again made it more suited for the communal aspects.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah yes.

Rebalancing an entire game based around a deep combat system in which challenge is the main offering to a completely different skill set and player mentality.

'Simple Tweaks'

TBF, you could probably get away with changing 1 single stat (x2 health gain on level up) and it would probably satisfy most people looking for an easier game. Disable online in that mode and call it a day. 5 minutes of dev work.

Caja 117

Oct 25, 2017
I think DS is alright in it current mode, truth be told, I havent finished DS2 and DS3 for that same reason and I got those games on release date lol.


Oct 29, 2017
They already do: Co-op.

You can summon veteran players with endgame gear to beat almost everything in the game for you, and you still keep all of the rewards. You'll barely have to play at all.

Deleted member 13506

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Toronto, Canada
I mean, you start the game on the easiest mode. I dont see what an easier mode would change that doesnt change the fundamentals of the game would do for people who are already having trouble.

LUL, I just spit out some coffee I was drinking. I never thought of it this way - the game is already on easy, NG+ has to be unlocked. Perspective.
Oct 28, 2017
The easy mode already exists: It's called co-op. If you're lost, struggling with a boss or just generally want to clown around without taking things as seriously as you would solo, then summon some buddies and it'll solve pretty much all your problems. It completely breaks the balance of the game, but it's there as an option if you need it.